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<br /> "�`��;�`,s�;p� paymeentg may av longer be raquirad.at the optioa of L�der.if mortgage insaran��e onverage('in the amonct and for the period �
<br /> �� "�..� ° becomes availa6ie aa�d is nbtaimad.Bosratvet shall pay � =
<br /> 0 4 tGat�.eades requi�es)Provided bY ms�ur��aPProved by La�der a�n
<br /> .., .. ;:`• the O r e m i u m 4 r e q�r i r e d to maintaia mortgage insnranee ia e�x.or w pmvide a tass iesenre.uuu7 the cequim,meut for wnrtgage �? `�
<br /> r�:'�'� :°.�.,�<.� . i�e eada ia�000rdaaoe with a�r wriueu agee�nent b�Bo�owet and I�ader or applicable law. `�i�:
<br /> : � ,:`� � �
<br /> 4.Inqtectt�.l.e�s ar its ageat mayr make reasonabie wtries apon and inspections of the Propeity. Ixnder s5ali give r
<br /> r �`�` z;:. Bormwer mtice at�the t�e of or priot w an ia�pearnn specifying reasonabte cause for the iaspecti �alr in oonneQion with ett�► �r.`
<br /> � -- F.�:.-� I0.Coa�on.'T6e piviceab tif 863i 8tii8ti�8T C�IFS�fi�3f�'�c.�I!£C[4F ffl4�0Qlt�f� " ':L
<br /> oonetemnanian ar other tatciag of any part of the Propeny,or for conveyazeoe in lieu of coademnation,are hereby essigned aad � q,
<br /> ` shall be�aid w L�der. �
<br /> '� :f + ''<` 1n the event of a mtal�ng of the Pmperty,tl�proreeds s6all be apptied to tbe s�s secured hy diis SewritY I�uum�+ � .
<br /> x��
<br />'r"f,��:h w h�h e r or not tben d u e.with m ry exress p a.i d to Bomuwer.In the eveat of a partiaf ta�ing of tRe Pro�erty in which ihe tair �-�...
<br /> 4 . ,�'
<br /> � �=� , ?< m�ksi vatue of the ProperEy im�edia�lY Heefore the takusg is eqaal to or gre�er than the aznnunt�of the���s
<br /> S � �"- Security ias�nt i�di�r before thc taksrsg,u�tcss Homarres and I.e�er otherwise a�s�' tiag. `_
<br /> �� ': =': this Securiry insd�nent ahaU be redu�d by the amount of the psacxeds �ltip8ed isy the fottowing fr�tion: (a)the total. •
<br /> �x�
<br /> _ :,�z<�L, -.:T=`� amount of the snms secured immediarcly be6ore the tatang.divided bY @) the fai:market valae of the pro�ertS+i�iatelY ,
<br />,�;;a".'`.;'i'�� .; befo�tbe ta�ng.l�ny balanoe shall 6e paid to Bamnwer. In the event of a pa�ial taking.of the Property in whicb the fair �"-'�''
<br /> C. .L;"l� ��(.�. � 4 `
<br /> ;�s.4 : - - -' mark�vatue of the 1'rop�rty immediately l�fore the talning is less than the aAw�mt of the sams secared i�iately before the � �
<br /> :: • ��'s;: taIQng,nnles��rmwes and Ix�r ottrccwise ag�ee in w�idng m untess appkcahte law other�rise pmvidrs,the prooeeds shalt ;�;•:;-;::
<br /> � ' , a:f .
<br /> r�.a -� .
<br /> :,,Y.;.�.c`_ ,....;.::_;:: �+?aPP���a itie�s�hy this Sec:�tc'sty Insi�m�i whether or ant the s�are t3�n due. _ :.
<br /> If the Pmp�ty is abandoned by Bormwer.or if.after aatice Iry Leader to Borrower d�at the candemnor offera to make an R`
<br /> �� ��� , 4<�• awaid or setde a claim for damages. Sorrow�falls to�spond to L�ender with�30 days atter the daie the nodoe is give0.
<br /> Y—�— C.
<br /> --``."i L�� Leader is aul�orized to oollect aad apply the praceeds,.at its option,either to restoratio n o c repa'v o f t h e Property o r t o t h e s m m s T_
<br /> ��3 �. �-� -°
<br /> � . ,, �-� s�e3 by this Se�uritS►Ins�umeint,whetber or not thea fite. � ��
<br /> � -° _ �,_`."' UnIess T.euder and Samnwer othezwise sgree in writinS. az►Y aPPlication af praceeds so priacipal shaEL nat eatead or �
<br /> - .t• -"-;:-'`" �ne the di�e dat�-of f6e monthty payrawRS teferr�d to in p�bs J and 2 or c6ange the aqaotwt of such gayta�ats. +�=_-�t�
<br /> �, •..,. .�
<br /> �L�` � il.Bnn�ves Not R�;Forbaraaoe By Leader Nmt a Walver.Extensfon of the tuae for payment or mod�+�on �„
<br /> �` ,�� of amoiti7ation of the sams sec�ed by thia Serauity Ins�rt g�ted bY L�eder to aay successor in imerest of Boaawer�aU � �.,
<br /> r L r� �� . , not opeiate to release the liability of ttie osigtuai Sosmwer or Bosrower's suooeasors ia uuerest.Lender.stmll�tut be�ed t° �
<br /> ` L�' °'�«� .< eu�ce proc�edings againsi aay suooessor in inierest or�fiise w extenc!time far payment ar at6erwise m�odify amofizatian �{..`
<br /> —�-�,-`-�,,;��':�'•. af the sums secme� by dus Se�rity �t bY reason af a� d�d maQe hy tLe originat�orrower or Bor�awer's . �y`�-
<br /> >��a, �° `�`''^` . ri t or shaU aut be a waiver of or neclade t6e � �,
<br /> � r,:�� suaoessflrs in interes� Any forbearance�yr E.ender in exercisiuS�Y 8h �� P -
<br /> �,� c `-,`�� exec+ctse of atry•rigM os temedy. ' ' . ��;
<br /> ; ,.--ls , -':. 12.Sucoessois and Assigas Bqwtd;Joint and Seveial I.iabitity: Co�as. The wve�ants and�a�thia ��°
<br /> .,. �:,,;�;,.-'. . .
<br />-.;8::;.,�...: '�'.`.:N-. Secunty IAStrumem shal3 bind and benefit•the suc�ssors and assigus of Lender�d Borrower. subject to cfie pravisions of�,. ��,�
<br /> -':..�>:� p�agraph 1'I. Bomower's covenants and agreeraenis sha11 6e joint and several. My 8orrower w�a co-sjga�this Security �_;
<br /> . , .'y:.�' Inshpment but do�s not exearte the Not�la)is co-signin8 this Sa�rity bna�w�eat oniy ia mtsrtgaga.gt�t an�cou+re�i�st -_,
<br /> Aorrower's interest in the Property ander the temis of this Securiry.IaSttvmea�(b)is not peisonally obligated w pay:the saeas =-
<br /> . secured by thia Secarity Insuumeut;and(c)agrees that Lender and anyath�Boirower may ag�ee to extend.madifY•fotfiear or � E.. �_
<br /> ,,'' :" make any accarttmadaitona with regaid to the teit�of this Security Insuament or tha I►Iote withoat that Borca�c�a's coasent. _,-
<br /> ..� 13.Loan CDa�ges.If the loau saaued by this Se�urity Insuume,nt is sabje�t to a law whtci�seta maxia�uN toan c8arge.aR a --
<br /> J S ,
<br /> ;�.-....,a' aad that law is�fmaliy imecpr+eted so that the interest or other laan cl�ges eolle�e3 or to be ooalecud in oonne�ion witH ttte __
<br /> _ �'_{Q_;--Y:.: ;� Ioan exoeed the peraiitted lirnits.then:(a)anY saclt loan charge shal!�e r+efitced�ay the ffinaaat rc�esa�Y w reduoe the ct�arg� . _
<br /> -l�a ". to the pe:miued fir�it:attd(b)au�r s�ms alteadY coltecxed fm�m Bormwer which exceeded pettnitted timits t��l be Tefar�d w . .
<br /> . ���;:.,.;�: Bpmawer. Lender maY choose to make this refond bY cedacing[he principat owed under tha Nate ar by mat6ag a dlrect —
<br /> -�,,:�;:> ":; �:. .paymeut w Satmwer. If a �efund r�uoes princ�pal. the reduaron w�11 be treated as a'�aztia! Pr�t wi4hodt sAy ' . -
<br /> ,.,,';�r ,,� . psepaymeN charge nnder the Note. � � . .
<br /> 3r `�'�'`,- 24.Nottcc�.Ai►y.notice ta Bosmwes provIded for in thls Secarity insaament ahatl be gtvea by deliveriag it or by maiting . '_ `--
<br /> ...� ,.�, iq -
<br /> =�,'._,:'•;';.;;,�•'- •• � it by fi�st c1as�mail untess sppliceble iaw requires use of another method. 'rde notIce ahall bc dir�ected w the Property Addres� � : _
<br /> - - . ��• 'or anyr other adQress Borrower desigaates by notice to Lender. Airy notice to Lc�Wer shaU be �iven by Brst class mail to -_,�
<br /> .�:�?,.��'�.�.'.��r Lender's a d d c s�.s s sta t e d h e r e in or aay o t her a d d m s s L e n d c r d e v g n a t e s b y i m C i o e t o R o r r o w e r.A t ry a o t I ce p s o v i d e d f q r i n t h i s ;. 6cr��"
<br /> � ,�..•. _..
<br /> ::-•„`...�.'�.._.' . � .3eauity Insuumea�t si�all be Q�med to t�ave.been givw to Borrower or Lender wheu given as pravided'm this paeag�apb. � -_
<br /> .�� -
<br /> ' :��;.:�r.: � � '�1S.Governtng-,1.awi Sev�aDAl�- Ttris Security Iasuume�t shaU 6e govetned bY fadetal law and the.taw ofihe, � � --
<br /> �` =�:�= �jusisdiqion'in which ttte Property is tacated,rn the eve»i that any pmvision or clsase of Wis Security Iastioment ar tlie Note
<br /> -,':,:,_��.'-:;���;'.'. conflicts with applicable taw,snch wnflict shall not affect other pmyisions of this Secnrity�nstrument os the Note which can b� �__..:;;
<br /> ������'` given effea witdout the eontltcting p�ovis�on.To tJiis end the pmvisions of this Seaulty Iasuument and the Nqte are declarod '
<br /> , �. �`-
<br /> � � . to 6e severabte. . . �' ' -
<br /> ��� : 16.Bosrower's Copy.Bomnwer sIrall be�iven one arnfonned copy o!the Nate and of dus Secvrity Tnsqn�ment.
<br /> s,�':°. :J:�':Ei,: . . • �_
<br /> .,�.. .
<br /> .S•; — Faam 30�8 9190 • . �-;,-
<br /> ,- - vcgeooe9 . �� .
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