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<br /> --g-., -f - �-. ,�1pti�.f..� �i>• "�,� ;� _ �.�� . ��b..� ��C-. a_ ^' Y �L�•� -_; �.'- `c,._ .s-_.c f' `c -` 4 c�rs..', c �Y._ T�r
<br /> ,r�.y•t.- .e`.�: •��.,..� �F.� .`l. 'tr ���,-. �a � t� .�,�' `.t.�� a� e' (t,r- - - �'
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<br /> - _.._�. —_ .. _ _. _ _.__ - �.
<br /> � - g�_ �n�� . �:�•
<br /> 6=";�tK �ti: �- .�.� .�
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<br /> ,::�.:�:.a.�. :_,. �. , _.�..`.'=�:
<br /> F�.•� ,�4�. s,.
<br /> �` -e A e ' ,: ��`t��H 8�1�1C tlp�tOVCmCGIS AOW Oi��O��plO�Clly.811d 8��C85ClOt'�li8.�.� .�` :
<br /> `:��',.� `�� Sxtams Qow or I��a �t of the property. Ali teplacemeats aud a�itions shall alsa be oovered by this SecarIty --
<br /> � f �t e;r •', Iastntmeut.All of she fonegoing is ref�rr�ed to in[6is SearIty Iasaumeot a4 the'Property." . _�` �
<br /> ,_Y:�.. -,,:.-,:..�,`w :
<br /> , ;.,:�z ��_v°' s: BURROWER COV@iANTS that Sonower is IawduUy seised of�he estate hereby oonveyed and has the rigRt w grant attd s.`�4,
<br /> ` '� :�`�`>r:,-`_�%; coAVey tbe Property and that tbe propesty is uaenc�mbeced.except for�ra�of'rernrd:Bonawer warrants a�M arip _
<br /> t - •\r �`e ;
<br /> .�i = . .r• t4 �.
<br /> t�� ,,� defead geheratly the Eitte w the Fcoperty against all claimc aud demands.suEjea w any encumbraaces of neoord. , ? ,:
<br /> �F���'v� THIS SECURITY INSTittJMENT com6ines uniform coveunn�s for national use and uon-uniform cove�wiu`��i� � --
<br /> F � �.
<br /> _ variations by jurisdiction to wnstitute a wiifomi sec��rity ia�tmmau covering real pmPerty+- ° :
<br /> ,�`� c .�•:' . UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bomowerand Leitderoover�ant and agree as foIlows: � �<
<br /> � ` ` `:� 1. Pgymett af�rins�pat sud� P1�epaymesnt eud Late C1�arg�. $mrower sdall ro tl a when due the .�+,::
<br /> _� �,�,�,.�;,u_•-.... t�t P mP Y P Y
<br /> ���� pri�nciPa!o.f and iuterest oa the debt evideaced by the Note and any Pre�mYment and late ch�ges due under tt�Note.
<br />.4... .`:<<1..�'r Y-���. 2.F�fos Teseg atW Ims�Subjec�so applicable law or to a written waiver by L�ader.Boimwe,r shaU paK W
<br /> � rt,F �:° f�euder on t6e day mo�ltty paym�tts are dae ander the Ptote.uuu'1 We Note is paid in fnll.a s�am('Funds°Z for.(a)Y�Y� �n
<br /> ,��. �.:`.a.°•°'�+';` aad assessments wtuc6 may attain priority over this Security insttunaeat as a iien on the Property;(b)Y�Y��PaY��
<br />'Y:-.. ....,5�, ,��k':�- . '.��°
<br /> �y h�. s;'::' ;<�� or$toaad�cts oa the Property,if anY:(G)Y�Y hara:d or W'uPettY insurance pneminms;(d)Yearly Rood insvrance pr�nsums. �`:n':
<br /> �•'}.:,,-„:�• '`•�� if aay�(e)YeaT1Y mort8age inanrnnc�p��. if arry:and(�anY sums PaYabte by Borrower co Lender.in arca�daace wiW
<br /> f��-``.;Vb'�_�< ```'- the provisioas of ga�agraph 8.in lieu of the payv�etit of mortgage incnrancp p�iums.These it�ns are calied'Fscmw Items." •::::;
<br /> - .5,.�.r; �:
<br /> ,`�� ��,°`�;�:�� ;� Iender . at an time,coltect and 6otd Fuuds w an amuunt,not to excxed t6e maaimcsm amaunt a tender for a fedetaUg ;= `-`
<br /> a �. �� _ �Y Y ��
<br /> `— ',..� refafed mortgage loan may ieqaue far Botrawer's escrow ec�ot�at s�ter Eha fectet�t�eat 8state 3etttcaseut F�Abi af � ,<
<br /> ,..`.i"-,` '.}>`"�. 1974 as arnettded from time to wne.•12 U.S.C.Section Z60!et seq.('RESPA").unless aauther law t�t aPPties to the Fmids .
<br /> �..��.;_;;._1.:�:��.� ;<,•: �.
<br />, ;``;,",'.z`3 '` Ae�f� �Q may,at�y tinne.colle�and hoid Fuads In an amonnt aat w exceed th�•iess�araoatu. ,.
<br /> 't'Y`'� '�'.'�-...L.i-SS SeLS S�fiuu�U�. LL SO1 I� . � t.�
<br /> ���� � j��: ' L�der may�the amouat of Fundsdue on the basis of attrent data aad ceasonable estimates of eape�'iumes of fittare
<br /> `';',:�'�;Fy.-;�:;�.n�� Fscmw Itcros or otherprise in accurdance arith applicabte taw. �;�
<br /> ` f•;,_'.�`'�` �&e Fands s�all be held iA an institat�o» whose deposits are insu�ed by a federal agency, insuamea�allty or e�ity ,�,
<br /> -:{�,: ',•,.;<. .s ��: • r s
<br /> , ,�,` r`:Y� (iu�tading Lemder,if.I.ender is sach an hrsddmon)or ia aay Fedaal Howe Loaa Bank.L�eadar sti$1)apply the.Fuuds to pay the. ' „
<br /> s
<br /> f ..:. �� :�,�; Egetow Iteats.I.ender may not c6arge Borrower for hotiting and ePPlying the Fw�ds,anunalty aualy�ng the escnaw acoauat.or � �;
<br /> -- �"= _ ttgsifying th�Ascrow Items.anless.i,ersder.pays Borrower.inter�st on the Fuadg aad applIcable!aw permits I.ender w make�eh ___ �' °
<br /> � ' -� a sbarge.Hoarever.Lender may reqaire Bomnwer to pay a oA�tiaie c6aiga fos an indepeadent reat estate tax reposting servioe
<br /> '��;� used bY 1a�+3er in c�umecuon witb this loan.�ynt�ss.appllcabte luw provides otheiwise. Untess�n agreement is made or �-
<br /> , := ` � ap�licabte law�iat�rest W be paid,Lender shall nai be reqnired to pay Borrower sny intemst os eamlagg a�n the F�ds. � ::
<br /> r�•.ti::•'*'�,�'• ,
<br /> ;.:<. ;,,�;;�,..,_; .::�,.� Bomo�rgc and Leader n�ay agree in writing,4owever,that interest s1�aU be paId on tAe Fiiuds.I.ender shail g[ve to Bosm�, , � �°,Y_�:
<br /> ,t s Y �;c r - � without d�arge,an annuai a000un�ting of the Funds. showing cce�its aad deblts to the F�mdg aad ths pu�ose for whtc�esd� -
<br /> ' , r r` debit W the Fands was made.The Punds are pledged as additional seeurjty for atl snms secumd bp this Sewrity Ia�ament. . �1_._�_
<br />,���z,�.:,�.`.`���`,y;:�':.; . , If the Funds 6eId b lender exceed ihe amounts to be held b Ucabte law.Lea�er shaU aceoum to Bormwer
<br /> Y P�� Y aPP �
<br /> _ ,> �;x♦;: for�e eacess Funds in aceordanc.wiW ttie neq�iremeats af applicable laa+.lf the amonnt of the Fands hetct by Ixader at any ' �_..� -
<br /> _ �` snue is a,ot suffcc�ent to pay t3�rsca+ow Itans arkea dae.Leader may so�r Bo�m�rer iA n�ig an�,ia such c�se Borrower '�- �:
<br /> r �-_°� --
<br /> F`�,^:; " sbal!p�►to Lender the amount aecessaiy w make ap the deficiency+. Bormwer sha11 matce ap the defiaency in no raora than .
<br /> twelve monthh+payments,at L�nder's sole discretion. . � � _-
<br /> , .'' Upan payment ia f�ll of atl s�ttns setured by this Secoriry Iasu�ament, Lender shall Prar�BY refund cv Boirower airy �'::_,
<br />- .''-.'�'• Fnnds held by I.Ender.If.uader paragtaph�1,I.eader sliall acquiie or seil the Pivperty.I.eader.prlos to tTte acqaiaiiion ar sate �:-av
<br /> ��;;� F of tAe P�oDertY•ahali apply any Funds hetd by 1.ender at tbe time of aoqaisiaoa or sate as a�ccedit agaiagt the s�ms sesaued by --
<br /> tT�Tt.� .-. `�. _'^"+_.^.Ly.,�.,Y,.�ut. m
<br /> ,�r!.;��':=�.=� '� 3.Appltc�tton of Faymeats.tJaIess appl�c�e!aw provides otherartse,all paymeats�eived 6y Ledder vndez puagraphs —
<br /> r;;'':•"�_"��� ; - l aad 2 sliall be appIieds fust.to aaY prePaymeer�t�due aades the Note.secornd,to amounts ysyable ancter 1�arag�Pb Z+ .
<br /> rt
<br /> ;:r::,:.:�. .. .,, ; _ .
<br /> ' .-` ,'_-:';.'='�=, .�, � t6ird.to inter�st due:fotrrth.w principa!due:and last.to�any tate cha.rges dne under tde Note. �
<br /> �;::=�-�,.:. ���' ; 4.Cha�tges;�de�s.Borrower shatl pay all taxe.c.asse.asmenta.chargea.Rnes and imposit�ana amibutable W�ho Prope:ty --
<br /> -,::i._,•�.>>'���- - —
<br /> "_�:�-:-..:t:7.-+`, wtrll¢t�may attaln pdoriry ai+er this Securtry fistrwna►t. artd leasehotd paymenta or$rowtd rents.if anryr.Sonowet sl�al!gay --
<br /> '��..;,::��;,_�: %, � these obllgations ia th�manner provlde�l in paregraph 2,or if no1 paid en that manner.Horrower sLall pay thear on tirae d�iectty, . _
<br /> –� `�:E .: .'. :- � to Q�e person awed payment.Borro�ver shati prompdy fu�flish w Lender afl natices af amaunts to ba paid uader thi�paragrayb. . —`-
<br /> _ :{:`::�,...,. .''4 ' IP Borrower matces these payments directY�r.Botrower sdall p�ompdy famish to Leader receipts evlQeaciag the payment�. �'�f:
<br /> � ;�;f� � aomawer shaU pm�mpttp discharge any l�ea�which das priority aver this Seaulty huhument unless Botrower:(a}agrees In � _
<br /> '����;,:,,i�.,: .��� : wtlting to the payment of the obiigadoA secut+ed by the flen ln a manner acceptabta ta t.ender,@)aontesla in gaad faitix fhe�li�'
<br /> �' ,:- by. ot defends against enforcement of the lien iA, 1ega1 Pmoeedinga which in We I.endds opinion�ape�e ta prevent the �;�s_'
<br /> :: �::,:�,-;���:.. ;: . r,
<br /> , ,: . enfarcement of the lieq;or(c)secqres from the holdee of the lien sn agreement sadsfactory co lrender sabordiaadag the lien to
<br /> '� this Secur[ty Tnstn�meat.V Lender deteenines that any part of the.Propercy ls subjeet to a lien which may attain pr3ority over . ��_.
<br /> ` �'`�`' ' ` this Seaui Insuumem,Lender ma ve Bor�awer a nance ideati p the lien:Bom�wes s�all sa�s the lien or take one or
<br /> ' �Y Y P� � 8 �Y � �.-. �=�
<br /> .: .. . aiPre af the sctions set Porth above within 10 days ot the giving ot notice. . . �.�
<br /> �_:
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