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'.`�- t.c.�Zrtt<_ ..���" ��,-�'c�±�.�. -� _c��"�L�r��..��}` *�.��1�i, . �.�4 SLYF S*•�"r'S`r�C.��.��r �'�4�f �.F.=�-. <br /> ., �.�,-�: . ' ,� <br /> �. ..:_: .. z <br /> 5 <br /> � <br /> �. <br /> �b � O <br /> -.a.�•.:''��`:-s_,I'..+?'.?i =`�;'^:.�_,.'�_ �i^. .r-. �f _ ��1F i'.Lt. 4.�.: ea -�r4-ryc���e :'Y� �-~a� .�� �Y...� ��a�;.�.`<�:.'jLa�.;s,s"X°.�;�_` ��y,�;..: <br /> -� .r. �. �c- .Q . . � - f\ - ' r� .�X..i_h S�5.. .•�^`•'�- c._t,:_ .r-..�'.'� .'° _ .f:.5�" .Y' . ' r c ,}.. <br /> � �4��r+• ���' 3'������. �'c q.� --�� �.����� �'�s:�� ��t'�y.f�2�i^�.. <br /> r ,e:r 1+ . <br /> fip f �� ���zi � r¢ 1��..� .,� Lr..' <br /> �-;°'"`�- `x •' 17.TranSPer af the Property or a H�etidat I�t iu Borruwes�.If all or any part of the Properry or arry interest in it T� L � �. ..� � ;`-• <br /> � �� � ;':.`: is soid or transferred(or if a beaeficial intexest in Bom�wer is sold or uansfeised and Bomowcr is eot a natnral peison)witiiouc t ,4n � >� �� _`:: <br /> " l.ender's prior written oonsent. Lende�may. at its option, ze9uire imm�iate PaY�t in fuU of all sums secuied by this K r � 7° : ;'i- <br /> z -°f'�Y�s k'��` Seauity Instnim�t.Howevu.this optioa shal�nat.6e eaercised by I.ender if exemise�s prohibited by federai[aw as of tbe date � :w � � 5 k�,_-' <br /> tr N,,';, of this Sec7ltity InStrllmCat. -� <br /> `< `:�:.. If Lender exetcises this option,Leades shall give Borrower notice of acceteration.The notice s6a11 pmvide a peciod of nnt � ,` 4 �`>' � ��r' <br /> � �- ° � � ��` less than 30 days from the daze the notnx is delivered or maited within wiuch Bonower muci pay aU sums sea�red by dus �: �� > ,, f� <br /> , `'= `�., ge�urity Instrumen�If Bormwer fails to pay these surps prior to the expiration of this period.Lender may uivoke any remedies ,� ,.-�^,� ``-. <br />: ` { ' � �•�� peimiued by t�is Security Instrnmau without fnrt6er notice or demand oa Borrower. ` ' <br /> ' 18. Borrowe�s � to Reinstate. If Horrower meets ce►7ain condidons, Borrower shaU have the right to have � ,��� `{ <br /> — enforoeiaent of this Security Insimment fiisconiinued at any 6me prior to t he earii�'af: ta 3 ��tor su�othes per'sad as ` f X � '�,��-" "a-y' <br /> � -- -" . i; - :_ <br />" " � t " a{�plicaDte law maY specifY for�instateooent) before sate of the Prope*tY Puisuant w any power of sate oo�tained in this � < ' `�s . ._ <br /> �. � ::: af a enforcing t6is Seauity Inswment»Those oondiqoas are tf�at Barrower:(a)PaYg '` ` a�f� f <br /> �'"���,.,i�,`� Seamty tasuu�nt:or(b)enu'Y .l�ent �: �t�s=��' ''� <br /> �`�. f°-:��„' 14ader atl sua�s wiuch theu wuuld 6e dne ander this Security Instcument and the Note as if no acceteiation had oc�rred:(b) '�, , : -' <br /> � -, �".`` pu�s any defautt of any other oovenants or a�: (c)PeYs a!�expenscs mcursed�n eaforcing this Seauiry Iasuumeut, 't � � ` f ''_ <br /> ' �4 including,but not limited w.�easonable attorneys'fees:and(d)tak�es such acaon as I.eudec may reasonably reqnue tn� r :r ��.� r ,r t, �:.; <br /> � � ' ;c ri�ts PertY L r, _ -: <br /> � that the lien of t6is Security Inswment,I.eader's w the Pro and Borrawer's obligatian w pay the s�ttns secered by � . <br /> '-'" U oa ieinsta�emem by Borrower. this SecuritS+_Instrumeac and the <br /> � _� z Wis Se�,vrity Insuament sha31�oontinue nnc��anged. p ei ``�� � k ,;�K'?` :� <br /> � � obfigations secured hereby shall r+emain folly effeciive as if no aooeleration had oa�rred.However.this nght to reinstate shall � �z; _ , - � . <br /> ' �" 'i,Y`"- _" not apply in the case of acceleiation under paragtaph 19. � ,; 5 � __ <br /> "- - c ' I9. S3ie of Not� Change of Loan Servker. The Note or a partiai intetest in the Note(toge.ther with this Securit3+ f` �' <br /> yf < <_ ;. . ( <br /> .;r ,�. ' . Instrumec�t}may be sold one or mnre t�m�.w without prior nntice to Bo:mwer.A sale may result in a change in the entity(known ,.�� Y N . s=• <br /> s r S � - as the"Loan Servicer")that collects momhlY Paymeats due under the Note aad this Security Instcument.Ther�alsa may be one ,;�,�:� r�r 4 .� �`�L5�. <br /> tr ;:z � � � or moiie changes of the Loan Servicer umetated to a sale of the Note.If there is a cliange of the Loan Servicer.Borrower will be ; ` J � .- <br /> �� givm wriuen notice of the cbange in ac�ordance with paraS�aPh 14 above and applicable law.The notice wiJt state the name and �- -� �Y� . <br /> h <br /> ` `u` -'- of t6e new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments shou3d be made. The natice will atso comaia atry other �;�r� ` . �� <br /> �.r .: � .t��' . � ' ��s`�1w .:i` <br /> �- � a - infom�tion reqaired BY aPPlicable law. �� �" <br /> � � ;'�-.°• Zd.Hazatdoas SnDstartoes.Borrower sl�all not causc or permit the presence.use.d i s p o s a l, storage,or release of a s�y „ ; i F_ �'�.,� <br /> ` � ' Ha7atdaus Su6stances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, aor allow anyone else to do, anything affeding the . � . `ts � - <br /> � c.;, r�'-�' _ ...,.._�,� •. <br /> .:,`�;'..::=;:t`•�; �•';P ProPenY that u in vtoiation of aay Environmertal Law. The two sentences shall not aPP�Y��P� ose,or •^t.:�: - -;;,'„�. -- <br /> , ., , P�ng to 6e aypropriaRe w normal ; ;, �. ,� _: <br /> t� �, :: storage on tl�e Propecty of sma11 quamities of Ha7ar+dons Sabstaaces th�are generallY recoSaized <br /> resideatial ases aad to amintenance of the Propesty. .j�' �:��� <br /> F� ^' Borrawer sfiall P��Y S�e�nder written nouce of any invesrigatioa.claim.danand,tawsait or otlier actioa bp aay y <br /> , - � r �::� govemme�l or regalatory ageacy or private party imolviag the Prnperty and any Har�dous Substance or Emriroranental Iaw ;;4"` '�� <br /> t . r . ,c...;�;' of whicb Sorrower has acKUal knowted ff Borrower leams,or is notifed by aay�overmneatal or r�tnry+aathority,that, • ' �` <br /> F .�Jt �� <br /> '_'�_�-'�.t,':,-::�,l'.•l-.% �, .,. . <br /> . f Y..;_, any removaI or otlter rem�diarion of any Harardous Substancc affecting the Property�s necessary,Borrower shati promptl�q take ` ., <br /> e <br /> , �J �� atl neoess�y retuedial aarons in accosdance with Eavirownental Iaw. t . <br /> '`�6 -�',.'=, As nsed in this paragraph 20, "Haz�doas Substances"are those substances defined as toxic os hazazdons substances bY `` �F �- �J, <br /> r" r;. '��•;� Epvironi�netttel Lew and the following subslaAces: gasoline. kerosene. other flammable or wxic peimleam�raducts. toxic y'� .. <br /> ` ' pesticides and h e t bici d e s,vo l a t i We so lvears.m a t e r i a l s co n t a i n i n g a s b e s s o s o r f o r m a 1 d e h Y d e.a n d r a d i o a c t i v e m a t e n a l s.A s n s e d i n r,:� . � 9:'. <br /> •� :::�' this paragraph 2i1, "Environmcntal" mea�ns federal laws and faws of the jurisdsction wh�r�e dte Property is located that ,-�;;:- � ' ;� <br /> v `° %;'� " retate to os er►virot�entalprote�xion. ' 4:� - �t � :' <br /> � - NON-i3MFORM Cf}VE�iA1�iTS.Borrawer and Lender fuisher wveaant and agree as folloans: -� •, --- °' <br /> .�k.�`•' . '��r` Zl.Aoceteratton:Remedies.Lender s1�aII give nottce to Borrower prtor to ac�eteraRion foitowing Son9uwer's Drescb ��, , ;_ <br /> : ,. :-��,;-�_-:'�.•� �. :.,., . t�. <br /> of.any coveaant or agi+eemeat in t6is Secartty Instrament (b�nnt pdor to aocel�adoa nnder paragraph 19 at�less ` :, � , <br /> �: a +em <br /> . aPPllcabte ta�v pmvides uotice shall spe�ify: (a)the defaatt:(b)4he adton�seqaired to ew�e the ddanit; . �-`° � � , t� <br /> c e <br /> ��: (c)a date.not less t6an 30 days frnm the date We notttr ts giv�a to Borrower,by wi�cb the dePanit mast be�and ;�-r�„ r. <br /> .:;:;�,z_:`;.:r;`:`-:°,� (d)tbat fattare N cm�e We defaWt on os befose the date sp�cifled ia tlte notice may resuit in aoceleratian of the sums `r�� , ,.; �;; <br /> • secored by tMs Secority Imlrameut aad sale of the Propeety.7�e dattce shaU lurlher inform Bost+aw�of We right to �� -- `` <br /> � �'<-�' retnstate after aaoeteration and the rlgM to bring a wurl adion W assert the non�steaee oY a defanit or auy other � - <br /> .� ��: ' r�..�T�__ <br /> ��!'!•1'�'r�,�:�i::_�:��7 det�se of Borrower to aooeteraHpn and sate.Yt the defaWt ia not cured on or before We date spedited ia the notice, -�+�.�.��-�.�. -- <br /> , .`;+:: I.� 1ts aption.znaY re imm�iate payment ia fuil oi ali sams seatred by tEd`s 9eauxtty b�sEeffiaeat�thont _ <br /> reqpt p <br /> . -`,� " .:�' :" iwt�er demaa�and iaay Invo�Ce the power of sate and any ot6er semedies permitted bg ap }lcabte law.Lendee sball be <br />