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<br /> i-,"�Ctr � b c��,�.a..�- rr � A, "_..f 1 vc �s _ F' t �-G""+^r�m+..,4. �si.��J. �. � . 0 1 y � 2 ,a _ ..cc c_
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<br /> •, . . .h'c . -e��'- . .s`�.�_4. �y}Q-.h _ <_. _ • -rt .:.....v.- 3c �C - k _ �i�;i Yiy� ::� _
<br /> ' '^^''_^'F' ,z.2 �'� c - •. � i u�_ „ t^"'�F - t.�✓'.�^='y''r.+r-'ar� , c- �s� "*$-.vz_-�-i . . -'� -a — ,� -
<br /> .�. L'.::.•v a- , ..r � t_a.-a a ui. - _i f� �:
<br /> 4 �n=�3��'�';--•�`d'i^ �� <s�.: �' .� �r ?t ..t.��.✓1 s � ? � . .��-r ,-1-. 4:,v— �-- � C'��i"-'
<br /> �. 2�� h f -z� 1.- ;.'Y'l -T'� { _ .+
<br /> -�tz.� ta,��.�i�`4��a..�. �r,;:�, tx �� ss-- -i ,LS ,�`.';.F�" �_ _-;�--r:. ' - - . �_
<br />� ti,,, '.�l!- h _ �� ... � ��4�c
<br /> , 4 �JS.� �,0�'7 s� �:
<br /> �� .�:4..�,:�-. E..
<br /> �.�;, . �. �: :_ �,_-
<br /> . .�, y,s.;:;
<br /> ''pi:,y-''°of'. OT lR�ln-ll '_'�.�_
<br /> `-.i:.•.R%`��'�� O!8 B��@CS��D Btltf�OW�`3'.�811 OI 8Ay�Of 1�iC�[O�� � 11 W11�lO]lI "��'�"`•
<br /> �' ' T7.TCBII��'Of 1�4 pt'O�� ,
<br /> m Bormwer ds sold or uan.�fesred snd Borrower is aot a aat�ual pe�so ) �_.< �:
<br /> ._*.,., .4� �,, is said qr usnsfeued(ur if a be�ne�cial iatecest� its� tion. require immediate�yme+►t m full of all sams secusnd bY this r �=
<br /> `'°� Leader's prior writ� oonsent, Lender may, oP ' _ =.
<br /> F=M�` 6: Sewrity Iasuumem-Hoaever.tTris opcioa shali not tse exe�ised bY�er if exercise is pmfu'bited bY fedeial faw as af the date ,`-V
<br /> � �" �;'� o f t h i s S�urits►I n s tr u m�� v i d e a e r i ad�rf not `ti �fN; �-
<br /> -�:- If lende�exerases this opsian.Le�Wer shall give Botrower notice of accetesation-'1 7 i e n a ti o e s 6 a 1 1 p i o P G Y ;
<br /> .L ''t �.; 4 6 ,rs
<br /> � less tban 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or rtrailed wnh�n ao o�peaod Lender may'��nvokesecunad b�Y�� <
<br /> ".� `°..�`° g ins�mem.i f B omower f a i l s t o p a y t i�e s e s u m s P n a r t o t h e e x�i r a ti n =
<br /> r,r.. . . � ;�==•.-�..,.<
<br /> ��: y`� ` • �'ttedby t6is Security Instn�at witheut fuither notice or demand oa Borrower. `
<br /> E� � P�18. �orrowe�s Rigfit tu R� Y f Bossower me�ts artain candidons. Borrower,+�hall have the right m.dave ' <_-
<br /> �� or to the earlier of: (a)5 days (or siuh o t h e r pa'�ad a� � �
<br />- �• �; tF.,..-�'. enfo�nent of tttis Sewrity Ic�ument disco�inued at auy tune PTi to an ower of sale contaiaed in chis -
<br /> .�:_`{.�,•�,. ..-.-�K, far rems�tem�rt) before sale of the Proi�ert9 P�� y p � °•'_.�'
<br /> -:.;r - 7; applicable law may specifj► �SewritY Insnameut-Those condmoas are that Rorrower:(a)PsYs °. .
<br /> :'„_�.,:�:-`��"�'_!`�:f c,� Setunty Insuumeat:oT(b)�ry of a jadgment e.oforc�'►8 t and the Note as if no acxelerarion had occurred; N) "....
<br /> e au .� '
<br /> �:�";'°:�`. .,�:. I.ender all sams arhicb d�en would be due onder tbis Seauiry jns��nen es iacurred in enfozcinS this S�riry,lnstnunent� `;;r.-':;�`.�
<br /> t,. F -1.., _ .•
<br /> i � � �-�-:, ques any defaatt of any other aovenants or a�: (�)P� � - ,
<br /> �= �°: iacia�sn8.but not limite3 to,reasoriable auomeys' f���d���a�on as I.ender umy reasonably requue w a�su� F�L��_:
<br /> ;. _._i�_:.��;-�" ty Lender's rights in the Pra�ertY aad Borrower's ohligarion to pay the swns s�cvred bY ,, ,
<br /> � f�: that the lien of t6js Seaui Insuvment, ed. Upon ++�*��e11eM hy Borrower, tlus S�anty Insmrment and the �x�� �:.,
<br /> : . this Seauity Insuu� sl�all conRinue uaci�aag - � ��
<br /> -�� F � obtigatimis seaued hecebY sha11 remain fnlly effective as if uo acceleration had oceur�ed.However.this right to r�e�nstate sl�ali ,
<br /> � �w. �--��", not appty ia the case of aoceleratiou�ter parag�aPh 17. l�t in the Note (tog�her with this Securit� =�
<br /> r . . ��] c^.,��Q .b(�j�Qn�of l.oan Servic�The Note or a patrial � � �;.�
<br />":•_L:.-yttL.._...:. .�::��'' 17��7�1i�Fl�Q�f y�' t �,.
<br /> �
<br /> `.t:�;:4.,_6(._��':,:.'�.._:,'-- �C:e': ��c-
<br /> ; :��.�, Instc�t)maY�sold one or�sre times wi�uat prior mtice to Borrower.A sate may result��Tdete atsa m�ay 6e ane
<br /> ?;...�.: ; as r�°Loan Servicer'7 that oul�ects motrthly paYmenis dus under the Note am1 this Secunty :s,.;,_,,'�,=
<br /> S � �'<I ar r�ie�of ihe Loan Se�v-icer uturetated w a sale of the�N14 above and a�lic�bte 1aa�Tlie noti�'�lI�state the uame at�3 4 : ;.
<br /> ' change in acxordance with _�`�
<br /> •..� ��:< :��,:.�'�, givea written nouce of the � shonld be made.The notice will also oo�n anY oth� '� -`'`?-
<br />�='`:•-•', - - , �, add�of ike new I.oan Setvicer and the address to which paymexits ,�:o-r,.'> ._
<br /> 3� ' ��`'��°" iuformaubn requised by appHrable law. ence. use. dispo . ,~-
<br /> � ' '`" Borrower shaU not cause or permit tIle pres sa}. storage,or release of a�+ . , `
<br /> ;°GSJ_� �;µ, .• 20.Hazarduos Substeaocs. Borrnwer sl�ait n4t da, aar allaw aayone eLse to do, anyihin8 affe�ting the
<br /> �::;,_.> Hazar�dous Substauces on or ia the ProPe�Y- � �.
<br /> ,'-`' " � - pco,perty that is in violation af a�sy Eavimnmemal Isw. 'liie pseceding ta►o senteac�s sha11 not�PAto be appmppciate to ansmal � �
<br /> o;;: ,` ��� of sraaU tmes of Hazardons Snbstances tl�at are generallY rew8ni�ed ,�-.
<br /> r ���.:. awtage on the PmpertY 4� <<:.,:
<br /> j ti� �,. residentjal uses aad to maintenanse of the Praperty. � ctaim.�demand.tawsutt or other action bY a� ::� =:
<br /> ,� $orrower shall pmmpdY 8�ve l.ender wntten notice of auy investigation. .
<br /> �r'' or private partY iavolving the Property and any Ha7ardoas 5ubs�or Enviro�tal� `
<br /> �.� k cT r of wbu�h'��,h B�o �w���at;tual���w[cao l e dge.If Borrawer teatas,or is notified b y a n Y guLemmental os re8ulata�Y � ''Ft:,
<br /> �
<br /> � is necessary.Horrower shalt pro�Y '.s �_
<br /> '� ' t,r}',. m�s Substauce affectii�g �Pe� -
<br /> y �atton of an Haza�d ;,r, •y=
<br /> �';':;: .:� �.��::1; with Environmentai Law.
<br /> -.,.:_�%-'• -.�� an removal or ather remed' Y , .
<br /> �: ° - a11 nee�sary r e m e d i a l acaions i n acoo r d a n c e .:�,'
<br /> � �+ :w:�� As used in this paragaAb Z0, "Ha�ardous Substances"are thQSe substances defined as touc or h a z a r d o n s sa b s t a n c e s 6 9 `
<br /> `"_,• Eavironmental Iaw sud the follawing sat�tances: Basoline, kerosene. othes t�ammable or wxIc peuvlenm Prodacts. toaic �._
<br /> t �•1� , ������ ctdes and hel6icides.volatile solvents.materials wntaininS asbestos or formaldehyde.and radioactive materials.As used i� _� �'.
<br /> �.� .+.._;_t;%- � � � k b � „ -
<br /> "� �P�S�Pb 20, Enviro�nsental i.aw means fedecai laws and taws of the jarisdictimr where the Property is tacated that � .
<br /> • " . F;: relate w health,safeh►or envisonmeutal Protection. . :
<br /> ` s� . NON-iTDIIFORM COVSNANTS.Borrower aad Lender fu:ther covenaat and agree as foUows: �.__._�•_
<br /> `.� `�� � Z i.A o c e t e c a t t o n:R w medt�.L�der sLaU give nottce to Bon+awer prtor W aoceteratton foltawL�g Bonvwer's brP&ch �
<br /> r',� "'" ' `;':�=-`- �' Instrume� lbut not prtm'W a o o e��'a t tafl u n d e s p a r a S c a F L 17 uatess ;. '`
<br /> =,.::',;;:.;;r.::-.: of any coveaant o�a�e+�Ia Wis Se�tY @)tde adba eequdr�d tu care the deYa+dl: � .=-
<br /> " ePD1k�ble lawp�nvides atherwise).The nattce sba0 spedfys (a)the default; b�which the dcYanit mnst be c��ead � ' .�
<br /> 1 ;: �. ..:;..�' (c)a dsste,not les.s tbaa 30 days Pram the�te We nntice�� ed ia t6e aottce may cesolt in acceleistlon of the sams �=
<br /> _ . .�.•;_x�,
<br /> '= - (�tdat f a f l u r e t o cmr�t d e d e,f a u k a n•o r b e f o r e i 6 e d a t e The nottee s6a0 tarther i n form Borrower o f t h e e�g t t t w _�-
<br />'. `% �'''�.-..`�;,��`:`' se�r�by t6is Se�cit9 I�ir�ent aad sate o�the Propaty. - -_
<br /> ..:�;`,:.��:�;�,:� :::.�;. �:, • retastate after acbeleratlon and the etght to brt�a wnrt a�toa to a4sett the nan�e:Lctence of a det�in the�dcye� . _ _
<br /> . �-:-,.:•;. -:��`� d e f e�e o�B o r e�a w e r t o a c ce leeatton aad sat�It dle defanit ts ao4 c�+ed on or beto�the date specifi ----
<br /> � • �-r . *,,... imm e d i ate pa9m e n t in f a l i a 8 a I�s a m s s e e m'e d b y t 6 L s S e c u r S S Y�� t�
<br /> ?u.:i�'tF-��.:L:•""'".5.;'. L�yder.at its optlon�maY�� =...-.--
<br /> . . .�: •]f".,Y'.1'.;. ' . _-
<br /> �;r�r�:°:::�,.,.:.; :.._-:. fa�rther demand aad maY fmolce tbe power of sale amdk anY offies r�edIes Deraiitt��'3'eP2=�nduding,6�ot limEted, �-3',-
<br /> ':.�:`..�:'`���' �:° ' c�titted W cotlect.sli expmses incosred m•W�t h e s e m e d i e s p savided In this D��� . __-=
<br /> • `Y'11..1� .,��. • --
<br /> y,�: ,._: to,eeasonabte attosaey�fe�and aosts of tttle evidence.
<br /> �:�.: IP the of sale ts iavoketl,T�stee sbaD racord s aot�oe ot defaWt tn b ch�Ie tawW�R rem�apnd�to _-
<br /> .. � priopr,rty 1� acated and abaU maU coptes o!sach uotice W tLe maanes Pr acri6�te lawp T�trstee shall give�abfic aatice F
<br /> itcable taw.After the ttme requlre�t+Y PD� ����;
<br /> t �. the other personv pre�cribed�Y apP sha11 sc]l �_`. .
<br /> ' `.-� ` ` � � af sate to t6e p�sons and in the ma�er presw'1bed bY ePPltcobie law.Trastee,wtthoat demand on Ho�'itotice of � -
<br /> �,.
<br /> f �� �. � the Pesopeety at pnblic suctloannd m eaamy�f Td a s tee determines.�ma postpuas sate of all�os�anY�ar��oi the ��
<br /> � � '-; . sate in one or more parcets ed ssile.I.ender or tYs desigaee a�Y ��°.:
<br /> -"�:':`� - -�' ' p�y bY Wbl�c amtoancem�t at the time and ptace af any previoa�►scteednt I
<br /> _ .��. '::� .;��' � �4hePe+opertyatanysale. ����-
<br /> :�t
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