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<br /> .�_i.-'we L F _ S ::t.. �,�;.-.::r:.. .r �..J�';x''�-. �-' - �<' yr � 2 �� e -
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<br /> :� '°'"'�""zz�h.4i- �` -t t . r- a r+ ��f., � ?� .r ti - r.� _.'St` y . �C .�+c � i ��.
<br /> p� . .�iT„�. ` c.� �y . - h: _ _r t� °- � c c . - 4: - � y •S•�- -�: r .� c c.l
<br /> - _�--c �ci - . -� _._..._,.,.- -.n - n..�- � .� s - s
<br /> - °-y� �s�- �' ������Y' C G_- t � t� � t �"'�--4. Z �. .- Tis� .s._s�< <�„# :�,�'� . o!�r q"�r .
<br /> „�,_- s '`y c -k c c t�t
<br /> r`5 �:1.-�:-�:•t"+�t' .:; ...c--4' _ � , a,E"� .Refi.-_ - �ta'�.�._t!' �-.ti;� _.. �n �� .$,i`.�`[. . s . ,p.�., . _ - .. �- _
<br /> G<. FE t_ s..
<br /> . sc�,� -'"Q``' �1 lY . _
<br /> t. 4.1 .ciC � �
<br /> y��s � � 4_5, ��� 1 Y��' � � t:. �
<br /> ,,�;_ .54- g 5 � f .-� z �.�tµyr;
<br /> , s� � <, �t x��� ur .
<br /> � �.r Y �''
<br /> F �� t� � .
<br /> � t. ae � �T. Em6umt Qor�etre.Lender is hereDy assigned all compen�Uon.awards.damages end other paymente or reliet(herelnsEter , . � � ; ti--
<br /> : �. . .¢:r. �
<br /> � �; „�i� t•: "prace�s")in cotm�Hon vdth aondemnatton or othertaking otthe Properly or part tl+ereo�ortorcorweyance fn tteu of condernna- • � .t-- �*— =
<br /> � tion.L�nder 6AAi1 Qe e��titled at Ka�ptlon ta commence.appear in an d prosecute fa ifs own F.�me ar►y ectlon ar proceeQtn9s.aud _` ti� �.�µ .
<br /> b�.... s.�� she11 aiso be entitfed to make any comRrartdse or settlemem in connecflon w[th such taking or damaga(n tAe aver►!�ny portlori at ,� '��, � `x "'
<br /> �` `.� ` � the PropeRy!a so taken cr demaged.i�tler ehali hava the o�tian.ia its sote end ebsolute discretton.to app[y at!such Prooeeds, ti
<br /> , �.:�. _ : �. SRer dedudingtheretrom s0 costsand exPenses inwrted byr it in eonneet[on wtth such Proceeds.uDon anY indebtedn9as secured r� � . � ,�� r
<br /> � 4 • h e r e�j►and fn suCt�orQer as LenEer may deGermFne,ar to appty efl aucA Froceede►efE�r such dedudions,to the restocffitor af the ' �
<br /> � �'��u�' '�:� �B�Y�D�n ssct�cortdltlonsasLender may determina MyeAATtc�tan o!RrcceeBsUO indebt�ness ahall aotea�Est�d or poat�one {s r" � � }C;_
<br /> ,'�. . ,�. .:-.�c,. 4he du�date of ar►Y Da3►ments undm the Not�or eure any default thereander or heretirtder.Arty unappUed fund9 shall bB pet�to ,�:,. `
<br /> 5' � : Tr�stor. t ` �
<br /> /r L ` ' '
<br /> ,.,�-: 8. Pe�tort�neo by L�nnder.Upon tlte occurrence of an EveM of Default hereunder.or H 8ny acf is�Icem Ot le$al proCeedln9 � ,� ; �
<br /> �"" �ammesut�OYrhichmaferiailyaftedsLender'eiM,srestir�li�@FrepeRy.L.ender�sraYinitsau�tdls�etlo�.butwlfhOUtObligStPor►to� = ,-
<br /> � � .�'�' sq and vr(thoat noSae to or demand upon Tn�stor and wrtthout reteasing Tn�stor from any oDUgatlon.do a�ry act w�teh TruaDOr hae . G
<br /> w � r-�
<br /> �•`s : Tn�stor shall.imrs�sdietety `£G.Q-�,� s �" �
<br /> = egreed but�ita�o do acEd may atso do any other act it daems ae�yr to prot�ct the securfry bereo� _ „f°_ e'.
<br /> ��,� x �:. upondemandthereforbylsnder,RaYtoLenderallcosESandexpensesMcurtedandsumsexpendedbytenderin�nriee�tonwi� ,�e s
<br /> ;�_lj_ ,��. theexen�sebl►Lenderafthetoragoin9rlgh�.togetherwitAinterestihereonatthedefaultrateProvtdedtnthBNOt�vvAleP�sAailOa 4 �;- :: � �_.
<br /> ::;-.,�:.:_:. �-.,: r fldQsd ta�e trtdebtodness secured hereDy.Lender shati not tneut aaY iiabiilry becavse o!amM��B(t may do ar omft to do `,�`�. .<E m:..�.._.
<br /> � , ;q �t R��QBf Lr ��. ?Y ' � —
<br /> yKr� ' �.�rdot��Tniator�atl keep 9�e Pao�srty in eaarp�an�wltA aU e�QeaOte taws.ordinances and regu�tiana , � . ;.
<br /> ,,'....,-.�k� ratatln9 to trtde�trtai hygiene er env(ronmenml Pm�on(toUecthreN refemed to herein as"Envuonmenffi1 LawB°�Tn�or st�a11 ,-,T
<br /> k�t�teRroDertYt�eefrome!lsubat&nee9dee�tedLobehamtQousertox[aunderBnyEnvtronme�Q.ifLawrsdcaUee�tvetyrafe�to ` ' _b, f; , `�.
<br /> _ �`• herein as�9iazandoua Msterisis'�.Tn�or Aereby wanants and rep�to l�nder tliat there ere eo ifar�rQous�on ar .,��, __ -
<br /> J �y�"1 unQertheProp�TniaLorher�yagreestatndemNtysnQNotAharmt�9Lendar.ttsdtreaoraoff�ara�e�!�toy�e�en0�e�a� "�: � � �
<br /> �., `�- r .. �y�is ta Lendefa tnteres4 from end agat�st snY end a!t dalm��ma8�losses and tiabUfKos erising tn conmecttan wtt� .., . , .
<br /> THE FOiiEA01NO .� `' °.`�� ;
<br /> ` �;:; �e prasence�usa disposai or transpurt at erry HaQardous Materials on.under.trom or aDaut the Property. - _ :
<br /> " ,.., .y . 'j: E
<br /> „ : 'f : suRV►v��iw�rac�cE o�nris a�aF�usr.
<br /> � °� � 1Q.Asst�ent o9 Rw�ti.Tiustar hereby assigns Lo Lander the rents.tssues and profiis M the Prc{�ertY:Drovided tl�at Trtrstor � � ,�_S
<br />: �s'` , s.. .`„f•,•_`�%� .,. .
<br /> �. __,,z.s,.. . ::, snaU.urrtiltheecacmertceofartEve�ntof[lefeuRhereurtder.havalf�dgMtoeoUectandretatnsuct�[�tb.lssusaendD�eaB�ey � ,.�� , -
<br /> t ��" 6ecome due snd payabte.Upon the occurtence o t an E ve r i t o f O e f a u l L t,e n d e r m a Y.e�s e►i rt p e r s o n o r b y a g en;with or witl�out �.� .
<br /> �;�__� pdnging grry aCtion or procesdia�ar by e recehre►appointed by a CouR and wittwut re�aN to the adeqnaCy W tt8 38CUrity.ettt�► , ' 4. F ` �`�Z;.�,-
<br /> K ` ;, � ��
<br /> uponandffikePossesstonof�raProDerry.cranllqaRlherao�Inibownnameo►inthen�meaftdeTnistee�e�ndQoanyactswhidtit fr ,� y
<br /> � ., � '� �.° de�nsAecessaryordeairabletopr�senre9hev�tue.marke�bilttyortentabitiryoTthePtoperiy.orarrypaitthereoto�tnterest8�erein.
<br />--:+• '. v. �.r.:.�=-4 ��'
<br /> ----.,--,�:�.��:.: tncrease the fncoma tl�eretrom oi pratect the security hereot ars0.wig►er without taldng po�idn at the Property.sue tor or `,tr �.: � _ `r :
<br /> ' .. _ ,.:" othenerisa CoRect the reMS.issues and profits thereoX it+dudSng thoss pest Que and unpat0.end 8F0ly�ees@n�er.t�s c�aM
<br /> ��� .
<br /> .<.r3�.*,�,,:j1.a�°,<� expensesotop�ratianenacoltectioaindudinganorr�eS�s�tees.uponacrytndebtednesssecuredhereby.e111nsuchosQeresLsrtQer ' ' � . : ;4
<br /> ;. � may d�ennine.The entertng upo�end midng po�on of the ProPeRY.�►e coitectlon of such re��ue9 and praftts end the ,; `_
<br /> ' ° ;': appltca9on�ereef as atoresatd shail nat cure or waive any►detauit or notfcce of detautt her+OimQer or imaaifdaLe am{aet dorte in < ; �5 �
<br /> o e
<br /> -,_:_�_�.:.��P,�'� ��tosuchdeisutto►ptust�anttoauchnaticealdefaulten4noMrithsffindtagthecanttnuancelnpossessianalthsPropertyar `f, `; r;�;-.
<br /> r . B�e coltecUon,receipt and apaltcatton ot rer�issues or arotfm.and Trustea artd tsnder sha11 be entlt�ta'exerdse sve�y►d�t s u-
<br /> �=�_ pr�vtdedtorinaayaftheLoanOocume�orbylawuponoccumenceofanyEventofDefaul�inctudingwithoutiimitetiontt�dghlL� � .���,_
<br /> , .;_ e x e r e i s e f h e p o w e r a f�t a F u r t h e r.L e n d e P s�an 4 remsd'+�under this paragraph shatl be cumutetive wiU►.Srtd in no vuay e 4r y ���.;
<br /> Itmitedlonon.lendorsctghtsandremediesunderatryass(gnmentotteasesend�cecordedagainstthePropertyL.ender.Tmstea .
<br /> - �; anQ the�ver sha!!Oe Nable to account onty those renta�.Nally reoetved ( ._ � �� .
<br /> , , �, 11.Eve�tts W Eta�auti The foltoaing shali rAnstid�te an EvBM ai Defauft under tht9 Deed of Trust 1 � T �� ! �
<br /> "'°�==`�;� (a)Faiture b�y e�y►ir�staiiment of princtpai or i n t e r e s t c t aRy o t her Sum se c u r e d h e r e b y w h e n d u e C �� LL�•,-
<br />;_.... r.:, .�•:.,., "�'E_.= '
<br /> . Y..•`'..-�
<br /> ,� .��:;; Ib)AbreatfioforQefaultunderanyrPravislcnco�inedl�theHote.UJsOeeOotTn�t.enllotthatroar►Qocurt�er�orany� .;,
<br /> atl�er Itan or enCUmbrance upon tA9 ProAerRr < , , . ��
<br /> (oj A�vritoteuecWoncrallaChmentoraayrsimitarproceasst�altbeerrtereda8ai�stTrustcr�vhicl�ahallpecomeaQenan �• ��w�—==
<br /> . ��?, 4f�a PropeRy o►anq Dor6an thereof or Imerest t�ereln; � ,. �-
<br /> .. �:� � •(d)There shait be tiled by o►ageinst Tnistor or Bortower an acdon under any present or tudire feQeraL s�•ar othe� ��
<br /> �::_< s�tute.law or�egutaUon retaUng to OankruPtaf'r.iasoNenel►or other relief for debtors ar there shatl be eADObtted aRYtruste�: :,.,r`;� -.-
<br /> �•�` � recaiveror{i�uiQatoroiTrus4oror8orrowerorofelloranypaROfMePropeRy.ortherents,issuesarproft�the�eof.orTrustar . 4�T d,,��::
<br /> i ` ar Boriawer shaU make anY Seneral asaignment tor the beneflt of creQitore: � ,�.,�T�:-_
<br /> . (e)The�sater transter.lease.�a8signmenL Wmreyanca or fuMer encumbrance o1 atI or arry part�of or any interes!in B�a � � _
<br /> ''•,' proPeRY�etther votunfariiy u tnvoturde8ty.without the e�r�a wrh0en eonsent o!Lender:ProviQed that.Trustcr ehatl�a : _
<br /> ; .:z; QBrmtttedtoexecuteatesse ottAeProperlythatQoesnatconminanopUOntopurchaseandthetermofwhMfidaes�otexceBd �r: :_.
<br /> .� ` . OR9 yeer.
<br /> '�`• (Q A6anQonment ot fthe Proporty:or ' �}����•
<br /> 7re �. � �`t� ���Tn�storlsaatanlnQi vf.thetssuance sate,bansfer.asslgnmentcomrayan�eorertcumbraneeafmateth�anat�otal �
<br /> ,t a�'�r , " } ;;�_.� p�r„_perCent ot({f e�CrporaUon)its issued and outstanding stack or(H a paRrterahip)a toffit of percerA o1 * `.�r,Y=
<br /> - `� �� .p8rb�serahlD tntares�Qdr{ng the pvrlod this Qeed af Trust rereaina a 11en on the ProAertyr. ;.;- ' �'` �
<br /> � 12 Remedto�lEsalsra0anuporiQeM�dLtntheeventofanyEvemotOe(auittsndermay.w(thautnmicaexcent�srequir�QY r: t �,1 :'
<br /> y,1 Isw.deNaro eit tndebtedne5s secuteA heteby to.be due and PaY�e and the seme shatl thereupon become Qye 8nd Pal►en�a ��, � : � ;
<br /> ' � � '• v�ttlioul arry presentrnent demanQ.Oro�st or notlee of any kind.TAereafmr Lsnder may. s
<br /> � vi ,
<br /> (a)QgmatM tl�Bt Trustfle exerCisO the PaNfER OF SALE granted herela.an0 Tn�tee shan fheresPoet cBUSB Tntstors �
<br /> �+��• interest 1n the P�opeRy to be sotd and the proeeeds to be distribamd,all ln the mannei provided In the Ne�rasic8 Trust Oeeds �"� �.
<br /> �' � ' Ack . y;f;=��:.;';'_..r ,.:::•: . ';.� .
<br /> '�;;? ".'':; : ',., (p)Ex�BlclBeairyendall�tgrttaprovldedtorinarryoftheloanDowmentsorbyiawuponoccurwnceolar►yEveMOf08tauf�
<br /> rf �
<br /> , �(c)CommenceanactlontOtareclosethlsDeadofT�ustaeamortgage,aAAolntarecelver,orspeciticeUyenforcearryalStv ;''... ��
<br /> - �enante hereof.
<br /> Na remedy Aeretn confeme0 uDon or reserved to Trustee or Lender is iatended to be exetusive of atry other remedy hereln.in 8ie
<br /> � � `, Losn Oppimet►t�at by Isw Provlded ot pem►itted.but esM ahall De cumutaUve.shati be in addlUon to eveN�r�amedy 9iv�t . ,
<br /> Ameunder.�n the Loan Oawments or aow or nereafter existtng st law or in�uity ar by s�enA may baexercisedconcumentN. � ,�
<br /> � I�endemity or suecesslveN• : �
<br /> 19.Tiu�Sad T�►A TrusteB meY�eslgn at erry t ime w i t ha u l cause and Lender m a y at a r ry Ume an0 avit�1 yE ��s . ,:; :
<br /> successor or subsUtuteTrustee.Trustee shall�ot be tisbte te any paRy.inetuding withaut UmilaUon Lsnder.Bo ri�tif�e��f�r�t�i'erqt ' ;
<br /> �'.`'. �,��... : : .`.:•.
<br /> p u r d i a s e r c f t h e P r o p e rt y.f o r e r ry t o�o r d a m a g e u n t e s s d u e t o re c a e s s or w iltful miscondu c t,and shall not be requiredtoffikeanY . �
<br /> eefton in connecHon with the entorcement at thia Oeed at Trust unlesa indemnitled.in wrlUng.tor all cosfs,cempensa Uon nr =
<br /> ''; �.', •• ' eupensee whleh may be assocfated therewiU�.tn addidon.Trustee may become a purchacer at eny sale ot the Property Qudictai or ; =�
<br /> � � <s• � under tfte power ot sale grante0 herein);postpone the safe of eit or any portion af the Property.as D►ovlAed bY�a�'r or sett the . .,.• �:.
<br /> , ..:^• propetty as a wh01e or In separete parCets or fots at Trustee s discretlon. _ ` : -
<br /> tq,pc�ana�Spensea.ln the evem Trostea seua the Properry by exereise of power of sale,Trustee ahe11 be end8ed to apply � • �-
<br /> ': ., '' '
<br /> �� ' � � eny 9ate pr o C e e Q9 t i r s t t o paY m e n t o!8 1 1 c o s t s a n d�P e n s e s of exertisin g power of sate�inetuding sil truste98 tees,end Lender'9 .
<br />= ' 8nd Trustee s ettome�/a fees,actusity ineurte0 to extent pertnitced by appUcable law.In the event Bonower or Ttustor ex�rCise98rtyl ;:::.S,r.-.`.._''......'�:
<br /> s.._, ..,.:
<br /> - - -.. , rJgM provtQed by taw to ce►e an Event of Oeteuif.i.ender shail be enUBed to recaver irom Truffior ait costs end e�cpenses actuatly _ � .,,._;
<br />- � " Ineuned as e resuit of TruSior's defautR Ine fu Q ing w t t ha W IimimUon all Trustee's and attomeys teee.to the e�cflent petmitted by
<br />° _- - gOp1iC8DtA I�vi. -_-. -.- -
<br /> ,,. ,
<br />.. . ..�. ..
<br /> ._.,� ��� ...� �: . .. .,
<br /> . ... .,:.. •. . �••
<br /> :. _ _------,-,.--- •_,..,,_--}°.° �:_-., . ..
<br /> _, . . � f= _ __ _
<br /> _ •r,. • ' ' , _ . ,
<br /> _ ' . �. ', ' .
<br /> _` `�� rr
<br /> ,. :� • .
<br /> � .. ,,, � � .. . _ . . __ .. .. _ .. ,
<br />