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<br /> F..:.w�r£,= s:� . �s.x- 7Yd "�'� - -�' �j.- - �.e- -'-_..cZ•�`�c� . . .....x_ �� --
<br /> "E � , �� i,r` � - .►�.`�;.�.,,'Aya,`.^"�^1wto.- r ..i•..a�...1- 7�. °.c. -t�C,"`.,
<br /> re.. . _•tt- � - 3 � c' - _-• ���� ��� � ` � Y A � .: :
<br /> t. . _ :. _ � ` t z . ,R. _ .'_i -�-'-`y'�`..'•�c ✓� .. 4.�4�fc U��t�"� c ct«� i t.�..
<br /> �` ..s;r � ._s �. ir.k -1f� g. �3' - '��- �:i a�?-:f.�i�i;-_:.��: . .,. `_ �,, L -� � � " . t `�'t- 7'�- t{
<br /> �:: '�{-:':: 1t `'.�E �a ^ •.e. . . . '_F�.fi �, .•'T�;-eos, „e � :_r�;"w. r� `or
<br /> '��'`':i': �5.� - ' .��c4-.':'z...Sr.F_.�' �.. c� r -�...... '���-. '-cI`v_:.- �-C..a.�c:.:. .:... -. �f
<br /> ..x ._� 5 .. M' i' n xa4.l,�!f '++�'+^`'' '�'z:. - �*c_- :e�` 'Y �-�v+"' �c- r�- '
<br /> t ;-Tta ~ �.7' '"p�` � r i X � •. .F '�L�;�:=Y:d....,.� c'� i��^�F�.; Y�.`�'
<br /> _�. t =:r' { ,a� 4 '. 'R:� �� �ii,k,-; 'c Y��' -Y�ti.� ..ct 4"rLrri' iC '� ";'S.�'r„_�:ci':r.�c` .f �{-tyt. �SY���::.
<br /> i'Y"�...2'�y....... � �.�li9t,}F.�; _bL� ...s��_-S'. __�c'c. �:. �...�_.`4<f-��£ _' _ `i�: ,.,�_'s.��:.`-�` :�:?��,r�z,." f-«. ti�fi
<br /> - :Fr«' � ����� -.� ��' r ' �,��c ;'"�"� -r---r^r-r.,"'�Y.c'?':g�'cti_�""'"'y„�t¢ .°o_ — f'�y- - ;
<br /> p a'-.�` '->.�.� � r�z„r :�-'�":.:_,?�'�. `'?.O ' F �,..",L,.xF.C4-� ' _.�'�: _fi'`�t., .:i._� - Li.�le�� '--=3 c --
<br /> S„ .,.� - ',�. 4c.4 �0. 1. .ti , i4 -
<br /> fr.-_ ;`•t. ' " ti.,.,•.;�'- - - Z o
<br /> .1 . �, �< �aC� �- --� �.
<br /> ! �4.;I. tY,��f �d ��pl � � �,P i,
<br /> �y, r" k.. f< • V V���lOV��� t .� � - .f; __
<br /> ���f`� g ..
<br /> .-r4ja e �cy,�s..:m. c -�s` rt�F"''-.
<br /> � `� = ' ` } � 't�GEff�ER WITH all the i�nnprovemeais naw or hereafter erected os► the Pro�ertY• and aU essemeate. �� .1, �, �.� � ;
<br /> � :� s � ��; appuroena�aoe�.sud 4'ishu�es aaw or hereaiter a part of the propert9;A11 rePlaceme�e and additions shsll also be covered ,� s��' � y :• ,� �-:
<br /> ��"''�Y 'x by this Secunt9 Ivst�tent Atl oY the fos�egoing is re�ened to in ihia Secunty'Instrument as the�Fmpert9� ° < ° : ,�
<br /> _ �`�.,,,``��= BORROWBR COVSNAN'I5 that Borcower is IawfuUY seised of the esta f e r�eacumbr n�ces af record.Bor ower �i�i v� k.�`�- 4 i ��.�
<br /> _ < graut snd canvey the PraPertY a a d t�a i t he P t o p e r t y i s u n e n c u m�be�d•claims�and demaads,aubject to aay encusabsances � �: , '�,� �
<br /> t �a,°f` ��.ants sud arill defead genctallY tte tittew the Praperty gainst ' ° -
<br /> ; �i ti �,� '
<br /> s .
<br /> s �r ` ��. • a4�TH�iS SECUR�I'Y IIhSTRUIVf�N'T vosabiaes smiforas covenants for�oatioasi use and noa-uniforan coveaants with ;� �Y � :° i,,
<br /> �; � ����� �rs �,
<br /> r; Eatwvering real p'roPert9•
<br /> � limited variations b jurisdiction L�constiurte a uaiform seeuritY inshvm t s � -
<br /> u� as follo�
<br /> �� r ���j�`/�j1jA��$.B01tOt9C!8nt�I.CA�Ef OOYBl18nt SIId 8gfe@ � Nh�D d11e 4 x
<br /> l.Payment o�Priacipal asd Interesi:PreQayment a�d Late ChasSes.Botrower sball promp Y PaY =
<br /> ., eatend late c1�arges due 1mder the Note. "` F �, ,� � �`'
<br /> �� ;- ;;• thepriacipai of aad iatereston the debtevideaced by the Note and aaY P�Pa�, � .
<br /> raaoe.Sub' �o }icable law or to a wnttea waives by L.euder,Borro�er ehall -t � ;�.
<br /> x,4? 2.Funds for Tsses sad Iasa � aFP
<br /> y PaYm��are due undet the I�tate.until the Note is paid in f�ll.a sum("F�mds")� � '� { `�
<br /> �, � s L .;. �y to I�ader on the day moattil over this Securit9 Ins�u�ent as a lien oa the ProperEy' bI °, � _ �;
<br /> ` � = ' $)Y�Y�sad as�aeata wluch snay attaia priority �stuance pr�� ��" ` ` " -
<br /> �` " pea�,ly lessehold gaFments os gound eeats on the Property,i f aap;(c)Ye�I Y h�z� u e�n��If��Y�s PeYable �- � � ';
<br /> �' •.� ums.ii saY+�g�Y�IY mOrtpge iasussa°e premiums'
<br /> ^• �,� :�` �r��� 2�; �`
<br /> (d)Year1Y�oad ipsurauc�P� b in iieu bf the meat of mortgage iasutaa� �, ( Y '�, � � :
<br /> :� . � y` �'�, yy Bonowet Lo Lender.ia acco r d a n c e w i t h i h e p r o v i s i o p s o f p a r a g�a p 8.� P a Y - . .
<br /> � t. ;
<br /> `� premiuuts.Thcse iteuas sre c a U e d°F�crow Itema Lender may,at aay tim�,collect and hol�€ar Borro�►e�r's esctow .�-�-�-�— _
<br /> u toaa atay requi �. ,� � s }.
<br /> ° ; .�� to eaceed tt�e masimuna amanat a lendar for a iedaraUY retated mortpge , , �, ��,.
<br /> u a 12 U.S.C.
<br /> ' � `�. a�x,ouat under the fedetal Rsal Estate SetdemenE Prooedw�es Act of 1974 as ameaded from time to wne. �.`.� ,�- ��_`
<br /> � `T - Section 26Q1 et seq.�"R&SPA"),uniess euother taw thet applies to the Fuada sete a le�er atnoimt.If so�Lende�'maY, c 4 c' � •p-, i
<br /> �Y� a t s a y ti s a e.co}lect aad hold Fuads ia aa emaurt aoi to eaceed the lesser��i f u t�n e F.scmw hetnsor�o��' ` x';`tf� � '" ',
<br /> ° � `r' data a a d reasoaa b le e s t i a s a t e e o f e a p e n d i `
<br /> �� ;:,` F�mds due on ffie basis ble la��w. t � ° f � �.
<br /> : � f F ;" ��ewithapglica � . s �-� 3 �
<br /> �'y� The Fwzda s1iaU be held ia an institution whase depo�is are insured bY a fedetai agency,ins�euteht9.or eatitY =�° _ �` :
<br /> , . , , ,.! +;
<br /> � �iaolud'tAg Let�der.if Leader is sucD an iastitutiaa)or ia a�Pederal Hotne Loaa Baflk.Leader shall c3pp]y the�ts�ds to ,.1 �` ;
<br /> : ,>j,i.:�;.
<br /> ` ��:n�.r�;'':�`:' PaY�F�crow Items.Leadet mag aot cherge Borrower for hol��W$PP�yia��e Fimds aud app ia��ble tew `3 .;� 'f,4"� F
<br /> r �� � escrvw aeoount,or veri4yia�the Esti�rnw Iteaie,imlesa Lead�'pays t f�,;°�
<br /> �nder ta iuske such a chatge:Ha�ev�.L�der may �+eqttu'e Borrawer t�a pay a e�sae chargs tor an
<br /> �� � S@ r �18�8W Qi{� S�
<br /> °T ` ` s.,��,,�,.,f�,,t���g�gg�T�tIIg BCTVIt'e US��t�••8II�fIl COt1IIeC110D�Pi♦$�!1�}!18 Z08flr,iv1�,�Y� � ��� ,�. ,
<br /> ", � :-:i:" �""`i""...... �CSUSB��TeBIA�w V-�� 1a�Yflin� �5�.��c�^iA� _
<br /> , l'-�. " � �; otnet��se.Unle�aa agreement ie made or app in writiag,however,that iaterest � _ ,,
<br /> �z � }� Borrower aay mtet�at or earnin$s ou the FnaBs.Honm�er and Lende�r map agr�e � ;�, `
<br /> � . P�► ve w Bonawes,�iEhout charge�sn anausi accountiug af the Funds,showing ` e�_^ ��x t.�
<br /> s}�a�i ye paid on the Funds.Leuder�� f o r w 1 u c h e a a h d e b i t t o t h e Funds was made.Tgse Fuuds e�re ple�ad as , 1 �
<br /> �-� '� r�;�"fi credlta aad debits ta Yhe F n a d s sa d t h e P n s p a s e I�men� . �.��.�. t•:
<br /> �� sdditiontal secutltY fc�s all suma secured bY ttus Sec�nt9 � L r
<br /> � �R-=- tte@ to be held by appiicable law.I�estder ebalt account m „3 �a� � Y
<br /> ' , ��' f'._., Ii the Funds held by Lestder ese�eed the aznounts permi , ,.
<br /> . ,, : .: rdance�vith the raluiretnents oi applicable law.If the as�ao�t of the Fimd�held .` _ '�, � :-
<br /> :;�•�" -.,�;�,=�,Y`;�:;- Bonawer for t h e escea Fitt�d a m acco ��W whea dae. o H o r r o w e r in wri ti a g. y.,-. .;:;.. , �`-
<br /> `� by Lender at saY time is not au�'zcient to psY Iteme Lender maq�A �►Borrower sbaU�seke °{:--`"; .': , .t.
<br /> to iaske up t�tedeficieucy. ,."�',�f � �;
<br /> � �,k{'� +, , a�d in such cese Bostower sLall PaY to Leader the amouat aece�ar9 �-:,,?4�a�3 ,.
<br /> '�' w.;: � up t�e deiiciencSt ip ao morethantwelve monthty paymenta,atLeader's soledzscretion. ., <<.• ._ � �
<br /> , . . �����y�sWmeat,Z,euder abaU ptotapttg refund to Bo�xower ��_ C�
<br /> � ���', UPoa PaY�eat ia fuU oi all sums re or sell tha PropettY.Lender. Pnor w tha t .
<br /> .,�,:;; anp Ftmda he2d bp Lestder.tf,under ParaS�Ph 21. Leadsr sbalt acqu's _Y,_
<br /> � r
<br /> _ ��• aeq�ttoA or eate of the Propert9.shall app�Y�Y Funds held by Lender at the time o4 aeq�isrtian os eale as a credrt ..� – -
<br /> �s .�� ..`.,, `�: . ag�iast the sams secured 1�Y this Sec�eit�►lnstrumen�. . eats received�bY�.eaSer wadet� • 7 b.� �'`�'"--
<br /> r � 3. Application oi FaYmeats,Ualess applicabie law grovi des o t h e r w i s e.a ll P a Y�. r � �.
<br /> - ;`Y� P��P�l end 2 ehall be app]Ied:�t.to anY preP�Yment chargea du�e uttder the Nat�s�orrd.to asaounts payable -- ------
<br /> ,� ,,i.,: uadet paragaPb xti�td.toiate�stdu�:fourth.wPs�at�a]d�a►e��.L0�platechargee dua under the Note. � _ yi`
<br /> - :.; .,�;,,. ,:;-; 4. t�rges: Liens. Borrower shall paY s11 tasw.assessmente.eh8r8ea,��imP�tions atta'butable w the _�l,�i �,
<br /> e nseats or grouad rents.if aap. :
<br /> �:. '�x ;: property wh�ch may attaia priaslty over thia Sec�uity�I��e�st►and teaseo if n�oty in ti�at maaaer.Bonower � ;.�
<br /> :.:..�•; . .,� :.._:... Borrower ehaU paY these obligxCUns ia the mauuet pro �'eS�Pb� f��sh ta Lender all notices oi ,; �;',:,,.
<br /> owed paYmerrt.Bore+ower sball Pl'omDtiY
<br /> �. ,..�. j:. shaU paq them oa tisae direetly to t1�e�nBonower maka these paYments dtrectly�Borrewer sbaU promPttY f�rnish , j�.� � �:
<br /> ,� �� • aiaouats ta ba paid�mder thie�ragtsP
<br /> , . -�.�-
<br /> - � � - toLeaderreceiptaevidencjugthepaqtaenta °' ,� _
<br /> � ,.
<br /> ' � �+;� �orrower shatl pramptlY dischat88 anY lien whiab hss priority over this 3ocwity Inswmeat�ess Borrower. a �
<br /> � _v .., ble to I.ender'(b)contestein
<br /> _ ,�:• 1 , : agcees ia wrlting w t�e payment of the obliptioa eecue�bq the liea in s tnanaer 8�P�hich in the Leadei's up'�aian ,�7' ' ;���:
<br /> , �r_.r��:.-;::=: good faitb the lien by,os defeads against eAiorcement of tha liea ia 1�P�� . . .,•,
<br /> - :a"..::�, oP���PrBVent the enforcemeut ot the lien;or(a)secures imm the holder of the lien aa o�enp���, �� . , '+ '"� {'
<br /> Leader eub�ordinating the liea w thie 3ec�ttitY lnsttument Ii Lender determiues tbat a�►��er a notice identifying the �`
<br /> , ti ,, . :
<br /> ���� ` ' to a tien which may attaiA priorIty oves tAis Se�uritY Insttumes►t,Lender msy gi . :�.•-:' f: 4
<br /> ,. _ ,
<br /> . �. :
<br /> � �. �iea.Bon�osner sha11 eatiety the lien or teke oae at more oi the actions set forth above withia 10 dapa o4 the giving of ,, .;i , . y !:
<br /> - .-'."-- aotice. :' -
<br /> _-y. _
<br /> �=�;.. � farm SOt3 8/9D
<br /> . . �, ,
<br /> ' .;.r. My�!et e • tettialt�,_ + :
<br /> '� ..;. �8R0�1cn�aao� .
<br /> ��. �J`'. .�':
<br /> �L.
<br /> .{� .j'�
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<br /> :. _v .'iF`�-
<br /> . -,. - �.1 - . 1 ,t_ - ��• _ . _ �._ ,; / 'i _ -- .�
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