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<br /> w.s "`; : G.`ASSIGtiID�E1�T OF LEASFS.Upoa L�wcder's r�tcst,Bonoiarer sHaII assign to l.ender al!tea�.c of the ,.�;;
<br /> � �`' �Y:� wiW tesses of the ..`::-
<br /> � ;. ~ �raperty and a!!seauity depusits made in wnneaion Fr+openy.Upon tt�assigc�ment.i.ender :�. .:
<br /> z . ¢� ,. _ , �.
<br /> � r. , `; . s6atf have tke rig6t ai mbdify.extend ar terminate the existing[eases aad w eaewte new tease�.ia Leader's sote , r,_ }
<br /> �-`���`��`�� . diss�on.As nsed in tbis pasagraph ti�.she word"lease"shall meaon"snblease"if the Sewriry InStn�mea�i is on � ' °.:
<br /> ��: � .� ,,,,,,,,i,,.f . ..
<br />:,,QY`.�'c:��u`- 'd�i�lGWld. ' _ •,.Qr.
<br /> =. :.`:'.4 :`d�.��^.!:
<br />`��t� �=:�,=-t°:�� H. AS�iG1VD�fE1�Pf OF BEN1'S; APFOII�iTMEl�iT OF RECEIVEIt: LENDER�IIV Ff�.SEB�SIQN. �v�;
<br /> � Bormwer absoltrtely a�d nnc�onditionally assigag and t�ansfers to I.ender all tLe re�and reveanrs("Reats"�of 3,�
<br /> '� the Prayecty. re�rdicss af to wbom the R�ts af We Pra�rty ate payabk. Bomnwer aulhorizes Leader or �;-`:�.
<br /> , �.�� .�'�� - ' , Leuder's agaits to collect tktes��.t.euts,and agcees that eacb ten�w.t of the,Pmperty shari pay We Rents.w ia�er or _.,-
<br /> .`�`�',=`' .�5�' • � Ir�der•s ageuts.Howeva;aYUU1NCT ShBII TCCCIYC Yu a�Wiu�lUui E�)LBiuG1 I1HS gIVP.lI BOIn1WET RI14Ry Of� � �4J.5
<br /> .�_:'z.,i., .
<br /> „ -_,..�,�t;Y.r" . p�s�ta puagrayn Zt of tt�secvricy Ia�ora�tc aaa tii)teaaer 6as given notice w the teaancts)ihac ehe R�s , � .:
<br /> �`�'� .. � are.ta be paid to Leader or i�der's agent.This assignmeat of Reuta oonstitates an absotute A�+�t and not <.
<br />- `:����,L' �'�t'", an assigmnent for additioua!se�viity on1Y. .` � x``}�
<br /> } ',�f ' . If I�er gives nodce of breacH to Bairower. C)all Raus ceceived by Boaawer sdaU be tietd by Ro�mwer -�;..
<br />_,..,;.-.�>°:, : � �. as�for the benefit of t,ender only,to be gppli�m t�e sums secmed 6y the Secaritp Lnstntmea�(ii}Le�der -°�
<br /> _�_z,' :;..•._.�'�°�" ; st�ail6e eu4tted to colt�t and ceoeive atl of tbe Reats of the a$tees t�at eac�teaant of the � -
<br /> �P�J►:fi�Borrower r:;:
<br /> -- �,<,:-.:.-; -: _
<br /> `.�,;�,'a'..�•.,�.,.:; ' Pra�ertY sball pay all Rems dae 2md nnga�d W l.mdcr ot L�endca's ageats upon I,eader's wrItte�demaad to t6e . ._ ;
<br /> ,-. r ; t�;("rv)tm2ess applicabte taw Qravijies otheravise.all Renss colIec#ed by Leodei or L,ender's agemts shall be . ;<-��`
<br /> •�I%'i`I '�t�'^•'. � � �.�.�_
<br /> �•=f%� . , � applied tust w tfle costs of Ealang ca�iroi of and maaaging the Fm�eRy and co!lec6ug ttte Reuts.ire�lud'mg.bui �.:•
<br /> i : s'' , :' ,� not limited w. auomeys' fe�. reoeiver's fees. pm�niwus on reaeiver's bond4. �ep�air aad maiat�ace casts, :Ff.:
<br /> j � �` . � �suramce.p�uris.tax�s.assessmedts aad o�+er charg�s on ti�Pmp�nyr, aa�tl�to the sums se{atc�ed by the .. �
<br /> x �:o " .� SeCUritY Iasuismen�(v)Leader.L�ender's ageats or any jadicislly appoimted receiver sha}16e liable Eo acoomu for
<br /> ` � only those Reats acpaaDy r�ceived: and (vi) L�der slmli be �titted ta l�ave a mceiver appointed�to take
<br /> � � -
<br /> ;-'��;:.,::�`�:'�;� ' �on of and the Bi+operty a�d callax the Reuts aad pmfits der►ved from the Property wtttwut aay
<br /> :'� , � �� �:•-
<br /> .., .:. . -
<br /> � .- _ - stiawing as w the inadequaclr of the Propercy as�urItY• . . • . . . . . � '
<br /> + < , � ' � � If the Rents of tbe Pc+operty�+a not suifraeat to caver thc oosts of takiAg oosu�n)of ana m�the_. �
<br /> '`F':d�:' '� ' �appetty and uf on!!�g dte Retus�mty fwtds expeatdec!6Ji.l.epder for sach parposes sball become inde6teda�s ;, �'"_
<br /> �-r�.. .,� ., � . . _.
<br /> :::xr_•:; ,_`-;;;��.. �1 af Bortower to Lendessea�red by the Sea�rlty Instrnment pursuant to Ustifotai Cov�t 7.
<br /> , _ �°.�;� �:: ,< , , g���attd warraats ti�at Boaawer bas rwt�t�d aay prior assig�ent of the.Rents and ha's . .
<br /> � �;: � .. ;`•
<br /> , � not and wi11 not perform any acx Wat wanid preveat i.ender fmm exercising.its r�ghts undes tisis parag�apb. • -,�::
<br /> r:F,;;. "".� �'�� , ' , � I�ertder. o*I�dea's agents or.a judicialty agpoint�ed �recelvcr. shafl not 6e required w euter apon, tate. . --
<br /> - :r`�:� :� camrol of ar maiataia the Pmperty trefane or after givin$aotice of default to Borroarer.However,l.e�ed�er,oa' _
<br /> _ ,� , e .
<br /> � ' � . • 'Lender's agents or a sadie3ally appai�ed raxiver.maY do so at a�ry►time ahea�i default unairs.Any app�ioa . -��
<br /> __ �: ; ;'s of Rents shall not att�or waive aay defa�ilt or invatldate any otder right or,maaedy of Lend�Tbis asai$aatent of � ':�
<br /> �- ,', , �: .Rema of the PcoDerty shaU tem�imte wh�all the su:ns'seaa�d by the Sewrlty Inshument�+e Daid in fall. �
<br /> _-�;; ..-.;a ;� I.,CRO�SS�DEP'Ai1L�PROY6ION.Barro�Ner's defaut�or bmacb uadcr any nate or�ut wdict► _ �_-
<br /> _` I� y . . - C,y_;:
<br /> - - ' lander hag an intecest shall!se a breaeb nader the SecurIty Instc�en{and Le�der may invvke a�ry af We re�aedies . *_.
<br /> r; • �� r `-, , perRtitted by the Secarity Insaumen� � '.. _
<br /> -- ' 'r BY SIGNIPI(i 8$LOW. Borrower acrepts and agre�s ta ihe.Cetrns aad pmvisioAS coraainetl in this 1-4 .
<br /> — �='`-:��'' � ' Family RiQer. � � . ' . ' _ , ' . . �__
<br /> -_=-__ _ � . `_
<br /> � T r_,
<br /> ,
<br /> �:+.rTSCS�-` • • '� � • r�_
<br /> ��° `�i (s�n --
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