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<br />- - ge�tinq � CoolfatJ, inc. _ .,_N�
<br /> � '�`� • Hea�fm & Cooling, Iac:, b� and ''_�
<br /> -:;�.-. --.;.L- 2. Jerry s Sheet Meta1. . 9 materfals �
<br /> ;..- s=�-�:: � ths�ugD�its duly authorized officers, Psovfded Iab�r and N, li:=
<br /> -""r ,�'�.;;�� fo� war�C doae� on ProPertY located at 224 South Sycamore,. arand �s-�_:
<br /> - � '�: Island, Hall Cou�aty. Nebs�aska. le9allY descri.med as #ollo�a: _--
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<br /> � « .,'" .Ha11.Cow► , �ebraslta." , -
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<br /> '.;;;� �� .�y.;�- ursuant to t.he Diere�o =-
<br /> :�;M1;::;::�.;;':�.`;. �,,:. Huadred Thirtp $evea Dollass ($5.�37.00), P I�. � _
<br /> , � . .,fr•.: at4sehecl favoice. Jerry's 8heet Metal, Hea�i n q & C o o l i n 9: --
<br /> --r,�;=;;Y'�;� �;:, pa t Bmber aad Mik� Andratde. .
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