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r ' ' ' <br /> � .� �.i. � :. �`i '.� �r - r � �ee y5r... 2t _ i:,.- 4 .. . <br /> � ^�r � �:i;:.F •q- �':`.�,t . d@ s�1�-'2'`{1t� -�F- - . 't.� �t �� �` ..i ' 1y . .. _. <br /> , �« f ...�.rai•nn�^'Y�: C il�� ; . 'u,G G . � �' f � . G . ��y..,..�, i+�" . <br /> ��'� �+m'. S�"�r .}�5�4. '. ft , . - [ �` _ <br /> - L <br /> {� .�L_SF'�`� `T �C C �S u U"' Ty- <br /> -.. � _ r . A... • .: �.`.� ;3,.. -�r , _ ..:.i_r 1�_�. <br /> . <br /> �,.'�..s.&u.c ,-%�.�.c - ' ........_. _ . .� . ...�>' <br /> _ .s _ ` <br /> < < „d:�4g ' � 4 .�'��T -�. �� .� �r ` . � ��n��v �, �*� r _ <br /> '� z .$_, ''.�-c- - � -- � c -1� ��-- - -.7 7"" F .-'� `tt&' t_��'��.,, ,. F^s a � � .� � �S� <br /> �:�:v's,..�a1.-.�y.s � .c` . - � . - : a�....`�'..���.r".�=..� ..�--.. ,a�� x � �z�'-�:�c.� i �c 4---:-�'i„'�. f'�i'yC <br /> -:�..'�QLY'r�'L-�P _.�t f rk- �Rt .' '..' ..`'-, � � -.: '�'�'�' � - - <br /> - . �T .. '�i"^ -�-e- nr 'C' -F �e,�t`.rt '�- t q. r r -.`�� t_�`'_'".-cT .� k�� <br /> .,�a-;�'::'"•;i`;�..t.::� 4 �� ��P . c}• �< �v'2''r�^_5r 3�y..�i �C � -� -r. ; i� V'-i,zc, r�?c; 2�T.�,-Y��.�,� � � �,5 _ h: . < � es .n-y> '`-Ctimc� .. <br /> a,��,.�f ' _+ ; t i � . � -Sy--. , �� . ,��� :. <'°..S�:i:&�`s..,__, ; :.P'.:.c.,_ �.. .�r_ -`i.. - �S , r, � � <br /> --1.. ' c -.� �. .fi �. ''. l��" .�.,-.. c� cs.'� f;_. __.ic Y4:i.� _ c-� <br /> .-_�'ti - r''-' W- �--��t ��.� . tY ..F Y.�t..'�'�.?c rt� - .� ._ ._, _., c^:.. �c �a.��� ,��::�:Y.,. -:�F F�,w :r? a .e.�; <br /> � ' <br /> �.• �<�_y�: ' W '�:'C' �,+'�.;'t'. - <br /> .:-� __'"`�� -- : : <br /> ��V F -t;��,fl . <br /> � �5�° ���7 � r � ' ��r����x, <br /> �- .r ,F�< < .: <br /> -� � '.��� ' 17.Trunsfer of tde Pro�rty or a��et�dat intei^�t In Bur�ow���and Borrower��a�i�aturat Person�� `� '` '` � ` <br /> is sa l d or s�n s f e m e d(o r i f a b e n e fi c i a l i n t e�s t i n B n r t a w e r i s s o l d � u-.�-- `—�' 4 <br /> �r� r r" s���`= ' 1�ndcr•s prior tvsitten consent. l..ende�maY• at its option. �Nite im�diat� F�°1 �.f u l i o f a ll suma s e w r e d b Y t 6 i s ���.r�t; <�F�Yr � <br /> • � t. <br /> L t� 4'� <br /> r i z�T�y �r-- S e c t v ity t a�c.H o w e v e r.t h i s o p t i o n s h a l l not be eaercised b y I.endec if exercise is prnhibtted hy fedeml law as of the e . � ,,� � <� k <br /> � � ¢ ;, F;F � `N 2-� <br /> of thix Secarlty instnun��• <br /> ,��•c��•.��i�: ` If Lender exercises this oprion.Lender st�a{1 give Rornower notice of acceleration.The notice stiall provid�a period of aot F `� e ���;¢ <br /> F�`�-� Tt<�' iess than 3U da frum the date t ha notio�is d e l iv e r e d o r m a i t e d w i t h i n which Borrower must pag all smas secured by t6is �� : � � <br /> � .,.{ - <„. .: Ys or m the eapiration of this periad.L.ender may invote airy remedies ;�� c,,,t�; �' 4 ; <br /> - r F`;`• SecuritY Bas+�wer fails t0 pay tdese sums Pn = <br /> �� , permitted by tLis So�►rity Istisuumem�vittwut furtder notice or deazand on Boaower. �°� ;s � r 4 <br /> �� 1�. Boreow�'s Rig6t to Rclmtate. if Borrower meea certaSn conditions. Borr°wa shaU have the right to ttave � � ,.. <br /> '�� . eaforoeaieat o f t h is Secu r i ry [n s t n u n e n t d i s c o n t i n u e d a t a n y t i m e prior w the earlier of: (a)5 days(or such other period as � � ` <br /> � U;:.�,`�r.Y- for minsta�►t) before sate of the P�+up�tY Pu�uaz►t tb aay power of sale oantained in t h i s _ E �v �` <br /> c applicabte [aw may specifY o f a" e a t e n f o m i u g s h i s S e�w i ty fnsuument.Those cond�tions aze that Bomower:(a)PaYs z� <br /> ;�:�', S e c u nry I a��m t b 1 e rt r Y J u�B m and the Note as if ao aooelecarion d a d o a u m e d: (b i �Y }`' <br /> ���� �Ci��SIEflLS W�IIC�1 L�IC(1 W�tl�(TC dUC{3Ad°..i f�US�01�1�ty TOS�[I31i�DL 2 Stl r_ ty 1 •� 4 <br /> iF F lIINtlCd tA C(ifOSCI t�1tS S�tl}f�itSUUJn2[1t� 6 , d` 51 .. <br /> �`; atres any defautt of any other oovenastts or agreements:(c?paYs a!1 e�pen�s; 4� . � .... <br /> . f ` tr r <br /> inclu�ng,6ut aot timited m.reasorrahle auorneys`�:and(d)takes snsh acuon as I.ender may reasonabd�sn��s s��aere�by � :i` � �- <br /> ��t::.:�-; ty i,ender's ri ts in tBe Pm erty and Bomnwa s obligaiioa w pay . . <br /> ti:F , �,z., that the lien of this Sewri I�tsuument. ._�... _ <br /> this Securih+ Iasuumeat shall coutimze �mcdanged. Upon reinstatea�►t by Bonower. this Securety Iastrument aad the Y �: .w� �- <br /> .{` � -L��� obligations sec�u+ed hereby s�tall ranain fWly effedive as if no acceleration had oocurt�. However.this right w re�te sMdll a' • �',�' '� <br /> :�� ,-... aot appty in the r�ase of aooeleratinn under paragraph 17. 4�_' ""�s'`� � <br /> ' ``'.� 19. Sale oY Not� C�e of Loan�ervioer. The Note or a partial interest in the Nate (wB�Iter wit6 t1�is Sec;arity _ �: r v. <br /> ` .< � .�� InstNment)maY be soid ona or mone�without prior notice to Borrower.A sale maY r�uit in a change'R�ere also�may�be o `:° � � ."� `"d, � <br /> . _ e -:. <br /> • ;:-,n�. ;',�!s` as the'Loaa Serv�')that collects moatlilY PaY����e under the Note and this Sewrity�inmument- ..,,1.• � :" <br /> `• � ' `- r . �� Y�r,�s <br /> < ••- ..,:,,_�. or more d�anges of t6e Loan Servlcer unmlated to a sa3e of the Note.lf there is a ch�sge of We Loa»SeR�oer.Borrower wi'i16e <br /> '� +- .: .� ven written nouce of the change in a000c+dance with paiageaph 14 above aad applieable law.The notice avill state the name and r. , � rtn . ,: <br /> ', �1��z��' add�+eess of the�new Loau Se�vicer and tke address to afiich pay�aents should he made.The a�tice will also oomain an3+ather `� ,y <br /> E r <br /> ' •z b licable law. ° ' '; <br /> ,.,�. infom�ation�quired Y aAP atorage. or retease of any � � <br /> �. ;< ?A HaTardous Snbstauces. Borrower shall not cause or periuit the preseace. use.disPosa1• r�,.�f ��',� �,� <br /> � ' T �� . Ha7anlous Stibstances on or in the Fropcity. Borrower shall nor altow anyone else to du. anything af�� 4 ' �._ <br /> � •.-� '��'�' ` �P�Y�is in violation of aay Eavironmeatal law.The prec�adtng two santences shall not aPPly co the p�esenee.nse.ur �,- < , y�; ��,. '• <br /> .. �r.:.:_.,..< to be e w normal �° `-" <br /> - . � •,. swrage on the Yropzrty af small quaatiaes of Hazandous S�bstances that are generallY iecognized aPPr�P� r _ ,��,��. <br /> .: ' ' , �. , � c+esidexuial us�es and w maintenaace of the PropertY• �.° <br /> f,� ,�,�` �, Bormwer shall prnmpdy give Lender written notice of any invesrigation.claim.demand.lawsuit or other action by any � — <br /> , "�� a or rivateparry imralvi the P�'aPeKY anA any Hazardoug Snbstanse or Envimnme�4ta1 Law !`s . <br /> ;::;. ,.! ;, gove�nmeatal or regulatorY B��N P � bvemm�ntal or regulatory aathmity.that �' :��,. <br /> :.: :���.���� of which Bormwer t�as actual knowledge.If 8ormwer leams.or is notified by a�►Y S '.tr -- . �-,.. <br /> ;���� -• -.:.r-::� anyr temoval or other remediation of a�+Hazardons Substanoe affecting the Prope�ty is neeessary.Borrower shall pmmptlY tai� •.. .... .. <br /> � 'F` .�,:5r•: . �at,.� � t <br /> ,.' all nace.csary�nedial actians ia accoidance with BA���Law. • - , : <br /> y � �: .': Lf.);`'' 1 _ <br /> .: .._.__ ,��:` As used in ttus paragrapb 20. `Hazardous Substanoes"are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substaaces bY :�-.4 .;�'';� <br /> � -i�` Environmeirtal Ltw and the following sahstances: gasoline. kerasene. other tlammable or toxic petrote�um produ�s. toxic Y: ;.� i_� <br /> . _ _. pesticides and herbicides.volatile solvents.materiais wntairang ssbestos or fom�ald�yde.and radioactive matecia{s.As osed in :��'.� ���g� ; <br /> � ;', this�h 20. "Environineatal Law" means federal laws and laws of the jnrisdiction wiiere the PropertY is located that , : ,�,� { <br /> ,. � :��'• selate w heahh,safety or eavironmentalprotettion. �, .. � <br /> L r:�r ��; -� . NON-EiN1F(?RM CAVENANTS.Bomawer and l.ender funher covenant and agree a�foltows: . ,,;.;;�•� ; <br /> �yy� 21.Aooeiera4ton:Remedlca Lender shafl give notice to Bormwer pdor W a�oel�ratton Pollowing Bornuwe+'a M+each � : a; � a � <br /> � o!atry wvemaat os agreem�t in tMs Se�vritY Iastrument t6nt not Prior to aeoetesation imd�D� 17 �less �. <br /> _'.��- ��';, pedfy: (a)the detadt:N)the�dlonreqo�h+ed W ca:e the d�aait; a <br /> . ..,,, ��.;: ap�ca6le law pmvtdes otherwtse).The nottce sdaU s ntt mast be cm+ed;and ' `�,� „�+�1t°; <br /> .,,_ -..::",;';'-F:. � tc)a dat�IIot i�s Wan 30 days from the date the nutice Is givea to Bore+ower,by wMdr the deFa <br /> '...,c. <br /> ,,;;;�: ,,�,, (�that fa��to cane the defaWt on or 6efose.the date specsffal f�the notice may rasult in aooeteraHon of We s� ;:4::;- s' <br /> � � ., r ;�";:� . �ecared by tlils�COrftY Ia�m�aeat and sa�e a!the ProperiY•The natice s6aU faAh�infor�Bormwer o!We rigTtt to "".:_ , ,��- <br /> ` ;�;• , � �State after acceieratiou and the rig6t to briag a conrt adton to assert the noa�e�d.stemae of a defanit or auy ot6er �` �: <br /> ' 7 ;; �>,(;.;` <br /> r�,..-:: . .�r�;,,• +def�se of Borrower do a�eEeratton and sale. I Y t he d e fa n t t t s a o t c a�d o n o r b e f o r e t h e d a t e s p e d f i e�t i n t h e n�c e. <br /> ` '" Leader,at its opttoW maY e��nedlate paymcat in tbll of aD sivas setarecf bY this Secarlt9 Ins�eat without �-�v <br /> ���' fmther deuRand'auA may tavoge the wee of saie end a�other remedtcs peimitte�bY aPDllcabt�law..L+eaader s6aA 6e = <br /> ; f ,-., , - <br /> t � r t�j ,F; wtttt�t to coflect aA exDe�s � vtded!n this p�ageapb Zl,incYuding,b�aat�imtted _— — <br /> in in(��sa1nS the e�emedi�pro �.� <br /> ,- �-�-'-°'.; to.ceaso�mble stWrae3's'fees ana casts o�4tt�e evldenee. oP ttte �� = <br /> ,_. ,,� �;;' If the power of sale is invoke�l.'1'►vstee s6ali�a uotice oi defanit in eacb co�r in wb[ch a�part — : <br /> �` a cabie la�v to Bora+awer and to �'� <br /> :;:,...:��t: .,,. .. Ym�eriy is lacated end sibaD aaa3!oop1es of sacb nottce in the manner pr�tri�3 6Y PD� lic naHae ��:a��-� <br /> �'� :�• the athcr peraoas pres�3Ded by applic�bielaw:Aft�the time�eqai�rd by aPNica�3e law,T�ustee sbaU give pnb <br /> , af sate to the persons and in t6e mann�pr�rrl6ed 68 aQpllcab2e taw.Trastee,wtthout demand on Bortower,sball seSt , �- <br /> � �`: .;:�. the Pevpeety at pnbllc sucttoa to the Wghest bidder at t6e fitne aad ptace and nndrr the teemg deslSpated in We auttce af . <br /> , . ,l<,�.,_ nne sate of ali or any paroel of tQe ��yr - -�t�? <br /> , r ;,; .. sate in oae ar uio=s p�rcds aad In aoy order Trt�stce determimes.7C�stee maY P�P _. , <br /> � ` Property bY Pubttc anam�acement at ttie time and p2ace ot any pRViauslY scf�ednld sate.I.endes os its dcsf�aee ma�' ��- , ;,: .� . <br /> f ;' •� � :.. <br /> ,C:: �, <br /> � •,�4 � �' ptmefsese the Ptopetty at a�sale. , <br /> ,� ° <br /> '� ` ' ... ' <br /> . .��'' ':1r Porm 3028 9I90 ` <br /> 't� �'' . <br /> . ��i.- :c;: v,�9ote • `;` <br /> � . . ��. <br /> . _.. .. ..� <br /> . . _ . . ...;���. _...;`.' . . <br /> �� .. .. . . <br /> ......_ . .... . <br /> ....,... ;; ... <br /> . :�i� <br /> . .. ' ' - ���f•�',�`, �Y'� x..-. <br /> _ . �- ' t - - ., <br /> �• 5 s <br /> � .a� y' ' s ...�„ �;r.a.,:�.�.+-r:�-`: _ yr:.,. 4 ,.si�.1.'fil`� . ' � <br /> t. `. � ` ti .... ._,a:��r '---�.s�,.'�'•.. <5'. a -.';.'• . ':�' +� , '+;'' . _ t-},` . ;�-_rf - <br /> . <br /> .. <br /> .4- ' . i - . 1 � �� '�" ` f '} . <br /> Y` ', -f �S _. . . . . t - , �{ . 1 . <br /> " ?� ` .- . t . \' . . ��� � . ' 1 !� � ' r �� •. <br /> .. � . . . � . <br /> . .. 1.. . <br /> � . � � �' . - .��• . . � . . . <br /> . . .�. ' !"'—�[.' f__ _• ___ . _ _ � � _ _ L 1:-�._ <br /> —- — . �r ct--� . :�--:: , .—-,- i-, � ?' "7' - <br /> � � r 5`• <br /> '•} � )�" . _ . . _ . _J. • .�.. <br /> t � _ . Y: t��'�v. (, y t� ' •'1 4 �`� ` t. •.�.'., + ';f .• <br /> + . . . . 'J�(•' . ' • l? . 1 Y� •• <br /> -Al _ - ' . . � :r , yi- `' ' ' S _•[t � � , <br /> � � .. <br /> : '• � <br /> iti , -' ' • � . .. .. . _ ' - 1 ' <br /> . . <br /> • <br /> . �:_ . . ,.. . �. ..�. �.. _ - - r= Lny.�— — __ -r <br /> . <br /> . <br /> . .;.. . , <br /> -- -- -- -.. , �.. ,� . . _ - . . . _ <br /> . ' .. � <br /> - -- — . ,�. , ... .- "...'.,• . - <br /> -- - --_ -�— .. ' • :_ <br /> '....�.:_� .. _ . -. . . . : . -. . . � . - . . . - . <br /> �+ . � � _ . . ... ' . � ..' ��.. . � I . . . '' r � . ..1,t � - i. ilf- ' �' . . <br /> . ', � -��{ ,\' . ' • . ' •. . - , ` . ' � , '. �' 1 ' � . , . -�. � •�' ' . ' , 1:�'": . 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