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<br /> �� �' G` - � . "_ - �"��rr.3-^.r..-`�-�—,-..-------^-�'"-R-i-i.=i'-"----��- . -. . - - ' ;.
<br /> � � Y.�;� t_pE.� F' '<�`�r�-��_t�t � � �ix .�< .-_`�''"� �.�f `a� 4 � �� � t�r vc�S -. � �` "'��`� .�:�F� � _`' *�"`�.a2` t'p:f.� F 4��+'�-._.
<br /> �,-."��.�Ei'-�� �fic_!1 s -�< ._„�" _� ..�k, '4...,1 �_'i. _ .i. ..,.n b� ��„�
<br /> �'r � 5. ..s�-� i�f.��+'�":..�.. - ,
<br /> Y�• ��� � t.��t::.
<br /> -�t:C :t�f. -.:°�_ �"r',�,..t1.�r
<br /> _ .. . . 7:.1 � -�-
<br /> .`¢,k F.�:_ •�.Z r�yf"
<br /> . `--�-.ti...Lt� _.�;_�_
<br /> :Z>:-'-.. -� -'-
<br /> f ti�` :f•c., . �':� .
<br /> c .�...`•� ��. ` - ! -��-':
<br /> -,.�,'��.'c.'r �� �V�� __�� i��.�_
<br /> V' _ � I 4 . �A � '
<br /> G ^, � ,C, �{�lSi' ,'lln�,
<br /> ` "`*� ``` B. All fiahue advances from Lender to�rantor or oiher fnture ob�igaiiions of Grantds to Lendes under anY P���3+ .� � -'�
<br /> ` ' t`` not�.oontcact,guaranty,or othec evideace af.debt executed by Clrenwr in fgvor of ixader executed after tlus f t� �
<br /> - �""`'�:,, <�'� Seaniry Instrmue�wls�ther or aot tbis Seauity Insurrment is spedfu�tty referenced.If more tha�t one pessoa ;y��
<br /> _ � � .,
<br /> ` � ``�� sigps t6is S�ityr inswment,each C�antor a�eees that t�is Sea�ci�jr Inssuument wlll seaue all future adwanws and G 4. ;
<br /> e 'a
<br /> �`eE i:
<br /> _ = ..�� fudae obfigatians that are g�ven to or inwmed by any aae or more(Irantar.or any one or awre�irantor and ��<..' '�, ..
<br /> �� �,� ' ': others AII 5mu+e advanoes aad other fiWue obHgatioas are secured by this Secwrity G�strument evea though all or ���;
<br /> �r.' �� :� part map not yet be advanaed.All fuque advance�s aad other fature oWigations are seaued a9 if made on!�o dat,e
<br /> �._,�t < t shall oonsdtute a oommita�ent to make additioffat �`"�
<br /> -�;. � �� +uf this Seauity I�tt Alotf�S in this S�a�►�Y IAStrumen �
<br /> s ��? or futaze loaas or advaaces w aay amnunt Any sach oommitment must be agreed to ia a separate writing. .� ` :
<br /> � , .
<br /> R
<br /> G AD ob�ig�tions Ga'antor awes w�Lender.wbisdn may.�at��,to the extent aot protubite�i by law.including.but _ _.-"t>:F:__�
<br /> � : �` �� l` t aa:ount a ment between G►entor end I.euder. �� �Y:
<br /> . �::.r ,_ �= noi limited w.liabi"S�ttes' fos averdrafts re l atiag to anY d e p�i 8�
<br /> ' <<x_r � r:c D. AII add�tional sums advanoed aad expenses incarred by Ixader for insuring,preseiv6tg or otheswise pmiecttng '` ._`r'
<br /> ,�-," .�`,;.�':i4s the Property and its value and aay other sums advanced and expens�s ittwrred 6y Leuder uader the tecros of :�,��� .
<br /> t �;
<br /> f t� -�L
<br /> - 'I9�'ss Seauity Insonime�t sec�ce a�r oihes debt if Lender fa�s w give any requfred aatioe oi the ri@ht of rescssion.. ` �"
<br /> ;,.: :.«
<br /> - ''-<!'�'�`�*-� 5. ��AVIV�NT3.Grantor agrees t��1 P�nts under the Secured IDebt will be patd when due snd in accardaace `�..x'°;-�'.:_.
<br /> �' '= wit6 the tesms of the Sewred Debt and tttis Security Instrur�en� _ .�b'� `
<br /> .�Ff. � � .. 1.
<br /> ` 6� WARBA1�Yr9l.OF 7T1�.E.C:autor waaants that GranWr is or ariU be Iawfulty selzed oi the estate conveyed by ehis �' r y- ,.:
<br /> ` � -��" to Tnt4tee.tn tn�st,wiib r �-` ;
<br /> � ° S e c a�r i t y�ent and�as tfle right to irrevocably grant,coavey,and seU the ProperiY
<br /> , r r.� '��? pawer of sa�e.Gr�nt�s aLsn wairatits tLat ttte Property is naenaun 6 e r e d,excep t fo r e n c n m b r a n c c s o f r e o n r d. ` _
<br /> ' -° �Vitb w an other mort�ge.desd of uust.security agreeateat or ot3ier tien .; �,�
<br /> ,�,•�:°�':,"-1,,� 7. PMIOHSECU�'91II�BBF3IS. regard Y �:;:`,
<br /> , ���.,..
<br /> „�`4� dac�ent that created a prior secmrity Iaterest or eacwabrance on th,z PrapertY.Cirantor agrrees: u��,� .'.
<br /> ..�-.r�,..G±.`I� � . .
<br /> �'.:; : A. To malce aII pay�aenfs when due and W perfoml o�compty witb a!l oovtttau49. .-�--�_ :
<br /> >,. :
<br /> '� �; �� h: B. To promptty deliverto Lender any notices that Grantor receives from the hoIder. ..
<br /> :�.-,;_:_;'�.�"� C. Not to altow any madification or extension o�nor to request any future advances uader aay aote os'agreer�sent J<J,�'
<br /> `� �,�s� secored bq the Ilea document without Lende�s prior written consen�
<br /> � ''�}�x 8. C�.AIMS AG�°�1TD7.E.Grantos w�l pay alt tages.assessmeats,liens,encumbrances.lease payraenta S�a�d� �% �
<br /> .. � _ -:�'�-; rents,a�i�e.y,auduther charge.s retatingto the Property when due.Leitder may requireGrautArtoprovide taLemder • .:.-::
<br /> � r r r `i E� ,. -.
<br /> � ,_�`�. cagies of all notioes t6at sucb amoimts are due and she receipts evidencing(irautor's payment(3raator wIU defend ,�.;:��*
<br /> ' su
<br /> �� titte to the PraP�Y��9�thlt waald im�air the liea of tin�SecurIty Instrament.Ciraatos agre�es w assign . _�1 ^vT
<br /> . . ;, ; w Lender,aa requested by Lender,asry ri8hts.claims or defenses(3rantor may have agaiast parttes a+ho st►PPI3►Iabor ,� :
<br /> , .', ;';.. ormateria1s to inainrain aranprove the Property. •,�.:�;.' -
<br /> `'' •� : 9. UUE ON SALE�$�ICtJMBYtANCE.Leitder m ,at its ogtion,deciare tde entire balance of the Secuted�ebt to :r�;• ,
<br /> ' o or contract for the creation�o�aay Uen.cac,uatbrattce.transfer �'�' °
<br /> ... ,�;,;' be immediately dve and payable apon the creation � -"' � � _
<br /> '� "� � o�sate of ttte Ps�rty.T h�s ri�t is subject to the restri�ctions Im g o s e d by�e d e r a l law(1 2 C.F.R.591 j,.as applicable. �-`�<' .�
<br /> `" '��y T6ds covenant st�ali tua wIth the Yroperty and sbalt remain in effect tmtil the Seaued Debt is paid in fvll ated thls �7 F;�-
<br /> 4.. � �`�� � Serurity Instrument is xeleased. ert iti ood � __
<br /> ..� s���:�-'" ::`�� I 0. P R O P E A 7 Y C O N D�'�,T O N.A L�I t A T I O N S A N D I N 9 P E C T i O N. (3 r a n t a r w i ll k e e p t h e P r o p Y B .,,.�. ;,�;.
<br /> _ , ,:�:..�- '.:;,,�=��-
<br /> �'�� "• • � � condi6on and make all repairs that are reasonably necessary.Grantor shal!uot camrnit or altow any waste, �.:,._,x;�.,�
<br /> S;�-``f`'�':;:� ` impaimneut,or deteiioiation of the Propetty.G r a ntor w�l keep t he P rope ri y f r e e o f n o x t o u g w e e d s and g a s ses. r_�
<br /> ° . ,- :� , . .�iiantor agrees Wat the aature of_the oocupancy c{nd use wiU not snbstantialiy change ariWont Lender's prior written � ;��,
<br /> �`;= . c�onsen�Crantor w�l not permit any change in any ticease.restric6ve oovenant or easement w I t haut L en der's prior - _
<br /> �rt;�: ' " ` wr�ttea c�asent tirantor w�l noti€y Lendez bf all damand9,Proceedings.clahns,aad acdons agaiast Cirantor.aud of �;;=�=-;
<br /> �i� �` at►ytossordaa�age W ttteProperiy. � E _ �.�
<br /> � _.:::�-
<br /> :,,,.;�':..,:'�. Lender or Leade�'s a g ents may,at Lender's option,entei the Froperty at aay reasonable time forthe pucpose of - -
<br /> J � �� inspecang the Pruperty.L.ender shaIl grve(3rantar no t ice�t t he t�me o f or b e f o=e a n i n s p e c t i o n s p e c i t y m g a _-_-
<br /> =='���;" .;�-"�;�;,;':� reasoneb2e purpose fas the 1asQecsion-AaJ+i n s P e e t ion ot the Prope rt y shaU be entuely fos Lender's beaefi!and�. _ _�___
<br /> - ��� ' (irantor wlli in noway rely onLeade�s iuspecaion. � ___
<br /> �-.'`.,:-�� � �;1. AiPi7tORYl'Y 30 PERFORM.If Grantor fails w perform any dt�ty or any of the covenaats eontained in this . �- �
<br /> �`,� en i,endes ma .without notice,pertorm or caase them to be pertormed.Grantos appoints Lendet - __.:-
<br /> Seca�rity Iastram t, Y
<br /> t � . �"��;..��•ti.��r� as atWmey in fact w sign Grantor's name ar pay an}►amount necessary far edormance.I.ender'a ri t w erform!or � r���
<br /> � .�,:_:4,: P P� P � ,,. ,,.
<br /> -�� - _ .,: Cwrantor shaU not create au obligation to perfotm,and I.endeT's failure to yeriorm will not prectade Lender trom ^,:__:�_
<br /> _ . exerasmg any of Leadu's other Ag6ts under the taw or this Security InstrumenL U any canstrucdon on the Property is _.
<br /> �^ .. , ..;�j�:_ discon6nued or not canied on ia a reasonable manner,Lender may taAce all steps necessary to protecl LetWc='s ;��. =
<br /> . ..•. , security inferest in the Proyerty,mctuding oompletion of the canstruction. T``� .,:
<br /> ,'� �� ]b qggIgl�►ENTpg LEpS�44 ANp IdLN!'S.t3rantor irrevocabty g�ants,com+eys and selis to Trustee.in trust for thc �•..
<br /> � ' �:�+ • beaefit of Lender,as additional seauitY aU the rtght,titte and interest in and to any aad all exisdng or future lcases, ��":,`.����
<br /> � ., ���•;,;.,.F � • subleases,and aay other written ar veibal agreeiaei►ts fo:the use and aca�ancy of any portion oY the Piroperty. . •`._;�;;.�
<br /> " jncdudiag aay extensions,renewals�modifuaaons or sutr.�tttut�ons of such a�reements(all refened to as"Leases")aed :':,'�,::,�
<br /> ��� ���.��`� �� renta,issues and profits(ap refened to as"Rents°).GranWr arill promptiy provIde I.ender wlth true and conect .
<br /> . ;�. `•� •:;::;.�; cop�esaf ail e�us�ng and future Leases.Grairtor may collect,receive.enjoy�and use the Rents so loag as tiranWr is not
<br /> - �' ' ���� .'.;i. in defauIt uader the termsnithis Securlty Iastrument. '';'
<br /> �� �'` � ��� � .:_��,`. �irantor actmawtedges that this ass9gnmeat is perfeaed upon the recording of this Deeti oY Trust and that Leeder Is
<br /> : i.;..
<br /> �•:'_f:• . t _•�v:l�:.�
<br /> entitted to notify any ot Grantor s tenants to malce payment oF Renta due or ta become due to I.cnder.Hdwever,
<br /> ' Lender agrees tLat onty on default will Lender notify Cirantor and(irantar's tenants and make demand that all futura
<br /> . . Rents be paid directty to Lender.On receiving aotice of defanit.(irantos wilt endorse and deliver to Lendcr�any .
<br /> �•'�.::''.':,, ,.' payment of Rents in Grentar's possession and arill receive any Rents in Wst for Leader aud wlll nat camminglo iho� � `��.;;' '�
<br /> - Rents with suy other funds.Any amounts collected will be.applied as provIded in thia Secunity Insuument.Orantor .;�.;,�,c :
<br /> � � � ` warrants that no default exists under the Leases or any appllcable landlord/tenant law.tirentor atso agrces ta mnintain
<br /> - .. ..=t,�:-�'"-==_:�. and require any teaant to camply wlth the ter�s of the I.eases and appllcable law. �
<br /> .:;,"�.��` •. 1�. LEASEflOLD3;CONDONIINIUMB,PLANNED iJNFI'DEVEI.OPMLAPi'3.Orantor agrees to compiy with thu ''�; '
<br /> ..,.. .�.� ,: '' . provisIons o�any lease ii this Secarity lnstrument�s on a teasehotd.lt the Property includes a unit in o conQdminium .
<br /> ���;,;�`� ;� •.; ar s planned uait development,(irantor will pertorm all of��rantor's duties under t6e covenants, hy-laws.or :�;',
<br /> • :.� - .. . regulaUans of the condominium or ptanned unit devetopment. �, �r'". ..��-
<br />=•J .;� � � 14. DES�AULT.Grantor will be in defauit if any party obligated on the Secured Debi fails to makc�rayment whcn dtu;. : ;,
<br /> Citantar will be in deiaWi ii a breach occws under the terms of thls Security instrument or any uthcr dacuiteent .
<br /> ---- ---- - .-,-�
<br /> -- ,.,'
<br /> �� (papo2ola) ,
<br /> . Ot43o0mam.syuarraun.sLCbua.wu I�ma3m,zla�)iwmaEOravE e�e+ae
<br /> _ , i,..
<br />