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<br /> �'F ,..:}:�`�� � EXTEiH510N AGItEEMENY FQR DEED OF TRUST ` � '� ,
<br /> 2 . 4 i. t�:{ , q _
<br /> f� -�'a.�� � i . � f�, �_� �t �.---
<br /> :r �.-.4': � � < �� 'r ._
<br /> ,_, , 1...�.: �� . �..4 _ f� " :
<br /> � y �� � � ��t � THIS Agv�eme.nt is made as of thls 12th day of D�emtoear. 1998, r : fi :
<br /> ` � by and bet�rreean F{VE POiNTS BANK, �vhcse mailing address is P.4. �- 1= -, � G � �;
<br /> �t ` �� � Box tSQT. Grand tsfand. Nebras�ca 6880a Ihereirtafte�' °�e�d�j, � `�C t �? fG � �
<br /> � �`�` owner and hoider of the c�rtafn P�omisspr.y►, N� 4ar �60.OD0.00 da�d �.
<br /> � : ` � yI _
<br /> � ', r.� May 3t. 199a,� given by James A. Stauss and Caro! J. Stauss, r ` ' -
<br /> � � �" �� �;:: husband artd wife(heretnaft�r "Borrowers°) and secured by the certain �-.f.;;� �7_� �:;
<br /> , . F.,
<br /> 9` ; � , �:;;;: Deed of Trust ag th� certain real esta4e theretn described. situated, t F � ,
<br /> �� a �r�: tying and being in Hat�. County. NeOaraska, and more par4lcularly , -�� �:
<br /> r�F. .,,ti.= ' � . �
<br /> ,�. �; deserii�ed as followa, to-wit: :r � �%�
<br /> ;� _ , 4r`� ,� ,���,;� `
<br /> ,` , r � ,;� Lat Twenty-two (2a) except t�r.� (Vort9zerly Twe.�ty-nie�e (29) Feet ._
<br /> ty of Crand ' ' � �
<br /> ` �'��` and l.ot Twenty-Yhree ta33 in Befrt�t�t Additton to the Ct ;:,: r4 , <z � .=-
<br /> "";� �'"�' Nebrs�ka: � • r.r .`.��- r-
<br /> f lstand, Hatl Caunty. -
<br /> / 1-. ' �A 'y - .
<br /> - �.t..- � Ij___ -'.
<br /> � .:` r ..;�,;.::_ which ssid Deed of Trust is clated the 31st day of Ma�. 199b, wherelv� �: = y � : � ��`f:_
<br /> _ :,�'.;�;`x �Iv±� Potnts Ba»k is Beaeflciary, and pecorded in 4�s� afflce of the �°f.,�,�';* z:;j ;:
<br /> .,,..,,, . _
<br /> ��fx:r- ltegister oi Oeeds of Hail Cownty. Nebraska. as Oacs�en! #SB-103552 �=.� ,,� ; ,
<br /> �.E � .�t:. �.' ,� �.
<br /> of Mortgages on the 31 st � of May. 1995: , ! �
<br /> , t�' •t I� .
<br /> .�. � f
<br /> :;y ��' � �i��.: WITNESSETH, that satd parties, for .themsetves and their helr.s, .1
<br /> � � ._
<br /> _ _ :�- :: .�;;�`°'- executors, .administrators•�nd assigns. 3�erebY mutuaf1y agr�ee that the .:;;::,.;;;s <�� „•
<br /> �`� ' �� time for the payment of the pPindpat and interest on satd Promissoty � { �_� �e -:
<br /> .; �.. .. :,�:� �.
<br /> ,. .=r..� N�te dated May 31, 1�995, shait be as faitows: _�� �` � •����-
<br /> ::. � - -.f ;
<br /> - .t:,. ' - • �,,; :.�,;�: �_
<br /> ' ; ::•;_ �f:;:: � ;�.
<br /> A new Consumer Note �7a37Za dated Oecember ta, 1995, ta� the
<br /> '.� ent as set out on � ��
<br /> originai prMcipal amount of S55,011.00, with �epay+m �ndp�l and � ` ,� �
<br /> satd Consume� No4e with a flnai payment of remaining p_ �--
<br /> : ..'�te
<br /> �� �° interest due �December 15, 2000. Maturity date on Reed of 'irust ��"����
<br /> ���� dat�ed May 3i, 1995 is heireby �extended ta Deeember 1 S. a0Q0. 1�:�;�y,-
<br /> r J , x t
<br /> y: � r .
<br /> _.,.;.:..r -. ....; The Bor�aawers he�eby fi�:�ther ratify and ca�flrm aii .of of �• �,} _�
<br /> `� . ., , �
<br /> „ :;� ��Y : , � teraas� and emndittons coMeined in the Acknowtedgcn��t of Dee
<br /> ;�,± .. . Trust and Qeed of Trust of Borrowe�s to Lender dated May 31, 1995. --��,
<br /> as referred to �bove and satd t�orrowers wili t� ali respects fai4hfully -��,,�_ r
<br /> • � compty and perfarm all 4he covenants and promises tn 4he aforesatd ����
<br /> � ; Oeed of Trust. ' ��:�� �
<br /> i •: ':: ` , � .�''��:
<br /> ;. ' ; g8 ts expressfy unders400d and agreed that the efor�satd Deed ,. �, � ��,� _
<br /> ` .,, .. of Tr�st shap rematn in �11 foree and effc�et in aii respects and lhat �"�, =K � ..;
<br /> ��� r� �; �� �othirtg he�ein 9ha11 af�ect or impatr any rights and powers whlch the. . , ,, •.,
<br /> ., ;.;��.;;;,., Lende� may have 'thereunder for the recovery of. the s�id debts . �: ; :
<br /> ':.,.rt,�f•,
<br /> se�aered hy sald. Deed ot T�, with Interes4, in case, ot the , :
<br /> no�-futtiltment of thts Agreement. , �.. �. .
<br /> .��� A�d the said Borrowers �hereby eovenant 4hat they wip pay the '�r , .;
<br /> � � satd p�ineipal sum and �interest as provided by t�e Pr+amissory Note ':. , S v`:� � =.
<br /> ' '• `, ,'::��„_�; reterred 4o above at the times therein specifted e�d that they wtit �
<br /> perform and observe atl of the covenants, agreemen t s, s t ipu t a t�o n s
<br /> and condittons on tha paM of the Borrowers cont�tned ln sald Oeed of
<br /> _ � ' Trust in all respects. _ :f . •
<br /> � ,:�`: ;'�.:.....:...:..'. .
<br /> iN WITNESS WHEREOF, thA parti�s have hereunto set their "•� r ' ,
<br /> ^'. � - - hands and seals the dary and year tirst above vuritten. --_. ,:,�°;
<br /> -� � .'� ' FIVE POINTS BANK. Lender, ..
<br /> _ . ;� ;.�� ..
<br /> �;':'. .?z''� ;+ gy ,ililil � � �i� "'�� .
<br /> � � Mike A. Rothe� . '
<br /> i'��`� . �` ���', ViCe P�e3ldent .','
<br />-:i.;. + .:•: y . . C_ - - � ..
<br /> • -� .
<br />` ,;' ,.r, Carol J. auss �� , •E,�
<br /> °4.=,� ' � . James A. S�auss
<br /> ;, � ���: ,
<br /> �•_': .. ,. , � -- _ ���
<br />