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<br /> � �.i.�v�:-i..aW�tcf - rc4.-_- .� t .- - - ` - :2'a�•.�. ��. �yF f�. ,eR sc -T^'A?y'?"'t""'1 �aM1'eyY. gc� � < p-,-i .
<br /> dt . a4- n'' . ^ , - - Y . . �' CfBt�e .1'�- b.� z u 'T - a, �7 ..5.' +.. L
<br /> _".;'t. �t, f. ... �y .. r� _c"� _ .L �.� -t--. i �� r.S�''r� _1 (s"�.- -4- tf'..� °� i.c - �{ L � 7�. - .r it, rt�',�.
<br /> t �.-A j � 4 't �- "��'F' F. R '' 'x `� £ 1 c� �s C � •. � .� _:L ,.
<br /> 'f""',r4'?C ;[.�� � �, t" -c• t .,. " �r x' r �.�r- .a. �.---� �. , -cr'�k- ,..'g--s_'�—' n'�_'-
<br /> .'��_•ra:�"ctt'i:r�' _...\r,`� .>� � F .YY .£ -=, .R .�'�.- qrC ; b t.�. F' _ _'_ �S' rc -s,.ur,-: '•f' ��
<br /> }-.•;. ..r,s.s...� t ,4, R „o�yF a c. t"4 .l, f �%" V�r'r. �. *.'�" _
<br /> cL. .b. - 'o- 4 4'Yt....-� - 4 �i
<br /> ..,{q t , t• o' _
<br /> � �� u <h" • ,�+E,'.
<br /> ..(.a' .•�i._(. • ` ' _
<br /> .�y. _,' �,c. , d. ` .�.`-".:.
<br /> '(�SC c '�- :;S'
<br /> :6f" � � _
<br /> K'" i
<br /> �'�� •�}'F'� S
<br /> �
<br /> x- � `-e
<br /> f`� `�� ;• � �� �� ° ���r .
<br /> �t'�'��`�_�-,`;.�s<- The co�putation of the armual rent shall be done bg th� I.�$sor, ;:;`�,�;..�`;:
<br />�:�'. :`t:< �..:."rr. .r<�_:<'�
<br /> �: e � � � but shall be unffosm amoag a11 le��ee-stockholders uf Ruester �-� � �
<br />: -,e'.E... :•F'.:.i:�:;� *�.��� T� T.� . _
<br />-... 4 .. .t..;. ..; YOii.0 iiiC• �ii '� 'S'`'�.�
<br /> _. �:.:. :e. . , aay event the annuai rent of the Lessee sha21 not �` ti: :�
<br /> ,_..,y,,�
<br /> -���.a�.�`=`����-� � exceed Qne Hwadred Doilars tSY08.001 ualesa a �a ori :� �
<br /> :tit ::�� � �1t o€ all -f�
<br /> :<<:.... .
<br /> :-:=���:-:�-�.= lessee-steekho28ere of Ruester Lake, Zac. toae vote for each - -
<br /> .• . r.�., _ �.�i(`..
<br /> :. - share), present and votiag at a speciel meeting cailed for that
<br /> •`. - ���: purpose, ah�l approve the eaffis. , :� ;ti;
<br /> ' ' � k. _
<br /> . .Y'y ...•, . �.�_--�
<br /> :t .;:_:�:�;�;� 6. Access- The Lessee Bhall have aCCese fram the leased �:���--:.
<br /> '.4:�v , `,�•�=: ~ premises anta the Lessar a roads a�d e?�a12 a2sa have the right to =,`�r�..
<br /> _.. : <, .,._. • r.�"��-'
<br />-``:' � ;:`�: ,:,., use the lake for bcatin , , aad fis ���
<br /> , . . . ,•�..' 9 s�i�ia3 hiu9. These acces$ :�;.`':;��-
<br /> �:`��z- - ri ts are in commose �ith the other lea eh �`-��;`
<br /> _=:`.� `-` - 9h s olders at Suester ";.y�`
<br /> - � o L:.�•:,:';,' 1 _ .
<br /> �� -:-.z-:. �e- L:.�.:�
<br />. �.�t�';_ ; _ - ',,r_-.�.:�.
<br /> ���� �-���-` 6a �.ar Leases. This Lease replaces aad su ersedee �W�4y
<br /> .: ,-,. ;"�;:.�;,::; ��.F��;�:;
<br /> Y ��� � prior Lease for said premte�s oobi.ch the Lessee or hie � . `--
<br /> - - predeaesso�ee in tftie map �aire held. , : f-`- M�
<br />�y_. ' _.Y , ` ' . . . �., .4'�'.
<br /> �":n 9. D�termfnati�oa of Brn�nd�riea_ G`'=
<br /> _� " . ---- The Leseor ehall have the - =
<br /> �_ <<_=;.•:. �_. _,.� . right, oa a reascaable basis, to detesmiae the boundaries betv�een . ;.,,�.:.�.
<br /> .� the Lessee aud his neighbors if the I,essee and his aeighbore � k �
<br /> ri 4 - r ,
<br /> s�� . car�uot agree to such bound�y line. The.lake fraat $cun�ary of �� � --
<br /> n:�,-��;;_ - the leased premiees shali be to the mater liae as the eame map " �'� f�
<br /> ,1G :: f..:,_..:- exiet fram ti�e to time witb changes in the �vater 1eve1 of the � �� ..-_:;
<br /> •- ; `��A� `�. lake. The boua8a�y 13ne of tYie leased prem#.ses a�utt�ag the , �j'��`"�
<br /> i:�
<br /> '��t��'; Lesso�'s ca�oa roads ehall be reason�bly detesmiaed by the :�:�:°��
<br /> , :
<br /> ` ` ' . Ia2880Y. . . . �r �-
<br /> c' �.4 4 j . ��;.
<br /> .� � -.�' - " - �
<br /> -�-_�--.���-_- 8. Peaaefu]. Fa session. �ls 2o�g as Leasee confasms with �-
<br /> �
<br /> t; `; � . the requir�meats bindiag upon him in r.�ie Lease Agreement, the . . _ ��
<br /> �.,�-�;._�-<.:�::�_;: • Lessee shall eaj�Y Peacef�v], possessiaa of the leased prea�iseg. . ':=_'-��
<br /> +''F�-�� ;�`?. • ,1 r ! [r
<br /> ;„:: ; ,� 9. �.,iipravemente_ The Lc3asee ehall keep the leased ps�miges �
<br /> ,,,;�,,;;:�r, . •; � ; ia a aeat and eleau ao�tditiou at all timss aad shalZ keep aiZ; . - ".�..�,�.:
<br /> -�=•��';•�;f: : • , _ �,:
<br /> t�R.. T `;. , fmpravemsnts or� the le�set�•p�cemises in a good con�tition of. -
<br /> :�:' � tE�lafr• . .� _
<br /> �F;,,==-
<br /> ;,� �: ..t..,
<br /> � '� , . . . �.�_
<br /> ',, ,�..�; � • � Z0. �1d�1$0IffiSII�_ '17le IiE88@@ 8�eS9 IIOt CO �81dOII•Lh@ �- :
<br /> :� �`— .: � � xeas�d premi.see. � � � ::::==--
<br /> ;,. .
<br /> .: ,;;'.:'�; . . .
<br /> ��_ ,, :G.�J�._) . ' �li• �y,.. `�,.A G. . .��`••••,—.
<br /> . ' r r:.� . . ' �MV rRaY80� i ._
<br /> i4 d_:1�:�,�.{' �.' ��` '�ii�. .� M►C ��t �r0 Ci�.Pi �On i.a�G 1 C�i�G{� Br.G...�� i�= ' � i � —.
<br /> �� ,i ��•�: . . 3nstalYat�oa of uaderground or abo�ve-� ut3llty liaea aa� .the � � °
<br /> r . . r �-r: I�C�II 10� A@C@B
<br /> �• ,.��� • g sa=y repaira o� impraveme�tce to or abutting Cito � -_
<br /> � - , :_ � �leased premf.ses. The Leseo�e �reee ta �esrore the prem3se� to " ��
<br /> `�;°:r �':°,;; . �ubstanxialiy the" same can�itioa ae� they �exe belose e�ay sucb � �
<br /> �t,.; s���'; . �3netallatian and at the Leseor•e.expense. . . �� --
<br /> � ����• 12. R�le��a_,�„R ac�ulatians_ The I.easee agtees to comp2y a�i.th ',', =_
<br /> ,� �� r.�4 =���._ . the rules �nd regulatian$ ae prepared aad fusniahe8 by the Lessor
<br /> �•°�:'.`:;;::- J���r�,� to the Lea�see. gsom time to time. Such svies and segulatione . ,. . .:;,"_'�`°-
<br /> 5 r = � ,;,', � eha21 contaia restrictions and limita�ii�ne� Por the mutual � � � :--
<br /> , . ;������ �iene£gt of aii Lesseea�at guester Lake; pertaining to the u�e by ��
<br /> �_:.
<br /> "..�a= ' the several �sseee at Ruee�er Lake oY the iake itsei t, com�on � '���.�-•f
<br /> ��� }'' roa8s, an� the leased premises. It ia uaHerstoo� that the basic � �`x`''"'-
<br /> ' . . use oY the iea�ed ps�miaes sltali be foz reeideatiai • � ���=.�:-
<br /> ..:,, � t.�e Lessor maX permit, tram P�Posea, but _-
<br /> ` ° ' ti3me to time, commerciai activitiee ��.��?,-'
<br /> ...��;��.'�:;,,�'`.:�;,'`. - on the le�sed premises. Aay such rulee, regulat3ons aad pes�ttite
<br /> _ . are sub��ct to chaage by the Lessor, exceptiag�that the �rasic �.`;:�r.�
<br /> � :��".�� :,,`�� � purpose of. the iease8 premises ag residentia! shall aot be "
<br /> ' ;t�"�,�.... "_;�,; � abri8ged. Any changee in the sules an� regulations muet be . -� �-
<br /> � �•��• `-:::: .,;;. ' .'.`"
<br /> . , �.,.�.:.:._ appsoved by a majority oP �he leaeehoidere present and voting at� �:�.�
<br /> . .. a meetin Called fOr SuCh ,�';;����,°
<br /> �.-• _'� :�;:.; � g psarpose of �vhlch vrritten notice has -
<br /> ' :�. •�� been g3ven to sii leasehoidere �oae vcte per Lease) .
<br /> ,ti.: . _ ���:
<br /> :...� ,
<br /> - �'.� 13. 7�ezm�aation p Lease �v_1'=eEa �see. IP the �:- ��.:•
<br /> f1* A�i *A
<br /> ' __ Leesee Paiis, after ninety �90? daye paior oorittea aotice ErQm �
<br /> ' ' : the Leesor, ta remedyany default in his or her compl�ance with =� .'_
<br /> ` an of .the oblf tiane ib n�a �
<br /> '��..�: Y � g u,pon him or her under tDie Lease
<br /> ;,,�� :�: .:;��..:. Agreement, or under ehe Rulee aa8 �tegulatiama furnishe8 him or ., :.,�
<br /> _ .: . ' :4�
<br /> — ' i
<br /> - ./% ' "
<br />.. <`;.� . -
<br /> i::.:a
<br /> (.�' .
<br /> . •�•:
<br /> • �
<br />