,� ��=s:s.�-�;s,�� cr� t� '.r r v.�._..-.
<br /> _�ra.=rc�� -a q *�"� '"K�*� °�,{n^fi���.� - ,x�s..'rr�• }� �.li}#c 4._ ���' ..7ty . _ s . _,` _
<br /> i� � 1�n'.a'�i��s�+ -_ _.t:.�. _ c ..�. , it'� ' ' ._ . � �-�.' - -
<br /> . re�} `�id.� V ;,t� . ��(. t z'e,- -sr--.t�h s t�.
<br /> �Y . � s.a - i� :.'�s:�`� .$.--.tw- ' -w.�.�irk•�-•�C. ' -
<br /> �:c.:.-. _ .�.a;"'�..s's�i�'.`.L�..-x.:,-=ic�.i::s�'ss�- _ �"��^Yi: .•✓�-�,� ;.s.�"'Y� . -
<br /> .... - . . - . . Y .. J .
<br /> .. !I- ` - C-. - � �•2 F
<br /> +'`_s x. _v � �v �:�: -� �s��.r- �. � _ . ��-��-�.�'g_"'_'"'1.' --..-.-,.c°--°x;ry-.�-�!-;�. r "°"�r'��"�', 't-,. � yr i �. -
<br /> `t ��..� ..-rc-{C.-^'�'c"� '4' c z`�'� �--L'cy c .` r_. T�';-i��� .�� �- �� `�-T-"� 'T"-, �x-a�z J �`c c*�z-�
<br /> .
<br /> E 4 ��- � � T - c. a.- +� c F¢ d.. . �`• � ° - fS -.$� o-'r.r 4f :
<br /> --s-� ! ., s u'c.' �1�c�•�;s i.t+t45K.`£.t�,�, E .... z r � r4..�y -r�����.cut{� f � _,` _ --{ ` �. Q�; -��r Qr � �S� y� �i�_..
<br /> .�Qr�' h�r_�� - 6:._�,x�:�..:, .�� ��- •�-`_` _..x.}a.. '" c'G�� r.�_'.�..�'F' - i't._v_ scK�Y. . l�t _. .f _ ���,ci___ i'��� ';�ss
<br /> �r �+
<br /> Y S ���Y � P'S
<br /> � •��i . . ;' •
<br /> _�'.�_: __.�e. � .:.
<br /> ..,A``•ot:..}.,c'. . 4-
<br /> •'..Z._�..�ft -4F" :' ��*.:�-.
<br /> . s�..a _ q�.,.:�::Y- '
<br /> � '�- '` ,�` 17.Tea�.d�of the 1tto�rty os a�tat�t[a Bormc�.It all or any part af the Property or nny interest in it
<br /> �:.::a• .-�!:'�.::: �
<br /> ,-., 4 is soW Qr tc�sferred tor J a Deaefiaal intet�s(in BonYSwwcr 3s soW or tr�cfers�d aad Bor�uwes is not a a�tural persua)wit�tu :��.�-
<br /> h�� � a s _.
<br /> �+ f a l,eader's prior wrlttm oonseet. Lead�may. at its option. imiadiate paymeat in fiill of all sums secureA by t�is < '-
<br /> _. �.. .E s",. '� �eatrity fa�tnsment.However.ffiis aptioa s6afl aot be exercJsed�y l�der if exetrise is pratubited by feder.il law As of che date �;
<br /> � _`,: n � • of tAis Se�ttrtty Iaslnentent. .
<br /> ' � ` �� Ii[xnded e�[erci�es this option.�eOdes sGall give Botmwer aotice of ao�eieration.The nasice sha!!provide a peri�of aot
<br /> _ ` n.�_�:�:" tes�th�n 30 dsys fmm the date the notice i�deltveied or m3ited�vithiu�vdidi Bu:rower mnss pay all sums s�c�tted 8y this . �,
<br /> ;,��_���.: `.:`�.�`: Ssnuin,�t.If Bomower fa7s w p3y these sums prior to 1he expirattoa at tl�is period.L.e�ea may invoke any remedies :�
<br /> G 1 <, .
<br /> t �� �'' pertnitt�d�y tfiis Seairity Iastntment wiNout fi�Met nottce or dernand o»8orrower. � •�:
<br /> ':. �:`'-;=-,,.` �' 18. BosoaseNs iti�6i to R�e If Bomawer erteets an�n oottdltions. Barmw�er s6a11 have the right to lmve ,_
<br /> . �.
<br /> ,�": �•`.a��-,":'-� en�Foreearent of this Seairity tasuumeat Giso�uinuued at eny time prior to�he earlier of: (a►5 days tor sach other period�tv .�4-
<br /> s�` - ayplira8le taw may sperify fos �) �refo� s�e aff t6e �Ftsss�at ta aay pa�s c►f salc�tai� i�this -
<br /> ` Se�rity[tuuumen�or(b)enuY of a judgcuent eaforcing this S�curity I�utumeat.77tose�rtduiosu are that Borrower:(a)pays ��'•
<br /> �� �°^.'�._..,•: L.eader all sumc er6ich thea aoutd h�due under this Sewdt}r U�me�and tl�ee Note as if no acaeteratian had oavrre�d:lb) .�'
<br /> - j:;��:�:,�a`F cares ariyr detault of any other oave�taats ar Bgre�.s:(c?PaYs ail e�incuned in enfoncin�this Seauity Iastrument. �
<br /> `.� �r':.� inct�ing.but nat llmited w.�asaaabte attPincYs'fees:and td)takes sud►actioa as l�ende�may masanabfy cequire ta amu+e . ` "
<br /> �� mat the lien nf WLs SeauRty Iost�ummt.ir�der's rights in dr�Pcupenq and Horrow�ei s obligatioo to pay the svms se►,yured by "•.
<br /> ::.`«�' =``�"`< tbis S�urity [astcua4ent sha11 ooruiaae attcbaaged_ Upon �1 by Bortanrer. this Se�auiry Lsst�t a3d the 1r`
<br /> � � , ` a6ligatio�se�vred Mrehy sdatl remain foity effaxive as if no aoceleratfaw dad acc�ured.Hawever.this ri�ht m teia�ate s�at!
<br /> ,:�:�,�_ `'- uot��y m d�e�e of aece�ion uader p�h 17.
<br /> �`, .'�; �I9�at�af NM�(�►aag�of Inan�ervfa�: 1�e Note or a parrial jnL�t in the Nore(together with Wis Seauity
<br /> _- '�`°�- - - Iaa�nt)may be sold one or more qm�;without prinr uflGce w Homawer.A sate may�1[in a change in the eatiry(� -_
<br /> � �-��' as t4e•Loaa Savioer')tdat oo�t�Cts monthiY PaSr�u dne undea the Nate aed this Stcurity l�tnuaent.TRene al�may be oQe
<br /> � � s� or�me�ges of the l.atn Servicer ancelated to a saIe of die Nat�i`f th�e is a�of the Loan S�vto�.Bor�w�t�n71�
<br /> '%. f�.: writtea ao�ce of die in a000id�ace u�ith h 14 ahave and
<br /> ."'.�.::, .,:,::.: �� � Pa*�S�P aPDfica6 e law.The notioe a�7!stateti�e�aoxaad .
<br />—� `.r� ..:;�.: addr�ss of ehe new Loaa Seivia�r attd the add�ess to whic6
<br /> ; s • �s F Paymeats shoutd�made.The aotice will ai�o ooumm aay other
<br /> '.: • . info�teqtpred by appWabie law.
<br /> � `s. , ,.<" 20.Baxst�d�Sub�aaaes.Bo�ro��er siiall•rmt c�se or t tht utry .
<br /> .:,:` •` ;; pemn pt�e.use,disposal. starage, at telease of i
<br />- Razardous Subst'anoes oti or ia tUe Pmperty. Hascuwet sbaU aat do. aar alluw anyone eLse to do, anytbfig aff�the
<br /> ':`�:°t' ''�;, � Pm�ty tDat is m vlolation of any Snvac�ammernal Law.'ilue pre�eding two�sdall aot appty w tke presano�use.or '
<br />_ ..,:,.��._:: ,
<br /> T�';,-;-;;�:..:.<<.°��� : stmage on the Froperty of smaU qeanti6es oY R�rdoos Sat�oes that a�generatty�eeognizad to be appm�ate co Bormaf - -
<br /> -� ; • �esid�uiat oses and to�of the Pmperty. •
<br /> .. ;,5 f _
<br /> � BOfTOWCf S��pIOQ�t�yl$iVC�Wfit[C�ROKCC Of BIt�[�YE'S�$3It0i1.C�3�i1.Q��Ad.�3WSIllt OT Oi�ICT BQIOD�8t1�► f :...
<br /> - �ta!or�eg�tY a�y ar pamy�nvaJwng thC PtDp�IJ(mtd aay A�doas Sub�e Or EnYitv�al law
<br /> ` , *; ` :1; � of whid�8orco�ver has acdral lmanrt e.if Bonoar�r l�ras.or is,�ratif ed by any goxe�tat or regalawry amtharity,that � :-
<br /> ' u.r° . � aa�ted�val or arther remediation of aay Ha�daus Sub�nee affecting tke P��r is aeces.gary.Bomo�r-er sball pmmptly take
<br /> i i � ` ,.�; a!i aeoes�ary re�dia!a►�ioas is ssecot�daaoe with Env�tal Lavr.
<br /> ,�� 4 .� � As osed ia Wis parag�L Z0. 'H�doas Suhstanas'tue thase sn6staacxs defiaed ag touuc or t�doas sa�s 6y�
<br /> ,;. F.av�!Iaw aad the.follac�ring� �Otfi�, k�e. o�er ilammabte or ooxic p�etraleum�soducts. to�ic
<br />',` _ ;.:`:;1;� =_ � p�tiddes aud herbicides,votatite soivwts.m2teriaLs oontainiag asbestos or fom�dehyde.aad radioactive matenals.As osed in ' -_
<br /> .. . , °__,:'��*� �, tltis�h 7A. 'Fmim�l Law• me�s foderal laws mW Iaws of the jmisdiction wheie tlte Pmperly is [a�ed that -
<br /> ��: h � ;. ,, zetate to 6eaTt6,a�fety or wvua�emai psotearon. . �e�
<br /> ' . , ..,., PION-UNIF4RM�OVE11iAN75.Bnauwer and I.ender fiut�ouveaant and ag�eeas fottaws:
<br /> .;.�.:.:.= :�. : ;;. 2i:Aao��aHos��edies.L�der sbaD gire actioe to Bon+atiser Qrtor 4s aeo�on foIIoWtng Bono�s breacA � . �_�:
<br /> .�� �� oi say coeeaant Qr�eai in tMg Seeartty�eat(but aait'prms to aee�ti��der pL 17 amie�
<br /> MS
<br /> r f ap�dL�6le faw�athscvLs�).T6e aatt+oe sLall spedif�: (a)t�e dda�t:@)the a�am��tIIe d�aul� � ''
<br /> ; � �. (c)a daie.not t6arr 30 days ft+am the date.We ao8ce is giv�to Bon�r�.bY w�h t�.d�tutt musi be ctued;aa�l �' _
<br /> ,,�tE� = °`' -,� tdi t�i fa€[�to;�i�e�o�o�ices'o�e t8e 8�te spedHed in t�e a�oe ar�y z�te�aeo�on ai the�
<br /> Y
<br /> :>rx;•.. �.:•��:._.; ; sec�+3 Dy_fnf4 S�titp�eat aad sate of t�e#�egarty.�e aa�tae sh�tm�es fafmm Bainvwer of Kte rtp�t to ��-.-
<br /> ;;.- = �aRer aa�an ffid!he ti�E Gu bring �t oumt acttan to asert ttte n�ot a d�lt or aay al6er -
<br /> �' " '. �� dcP�oi Boizavp�r to saod�a2lan aaa�sut�i8 44�e d�It L4 nat�u+ad on or bdoee the date speditea ia f�aotio� � _ -
<br /> �.w:�� � ::'; Letdc�,at fis n�sas�Y��FaYm�t b Po!!ot ati s�s�.by 1�Seeurity tns�i��t wftiWaR --
<br /> -�'.� � � ' t��d��.A,�,p,,,�a^�p n�ay tmrake the pa!�Es��sa[e•a�n.,d��atsg,�a}t�tt¢r rer�used�Ies p��,tm,, iE�d O+Y�t8tq.1.�•s�ae11L b�p —_
<br /> lS-3b � r�� f • C�W�li1�!W�yL1,�t07'iLl��1_Ls��{p '4L�.{C{4WlO�lY.��NY7����QQi�3uY[�1t �.*
<br /> � ��_�i �iR�i4�3Yii�����W 4Y{�.�� ' . � � �+.�,_�
<br /> `,'. � ��•..
<br /> '„1:j' �': U 1�IC Ot 58��S#fi0�s�7L5b8C 5�8If tEOF)f�8�ot dP�3Nt�Cii�b �D��8U�RRR!�'�" —
<br /> •••.�:;"�—.'�:� . . �l'�QC[l3►�4�8I�8��Cd�.4 Ot 6QPb IIO�W�D f�C�QJ�T���El]��TO$Of[�8IId t0 =_—
<br /> _,_u_•.'':+'•.*. =
<br /> �°,;-.' ' t��P��P�bY appftcabte taw.ARer the tiffie tequlied Dy applitabie iaw.�dee sAaU gire pu61k aotic� �: -
<br /> °;.,;',��. �:, . o!sute to the�and in t�te mama�P��$Y eDP�te law.'lea�e��it�aut d��u�Bano�,s�tl s�l!
<br /> y a�
<br /> ;:.'_ the Ptope�ty st pnblie a�nn to tice�bighest 6idder at t�e ttme and pl�ae sad�the t�ms d�d In tI[�uai�oe at �_�•
<br /> -�..-. -:`.: , sate in�e�n�e�aad tn�azder 7�a�ee d�miae�.1U'QStee m�►pas�sade a!aif ar nny pat+oei ut t�e e _
<br /> _::��: -��,:'�:. - ��D�9�+Y P�a�p�opnu�t et tIIe dme aad ptaae ot aay previo�fy�d�I,�d�or ib dcdgaex may �-
<br /> �'� :�,:.�-. ny o,
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