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<br /> .�' �i ._rh..`�'�r�.. .s.•. ..y�r.,£..��, t� t� aL� ��c ..�__. t�� �c 4. -�` ` _ _..i'#� ..ty S�
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<br /> '', . `-'az���i�,`, -
<br /> `r:�:�;a`'` , . ',,�: 4.Ffte,�oo�and Othet Ba�a�nl�ut�8amnwer shali ias�e ati improvaaents on the Property.wkether aow in
<br /> ; , -�`� � �xisteace or subse4uemlY ere�ted,a�aiaSt ar►y h�acds.casuaities.and comingencies.iACluding fite.for wAich Leader requit�s �<
<br /> � "s%,:`�.,,_' ..,' , �.
<br /> .s.�
<br /> �_ .;:�F`.::::-';'�� i�suraace.Tbis insuraaoe shall he maintained in the amounfs and for the periads t6at ixnder requires. Borrower si�aalt aLso `:�
<br /> ��w`��.�:f'�:`�:," �:�: � iasure all impmveraents an the Pruperty.whether mow in existeaoe or sabsequendy e►�cted.agaiast tass by flnods to the extent '�J�
<br /> :a..:Y,r.-�� ';'_ . _ Y
<br /> :���4�.�,'°=.=��r,,':;m:� required by the Sec[�ary. At1 insaranc�shali be carried with oompacdes appraved by Lender. 1Ue insutance potiaies sud a�r
<br /> f 4`i� y,`��,:-•; reacwats shatl be hetd bq Lender and s6ail inctade toss payabte clauses in tavor of,and iu a form�cceptabte to.Lender. � �.:��
<br /> ;. �.>. ... �.
<br />�,,r.��'��t"` :eS�F.rp'r`_ . . �:�u
<br /> ., .?<:.���; ��4;�-:�s�= fn�he eveat af toss. Borrower sdall give[aader immediate notioe by mail. l.ender may make praof of loss it not made ``:j'
<br /> A I�i,
<br /> �'`< � _-_- P��Y bY Borcuwer. Fadi i�uaape�Y ooacemed is her�sy�t6oriicd and direcxed to madce payment for sac6 Mss
<br />"':=_�:::.``'- " �� direct to Lender.imstead of to Borroarer and m Iender'oiml All or any part of ti�e insaranee pmceeds may be a�lied by :';�'`
<br /> :��,.�� � a y >
<br /> �.� R.`�-'.. �,�.:�t�� Leader,at its option,either ta)w the reducaon of tbe hidebtedness under the l�tote and this Sea�rity insaumeat.first ts sny -
<br /> ; ;�"'4 : -<��"' ' deli�quem amoums apptied in the atder in patagraph 3,and then to prepaymem of priacipal,or tb)to the restor�ion or repair ' "��'•
<br /> -r i-�,�,. [lII
<br /> _ '-.°���';:`-;.�. of the damaged Pcoperty. Any applisa�ion of ihe procesds w the principa! shall aot extend or postpone the dtte date of t6e }
<br /> � ;.<.,-
<br /> j:�- � �,, rnarui�ty 1mYmems afiicb are referred to in paTagtaq�h 2.or change the amm�nt of snch payments.Aay exeess insnrance prnceeds
<br /> w.,��-, •:'�>::'°�'• �<�
<br /> y `_��,'.4.. .^ aver an amonnt�pqerinad to PaY a!1 ou�ing icdebtedn�ss nnder t{iee Note and this Security Insdturtent shall be paid w tAe
<br /> _ -:��'"--;`-�'°-��., ¢niity tegatty entitted thereto. _
<br /> j �� ♦��
<br /> G "_� '..
<br /> -•�-�'��.-�� In the eveat of foreclosuze of tbis Sewrity tnstrumeat or othea uansfe�of titte to the Anperty tbat extiagnishss the -°z
<br /> - "- ` -'�'.-�"�;� indebt�adn�s.aii rigtu,tEtte attd interast af Botrower in and�to insuraace poticies in force shaU pass tQ the pmrhas�.
<br /> ._ ._ �.
<br /> - ,.F-.:'oj�r ,
<br /> ..� :F�, .•�a � -
<br /> ._. :, .��`.. . -�
<br /> - `';�;<``' -,E` ::;t S. Qocapaney, Pe+�ation, Ma�nce and Peotec�On of the Pr+operiy; Borrow�'s l.aan �lpplic�� �'��
<br /> -' �<�,1"'..Y�.,{a4�;.;`�' Leasehold9. Bomawer shall ocaryy,estaht:sh.artd ase the Property.as Barmwer's principa!residence within sixty da}rs afte�r =
<br /> 4=• �{`=�'" t�e execatiaa of this Secarity��d shali camt�ae tm oocapy the Pr+ope�as Bon+nwe�s prinapat•�d�ce forai leasi . .
<br /> �t _, � . .
<br /> � r�.�Y ' .
<br /> ;�� � . .. one year after the date of ocac�aacy.antess the Secretary detetmines tbis reqain�rne�st will c�n.se undue 6andship foT Botrower.
<br /> t,r�,;.�b,���� or aatess e�tenuating ci�tarxoes exist w.hich a:e beyon� Barrower's cnausil. Borracwer sfjatl natify Lefides of arry . . ��
<br /> -;:•xt�r-::,:`.,; %;•'- eate�ntating circamstartces.Borrower shai}not commit�or d�y,damage ms subsmntially ci�ange dte Pcoperty or al�dw • . ��
<br /> ',T+�,i. �,;:'_•� , . � �i�.
<br /> ���,���r: the Property w deteriotate,reasoaable weaz�d tear exoepted. L�may inspect the Pcaperty if the.Property is vac�nt or �r ;:
<br /> _ . s abandoued or.tbe�Ioan is in d'efauIt. I,ender may tage reasonable as��a w protect and preserve sucb"'vacani ar abandoi� �.J::
<br /> :, 11A.� �'.. � � i��.
<br /> f:;,� , �,.�:�; � f�r+operry.Bdrruwer shati also be in defaWt if Borrawer,dmriag the��zs•appliratian ps+ucess.gave materiaUy false or it�a�*.e •�-
<br /> -�-�•''��}`'=-- .inforaratloa or state�ueats to LeAnde�(ar faited to provide Lender with auy materiat infon�fon}in co�e��ritti the taan ``
<br /> !� " ��4�F� evidmSed bY the Note. inefiding.6ut not limited to, reFies�mtions wncerning Borrower's oocapaacy of tke P�erty as a �'"
<br /> , ..,:: a yY,�;`�' � psincipat res�dence. If t6is Secartty Iasu�.is on a teasehoLl. Bamower sirall oamply arith the pravi�+ions of the tea�:if
<br /> ,`,: ��;`. ,,� ,.,: : . Borrower fee�ide to the Pro ��z`:
<br />.;=�::-: - : -:.,:<:;.:• asqnires F�tY,the ieasehotd and fe�title sliall not be merged anless Lender agc+ees to the m�i��. ----
<br />. �,a<<-r�� �.,f: af� , .
<br /> , •ci. :'. _ VYnI!ltg. . �``-'
<br /> . ,�. .d`S.,H_�+ . ' _
<br /> `�`� : .:- 6. Cflaiges w Borror�x and Plrotertton of Y.�a Rlghia in the Pro�q.Bormwer s�aU pay all gavemraeutat or
<br /> ����` �''�,��� mmu , fines aad' ositions that are nat iiieluded in 2.Bormwer shals '�
<br /> �`"':. ��� �P P�B� Pa3+these o6�'n�'oas on tt� .
<br /> ' �� � ;; � '��, directl to the emi whicfl is owed thee If failuie to a wo�ld adz'e�ssel affect t�ender's interest in the ' � �`_:;
<br /> , .:' Y tY P�• P Y e Y �Y•� � �..
<br /> � '" ;,� �4'' Lertder's request Bormwer shall promptIy furnish to Ixnder receipts evidefiang these payments. ' �. .� �
<br /> ��,z_,,�.#�. . � �,..-:.
<br /> � �.�y;':,x,�.'. . �`e� If Bomuwer fai3s to make these paymenta'or the Payments re�Nired bY P�$�Ph 2,or fails to gerform any cs[het oavenarts. � _�-
<br /> ,:''�,� , and agreeme�rta contained tn this Se,curIty Insuument,ox�cbere is a tegal proceeding that may sigaificandy affect I.ender's r�ghts.. ' —
<br /> � � � j` . ip the Pmpeity(such as a pmceeding�n bankrupt�.y.far condertmation or to�enforce Iaws or n�latlans),then Lemder may do . '. .
<br />- --'��„�.'"��r`� � � mtd pay sv}iatever is necessary to pmtect the vaine of the Propeny and Lendes's rtghss iri'the FmpertY.'includia8�of '
<br /> _� ' taxes.Ma1ar8 iasnrance sud other itetas meat�ottad in paragraph 2. � , . . �
<br /> � _ § . . —
<br /> -- - '�"�. . . , • _._
<br /> 3�, ""'r-:� � � Auy anmaats disbniset!by I.c�nder uader Wis paz�aph shaq beflome an addidonal debt of Bort�uwer smi be se�eQ by . —
<br /> ----:�'�`,� this Security Insaument.These araoants shall bear interest&om the date of disbursemeat,at the Note rate,and u!the.opt�oa of� .
<br /> _'>�:;�"'`��t:. ,�.. I:ender.ahall be immediately due�ud payrabte. • � --
<br /> "��'r:: i.;�. �� - . . _
<br /> - � �__
<br /> ;_.,� - j��� ?. Coudannanoa. T[�e pmceeda of any awar0 or.claim for dama$ea, direce or cansequential;in ooma�tioa wiW a�iy _ .__
<br /> � �,.� aondeiunatlou or other takir-g of ar�r part ot t6e Pmperty,or for oonveyance in plaae of oondemnatton,arc hemby assigaed and
<br /> _�...;�.,,..__1
<br /> ����-� • :,��-j shall be pai d to I�nder to tde extent of the ficll amotmt of the inde6teQriess that remains ampaid undes tbe Nate and thls Secartry . - -
<br /> _;.;r_._:=:,�•"-::�._,��;_�: ^-�.
<br /> � �•�:�.,.: - Inshument.L.ender�shaii apply such p'roceeds to the reducxion of the inde6tedaess undet tlfe Note and this S�eurfty Insuumen�
<br /> "-7`..-.,�,•�,:�.';:��''e fust to any detinquent amounts applied in tha order pmvided fin paragraph 3, and then to pmpayment aF cI M �►�
<br /> . P� P�• Y � .
<br /> �.° �cation of the.pnoceeds to th�ptinclpai shall noc extend or postpane the d�e date of the monthlY.PaYc�tts. whlch are �''
<br /> •� s���,. : .: ;� ��1 �ao�e ---
<br /> = <;r: ,� , —=
<br /> - _ �� 4� . .. �!.
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