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<br /> r° �}«,�h; 4.6 Le e A e�ment. Trustor aqsees not to terminate, ���` ��z�::;
<br /> � -� `� � �{;. amend, or mo as�p o e ?�eases or suis].ease�, or g�aat aay .� -� �:
<br /> �. • ` � concessions in connectioa therewith, o� to acce t a surrender �,��.
<br /> ` `�� ' � �` thereof without the written conseat of Heaeficiary. 2rustor � ��; �
<br /> `'� �• agrees nat to execute anp future I,ease ar Leases or subleases =t'`=
<br /> � � � pertsining to the Trust Property withaut the prior written � ::
<br /> �.�,._
<br /> '?��.r� � consent of Beneficiary, whf.ch shaU. aat be unreasonably -_ ��``
<br /> � ���w; ,
<br /> ,�� - withYield.
<br /> _ ���. t�:
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<br /> s :t y� �� 4.7 Performaace of Leases and Other Agreements. Trustor S- r � �=
<br /> �ti ,?Y �� will duly an gunc �na: p pe osm coveaan s an aqreemeats , , �
<br />_ 5 �� �. s•.�� 'ras`�3ic'ta$c'i3 bta aif�Ii�Cf Lt�fGA f� i2iti�L� �I� �s�3S2S , BFIC� C�I2F —_ t`��L.
<br /> = �.°� ag�eements te Which it is a party witll respec� to the Tnast ° E�' '
<br /> - °:.�.�.i;,:F`��. Property or any part thereof, and will use its best e�forts to s F�- r
<br /> f- .:>- ,
<br /> � .- � •��;.,..�,i>..
<br /> �:;��.,�;::,•»_ r.�. en�erce �� s�cure the performance of each and every obl3gation �.:�<.._�:� ..
<br /> - ��° -`" ��`�•�� • and u+ndertakinq af the respective leas�es under the Leases, .�-;',;: -,_-�°,
<br /> �_.n�:t`t.':'..:ni:'Il•:,'�- .,11j,-�tY�.
<br /> _ �, :4; and will appear and defend, at its cos� and expense, any � �
<br /> � = k. action or proceediag artsfag nnder or in aay manrier con�ected '�' °,;
<br /> ����•$`-�:.-•-=•-- with the Leases or the obli atioas and undertakin s of aa r�"��
<br />_r�"f�..:<;.;:�,.,:::a� J 9 Y _��-�, ..
<br /> ..., q �-.:. 2es�ee thereuiider. Trustor will imm�diately not3fy � `�" °-"''`�
<br /> � Beneficiary ia writiac� of any notice of default received by . � �� �'•:'
<br /> .; . � �.r�.�:..,.� , _
<br />°•�: '=-� �:.,;�;,::; Trustor from aay tenan� thereunder. • ..4;'__
<br /> ''��, �l.f. ' �3�.,% _
<br /> ��.<<':`. + J�ty;; � 9:8 Pa ent of Reats. Ts�stor hereby agrees that the ����"_;
<br /> ��. � �y. respective essees un er the Leas�, upon notice from . °
<br /> � Heaefia�.ary of the occurrence of aa Event of Default, shall � . Fy,`f`�
<br /> =:c: .=° :�=..<<<±���:�� thereafter.pay to Bene�iciary the Reats due and to become due °��:��%�°=�
<br /> ��;4`�:��:�:•;-::.::,,, ��
<br /> under the Lea$ea withou� any obiigatioa to determiae whether � z ,�f'- '
<br /> � `�. , F �t�=Y� � or net such an Event of D�fault does in fac� exist. Until the ' ` �'
<br /> �_,
<br /> � �` , `< <_ cccurrence of an Enent of Default, Trustor �hall be eatitled � ��
<br /> � 5 ?� � to caZ�ec� the Rents as and when they.beeome due and payabl.e, �"� � ' -
<br /> r � r but never more thaa two moaths ia advance. - � � M
<br /> .^ t
<br /> �. �� ` • � � � �� ��r�:_
<br /> ` � �f y .;� 9.9 Ias ec t ion. Trustar w i 2 1 pe r m it Heneff.ciar.y, at all ; � �. -
<br /> ` f : reasanable ss, o inspect the Trusfi Propsrty. Benefic3ary . ��' :_
<br /> "�� '��� aha�ll have the right ia eater onto the Truat Property, �_at all , � ��= -
<br /> Lt = _- reasc>rtabie. times, to fnspect the Tn�st Property far the � � �:;�:
<br /> : ,: _ ���;�; . �xisteace of Hazardous Materials oa the Trus� Ptoperty and to � � ���"�==-
<br /> � - ; �rt , determine the comp2iance of the Trust Property and �its use, � � ___:-_�
<br /> ,. _ :. . .. ..�:. . � .
<br /> `'���:: ���:�;':,;.:._ , � with aay law,• rule or regulation relating ta. induetrial • =�_�`
<br /> ..�-�-
<br />"°°.�.:.:.-.°�:n..:^�: . bygfene or ennfronmearal conditions, iacludinq soil anat graund
<br /> � -���::.:=n�°;'� . water conditions� and .t�e compliance of the �Trustor and the . ' - - -
<br /> ' � �� s %'�- • Truat ..Fropar�y with t�te canditions and coves�aats se� Porth -
<br /> .� ,-'-�. . ,here3u wtth r�speCt ta Hazardous Ma�eria3.a. � __
<br /> .,� �.�:� L ,��r . . r _
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<br /> `� � '. .��;�� . �Seneficiary �m es , am a�y actl.on, proceediaq �or �c2aim �==:_.y�
<br /> ��'� affecting �he Trust Property, or the value of the Note or the � �_=�=--
<br /> '���� Secnr�.ty Documenta. Truator shail appear in and defend (ar - _
<br /> r1�; � ,r` � gay �the expen�es of BenePiciary ko defead,. i� Beaeficiar y � —:.
<br /> - - � ; e lec ts to han d le suc h de fense) any action or proceeding � �.�� .
<br /> �., purporting to affect the security of thts Deed of Trust andlor x �.r�,:
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