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<br /> � ��, �¢i r -. . -.
<br /> . . <; '� . 8.5 Coaenants A�with the Land. All covenaats coataf.ned �,��
<br /> L L � � `
<br /> Z..,....
<br /> �` .::�`E-:;;::�°y;;�: in the Seaur"3 y ocivaen s s ahZl � the Trust Property. :<�
<br /> c�x.- .;
<br /> k _ � 8.6 Severabilit . Ia case any oae or more of tlne Obligatioas r.� �;
<br /> = _- -- --- shaU. be va , � egai or uaeafarceable ia aay respect, the .�."�
<br /> ' '`-° validity of the Note, this Deed of Trust, the Security Doc�ments �;.:
<br /> y '� aad rema3ninq Ob].fqatioas shall be ia aa way a�fected, prejudiced
<br /> -z:__.. :�tfi;.;4'
<br /> ' '1�.:". G.: ' .;��:'
<br /> _'�;:;-'�=.f-� or disturbed thereby. •�;
<br /> r,�,:r,f�a;:: .
<br /> `_':�-... ' 1.�:�.. �_:
<br /> -°>K':���:.=w�,:�;; < 8.7 Modification. The Securitp IIocuments and the terms of
<br /> 4 f 1:- ���:= ea� 6i i.��. �a� na ahang�d, �..3�red, d3�chart�e�3 arc tc�snated =
<br />_�::�;;:;:.;z,<<;�.:-:- orally, but oaly by an instrwsent or instrumeats in writiag signed _:�`
<br /> �=-rr,;�,.:'�:.:��'-.�:�: ; by the par�y aqa3aast which eaforcemeat of the change, waiver, °'
<br /> - .��..",.���.::__;� , discharge or termfnatioa is asserted. -�-
<br /> ����< . -
<br /> ��•`N��-r��'�'���='-'��� 8.8 Due aa.Sa2e. The loaa evidenceat by the Note. aaa� secured `y':
<br /> ..;��;°�.,:°�;.��r-;�: . :::��
<br /> :=�--��..- =. k� this D o rus is personal �to Trustor, and Beneficiary made� --
<br /> t � - ' � sa� loan to Trustor based upori the credit of Trustor aad Guaraat�s . '���
<br /> , ; "� ��r`�. �axtd Beaefciciarp•s �udgment� of the ability of Trus�or to repap the � -�
<br />;::;���>;:=• �. =-�-" eatite Iadebtedness and therefore this geed of Trust may not �be �',
<br /> _ ....�::,.,�,-.<•:;�-�_. � � �.,
<br /> �L =; assumed by aay subsequeat holder of an ia�erest .3a the Trust ' �,:�..
<br /> yk �x � Property without Beneficfary's prior writtea conseat. This Section �-�`
<br /> �----�-� � 8.8 does not 31mit the qenera�.ity o€ Sect3.oa 5 9 hereof. . � `:
<br /> ;_:..,-��;:..,:..;: .: . . e.�:a;
<br /> ;� •_�.,�; :°°,;y:,;� . Senefic i a r y sha}.l .notify Trnstor promptly in �nit i nq e f any --
<br />;`T_��_:;.,z�<'�u~::� . transact�or� or eveat deseribed in Section 5:9 hereof. __
<br /> ,.; :��. :;,� .��;; � .
<br /> .-''`;�`:°�:��:`�-. :� �` 8.9 Tax�on Indebtedness or Deed of Trust. � In the eveat af��
<br /> : 5 � S.J. . .. __ .
<br /> the passage, a er e e o s ee o Trust, of any law � �_
<br /> $ ' � deducting from the �aalue of land for the purposes of taxatfon, any. �.�.-
<br /> �.�: _.;J:-.>-; :�>:." . lien thereoa, or imposiag upoa Heneficiary the abligatiom Lo pay_ -__
<br /> �°�"�-'�•'�'�.�:�•':°: •� the whole, ar aay parC, of the taxea os assessments or ct�ges�or -�-
<br />�f` "� ��''"` ''� • . lieas herei,n required to be paid by Txustor, or chaaging f.n aay .way =- .
<br /> �'�:.:,�=:�::�::.;�.:.,,�.�.:
<br /> - - �, ��._;:�.- ' the.laws relating to the taxatio�t of�deeds of trust, mortgages or =--
<br /> - °°•� debts as to affect the Deed �f T�cust or the Indebtedaeas, the °'"" "
<br /> : �:. .
<br /> � � • ¢atire unpaid balance of the Iadebtedness shall, at, the optioa o� -
<br /> —° ��'� . Beneficiary, af�er thirtp i303 days writtea notice i�o Trustor, �-
<br /> �' "�`��� `�' - becbme due and payable= psovided, however, that if, in the: opfaioa � �
<br /> =- �`=�:1`�``-'� ; � of Beneficiary's cowisel, it shall be� lawful gor Trustor to pay �- - _
<br /> f��� `'� �� � �su c�s taxes, as s e s s m e n t s, o r c h a x q e s o r t o r e i m burse Bea�f ic iaryrr. .
<br /> ar
<br /> { ��-��-� t,berefor, thea t h e r e a h a l l b e a o s u c�i a c c�l e r a t i o u o f t h e t i m e f a r
<br /> `�' � paymeat� of the w�paid ba2aace of the Indebtedriess ..i� �.mutually .
<br /> ,�,; ` --
<br /> r ; � sat is factory agr�emeat fo� reimbiiraemeAt, fn writing, is +eicecuted
<br /> _ ,,��...`�;� -� �. by firns tor anci. de�ivered to Beneffaiary within .the� aforesaf.d• � � �
<br /> _�,-::�.._.�. . , � period. . � � . � � --
<br /> ,� '"i �rv _ . � . , ,
<br /> , ��, ,�,��• ' 8.I0 Maximum Rate of Interest. Notivithstanding any pr�pvis.ioa . ___
<br /> "` ' in this Dee o , rus , or aay instrument nuw or heseafter
<br /> � : � .�� . � r+�l a t i m g t o o r s e c u r i n g t$� Z a d e b t e d n e s s e v i d e a c e d.by t he No t�, t Re � � -
<br /> �' Y �� . total l i a hi l i t y f o r p a y m e n t a o f i n t e r e s t a n d p a y m e n t s i n t h e n a t ti r e -
<br /> ' `��. of iaterest, iaclu d ing, w3thout limitation, all charqes, fees, � �
<br /> � � `� exactions, or other aums wbich may. a� any time be deemed to .be �'� �
<br /> �'.:��,, -.:�' �--
<br /> i.ntereat, sha21 not exceed the limit .imposed by agplieab�e uavey �'"
<br /> .,�'-� .'�.1 . . ' . �.�
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