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<br /> ' °� 5.2 Perf rmance oF Obli' a�fons. If Trustor shall default fn � ``� �
<br /> °`�'' �k� �.° the due ob$e ce or pe armaace o any of the Obliqati�as other
<br /> '� �'w °��� � thaa aysaeat of m4ney and such default sh�Zl not be curable, or if � `
<br />:.�.� �H �;,.�,"' ;.'_. '. p � °
<br /> • =:;f: �. : �� cuxab le s ba l l cont i nue for a period of thirt y da ys after wri�ten :°�,�:;
<br /> ` �::`� notice theseof from Heneficiary to Trus�or tusil.ess such default, if ^ �;
<br /> <-� }.
<br /> "� �{- cuacab le, re q u ires woi k to be pe r f or�e d, a c�� �o b e d o n e o r =
<br /> � G.�.
<br />�-�:��r�-����:== cond�.tions to be retnedied which by thei� nature cannot be �;•c_,
<br /> -"'��'_•''� . , perfosaned, done or reffied�ed, as the case may be, witbi�a such thirty
<br /> '� r��" dap �eriod and Trustor shall commenee to cure such d��ault withia b
<br /> ` ��" ' ` such thirty day .peri.od and shall tbereafter diliqently aad
<br /> s Y;. ,..:;•.� ,
<br />`� �r._"''°° ��"��-<- � coatinuously process the same to campletian, but in no event shall ���,-_
<br /> ..�t'�'.;:s_.4:;��,!%;• '
<br /> ._. .;,. - th� periad for cure exceed I20 days unless � otherwise aqreed by �.
<br /> <' -����1� HenefiCi�ry ,
<br /> ���
<br /> ��- � • �r..:
<br /> 5 � �� ;.� ..
<br /> f �•: `�� ' S.3 8 tc Recaivershi Znsalven Etc. If voluatary � �;-
<br /> <,_.r;
<br /> `�. ��`"�.-� or iavolun c gs e e r ptcy Code, as
<br /> .b.:.;..,.-s;:e...:>=`:: . pra
<br /> ��.;
<br /> :."<��;•:==�`; ::=s�-, . amended, shal be commenced by or aqai�tat Trustor or Guaraator o�
<br /> yN_,..,r,• cri ...-: . ....a,
<br />-�•�: ':s�` �`�'�a' . baakruptCy, receiversliip, insoivency, recr zatfea, diasolution, .,�;���
<br />.. 1 _..s.:c�.:..:-, d� .
<br /> - .�'`�;'t�.�:`'`�' . liquidation or ot�er similar prcceedinqs s 11 be iastitut,ed bp or .
<br /> ° §� �� 1a�g�a.i�nst Trustor or Guarantor with respect to all or any art of �_�'
<br /> '� r `•'{ , - �r`_. •J..Y�7tor•s� or Guarantor's propertp under the -Federal Hat��upteY �.g�.
<br /> ��*� '�`�<�'':�::�_'' Code, as amended, or other 1aw of the IInited States .or o f any state ,
<br /> .r�.�:o:�:�:.:�,..Y.., ��;;�.
<br /> -_��_, =.�.T:��:;;.=.:s,- � er other cempet�nt jurisdiction, and 3f such proc�edinqs �re --
<br /> � �� � institu�ed aqainst Trustor or Guaraator, it shall conseat thereto '��
<br /> _ -���;!_��;� or s�all fail to cause the same to be discharqed within sfxty.days. , � '.
<br /> - ::�'.� � ::�:��-. . � �.,
<br /> � � = 5.�{ •Laws Affectiug Obl�.a�atioas and indebtednes9. �Cf "°
<br /> � �T ' �`�� subses�ent to �e 'afe o�'s '�e"eTa� 'i'-rus�;any gonernmen�al =
<br />- C ,Ly�, ' f�����_-;��� entity in which the Trust Property is located.pass�s aup law -(i� � --_
<br /> �- — f�,.�:. • ---
<br /> �`�. 1 �xP;=;, . . • wh�.cla seaders paym,eat of the Indebtedaess and/or per�ormanGe.of tt� •: �;
<br /> ,�.r• •�. - Obligatiwas by Trustor uu2awfu2, or tii) which prohibit� ��`
<br /> , . � . Ben�ficiasy from exercisinq any of its rights and remedies under • � �
<br /> �,R�E ;- ' �the Security Documeat�. � , . � �
<br /> � �����_ ,{ � � � -:
<br /> , , � 5.5. Faise Re resentation. If any representatian,or warranty --
<br /> . ,;,:'.:. .� -. ` `.'�. made by Trus or.or o er� n, under or pursuant to the Note or the . __
<br /> . L:'. 6✓ --_
<br /> � . �.°: :,,;�i� �>.' ' � Security Doc�eats, shali prove to have been false or misleading in _
<br /> ., ,`_-. ,,. ,°�'- . �a�a�jy��m�ja�terta� r}�e'spect as of the date oa which such representatiam or � =s
<br /> �� "� d...y . . 1�oirWi�� �� YI�Ye. . , � . � . � �
<br /> -��+- ' '•1!�/.i . . , . . � . .
<br />�.':. '' '.r,:l$ . . —
<br />'^j�r;.,>;`'�:�c�;.� . � �5.6� DestructlOA Of rOVements. If any of the.Buildings is � _
<br /> : � ; -�
<br /> F � , ,��: den�olishe os remove or emc on or.se�aaval thereoP is itmaiaen�t,
<br /> -� x�, • . � eminent e2omain.proceedings exeepted. . , �
<br /> U ���r���`�� � . �=-
<br /> .,;`„y s:,. , � S.7 D�Qault IInder Other Iieed of Tru�f. Z� �he holde� af.a�iy �-
<br /> `-�.-.:.���'::� . juaior dee o sua or any o er en. oa . the Trust Property • _
<br /> s�,;>> s . ., � twithout'hereby �lying �8ene�iciary's eonseat to aay auch juAio� . � _
<br /> �:;.�:`� dee�i of trust or 1 enj institutes foYecioaure or other proce�diags �---
<br /> ,., _:. .,:_�....�.o . �' , � E`=.._.
<br /> _ ,;.,:_�,, � for the engoscement of its remedies. thereunder, or if a deEault• ___-
<br /> ���°� � �-�-� exi9ts under any other deed of ts�.s� or liea oA the Trust Prope , -_--
<br /> �w+:��' `��� and aucb default shall continue far a perfod.af te� (.10� b�si.ne��
<br /> ,_ .�: ,�_._ Tr��:: days after written. notice thereof by Beneficiary to Trusto=, =
<br /> � : - . � �.,���
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