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<br /> i Y � �:;: ta) Trustor sud Gttarantor aze each qt�alified to do �=�` '
<br /> - _ �.uH"< business fn every jurisdiction in which the nature of its u�,..
<br /> .�P s� . busiaess or properties makes such qualificatian = `_�
<br /> � ;� *, ,�� `� necessary. and is fn ccmpliance uith a11 ].a�rs, ,,�°.:
<br /> � regula�ions, ordinances and orders of public authorities �-. �
<br /> _"�-_�.����; applicable to Trustor or Guarantor, as the case may be. _:_�_�°:
<br /> _ -. :- (4 '. .Y - _ : . H< t_
<br /> � ;: r
<br /> tb) The Note, the Securitp Docwaents and the �� '�`��
<br /> _-� �������`�=�,���_:� . Guaraa� will not violate aap pr4vision of law -�t,''_
<br /> F r_.;.r - {s.�.
<br /> '". 1Y.:,
<br /> , . � ' ti�
<br /> ��Y�;;u�`��-�';=':'4= �iacl g, but not 1imi.ted to, any law relating to 4��:-
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<br /> �� �:� ;
<br /> �5 «< goverrm�ent, . or any faadeature; agreement or other = _
<br /> .= . _ ...r=x.�y instn�e�.t to which Trustor or Guarantor is a party or by ���_
<br /> ::��:.-:°';�=;`=`�.°��`�� ' which T�ustor, Guaraator or aap of tldeir praperty is ,�`�...
<br /> - ::.:�.--�:r:,v-:-:::: v-;;•�
<br /> _:;,��s: ,�, -.4<;,-._;.. , bound, or be in confiict with, resu�.t ia a breach of or .,; -,
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<br /> �- t�'`� •���`�`�'"- default u,nder aay such indeat�ce, agree�uent ar other ' ��;°"
<br /> "�5�.'..�� 'U�, a ` . . . f._
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<br /> ���..,
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<br /> -�'�---o-{.,�.�.; • � By�baws af the Trustor or Guarantor or� result 3a �he .,h�lt:
<br /> creation cr impositioa of aay Iiea, charge or eacnmbrance '''�'�
<br /> i_.J'.''j.:''.4_..."�' ' .
<br /> '_' ` , ; o� any nature a�tatsoever upoa any of the property or � ��:z��
<br /> � � ` ' � asseta of Trustc�r or Guarantor, ex�ept as contemplated by r� t�
<br /> �"` `�' ���''� � the Note and the Security Documents, and no actioa with � �
<br /> c,.;. , ,iti,:
<br /> �;: .•i.�,�
<br /> �,. �,.�^, respect thereto bp Trustar or Guarantor is required. � - . .
<br /> .�.
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<br />_-:�;_:..;�=�;�=.;;,��''.- . tC� Na consent or approval of any regalatary body ->.::�
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<br /> ` `�, ���, � 1"Y P X«
<br /> the Securit Documeats or the Guaraaty or the �� ��
<br /> �- - . h
<br /> �s�.° transacta:ans contea�plated thereby is require d bx law. '���''��
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<br />__ _�.:. ,;,_,�,; .. . �rustcr or Guaraari.tor, at law or ia equfty, or before or • _
<br /> �: > � � �s� any gaveraa�ntal ar adminiatratine �gency ar � � � �;: �.
<br /> : f 5�` � � instr�entaii�y which, if adversely determined,. wou�.d
<br /> •,_— ._ ;_ have a mater�al adverse effect on �the bu�i.ness br • '' -
<br /> `•* condition ox Tzustor or Guarantvr. �_j -�
<br /> ,. .._r .�.- . . ..
<br /> — _�:�.,.•. �..,:. �,r,t ... . . � - -
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<br /> .n`r, ;` ' � goves�uaeatal or administrative agea or. instrumeatality : � F--
<br /> : �: , , ti r � • bas been tssued aqafnst Guaraator or�ruatar whicb has or �-
<br /> ' �� . ma have any material .adnerae effeat oa the business or - -
<br /> .� �_: . conci�;tioa of GuaraAto�c ar Tzustar. -
<br /> : � ' . . � � �
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<br /> � �•; ' : � .ta Beneficiary with .respect to Trustor, Guarantor or �
<br /> _:= -
<br /> ���s ` � � � . othera obligafied under. the tesms o� the Security � � °
<br /> -� ` . � Documents are accweate and correct in a12 material � � • �� -
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