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<br /> z. T--.--a..•
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<br /> .. •s - rG� c., p'" ' c[:.-.:5..;.ct x-F� ^C -�^-^4-�T . .
<br /> .=::�.,�'� �-.�..T_.J�{'..- -s,r:s,r�ol5.4; � � , E :� '-� �i� r � c: Y. t_ ' "�a< r-� _.fi �Yf,{t } �__�-7C� _r' (a i�-... �� r. � 4 '_
<br /> _,.r..:_..._� `'t as�",- � .: 4.5._. ���, "i d F°'� `S .,' t c �W •'f':cy,Er�
<br /> " � _ _ - :.i._.r ��.., � .-i. -e — � _- �-i ��'`
<br /> �`4 �r
<br /> c� _�5. .�`�-`_ — _ _ .? � eC�l'�-< r �� �s .
<br /> t t•i i �or �qA�Q �y :�-t.�-£ -c �5."q�i `.
<br /> � =� _�i ' . 9V� �].�F� � _� - �_.�':
<br /> �_� ��.5.�t- � �, � •�s.� .�....�
<br /> .�.� ,:, .c.4 �, i �r.3 �l�
<br /> . .;�._i..A 't,`. .'Y a�.:n� :ffa
<br /> L.>'` � � -. �� _ - :� b '.
<br /> 4 � � 15. R�i1�DfE� ON D�FAULT. tn soms Insmnces.tederal end state taw w�l requtre Lender to provide Qrantor with , t �
<br /> .:- �_ .�,<;<,� ncttoe af ffie rlg!►t w are or oth�notiees anQ may es�tish tisrte scheduies tor bredosuce aWona. `3u6jeet to these ' r.�,°r�,` " � �
<br /> �•:•�" p m�t i o�,U arry.l�det may aco�erate the Sewred Oe�t end taredose thls Seauiry Instrumerit in a mann� : `�t p:'
<br /> �,;; ;; ` f - ,
<br /> �.:G-�er; PcaviQed Ell�w B Cisentar Ls In de�u8. ti:�• °� ��`
<br /> '-� � s,� At tAe opdon af ler►der,a9 or arry part of the agreed fees end eRmges,aeeued interest and pr(ndpai shaU hemme °�. ���, C���� ,.�
<br /> '� yr�e��a and paytabl&aft�givin8 aotlee�requtred by law.uAon tha oavrte�see ot e detauft or arrytime .,.� '
<br /> z>�:.r� ,=� •::; ihwe� In addtlon.Lender shall be erRitled to e0 the remedies provided by Iaw.the tenns of tAe Sewr�Oebt. �, , e �� r `
<br /> _f << ,.
<br /> ` . 4� this 3e�iy►��and anl/�doeumeMa.induda►g witAaut�t.!he pov�er to se➢tAe Propaty = , `- � __
<br /> ='- if ihete is a deieutt.Trustee al�.3n ad�OSt tQ�y trth�permi�d renedY.ffi the request of the Lend�.adveNse [� �, -_ " '` t `"
<br /> �"j�.�,-�_" et �c audtcn to the hl est bidd�for cash and comey ' , _-? <.•—� .
<br /> - �� end seil the Fropety as a whata ot tn separate pareets P� � � _ - �-
<br /> :�:`"°,•�:`���-,=;: absotute tl6e faee and dear o1�i dght,t�te end Interest�QrarRor at such thne end place es Trustee designates. _ :: r,t `�`z-.. ;�-
<br /> r r :. '• .
<br /> ,r<..t::; - Tais�,t,e,,e,�}.s,�h,a�8 gNe aottca of aete irtd�g the tbme.tem'�s at�d pTace af sele artd a d�atpUan o1 ffie prapaty to de sofd :,...< �` �.. ``_
<br /> � r � � ��- ��aV'n'c"� � ` +` h :
<br /> ,, ^ ffie rabt@ tavu in efteet$t t9{O Un1e ot the propcsed Sei@. � �1
<br /> � T `` Upon sete ot the pmpert!►and Lo the e�e+t aot pmt�iD�!by law�Tnsstee shaD make and d�r�a deed t�fhe Rcoperty z
<br /> t; and coab.sha1i pay to Lend�a6 ° `^, & � '� '_
<br /> s�+d whkts comeyts�soWta tiNe b Me pwd�aser.and eRe�6zst pfrykt9 afl t�.dte�ges � ,� z.� i
<br /> 4 � 4�'�i y� �nayn advanced tor repaUs,tmces�U�s�usnae.UPns.eases�aerrts and Ptiur enamibrances�+d b►t�est thereon.�d tAe -- t -
<br /> ep .ess tha Rroperty. ,
<br /> `... _- r :•, PMdp�end(rderest on tha 8ecured�.981f1�9 the siupNa.7 erty.w�atrtor- Lender may purt3' � � ,: � :i
<br /> �.n '` 'fhe reci�is in acty deed of eameyance sfia0 be p r 6 n a f a de e u t d e nee o f the facts sd forth th�ein. ��� -
<br /> Z F � � on the r ; . ; r
<br /> ' AO ran�ies ara distfict.amiuiaUve and not pxetusiva and the Leider Es ertitled m ell recne�es prmd�e0 at taw or ;t "` r L
<br />- - :�-a:.'�• �N�f►.whether or nat expnasstY set torth. The acceptertoe bl►tend�of any►sam in paymert or pa�tlai ReY�� �•�s-z:-.,�� -���..-;;�,.-:,-
<br /> � ;` Seared O�t eft�4he 6alanea is Qae or ls eoceterated or efter toreCosare P��sre fled st�a!!nat wnstlwfla e , � :r �, �,,.
<br /> -� weIve af Lende.�s dght to require carr�tete wre of arry►�dsdn9 defau�. 811 not mcedsin9 enY remedY on tirantors - ` ,, _
<br /> � ' r= de�it.Lender does no!waNe Lendds dght to IaDe�co»�d�the evertt a defavtt H�coMUwes m!�appens agaTn. �- ' `fi""° f,__
<br /> '�°' 1& E)(PEL�iSES: ADVANCES AA1 COYEN6iNTS:A7YORNE1fS'FEES: COLLEC'TtON COS'�. 6ce�t when '� � `,
<br /> y. , } _
<br /> ..�z �3}..:.:';` -
<br /> _ r:;-�,�::;��; prah�Re�by(aw.Otantor a�ees to pay e0 ot Lendda ewcDenses B t�etttot breadtes aay covPnant tn Ws S�tY ,.;.':r-�,x,:,-,.= '
<br /> ,:.:�:,::.: Lend�tor 6�surtng b�sP�9.Pteswvtn9 cr �_,.:: ...�.:.:��:.`�:.:.r;
<br /> r r� _ Instrumert Qrantor w�l elso pay on dmnand mry�naunt inanred by d ; '
<br /> athernisa protecittt9 tAe PrapeAy►artd Lertd�s secu�ty►b�t�est. These m�enses wQl bear interest irom the dats of ���
<br /> '' t he paym a l t t u�6 1 p a l d t n f u 0 af ffie h i g hest tnteest�aDa in e�t ea ProvlQed in the t�s of the Seeu�ed Qebt ' �"� �+ .`s�=;
<br /> � zn�� `
<br /> . 34 .'� l�8trtor agreas to pey eD Cosls and m��tses tncutred lsy letder in eoQ�ittg,enfo[efig or ptoDeeBn9 I.�det's�tghte a�£•, �,�
<br /> ` "` atEd�eme�es and�thts S�Inswms+t. This amaunt may tndade.but is not ihNted W.attomeys'tees.caurt ` z _ x,�`'::,
<br /> ��'�;,`� - ep�,and olh�fegaf e�e�s�. This Seaaity Instnunent shaD temain in ettect u�7 wteased Qrerttot a�fo pay , .�t... - .�r
<br /> "� tor miy reeoNa9an exsts ot ateh refease. Ty °; � .
<br /> 4 » �or�ea�ra�u►ws ar�Naaa�oous sussra�rc�s. ������.m��^► ,�� . �_..
<br /> ` ' ° means,wftttoul Qrt�iOatfoll.the COInp(ehel18tV0 EllvhorlmeR[ei Resp0l�e.ComP�seflo�and lJAtlHti y ACi(CERCLA� 4 r �'`•�`ig{'�
<br /> ,.:.;;,� 42 USC.8601�et seq.).m�d s0 other tedeai,smte end [ocai�aris��ona ortfufanees.onuR ord�rs.stYameY . - ` 1 �t ;��:
<br /> � ` ` generat apintona or lrttapreWe fet�s caneQrning Ne pubUc heaM.�tei1/•tveifare�en�ronment or e Aamrdoua , } ,� ��""`
<br /> rtta
<br /> c . � . � substmtc�end�H�ardous Substanca means anY L�de.radtoacdve or h�daus ma�(a).waste.VeQutant or �„ ,�c ;
<br /> ::•!' .�4w: Cpi1�(11618I1�VYh1C11 h99 Che�flC[�SUGS VYhICh[OIdR the Si1bS►8RC8 d8119BfOliB 0�pOI�Y�9�ug t01l1B Q1C�110 � .. .•,. �� y �
<br /> ''�. - heaflh.safety.wd�re ar�nAronmertt The term indudes.without M�flaUon.eaY subslences QeHned as'he�us - �-�' ';`.-,� .x��.
<br /> �� ' rt�taiat,''taodo subsfanoes.' °hams�ous v�asta'or'h�ardous aubs�nce'under arry Envkonncental!aw . �, ' ��
<br /> � ` � -�, ; '- Cirantpr cep[+��rts.wana�e attd a�ees ths� w , . ���.
<br /> q, �t as ptevtousty disdosed and adcnowledSed In writln9 to Lender.no Hamrdous su6stanee ts or wID be " , •
<br /> ' +:��
<br /> .'� " , IOeated atoted or celeased on m Irt th0 F4opc�ty. 7ttis resb'idtatt does trot appty to smaA quarrtftl� ' � `� � �;
<br /> xr.:...���:.;'-�,-::-� of ltemrdws Subsffit�ces thai ete ge�eiaUY t�r.a�tiz�to 1he eP�►oA�inte Por the normal ttss and rtehttenmtca of _ ?;$¢_-
<br /> $'� th0 PtOp�ly r' oa: �;��t_�
<br /> ` = 8. 6ceeD1 a�Prevtau�N�sdosed anc!admowiedged tn wrtHng to tsnder.(�arrtar and every tenaM have been.are. , �
<br /> cabte 6nr�onmental Latv. ,"�"� �,�"
<br /> r� , �,,�,; �td SfieD rert1aU11n fu11�omAQ8nC9 v�ith�t epDa
<br /> .:, ` C. t�r�rtar shaU tnun�t�N L e n der if a retease or threffiene0 re(ease of e Hamcdous substartw oaa�ra en. . s ,�.�'�_�
<br /> �,e.::
<br /> � � undel a•ebout the P+oA�Y br there fs a vioiation at m�y E.nvironm�tal Lew eoneemfig the FroAert�l In sueh �s��.
<br /> �� en event.tirantor sha0 mSce aU ne�essaryr rsrte�l ae8on tn axardartoa witl��ry Envhanrpentat law• r-��
<br /> '.;'•,_,ti , D. tiranta sAaO fmmediatef�i noWY Lende tn wrfffn9 ea soon as Wantor tms�easurt to beDeue there Is a�g --, °�'�:
<br /> : f�` � .. ' pwtdhig w tlueat¢ned irn�stigaltan.datrn.or pmoce�f'n+g�ng to the retease or tltr�rsed sd�s a9 anY ,.�,_-r�=--
<br /> ,�ti' �� llazardous S1�stenea m 9�e vtotatlon of any►EmAcomnerrtal 1.aw. `'��� _
<br /> ertdin or threatened aedon.bY P�te a► ��+�1 --
<br /> ��. 18. COIII�EMiVATtdN. C�antar aID gNe Lenaer prort�t naUoe o1 en1►P 9 ;'�`-!�� :_-- ,
<br /> 5�` Y �•.. pybpo entltfes to purdtase or tatce mry or e0 ot the Prop�ry through condertmadon.e�nbient domaUt.or arry otteer ' ':,���"—
<br /> means. t�r�tor mitliortaes Lender to intenrene in Grantor'e name Tn m►y of the a6ove Qasa�ed actions or ciaims. �. ���.�u ,_,' �,_ ;
<br /> . ;:'x` u":�;' �antar ess tgns to L e nder the proceeds ot ai►y aw�d o�daM tor demagsa crnmeaed wfth a condemnatlon or athe► ~'1.:,«., � �
<br /> . - ��::.:•,•. �rg of a0 at a�ry paR ot the PropeAy. Such proeeeds ahall be consldered 0��end wID be app�ed aa prevlde0 in �; . .�-
<br />-:`'' .• thb Seauit7l tnstrumm�t This as,f�mert af proeEeda is subjed to the tertns ot arry pdor moRgage.deed of bust, J:;_;. ;, . .,.
<br /> i
<br /> � � $�!r��m ou►er aen a�wment `; ;�:
<br /> =� 19. I[dBUAANCE. Qrantor shaD fceep Property Insured egainst Ioss b!►ftre.Rood.theft and other hamr�Qs and rbke t :r , '
<br /> �easonebly sssadated with the Prapetty due to its type and tacetlon. Thts insurance sha0 be mahrtained in the emourrts � , 'Y
<br /> ; r,:� errd tar the perlods ihat Lender requhes. me insurm�ce center pravtdinB tha inauranee aha11 be chosen by Qantor _
<br /> �``. subleel to lenQer's aAProval.whleb shali not be unreasonsbN�hetd 8 Qrantor taIIs to rtmirteU�ths ceveage - :
<br /> ,;:,#:,i desalb¢4 above I.mQider maf/.e!Lendde oPUon.obtatn caveraga to protect L,a�Qds rtghts in tfie Ptoperty e�cordin9 �'
<br /> : � ��� � i� �4/�_.-
<br /> _,-�.i ��A t����8 varWU��1$�{nQ�t. _ � . ,
<br /> � i AD InsurBttee poUete9 and�ettewab shaD 6e aa�eptebta to I.ettder and aha0 tndude a SQUtdat�d'mortgage dause'and. � ' ,., , -'
<br /> ., :`:�� where eppQcaDfe,'toss payea c�ause• GrarROt eheU 6iunedial�A►notHy Lenda of cenee�tton or termh�atlan ot the :
<br /> ' ` =� Insuranoe. LenE�shatl have the dght to hofd the poitetes end renewals. H LenQer requlres.t�rantor aAaO irmnedlateN
<br /> ,.�. �,2 `�, `= give to LenQer aD reeeipts of psid premiums and renewat nottr.es. UAon toss.Qrantor aha0 gNe immedlate nottae to �`.. .
<br /> ' `';� the insuranee ceRler and Lendec Lender may maice praot of loss H�ot made Immemattety Dy Qrantor. ` . .
<br /> a [. -: '
<br /> Unless othe�v+Ase egreed En wridng,eU Insuranee proeeed9 aheD be apptled to fhe�estaraUon or repalr of the ProPerty + .
<br /> or to the 8ecured OebR whether ar eot then dua.et LenEela optlan. MY ePA�radon of prooeed9 to pAnGpe1 eheD nm , {
<br /> .:._;, ';: .: ...:.',�: e�ddfd or pos�one the due�te of the seheduled paymenl nor ehange ttre amourn o1 erry payment. Arry exeess v+ID be .
<br /> : � :.f;;;�>„'.` palA to the C�antot. if the Ptopertf►is eequUed M►lmide,t3rant�r's dght to any insurance PoUdes snd pro�e¢ds � ':.
<br /> ler '
<br /> � resuffing iram damage to the Vroperly betore tha acquislUon sheU pass to Lertder to the e�dent of the Secured Oebt �; � •
<br /> �.t . ' Unmediatety betare the sa�uisitlon. ',••' - �',
<br /> -- -- -— �,,.- ,- -
<br /> . � r� ,�
<br /> , , • �.�:.:
<br /> " ,,�.. ..,.. . :ti
<br /> . �- . . -a . _', :;. ..
<br /> i.�' .
<br /> __ '-4•° �'��.�_. _
<br /> , ��r : iOrm OOTNE3.trm 9A9 (paq0 3 Of 4) �;, p ��;
<br /> 'r' . . . . ..
<br />_"1� ..._ '_ .. � 7. -i ..;r�
<br /> ��:_ . ;i . -1�:N.� . , .s.,�
<br />