,+'�}ii � '• ' ^ a��� ... . � ;•' � '< - �. . .. � _- �c-°-
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<br /> :isi...�'4�c-.p�E': ¢�� 1'.:���L`_�' „.tf�''{'L�.-¢.cc. .-�< r.-� s$��+y � • �. �y ��-�'.�}` � =-� �� � `
<br /> u7^�_s #f� [ .; ',y �.a, r �'� [ ��,�s i��� •�-Y'� ` . . �
<br /> �'.�.�.6' r :t ,.�..+s- ..c'��.�' ' _ ..c•v.":i. '_�:�,.�-�r2c'2'
<br /> '.��,-���=�.�.,�:i�� ..�_._-�t: . -
<br /> r:t�-��� 4r t �� + c ��?.�� �tr•.
<br /> ��, ' 'v a. �2 _ - `- - r- �ts�'".x'q�?' '�- _:
<br /> ° z-'�t 'Fb . • G . � +Y•-f-{� .er�T x �.£ J< . 't"�`i''�.'"y+FP"�",�Z'r' fi`-c'O� s~ � '- .t. � 'L° ?^r� °,
<br /> . . t �' i : � � - �tpfR _ _ r - t,�� . ��.'� --L...r`43-. ��.. t F � f _
<br /> = -� ��,c�, r�+' . :�,, _� �4`. _��' .< c� t � -� � � � <<'� 'f r+�"�� > �'` �r� a�r� .
<br /> r": �s L� �f � • .� c �c z.`i�, r l�� �s r c _R �C`it: so � � ��.`
<br /> :—,.� ...t-��,,. v a �r��� = ::s,� . �: .�- .�+r ° czS ?_'� : <r••• :s a *�..:
<br /> - ._ F . � } ..__` �. _ . - — r � -._- ��� .-..� � -:a
<br /> a � N'f krfi ` E,C�` es'ic&n .a ��A� :� cl rzk � t� � �G :c_,.. ' cd t '.�4-^ 'c.:.c,' � '-�i�'" -
<br /> -y., f � ff' r � �# �"� ` i r .-c �cw'..; -ti _=.``� 1.
<br /> .
<br /> � - ...z .e... . �.nc._ � � ._r.._.,._-:... _ .`.
<br /> , . �. ...- . , •
<br /> �.. �
<br /> . ..-. .-e_`••.:_. ._...sh�i_ ,.4,. �� . .. .. .•'�__.
<br /> .-.'F'RS --5. _-.-�. - t :�-
<br /> �f�Af�i-,r �� ...-�.�
<br /> _.-,_:, ___
<br /> � , � 95.� ���� . �i:
<br /> ���:.-�F:
<br /> ;cg�_'°4..':��� -` - .
<br /> �'�3-`�`�,`;�.� �a Beurt'tt�t Iuterest ta Hnreaw�.[f alt oraay part of the Pra�ZCy or aay inte►est�o it ' =�a:
<br /> -� � 17.Trc�fep of ttte P� -- -
<br /> - f�=, _ �:t� ��1�� '�
<br /> ,�: ,��• •:`�. is sotd or trat�ferced(or if a cial iat�t ia Borrowcq is sotd or tr�ferred and Bmrower is not a n,atucal ��r r��
<br />' - �'° ..' �n full of all sums secured by tbis `k`:``::,
<br /> `4`%�Y:�,�'°��;�,�:�`�� I.e a der's pd�r writtca� oonsent. lender maY• at its option. �qu ire immodiate payment � • : .• -
<br /> gewrtty tasp�ument.However. �1►is optioa shatl aot be euercis e�by L e n det i f e x e r c i s e i s p m h l b i t e d b y f e d e r a i l a w a s o i t h e d u t e � � ; ;
<br /> ,. �,4�;� � `' of this Seairity[�utrument. • L � `�
<br /> '=_��:``.=". If Lender exer�ises this option. Leucler s6a11 give Borcower notioe of acc$iaution.Ttss notice shal!pmvide a per�od of ant -
<br /> al -� .
<br /> -`�`''"�:�-�`.�-�` [ess tt�an 30 days fcom We daae the notice ia deiivemd or mailed withia wlush 8orrow�er must pay af! sums sewred by ttis - ;� :
<br /> ��,>°�:_,. -
<br /> -"`�; Seanry lostruinen�U Brnrowet ta91s w pay these sutas priar to the ratpication of tHis periad.Lender may invake aay remedies ���'�`
<br /> =',,,�;:,:� -,� �"�•� �;,
<br /> __;G�g��`,..'L��' �i�d tiy thi�S�vrity Iastzumpu without Further notire ordemand on Borrower. - ,
<br /> ��,- !8. Baim�ver's Rtght to R�iastate. If Horrower meets cectaia wadidons. B�rrower stiali have �e right to have :4,
<br /> = f enforcem�t of tAfs Secudry Instrument disconrinued at any arr�prior w�e e a r tier of: ta)S d a y s for sucA ad►er pe�iofl as � .
<br /> �<�� licable!aw for reinstatement{ before sale of Ms ProFetity Pursuant ta any power of yale contained ia this "� ;
<br /> ._ �_-.... >- .:. 'sAP �7+ �fY
<br /> •.i� _s.::,.;..�•,;<!:., Seauiry Iagtiumeat:or(b)entrY of a jndgruwu eaforcing tdis Secnriry Iosuameiu.'Rsose a�udu+��s are that•Bcsrrowrr:t�3 PsYs °�, E`
<br /> Y� �,. �� :• ,; Leadet all sums wluch then would 6e due a a d er t h i s Seauity I a s t n�e n d t h e 1 V q t e a s i f n o a c c e l e r a ri on h�d oavrrPd:(d) .
<br /> N_
<br /> '`���J f-°•`'''�-�;r: aires az►y defautt of aay otf�a coWenants or agreemeats:(c)PaYs ail espeases iucume� in e,nfor�ing[his Secesriry Insuuacent. �;:;r4��...
<br /> ;'d`°�:-..= -�: . re tn assure :� :<.
<br /> ��::,;.�.�:,'`-�.-:,�:_� inslading,but not limited to, rea�onabte attome�rs fees:and(d)takes such acxton as Le�nder may ceasonably seqtu �;�: :;_.
<br /> .'' ;r��,,`�.�'".. ttiai t6e lien af this Se�vriry Instn�ment. I.ander s rights in the Pmperty sud BoTrower s obli�atian to pay tt�sums secured hy ':;r° _.
<br /> % � thix Security Iastmment sl�l! oontinae amd�anged. Upon �t�tt� by Bormwer. this Seauity Instnuhent and the >� �.
<br /> ;.�< � '°�;;'� obligations sec�ued hereby st�all remain fiilly etfective as if no acceleralion had occumod. However.this right w minstaze sbail A �:
<br /> � ` '`� nota�ply in t6e rasc of aoceleratioa under paragraph 17. � ,
<br /> � -` ;,�'-. 14. Sa�e of Not� Ch�nge of Loen S�o�. The N�or a pa�tial interest in the Hote(to8ethe� witb this Securit5' =
<br /> - .,.-�,:.;�.:•. �.�'.== �.
<br /> - - .��, L�suumeat)ma�+6e sold one or more cinmes without prios aotice to Bamuwer. A sale may msult in a change in the eatity(knnwn x.:-4�,-
<br /> ,� ' =", as the�Luaa Servicer")ti�at ooliects monthlY PaYmer�ts due under the Nate and this S�or�tY Iastrumen� 71►ere also may be one �� :
<br /> �:. or more changes of the I.oan ServIcer�nrelated to a sale of the Note.If inete is a change of the Loan Servicer.Borrower an716e `
<br /> ; �;::� given wriuen aotice of�e cdange in axoi+daaoe with parag�h 14 above and apptirabi�taw.'i3�e notice ua!!s�ue the usme anc!
<br /> �- `: � , s�_.
<br /> Y ` address of the new Iuan Servioer and the address to which payments shoutd be made. The notice will also contain any other ` .
<br /> �; � r� ,�' mforar�ion�qnired bY�PPitca6te iaw.
<br /> < ° .�` -.� Z0.Haverdoas Substano¢s. Borrower sIsall uot cause or pemut the piesence, use, disPosal. storage• or nelesse of any , ,';:
<br /> <<`�:.,::�':_E,_.�.:.-;°� Hazatdous S�staaces on os in the PropertY. Borrower shall not do, nor altow auyone else w do, anything afferting the
<br /> .:• � .;.;��,,'` prope�ty thai is ia violatlon of airy Em�ironn�eatal Law.The preceding two senteaces shaU not appJy w the*�.use.or ;
<br /> `�'�°�`- -- to uora�al
<br /> :'��::t;�a:;?:;r�•:; stoiage on the Property of small qua�ities of Ha7ardous Substances that are geaerelly reoognized to be appropriate :t;
<br /> „�...--...�--+"��" �sidential uses aad m maiuienance of dic Property. '
<br /> � ��; Barrower shall Pmmpt[Y give Lender wriuen notice of any im+estigarion.ctaim.d e m a n d.tawsuit or otber action b y a r�y► _._
<br /> . ...,•,,.,;..<;
<br /> ..;:;,; _�.:,..::�,:t. govemmeutal or reg�latorY agencY or private party involving the Property and suy Hazard4us Substancc or Emimn�ental Law i:
<br /> '. , �;:�` of wLIch Borcower t�as actual lmowledge If Bormwer leams.ar is notif�by aay govemmeatal or regWatary anthas�ty.tfiat a:-."
<br /> :" ,�;;.�� .-� �ry r�noval ar other�iation of mry Ha�ardous Su6stance affer�a►g the Property is necessary.Borrower s6a11 prompUy take .r
<br /> f' �
<br /> ,� . {�x �:.`_ aU neoessar7+re[rtedial atxions in acaordance witb Eavisomnental Law. �
<br /> ° �:;;:{.;;.,�: As used in this pa:agtaph 20. 'Hazardous Substances"are those substances defined as wxic or hamrdous substances by ,!�_:
<br /> • ` sed
<br /> 'r`;��='• ::'. g.nvimnrnental law and the following sabstances: gasoline. kerosene, ather ftammabte or to�ic peuoleum prodncts, toxic
<br /> . „�_ ...� ;;..,� .;:�;
<br /> � " �- p¢sHctdes aad herbicides,volatil�sol�ents.materiala containiag asbestas or formaidehyde,and radioactive matenals.11s used ia
<br /> `''r � ; - this paragrapb 2p. 'g,mironmemal Iaw° meaa4 fe�eral laws and taws of the jurisdiction wtutre the propertY is tacated that
<br /> � �.. i... ::", •P�Y'.
<br /> . .�s":':'-�.'' �-.�r:N�
<br /> nlate ta health.safety or enviranmentai protecdon. ��7
<br /> .`.::�<,�.........,: �—-
<br /> • f �- ,�:_
<br /> �� �'� , NON-UNIFORM COVENIIN'i'S.Barrowec aad Lender further ooveuant and agree as fa.ilows: _
<br /> Z 1.A�e le�aKon;gwaedies.Leader sbaU give no8ce to l�arrower ps[or to aecetcr�iun folio�Boscawee's bs�esch �- .�
<br /> rt _ - of aay oove�ant os ageeemeat W tdis Sec�ity Iastrameat tbut not prlor w aocdeeatWn �der Para�ceP4� 17 ont� �:':
<br /> -; r� app9icabte Iaa provides othe�vEse).Tlte aattce sl�al1 sgedf9% (a)the�eFaalt;N)the acttoa reqaired to care the defaWt; � � -
<br /> . �� i� (c)a date,nat tesv t�mu 30 dayu[roiu iLe dste t[te aattrc is givea to Bossow�,.bY which ttre detanit mast 6e c�:and _
<br /> •;..:•':�:�,..;�.;.-,.:,,.;;. --
<br /> __:� . . :�::�ti:..: (�tLat faflmre to cme tbe detaatt on or 6efore the date sp e d t led in t h e no t ice may�+e s a i t i n a a m lastWn of ttie snms
<br /> '� _`:- �` ,`; sc�ar�by t61s Secarit9 ia4trmt�ent and s�le of the Pmp�ty.The notice sbaq fuet6ee infomt Bormwer of tQe rtgbt to
<br /> :::..:.........�1,�:;. . — ---
<br /> `' m�aft�aaxleration and the rtg6t to brin�8 oontt adfon to es�ert the non-adstence of a defauIt or auy other
<br /> � � ` 4 �', defense of Bor�uwer to aooeteratton�d sat�It the defantt is noi cm�erl on or before the date sp�ed!n the nott�. _
<br /> •-�'��:�,�. �''�3�'-' I.eade�t.at.its option.may seqadre hame�fate payment in falt of aU�ams secored 6y tdls Sec�ty InstraQCeat wit�o�
<br /> _ --'•. ._:,,�.`:...•,�_
<br /> .���"- ' � =`"`"`�-:� further demaatD aad may fnvoke the pawer of sate an�miy othep rrmedies permitt�l bygpylkable ta��.Leuder�a116e
<br /> :=,�, '�;�_" � mttti�to ao{!ed ail txp�incmT+��pursatog the t�emedies pmvtdea tn tdts pasap'apt�21,inc]adttt�,hut n�t ttmtted , -
<br /> � - f;�-' . to,�ble atto�eys'fees and costs ot dtie ev�denoc. � -
<br /> ��:�' of We
<br /> , : II�epowee of sale is iuvoke�,Tragtee aLall record a notice of ddadt io eacb oonintq 1n w�tch anY F�
<br /> � Pcoperty is Tacated gnd shaD maU caples of sacb notiae ia the matmer pr�rlbe�l by applt�hte taw to Bomaw�r an�to . _
<br /> n
<br /> � ''� tbe flther peraons presceibed bY�D➢Itca6le taw.After the Wue reqWred by appltcaDle taa,Trastee sball gtve Fubl�c not�Oe -
<br /> ` �::i of sale to the peisoas and 3a the manmer prnscribed by appllca6le taw.TcusteG withoirt�demand on�re+ower,shaD sell �' �:;
<br /> _�'.._;�.-,"_^ . ',
<br /> .::,;.;�i.,. tbe Ym at aactiun to the bfghest bidder at ttie ttme aad p�Ce and aader the tams d�ed in tDe notice ot '
<br /> -';:,'�:' . •� �.. sale in a�ae yor mm+e�parcets aad tn eny ordee Tsastee deter�4nes.1'rastee may pastpone sate of sU or aoy parcel of the ��'-
<br /> �:....,
<br /> ,���`'`�•��r�,�,�- --=-��r. �p�b'vY P�llc announcement at the ttme an�place oY sny previonsiy schduled sate.Lender os�its dcs�aee ma9 �°°'�
<br /> . ..,. purcbase t6e Froperty at aay s�te. -�=;::
<br /> s R� �--L _ •"
<br /> .. � �
<br /> � ; ��'.
<br /> a,t � Form 8�8 9190
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