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<br /> .,.��-�'��_ . . � 'S' r_ ."' � 4 �` r'-�� -h -'-•t - ��.� :.
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<br /> y�t 3. ,F
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<br /> t ..... .r._. . ..V ._t .� r -t. -... y L_� � .. . .. .�t -.�+r� r � . ii- � •s-° -.ct ��s �u c. c.. . ti-c�- c. & ti+".
<br /> S .T .� Y..�� `�.�t' •��{r x�,,�-'E` � {� z � s . c ♦ a ft ..f�"tr r 2 c ._ w'v �-' ? _ � ��i� � a c.� .,
<br /> -f- . ♦ �< � '` '�� 4c- 1 r:�:.� .rt �c�� .s
<br /> �(.. n/•.:�._w;�:� .. ,u;• <� � E m --'�-.- �:;y,r ��°_ .,i.. _ -z.o.. .-_ . .y.''g.
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<br /> .:.o_' . i.:.. ...-.._. . .; __ .. . ..
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<br /> �. � � �� � _ ��x.:
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<br /> '�__ "�,a"'. �l � _.�a-r.''
<br /> }__ tu �� . . . r �:.
<br /> " � pro�ty Ias�ance. Bmmwer shttU.k�p ttce improvements aaw ea�iag ar 4eaesRer� on the
<br /> ,�.
<br />��� � b¢=�.`'•as>: �• ��T tIICI11dE�Wit�11 t}1C t�ItD °�pl�Od COV818g8 8tt�81l O1�L'�18�5. 11�10p � �
<br /> `'•: p[OpC[ty/�AS�8�51�OSS h'I Ftt�.�9 y � � � :.
<br /> �;�
<br /> �� -:.`°�,- .�� g� lnsuraaoe. T6is insaranoe sha1J Be maintaiaed ia the srtmuats and for the periods "'q=',
<br /> '4`4�.;;:f:u=.�-^;, t�onds or IIoodIn for wh�ch�.euder requt�es -... -:
<br /> ` �'1 tvat L�nder requi�es.The inswanoe r,arrier Froviding the insuraaae s6a11 be shosen by 8arrower subjea w Lendes's approvei t �
<br /> ;���`s�- `-. which shall nnt be uareasonabfy withbetd. If Sorroaer feDs to agiutain covera�e dessn'bod ubove. L�des inay. ffi Leade�'s ,
<br /> r; t,,:
<br /> �' tf n r optibn.4b���8e m pmtea�'s righcs in the Propecty in acoordance vedth pa�agtaph 7• f'
<br /> t'_ �s� ��.. tY i� �
<br /> ,r�' �-.. o /�]1I15«t1l3SIC?.QO�ICECS�Y�AC��1 VC 8L'0.P�1136�6 LO�SAd S�lIK'�111jC 8 6�8QdAId �IOn�C C�$LS2. �..Cn�CT
<br /> 5 �
<br /> ---`:, shall have the right w hoW the poiiaes and maewals.If Leader requi�es,Borrnwer shail pmmpt1Y give to Leader all rooelpts of ;
<br /> `�``S-��� �ra{d premituns and renewal aotioes.In the eveat of loss,Bomawer sf�atl give prot�t natice ta tt�i�+us�e canles and Lendes.
<br /> �ta �
<br /> � �-,•'�.�r L�der may make proof of ioss if not made prnmpttY 5Y Botrower. ,�. "
<br /> . .�..�.�A��,..� ,' Uniess Ir�der and Snrrower ottreiwise agrce in anitiug.it�suraaae proceeds s6aU be applied w restora3�a or repair of d�e � �- =-
<br /> `'"."``;�-`�':;'"•'-� p.�����d tf the restamtion or c�epair is oonnomicalIy feasi�le and Lea�er's security is aot[esse�ed. if the neswration os "���::��
<br /> ..•..v.iw��-'-.x'�-' •'°l'."`l �203gC�� :..
<br /> = ;�;.�"'�:,.;'-�` �S not economicalty fea�ste or I�nder's s�carity wauld 8e lessened.t&e iasuranee Dro�ds sh�ll be apPlied w tpee sams -?y:,
<br /> ���d�_� -:-�-•� � .. .. .
<br /> � -.;'.'�f�_�'' secuted 6y dris Seauity Insaameat. wt�her or not then due.wltl►anY excess P�id to Bon+nwer. If Bomawer a6and+ons the x;°�::
<br /> ^��':'�"'`,'��";��,. Ymgerty.ar does not aa5wer witliin 30 days a aodoe fmm•t�euder that the U�sutauce waier has offer�ed to settte a elaim,then . ._��,::'
<br /> ��x c s Wlt 111 �A
<br /> �``r , ``, I�nder may coltect t6e ia�noe psoce�ds. bender may nse the pmc�eds w repair or restor�the Praperty or w pay snms , i�
<br /> T ;' �' r`� witether or aot then dae.The 34day period wi116egia when the aorix is pven. �;;'
<br /> . . • r ���.- secutedby tI�is SecaritY Instrument,
<br /> ,.�_*,,::;;:; ::.x:" �;-,.
<br /> `�"�:="r:-:` 'Y�,; • [Intess l�der aad Horrower atherwise agt�e ia wMing,anY aPPlicatiou of praceeds w principa! skali not extead ar �>:n„
<br /> . �..1..
<br /> .`•t`��,--"�,:; •:=,' i and 2 or ctrange the amamu of t4e gaymeius.tf , . <,�
<br /> -:F.- --. ...�t�T: the dae dete of tbe monthly,paymeats refemed ta in�p�agraphs ,:r_..
<br /> •�:%k`,>_s��;.s::r,,; 1�0�F°� � lieies and moeeds r�ing from ��
<br /> � .. � -- nndet p�agrapb 2I the PcopertY is a�qa�iral nY I.e°d�+Bomawer s rigM w any i�sa�attce po P _
<br /> �K` - damage to the PropenY Priar to the as�isiuon shaii pass to I�der to the exteai of t�sums sec�'a!bY this Secar'stY In�t ,�
<br /> �c F� ;,` ��Y 4rior m tbe asquisition. � ����.
<br /> :=s s ,.�- Oa;�I4�'
<br /> ,.._,,..:,..:�-,.-.: � 6.Uo�c9 Pr�vation.M�te+a�e end Fratedtau af t�e Pro�e►y.Borraw�'s Loan Agp�a�ti
<br /> r•,c,. ' sfter dte exe�utto�}of . r -�
<br /> �-: as Borrower's rincl �esideaoe withiu sixry day9 -
<br /> `'_°:,;;�`':��;�.�jj�. Borrower sball aaupy.esmblish,aad nse the PmA�Y P P� -
<br /> �.<; ,� s ti' • ttus Seauity Iast�u�eai and shall co�inae to oaa�py the Ptoperty as Borrowcr's principal reslden�for at least mte year aftes -
<br /> °'` t ?� the date of oa�ancy,untesg I.ender od�etarise agrees in writlag, afiich conseat sba8 cot be�sonably wifhhetd.or anless � _-
<br /> { ,°z� ', � � eEt�tilU�tig ciiCUmStanCes BAist w11iCb aiC 6eyond BOS[ower's coIIt[Ol. Bosmwer sh811 QOt de.ct[oy.da?na8e or imPair tbe .� �-
<br /> -- . t � .
<br /> -;s�=`t=::}�::?;'`�;;;: .. . Prnperty.allaw the Praperty to deteriorate, or wmmit uraste on the Propeaty.8omawu sbatt be in defanh if auy fo�feltare � � _
<br /> ���.
<br /> �..,. .,.;,:.>._. 1�;: �..-
<br /> �=•;.';:r,-�r.:.����-.� acdoa or gmoeedin�.whe�civ�or criminal.is begim t�at in Lender's gaod faitb judgment cauId result in forfeidue __-
<br /> '�'�Y;�'-'��:��,:;<�:.� or athecw�se materialty itnpair tt�1�c�eated by tbis Se�trltY Instrumeat ot Y�ad�s security iaterert.Botrower!�Y ---
<br /> ;:ic•..`::�;.,_.,,,:��`.e,: � Property thec se y -_----
<br /> ,. <:�..':���_.-;�..:,:: caie sad►a defan[t and�e.as pmvEded ia parag�aph 18.by c�s�ng the acdon or pmcePding to 6e dismi�a►1!h a mltng ___
<br /> ` "" j ' ��. . tnat, in Ie�nder's good�aith determinatios�+ P�ectudes fosfeiAme of the Botmc�es's interest In t6e Pinperty ot oiher matexial
<br /> .� f f:.
<br /> � :: .•�'�;.;:' impainnent of the lien created by ttis Securlty Insanmeat or Lender's securiry Iaterest.Bomawer shall a'tso be in default if � t?4=:-
<br /> :'�y.;'.=-�S':.;.r;:.�. �.: r%-
<br /> ,-_�:;;,;,r...:::r Borrower,during tbe luan ap�lieation pracess,Save mates3aily false or inaccusate iufom�or statemeats to Leada(crr faited ��:._.-_
<br /> :"':l�s: -�',,`,°`r�=:;": uy�rovide Lender wit6 any a�ater�al h�foimation)in conae�xioa with the toan evIdenced by t6e Note,including,brcc not iimited _
<br /> `�� ' `.;;:: of as a principal tes�de�ce.If this Se�fity Inga�nt is ort a =
<br /> . ,_�;;•_,:., .:-,:�,r to,rePresentationseoncesaiagBonower'soc�xipancy WePraperty ---
<br /> .....<;. _;v-....:, , teasehold, $urrawer shall compty with a!i the provisions of the lease. If Borrawer acquires fee ttde.to the Prapeity. the —
<br /> - :." leasehold an�the f�titie shall not metge unless Lender agnees to tiie merget itt writ3ng.
<br /> + . .<:q.�': 7.�ot�ttan oY Lende�'s Yltg4ta in the PropertY.if Borrower fa�a w per�n:m the aovenaats and�raa�ts wmained.in _-
<br /> ; . -f` this$e�urity Inswmuit,or the�a�a lcB�P�S��Y sign�fscantly affect Leoder's right4 in�e Pmperty(s¢cb ss s -_
<br /> ; : ' ��: proceedlnS in baulaaptcy,Pmbate.for oondemnation or forfeihue or to eaforae lawa or regWatFons�then Leades may do and �
<br /> °:,_:;T'-�::':.'��.::a-' . � paY for wt�atever is noo�ssacy to pmte�x the va2ae o�.the Property and Ixnder's rights in the Propeiry.I.ender's actians may .
<br /> �s 1, includa P�yin$anY s�uaa s� by a lien whieh has priority aver this Sesuriry lnamuaeat.appe�riag iu �;ourt, PaY� .
<br /> -_=�.:��;�•�!. reasottable aunm�ys'fees and�erin�oa the Fraperty to make repa9ss.Aithoagh I.er�der mayr tage sctIon unde�thispar�grap!►
<br /> � ��' :.�=;�. 7.�l�ader d�es aot l�,ve W do so. . . . :
<br /> '" : ° :,..:�:. • Au�r amwunts rHsburs�d bY �.ender vnder this paragraph 7 shall become additional�debt of Boccowa secute8 lsy this __
<br /> t x;-�,�.� >�--: Seaujt�Idsunmen�Uuless Barrower and Lender ag�ee w other teraos of parymert,these amounts sball 6�r interest from the _
<br /> �a,:;'.`?`::�:�':r�,�=,n date of disfinseq�ent at the Note rate and shaU be�ayabte, with interesb �on notice from Leader so Borm�wer reqaes�ng
<br /> :� ,,: ' P�•, . --
<br /> r,;,: S.Mortgage Iasusanoe.lf Len+der teqaired mortgage insutaace as a candition af making the loan seaured by t6is SS�curity • --
<br /> 1_.•1<.__�-.'.� insarumen�B�mwer shall yay the prenunms roquYred to maintain the mortgaga insurance ia effect.If. for aay reasop,the =
<br /> �� ,� . -
<br /> "" mort�age lnsn�ae ooverage�eqaised by Lender lapses os cea4ea w be in effect.Hojsower shait pay tlte premiums cecNi�ed to
<br /> ' ���'. , obtain oovemge subsTamially equivatent to the mortgage insurmice yrevionsiy in effect.�a aost substaatiaUy aquivalent w the .-.
<br /> .-._,;.<<:.;:..,,,,, -�„�;,;
<br /> �. •"<,.. : :••�. • cost to Borrower oY the mortgege iASwaace previousIy ln effea. from an altetnate mort$age fnsurer approved iry t.eader. If ti
<br /> ;. ..,�,:.a�..�W�,..`'�, substautialty eqnivalem mortgage insu�ance ooverage is not availabte.Borc+�wer shall pay to I.mder eacb montb a sum eqtral to
<br /> ��<
<br /> " < �-' one�eweIRb oY the yeaHy martgage insura��ce premium belag paid by Borrower whcn�he insivaace ooverage lapsed u*ceased to � ��
<br /> - � ���,`', be in efPect.l.ender wlll aecept.use snd retaia the'se payments as a loss reseive ln iieu of mortgage insweaoe. Loss resetve �;�'
<br /> ; r .i;�; �'
<br /> _ Form 3028 9l9�
<br /> .,;:`..:'� aace a o16
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