, -�..�:.+Y-„rm �[�� -C4k�' ' ' �Y .�aF'fcc,���+�q=.�� - i , s'- t zl q : - ._:•-�-r rt-•�r��_
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<br /> � u Z s --. 3' '"' ii 4 '� �..f. a. ! �ia 6 i 5t, �i zSS'
<br /> e°Y�'2z'`�'-�,',-�.��`"-`r�� _ ,''_ " _ � r' � "� x - C � � ,� °t t= �.� .� ' Yx: 4t , 3 e �
<br /> `,.-..Ee': r- �.r� -.a ;.:<. ;`�7. E�-"�s�.-.t`^� �, z�o � i �}:� ��}C _ ;Sst J-,,_r.. -�c'�:r - E �,� y. - £
<br /> �y--Y'o n,dS-- '-'�t . �c , � .�.� _ '� Z, _ < �ri. _ '.s ti,�_._-.s. :""�' '�'s. �-F-,r' ";' c-- %-� a" +'r
<br /> }• -�cl� �y i c-.4--•- r ' s� Y•i S __ ::s,._s�. _ .a.'..,..-..?t : - �- c �< c cF .:l
<br /> "`'� �t. .'.i � .A F ,-�,_ . o-Yl-. .4 �_.<t�. G �� �.r
<br /> ��� y;�t �L 'G t.i� t JI _ _ S _
<br /> c. � � —� ' tl'`t
<br /> � �-sd C
<br /> <. ,A 3�„`.[.fh_ `� 4c A
<br /> , �-�-j 9 5 < < ,�,, =
<br /> :i..K c rr -.�.- �o y/����(p� C �'+�_ ✓f,� `- y '�
<br /> _ �.<j '"tF, �LYtl.�VC7� r yhr�,�1-� •,C.�4� '.
<br /> -.' `� ' . G` � . .F .'� t �',
<br /> '` °` � (9) Any faiture on the part of the Trusior to meet tho repeymer►t terms in respect to th0 Loan Agreement and eny t �• ,f¢ �� aG r�*
<br /> :-ti �
<br /> '�` ottie►advancea uader this Deed of Trust her�by secured;and. =
<br /> r A Y a. . . -�.i
<br /> � -- ` °�� (CI �1ny action by the Ttuator prolGtirt�d by the terms of the Loan Agreement o�this Oeed of Ttust or any teiture of � �-
<br /> � . .� -`�
<br /> �� .r �i c c:;,� -
<br /> the Trustor to sct as required by the Loan AgreerRent or this DesQ of Trust,each ot wMch Trustor haraby agrees �` �
<br /> (S y : r t � 4 H � rF.' c
<br /> - :��:s=�,:°� ��E=;:'= have an advarse aNect on ths BeneRdary's sacurity for tha lina of credit estabtished en� the dgltte of ihe , . �
<br /> � ., x �
<br /> � . :� �..' �- -
<br /> �- -� Qeneflciary in such security. _ '
<br /> _�, r,. .
<br /> � � and upon the happeriing a�a�y such event o!defauft, Benefidary may dedere all suma secured hereby tmmedisiely �` �y'� ':
<br /> ��z�� `1
<br /> # t t ue aQt d paya b t e by t f e tin 8►t o T r u s t e e o f v v�d e d 8►e i t o s�e t d e t a u l t• The rNStee shaii have the power of sals of � ¢ Yt '
<br /> `� }� � .�:`1 the Property,and if Benefidary desires ths Property to be so�d,it shaU depos[t with Trustee this Deed of Trust and al1 � `
<br /> It 1 Y !
<br /> f `-- s�:. promissory notes and documeMS svidencing e�end'siures secured t�ereby end shal!defiver to Trustee e wrrit�sr►nailte - -- _
<br /> .'�._..r;'�..;._ i '�: '� � ,a
<br /> �.�� ;�: of defauft and etectlon to cause the Property to be sofd,artd the Truatee in tum shall prepare a notice in the form F.-.;.,F -
<br /> ' _`�'r�°::; required by Iaw,which shaU be ducy fited for record�y Trustee. � u�� � _
<br /> °-�^°°���--�: (� AfEe►the la�seof sucb ttme-as a�aY be required Oy Iaw tottowing the recordatIon of sald nottce ot defauit,and �L .
<br /> 1ti � ,r . _ ���z ° � � .
<br /> r "� .. '.��,-,°�� rtotice 4 d�fau�[._a��Q�ce af��sale hav�ng baen gtve�as requlred by taw.Trustea,w i t t►out deman d ort T r u s t o r. .� •
<br />:�ir•-.:.rr�4�:�^`=,,r.`� � 4.�f°'��,"`•'.". r " �" .-
<br /> ti. � c 5
<br /> _ sh�i se1#�.I�top�y o�i�'date and at the tima and ptace designated in seid notice of sate,at pubtic auction to f� �, �,� __,
<br /> t . «;;���. the MgResE-i�dder,iheQurchasa pr[ce PaYabte in Iawfui moaey Af ffie united S�st tite time of sate. The ° °`
<br /> � ,,-= -,:,� person conduCting the sate may.far any cause he deems expsdter�t.PostPone the sele tram time to t�me urt�l it ,� t� ; '
<br /> t E^; '�' st+alt 6e oomplsied and.in averl►such case,nottce of postportert�ent shal!!te gtven by�ublic dedaratton thereot '� :
<br /> ..`�:- u.' `'
<br /> {.: by such person et the time and place last appointed for the sale,provtded,if the aefe is postponad for bnger than r LL �, A `` -
<br /> _P i �___ -..• . �.�k �
<br /> �_-. one(t1 day ioeysti6 the dsy desfi nated in the natice at sata,natit�thereof shall be given in the same mar+ner as _
<br /> � �F .� the anginal,noti�of sete- Trustee shatl executs�nd deltvar to the purehaser its 8eed conveying the Property so „ <<�y�iYl�F. '{ �^
<br /> '� ress or im tted. The recitals in the deed of any matters or acts J- : .f� ` `
<br /> S;. n-��,-- �=`` s�i9:but writf�out andy cavarcant or warraAtY.exP P • :. - -
<br /> Wrt
<br /> `-�::;;�,-:`•:��: '���"� shall be cont�usive prcof at the uuthtutness thereof. �Any person.indudin Berte€�d �:�`-'�.�`.-�.
<br /> 8 �t/.may Rurchase at the sate. � E �-
<br /> ��, ar �,ld::
<br /> (B) When T�ustea setis pursuaiit to the powers herein,the Trustee shatl eppiy the pn�ceeds of the sate to payment z _
<br /> � ste
<br /> � ' ��. r ���� of the costs and expenses of exerdsing the power of sate and of the sate,induding the psymer�t of the Trostee's -� . "�-
<br /> �' ���'�-�-;��"` tees actua incuRed whid�f�T►ustee's fees shat!not in the aggregate exceed tha toBowing ernount based upon ,`h:�� ��,,`
<br /> . / �t r =f_ � s u -
<br /> .v �� ��;'�j ����
<br /> tfte emourtt secured hereby and remainfig cmpaid:5 pe►eentnm on the first 51.000 thereal.1 percenuun on the �� � _.
<br /> r batance thersof and then to the items in subparagreph tC)in the order there stated.
<br /> -' . � ;;�� �,
<br /> � ;' IC1 Atter paying ffie items spedfled in sui�aragraph f8)if the sate is by T�ustee,ar the praper caun and other costs ��,`` `•� '
<br /> : `�� •�-;;��� of torectosure and sale it the sate is pursuart to judicial toredosure,the prcceeds of sale sAal1 be applted in the arQar r r , s = � ,
<br /> ' `� : � ::,` stated to the paymeM of: '= ''� ��
<br /> - ; = Y�--!�_� - „r�`.� p) Cost of ar►y evidence of tide procu�ad in connection wtth such seie and ot arry revenue stamps; �, ��'��� �
<br /> . t ,;�;6 (IU All sums the sewred hereby; ' , .; w �'`.''Y .
<br /> '�r,� . (IU) The remainder,if any,to the person tegatlS►er�tit(ed thereto. '' � r�" � f
<br /> .�::;•�...,:',; -----
<br /> 1 13. t�ud�and Ob1lgaBons at Tnistee�. fa3 The duties and o@Sigationa of trustee shalt fae determined saleiy By . : �:. =,. � {_
<br /> � r?:r .
<br /> �`j` ��� ° tr;'. tlteescpress provtsfons M this Ceed of'ftust,and Tnrstee sha0 not be Ilabts exCe�tcr the perfqm�an�e of such duties _ ..z-�..;�"` '
<br /> .-..r:��,:.�
<br /> �::;°;' ����•�'� ;:��`=:> and obtigatians�are spedficalhl set ford+hereln. end no imglied covenant�ar obiigattona shati 6e imposed upon �. .. �
<br /> � � '�s�}� Tcustee; (b) No arovistons of this Oeed of Tnist shall require Trustee to expand ar�isk ks own tunds,ar otherwise �.`;.�,r,.� ,s���
<br /> " �! ���r'���`� incur arry flna�dat oi�pgatton in the perMrtnance of any of its duties�hereunder,or in tha exerdse of e�ry of ita rlghts .'- -�_=3
<br /> ., ,.. .� �� �,r`i'���3. ( • �v��. •-,-
<br /> , •.
<br /> •`. , - ..r..:t--'c� ,.�..�..:-_-..
<br /> _, , .., ,::_��::� or power,if it stietl havs gr�unda for believing that the�epaymeM m3 such tunds o�adequate fndemnity against such -.,`., � ,�.,-
<br /> h'��:::.%. risk or liabiiity is not reasona�Gy assured w it;ic) Trustea inay consutt with awnsel otits awn choos9ng�nd the advlce - _� __
<br /> , ::�3
<br /> �.�:: of sach counsei shatl he fuSl m►d compiete sutRorizatioa and protectton in th�res�qct of arry actton tek or st�ffeted : ��i
<br /> - by it Aere�mder ingaa�taiib and retiance thereom,fd1 Te�stee 9ha11 not be iiable`fbr mry action taken by�n gaod faith 1_� _ __
<br /> � ,�.;. ,:� ='���= an dYeas a r�l y D e l i e v e Q b y i t t o b e a u t h o r i z e 0 o r w t t h i n t he discretion or ri ghts and powere'conferred upon it by this " �� _ --
<br /> � ` � Deed of?rust. . -' r r ' _
<br /> �; 14. Adt�ticnal Security tnswmartte. Trustor,at�s expense,wilf e�cec�te snd deli�er to tha Trustse.promptty �- _
<br /> ,: � upon Qemand,such seeurtty tnsuumente as may be re�aired by Trustee,in torm endsu6stemce ssNstectoN to T►ustee, = '� ,°
<br /> . `;.;=
<br /> � � . cov e►irtg any o!t h e p r o p e n y c amr e yed b y thls Oeed of Trust,whicb s@aurity ir�sm�me�s ahail be add�iona)security ���=
<br /> � tor Trustor's feithful pe�tortnance af aII ot the terms, covenanta and conditions of this i�eed of,T�ust, fh9 L0811 i �
<br /> � :.
<br /> _ Agteement,eny promissory note$secur�ed hereby and any othar security insuumenw execut�d tn connectlon with thia � � ��, ^'
<br /> �+ nansaction. Such insdumer�ts shall be recorded or fited;end re-recorded and Retited,at TlrustoPs expense. � -���'�
<br /> �... "J t ,:..�._'.
<br /> . ..�. � [.'�'•:i:
<br /> `�� ; � `:,;,. 46. MissetfmtEtou9. � c -
<br /> (A1 In the event arN one or more ot tha provlsions contafned U tiie DeeA of T►ust,or the Loan Agre�meM ot atry .
<br /> , ' ° ����� promissory note,ar aml other security instrumeM given in connection with thls transaction,sha11 to�any reagon � � , �
<br /> .,-�-.';r.� �=:-`-: � to be heid to ba invali�,iilegai or uneniwceable in any respect,such tnvaUdity,iltegafity or unenforceabitity shail, >� � °_
<br /> � � a!the option of Beneflctery,not aHect any other provislon of this Deed of Trust,that this Oeed of Triist shati tie ''`` ''�'j� �'��� ```
<br /> . '" � �~ consvued as if such invatld,iltegai ar uneMorcesftie provision had never been carrteine0 herein or thereln. � ''
<br /> �, .,J. �::�' � > �
<br /> � �� ; (8) TMs Oead of Tntst shall be consVUeO according L�the lawa ot th�State o4 Nebraske. ''''`��^
<br />- " ����1:- tCl the Oeed o!Trust shal!insura to and bind the heirs,tegatees,deviseea,administrators,executors,successors and ' �• _
<br /> . ,. ..-�Y assigns of the partleafietsto. -�
<br /> � ,:��:;� (� Ttustor sha11 pay ell taxes levied upon thia Deed of Ttqst or the debt secured hereby,together with any other taxas `�� � .
<br />- ,� � � or asse9sments whtch may be tevied agairost the T�ustee or Beneflciary or t4ie tegai hotder of the loan AgteemeM �� ��_ •��
<br /> °;�..:... .: -
<br /> �
<br />_ � � - �'�j'.�.� on accouM ot the lndebtedneas evtdence thereby. - � �
<br /> ' (E) Whenever used herein,the singu(er number shail inctude the plural,the ptural,the singutar,the use o!any gender � 'r ` .
<br /> _�. ;: � :'.; :
<br /> ' � ;, �. shall be appiteabte to a1)genders,and ffie term°Beneftciary'ahatl inctude erry payee of the inclebtednass fteteby �` �'.�� !
<br /> ' � secured or any transtar thereof,whether by operat�on of law or otherwise. --
<br /> ,:�{;'..`': 18. Sus�fasor T�uetee. Benettciary may trom time to time subatitute e successor or successara to arry Trustee _ � �
<br /> -.�., .'':._-
<br /> � �'�••�..�. : nameA herein or acting hereunder to execute thia Trust Deed. Upon sucb appointment and without�onvsyance to ;,. ' ,,,
<br /> � ` the successor Trustee,the latter shali be vested with atl titte, powe�s and duties confe►red upon any Trustee he►ein . :
<br /> �•���� L. � � � named or acting hereunder. Eech such apAo9ntment er substitution shatl be made by wNtten insUUment by Benefidary, � :. '.�'
<br /> �R �`�''' , cor�talning relerence to this Oeed of Trust and its ptace af record,whlch when re�orded in the olfice ot the Register ' •, • �
<br /> -•.°:' •�.:;',� . . . ,.
<br /> of beeds of the couMy or counties in which said property is situated,shall bs conctuslve proof of proper appolntmerrt �
<br /> '�• _. ' '
<br /> '�� - �- of tAe successor TrusteA. The toregaing pawer ot substKutlon and the ptocedure theretare shall not be exNusive of � �
<br /> F , t, � _- --- - - ,-� .-�-_
<br /> . . • 8/94 408-3 . . _,.. ..
<br />-�. ' .
<br /> . ,
<br /> � . -.,- . :
<br /> .
<br /> ,
<br /> a_�i', . . . . . . ... . , ..�
<br /> .. .. ,. _ ----- •. _ . __
<br />