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<br /> , �� the uadezsigaed, Pive Points Bank. a Nebra.ska �� ` ;
<br /> ,� `j ^ �j ` �n...-,.,�. under the �eed of Truat dated July 31, 1995, 6 �.� {f�t` ` F-�
<br /> K . r "' \.0��.��.idn/ a.8 liYay��� (��()�\ i . sl S��( .
<br /> J �-�i.. V . 4_ . ` � �C:;.
<br /> s,� � ,,,; executed by Patrick A. Rayl and 3ulie A_ Rayl, husband and �rife, as `
<br /> L, �z Trustczs, ia which Pive Poiats Bank ia named as 8eneficiary, and the �
<br /> '' u' .:c.:�;� uadersigned as Trustee, wisich wae recorded in the of f ice. of the ``, ;` ` �-°�.-� _
<br /> � ,_�s� R e q is ter of Deede of Ha12 County, Nebraska. as Dacument #�5-105265, oa , � y }, f '.
<br /> Y• � ,
<br /> ��� .
<br /> � �-�'�'� t 1995 aad� � . `° � -
<br /> .� F y�LL the dtla day of Augus . �' � �� '� ,.
<br /> ., rr _ -. . s�''_�s� . ,
<br /> a'� h : W�RBAS, eaid uaderaiga�d. Pive Points Haak, as Trustee, haa `�t.� � ( , : F �.
<br /> � ;_;: ,�-� ,.='` written s est to � .. �.�
<br /> `�' � - :-; receives3 fr� Fi.ve Painte Ha�e3s, as Bet�e€iai.a�y. ,�r �
<br /> � _l
<br /> � r"k�. t8e real eatate described in the Deed�f Tsust above mentioaed .� 5
<br /> Y '� �'� ' Y��r�-
<br /> r '� � f a�,;=� =eCa�z/@ :V -
<br /> , ., �y,;: as fallaws s ": �� ":
<br /> r r!r- < .: . . �tF ., x�
<br /> r� t �..,�• . y �-
<br /> . �.�� ,-������ Lot Four (A) . in Slock Three (3) , ia Jenkinson SubdiviBian, in n,-, � y���_i
<br /> -- "� �-, . Hall Couat . Nebraaka. �`- -�—`
<br /> � � �� '•' � the City of t3rand Islaad. Y '
<br /> �, u� � �°':s: that all sums aecared by suc�a Deed ��`:,�`�;. -
<br /> -- ''^ -^� � eaid request to reconvey �ecit3ag `��``�; :�':�
<br /> ;rf ,,::f:. aid; :<� ... .
<br /> af Trust have beem fti].ly p ��a<_ Y:.
<br /> . . .. . .. . t f`
<br /> �.t;;^ ; ;-rv,�",•,F. z.r� i::a ..:! . �i� A
<br /> �' ..:" �� `- NOW TS8RBFORB. ia aacordaaae witb auah reque8t and the pxovisiosie . �x-�,,.;.: . .
<br /> , t."•,'t.."�`.:_'',ti} ,�.i.`; };. 4;
<br /> 'tt �:. :� o� such Deed of Truet, the undersigaed ae �zuatee, doea hexepy ,:.,^ �
<br /> • reao�vey, witihout warraaty, to the persoa cr pereans legally eatitled ���y._. _
<br /> theteto, the eatate now �aeld by said 1'z'tsstiee he�euade�. - � ��
<br /> f.},� ,.:
<br /> ��,.L , .., ` . IN WI pp, the uudere�gued��as executed thi� DeeB.oF ��:Y t ':
<br /> � ��;��:� �, d Ysland. Nebraeka, thia iet day of Deaemher, r�;;� . �'�.
<br /> y Reconveyan 8� . ;c-`:: �°` �=
<br /> '"�>;,. 1995. ��'r � ��r;�,;; ..�
<br /> : �,;�_:;" ' � '� FIVS POIDiTB BANFC. TRIISTSS '-� �`,k'���•
<br /> _- -_�_, - :t;.:• � . _ _ - --
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<br /> �. __ _-.�._ ��.!'��,.:..�, a�� ----- -
<br /> ..-.,.:�-,��::, . . � III -- -
<br /> f-.n , :'-,'- By- Will am W. Marshall, �.�
<br /> . ,:� . ;: Title: Chairntasi a=td Puesident - - -
<br /> , ... : .;... '
<br /> . 7u..cr.. - . ' w�.: .o
<br /> . .
<br /> -..,. _s��i.r � . ... _
<br /> ' n - a�� OP �i�i�/ ��__
<br /> �'. �� ., _ . �SS . _ . y� i.
<br /> ; t;.,� ,' COVI3't'Y GB HAI+L � ' .
<br /> _: ;,,. :'' , �-�■rr� !.
<br /> ' � The f oregoing Deed of Iteconveyaace wae aelcnowledged be£ore me �:::��"�'�''��' �
<br /> L':f ; .
<br /> , ; , this iat 8a►y o£ necembes, 1995.. by William W. Mareha7.l. III. Chairman .�� :rY,�s :
<br /> ��i��+•�Y' asid President of Five Pointe Hank, a Nebraeka corporation, on behalf �: �
<br /> �.
<br /> - . .�n� , af eaid corp_oration ae Trustee. ::;;,, l '�t
<br /> aL , ..�
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<br /> :',:�. ���'. �;is; .
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