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<br /> •,Yi �T, , ' r- t 't ' � i •'c. f u+r�z-:M'^ -c���t tC"
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<br /> �"j.�.,�.,.�a. : c'- ,. L � ,i- ,� �I� fr�. . ,� .`4 _. -k." ��5- . �3i - � -f .� rr . .
<br /> `� ,.,.t. f •sl - - ' t�.��. �f _a, t..E-.. 'Sc' c,,,-�"� .C 4�� c'Z.'�� 'c�.. _T -- -n � `c_...t T"���-.'i�° a ks_£F t�
<br /> �-�:�..t� '`cCC'!Y:'.tc,`<<o� .l�E..- �'S ..5-�^rt �_-+ ' '- .-„. . . :.a' _' . , . � ' . _
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<br /> f..,."'�,!L�:p` '::�.r,.
<br /> '�t3fii�IBi�V�'l7E�a11 tlte impsovements now or heceaRer eoec�d on the prope�t}r.aad atl eacement�,appiu�aance� �..,.:,,�..
<br />:-:�a`�.'.;�.`Y ` :,.. BIIt��7[�CS QOW Oi�CIE�@f 8 ' .
<br /> -�x;_;.;r.,::<::£_t. pazt of the pmpetty. All teplasemeats and uddluaas st�li also 6�cove�ed by tt�is Secaiiry . . .
<br /> > tnsuua�cu. Ai�nf t�e fomgo�g is�ef'ees�w ia�hla Security Eastiument as the"i9opeety' .:��'`':
<br /> � , .<"';.�'` ;f,r;._ A
<br /> ��•4;=:��;���.�.°:;`;4-� BORROVYE[t OOYENAN'iS that Bolma�er is lawfnDy seised of W$estate here�y►wnveyed aad�as the rtgpt to g�aat -�`�``
<br /> �``�.-Y=°","�__ ��;,;� e�d convey t� aad th�tt�e Ptuperty is mteucumbered.exae.pt for encvmb�anses of�ard. Banawer wmranis aad :-� -
<br /> �7'< w;n aefeaa geae�Bctie co the Ao�ty►�afu ctaims ana actnanas.subjecc to aay eacnmb�o�c of�ecaora.
<br /> . -.t�
<br /> _ `,��.a;�=.",._�.` TlII�SECURPfY IN.�TRUMENT oombines uaiform coveaanta far nationa! ase aa�i non-naifo:m oove�ants wtt� :,x..
<br /> . . . .
<br /> ttmue�varr�ns by�a ts�a emitmm seanicy i�t covca;ag�eat p�sacy.
<br /> ` �' UNIlaORM COVENAN75. Bonower attd Leader oovenaat mtd agnee as fottows: �
<br /> a,.�- : y �ta�p�aml Iut�+es�prepaym��d Lsbe�ges. Bonaws si�P�mP�Y PaY when fine the ^
<br /> r�.�ti°t�_:�:::,•:.��-_ principal ofaad inte�an thede6t ev�denoed by the Note aad aaY p:epayment aad tate chmges dne�der the l�tote. ���_
<br /> �=r f �.��-.';-� Z. Frmdafos�eIId tnsue�a� Snbject toepplirabte law orto a written waiv�by Leadec.8omnwer shaII pay to '-f;':>,
<br /> �.`r�,�;;�,4'�`��`-� Leader an�die�day moa�t.L�i.yj payments aze da��e aader the Nnte.uad7 the Note is/��pai�d}pi�nIf��oll,a}s��("Prmds'�for.Ea)Yead�+ .
<br /> C �
<br /> r << - �`' 4.� �4 8�W�w��w{uw YWy S�II�7IV���I DYC��L4.�0�1��18 11W VY�!C s1U����Y�� nf
<br /> ,�, � ���: RaYmCAls oi gi�md teuts on the Roperiy.if aAy; (C)Y�Y ��P�P�Y ina�m�.M,.p�miums: (� Y�Y �� .
<br /> ,�.}f.Y,;-'� G�"'S, ;+'::`_"
<br />:�:�_�::.�r.{ ''�:-.:`.l'�" m51i�dIItx%Pieminms.�aaY+(e)YearlY martgag��nsar�ce Ftem�s.if anY:and(�anY sams PaYable by Borrower w
<br /> '��:°:���•4`:_.�.:<�,_� Leader.in acooidauce wfth tbe pravisioas of p�8,in lien of the payme�nt of mu�tgage i�tnauce pne�s. These �:��,
<br /> ttg
<br /> :;,..:E-.;� __; i�ems�e caited°Escmw Items.° Lendec cna at an vollect and hold Rmds in an amoemt uot to exceed the ma� ��: c
<br /> -�:::-
<br />::f.::u��t._.�,;-.,..:`� Y• Y time. •: .,
<br /> amwmt a teader for a fede�aity retated mortgage Ioan may ceqait+e for Hom�wer's escrnw accuunt�the fede�$1 Resl `Y:`
<br /> '` :r •r- ' • Estate Settlemeat Pmced�ce.a Act of 1974 as amended fmm time to timc.l2 U.S.C.$26fl1 et seq.("RESPA'�,tmless anotl�r
<br /> .. F c (...te .
<br /> L` �� !aw that applies to the�ads sets a 2esser amount If so.l.eader may.at any titne.collect and twtd Fimds in an amouat not to
<br /> ; .
<br /> r �, ` � ��_ , exce�Eite!�amwat. Lender may estimatc t� amouai of Pimds due on the basis of cmrnt data and ceasonable .
<br /> � � esBm�es of�of fawre Escrow Items or ottierwise in a�o�daace wit6 app�Cah2e taw � �
<br /> � ::�° �.;.; � . The Pimds shall.be hetd ia mt�aroa cvhose deposits ate ittstn��j►a fedaat�y.ins�y;ar�i.tq .
<br /> �• �:::. -`°�,.�;-: � (inclnding I.endeG�Fa.�ead�r is sucL au�nsat�ion)�a��y I{ederal Home I.flaa Bank. Le�tder s6aU t�e I�imds to `- .
<br /> -. � °--�= � the Facmw Items. IIr�nder may not c6acge B�oxrer for ho2din8�ePP�g��.��Y��the�w t ':
<br /> _ '� L �'�-�;' accaim�or veaifyi�g t6e Bsccow Ite�.antess Lender pays Bonaives gste�est on ehe f�ttds and app�iceble law petmits r',:
<br /> ei
<br /> �:� f-:�; � Leader w make sach a� However.I.eada may Teqnfina Hon+awa w pay a ona-ame chzage for an independ�t ieai , , :
<br /> ~ � 4 ' .estate tax�os�g sereioe ased by L�tdec in coauectioa with this toan.imtrsg apAlicable faar pmvldes ot�ris� Ual�s aa �.
<br /> � ;` ''�, ag�mt is made or applirable taw nequis�s iaterest to be paid.Lended shall not be reqa�d w pay Boaower azry�est or "�,:
<br /> . e�niags on die Famds. $arrower and i.ender may agcoee in writing,however.tL�tntrre,st shatl6e patd aa the Amds L�der �__,_'•,:
<br /> � ��: . sball ve w Botmwe.�witttont
<br /> u � �r g� chaBe.aa a�ual�ng af the Pands�.showlag crEC6ts and debIts to,the Fuads�d the �"�
<br /> r'" ,�4 ��'h`: ���t w the Fimds a+as made. The Pands ane pledged as additionat sec�►ty for aIl sams setaued by �:='
<br /> .y Y��,,,`p"'�. 1ry petmiued w be held Dy a�plicah2e law, I.ender sh�1D axouut to • �
<br /> s L n . �€€tise Faads hetd Lender exc�d the amomits ��r
<br /> � ` �`-s f ''`��Y Boa9rwer for tbe exs�.sg fi�nds ia accoidance with the�eqnfi�ements of appllcable law. If the amomu of the R�nds t�e1d by
<br /> ,. .. ,_...,, �i�
<br />_ l.endea at aay tim�is not saffident to pay the Pscraw Items whea da�Leader may so notify 8mmwer in writing;and,in �;^�°,'_:.
<br /> _ '_�'';�;`.,��:.,'Y_� � such cese Boaower s6aU pay to�the amoaat neaes.4ary w ma&e up the deficteacq. Bomawer shall make up the —=—
<br /> ' deSdea m ao uto�t6an twetve mun y _--
<br /> cy d��3►PaYments,ai 3.eAde�s sole�isa�tIon.
<br /> } _.::,r'.�.� Upoa paymcnt m fail of ail smna secam�by this Secaritsr iasa�umeQt,l.eader s6a11 pmmgtiy�fivad w Boirowchr aay
<br /> � . °�`, Pbmds Le2d by Leade� I�uader patagrapb 21,L�der shall soquic�e or seU the Ropeny,Lender.Paor to tl�e a�eq�dsidan or .
<br /> .�:!�.,� �'� ;''�''',:" . sale of�the ProP�Y•�$PPn+�►Y l�nds Qetd by Lcmder at tbe dme oY acqnisItIon or sate as a�it agaiast iDe sumv � a:
<br /> ` :�. secuted by tUis Seamiry Iasaumeak � . � _�
<br /> �', s F �;�;; 3. App$mttan o!�ments. Untcss.applicable Iaw provIQes odierwise.all payrn�ta�ecelved by Lender imder � -
<br /> - . .:'. --r.,.. patag�aphs 1 and Z shall be epplied:�S4 N e�r�epayment ct�ges dae tmdes tbs Note:seoond.W sraaants —
<br /> :`':� �`��,.:;��: Pana�'aPb Z:th�rb.w inte�estdae:famth.to princlpal dae:atW tagt,ta any l�oe ctiarges due uader the Not�. �Ie�mdec ,
<br /> .y � ,. 4.� �Iaeos.. Botmwer shaU pay aU ta�s.asses�eats.cfiatges,fines and impos�t�ons atai6atabte W the
<br /> � , wtdsh attazn ori over tteis S
<br /> _ - -_ .- •"��`. � �Y � i� � �n►Ias�umeas.mtd teas�told
<br /> _�.--.�• � '.1:� sAaU these ob oas in the manaer vIded in ���tmd rents,if soyr. Bart�owet
<br /> , '�4� � ��.r P$Y S� P� D�b 2,or if not�d ia d�at macaret.Hostower aball pay them on �
<br /> = time�Iy W the persan awed paymen� Bom�wer shaU pmmptly fmra�sh w Leader atl notices of amonats w be pafd under __.
<br /> --'� ': `°_�- this paragraph. If Bomsa�er maires these paymeuts Qhectly,Banvwer st�tl pmmp8y t�sh ta Latdes,r�ceipts�vfdencing __
<br /> _ �Y i 1 t �, .1,.�tTtpA�� .Y. _i .: .
<br /> YlG >....�..
<br /> , :�. . aomncvet shaD PromptlY discharge any lien wbicL has prtarity over dus secarity Insaameat aa2ess Hom�wer:(a)agnees �
<br /> . . „� in writin�io Bie�yaent of t�e abI��aHon secuned by the lien in a maaner aeceptable W L�ader;(D)�in goad faiW the i
<br /> :� S, . - . l�en by..os defends�ainst euFatcement of the lien in,leSal Fmceed}n8g whicb in the LettQer�upinion operate to pnwent Qte � `
<br /> _ ,�,,:�; e n f m t o e m�n t af the I i e n;ar(c)seaeres fmm th e h o I d e r o f t h e l i e n a D ageemen t s a t i s factflry W L a i d e r s u b m d�i aar�ag t he Eien .
<br /> L r .. w th�s Secttriry tasnvment �f Lender detenntnes that a�r part of the P�npe�ty is subject to a lieu which maY�n PrfmitY r� --
<br /> "' �� ��- over dus Seauiay Ins�.I.endOr may give Bomawer a aatice iden'
<br /> ,. .,,1 I.end r t�ying the liea.�Bonnw�sdtall sadsfyt�e lieu tirta�e � _
<br /> -• oAe Or mOt+e of thC 8Cbi0Il8 set foltb 8bove wIthin IQdays of the gbtlag of IIatice. � �� r
<br /> .. ;',� 5. �a�rd a�1Pe�erty Iasm�►a� Bouawer st�al!kap gte imptovementa now eaisdng or�ereafter e�ecoad on tbe u '
<br /> '_::�L � Ptopesty Iasured ag�itigt loss�yr fir�ha7ards iacl'nded witLia the Lelm"ext�ded covesage"and eay Othe�hazat+!!s,Includ�n$• �''•-
<br /> - .. � itoods os ftooding,for wtdch Lender teqaoires ims�raace. 'ii�is insmaace shaU be�ed ia the amom�aad for the F�'
<br /> , �� --
<br /> -� � �• � . Fmm3Q78 4l�0 (D'aSe=olePa8�1
<br /> _ ��_. . :
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