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<br /> 4i^ ' Q� �. �:.�.sc,aL+'°' [� ' ��� -.-r.j.. £� ��- .+ � .
<br /> �'-_t' -�y _ � .�. ♦ F t 4i�'t ,, .. C �L �tW n�� _ �.�-C
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<br /> t�
<br /> � � '' c-c c -.� _ rE � �t-< c< -�r fi'.' ,.,,� � �•- s4 . '.F<, -a`�t �..f- .r[� - �""`3 - -t7 S'� . t 3 (o,t--:
<br /> ._ - -'+Yr . �'� < . . ;q :'x _��. tt.- '� - � � ._� .{.�i,c. � :,4�i'-� �v,:,,,._LCr_ ''';'r< i ''S�F,.__ 4 r-R•a ` a -. �"�.- 4 1 �� r -
<br /> _� c� E,' -- . � o af � �: c �t:. u..,LS. .a .� _� _.s- •f.-e 4Y r.�� '
<br /> -f �:.r= �- - - �''r .-t.�f-� t. ..
<br /> t .�_� t� 1 ~ .„ �':
<br /> Qc ��'"�b' - �s
<br /> �t t a i� F
<br /> "1�, � /�
<br /> �° f��:� iT+.. _���'i � ,�`.�-,�.-�---r::..-..�::�-.--�_-
<br />_ -- - 3,. . •�. °-
<br /> -F-. . 5, ' :"_.` ,
<br /> � ` '• �: '.•-{ ��.Emtae�f!Qamatn.Lende►is hereby assigned att coa�Donsalfot�.awerds.da�na8es and other Pallmenta or relfef(herelaaRes ` � �' `h'��`�� Y :,
<br /> , �;� =`'. .�;�:;� °Proeeeds"!lo cartneadon wit!►coademnation or otherffiicing of Me Property or partthereflf,or tor comrayaitce in lisu of condemna- ;��:�' 'r .. F �
<br /> .�'��� uon.Lender shaff bB entiUed at ha optEon to cammenee.aPPeat in and p�osecute in Ns ovm name eny aedon a pr�seedings.and t, �• � ° � .
<br /> ' , "�� '' sha11 atso be erttEtled io make any campramise or setGernent tn con�feGton wifh such fatcing or damag�In the event en!►Docticn of `� ._�`.:. ...t::<<F..,...h_.
<br /> ,� � , ` the property Is so taken or damagsd.Lender shail hsve the optlon.in ite eote anb a�soiute Qisctet[on.tc apptY ail sush Ptoeeads. z .- :
<br /> � y 4 . . 4 . k .e 3 _
<br /> �, '.:., �. Z,.�� etler de6uding tAerefrom ail eosta snd expans�incucre6 dy 1t tn coetneatlon with suci�Praceeds.uDcn any inde0�dness 88wred .� . '< < m ,;�°_
<br /> >-r':.:�_..f i-�..[`: �: .-� - . , :.=
<br /> .:�,:-.._ p e s e p y e a d t n a u c A o r d e r e a�ender ma y determiae.or to spp�y ait su�Proc�eQa aRer suefi dedw�iona.to the�estoretion ai tt�e r . ..�",r r<:: ';�,�.':`''_�
<br /> e
<br /> a -�., Properry upon such eonditlona es Lender may Qetem�lr►a MY eDDiicaUon ot Proc�ds to tndeDLadnessshati aote�mer►dar p o s l pone : 4 �°� �•, �-�
<br /> � the due date ot any paymsnffi under tha Note,or cure arty Q3teutt thereun Q er or hereunder.M y uneppUed tunds shaS!be peld m �
<br /> � }f 4 4}
<br /> � � `: Trustor. ; � ,
<br /> � �. Re�4o��Y�e*•���s olxuttet�e W en Event ot Oelautt hereunder.ar it arry aet is faken or tegat pro�eQing �•v G = 1 `�. _
<br /> � �. cammenced whteh rtmterlalt�t eftects Lende�s interest In the Propeery.Lender may in tts own discreUon.but without obpgatton�do �, ., � 4 S
<br /> •� .-`-; eo.and withoui aoUce 30 or demand upon T�r ertd wiUtout releasing T�or from enY obiigation,do any act whtd�Trusto►Bas �`$ � C €'� � 4"°`r+
<br /> o ..-
<br /> .�_�.� ;,� .: . a9teed but falts to do and may etso do ar►y ather aet it dsenrs ner.�asary ta pratsct tlta�Ily t�e�Tnisto�stia9l,UnmedlateN - -_ '.
<br /> < n S
<br /> � .: uppa dea�end theretor Dy l.ender.Pay to Lender e!1 costs and expenses tneurred and a�ms expended tiY Lender M coanedion wrNb z ;, .� A �j�� :
<br /> ��`` `x� tAaexe�byLenderofthetoregoing�fgAts.toBetNerwithlrterestther�eonatMedafauttratsproviQedinthsNotawMchetrafiM . r �� L,. :
<br />. _ �.:.�:;�:. (t da or omit to do , ' ,_ .:_` ,`
<br /> e�d�QaQ�t�op tAe indebi�6ne�s secured A e r B b y.L e n der�a f l rt o t t n e ur an y IiaLla t y because of anythin8 rt+aY E . r ,
<br /> . k ' Y ��/OwW�• R
<br /> Y � � �i�dmtt tl�Leff�.Tn�stor ehait[�tlse PraDeRY�n wmpiianoe witA aU appAea02e fawe.arQlnanees and�tdatlona 4 r: ,��'r�kv _
<br /> . • fl` � �'
<br /> , - � . r�fafln9 Lo indusbial hyglene or emtranmecnal Rro�ctlon(cotWalveN�ot0rred to hereln as°Emlronmerdal laws'?.7'tu�t�a11 'c ' r }
<br /> ,�� ; : Ec�theProDergl�eetrome0tsudstane�QeemedtotieRazardousorta�cteundersnyErnlronmet�miLewatcoltecttveNmfemadta � ,« ,+
<br /> c
<br /> ae ��� �-� f�n as"Elamrdaue MffierlaTa°►.Tn�tor hecebY warranffi end represer�to tsnder tAattl�re are ao k8mrdaus Me�rlats on or � �_p �ar.
<br /> . ,, •..,F . � . undetthePtoyerry•TrustnrhesebY��ta(ndemnHyenAAoldharmleSS6ender.itadlredore�afAeererempl��dsg�te.end -
<br /> Icssw end itabtl�t�er(stng(n conr�ton wtth ..�..` �- � � �.
<br /> .,.. _ :�:�_�� a�►Y$�eessora to Lendefa Inte�eat ham artd agatnat eny and atl e�ima 4a�Sea TFtE FOREGOIi�t� '=. `""�� ••,�°� .�
<br /> _- '-'�a.-�:•° fhe presene�.use�dtsAosai ot transAort o!ar�r Hamrdoua Materfata on.under.from o�ahaut the Proger4f. ` '
<br /> • -�-. r ,
<br /> ,,� � SURVNE REC0IWEYMICE O�TFQS OE�OF TRUST. ��` '� r��� �- ,
<br /> �-�' t�� 10 A�1ot R�nQa.Trustor hereby as�nata Lende►ttte re�issues and profits atthe PropercK proulded�at TrusOor . k : - `
<br /> shall,u�theaceurtertceolanEverKOfDefanRhereunder.havethedghttocottaetandr�fainsaictlrertfe.i�8ndprafl�as�ey w;--=-�,a :
<br /> ;_«T ,.�,,�^;� �ecame dne a�e�Payabte.Upon the occarrence ot an Erent of Defautt tsn Qer may.e i�e�tn person or b y a gen�,wtth or wfThout , . v:� „�,`�.�
<br /> ` .; ` �.. bringtng atry aWon or proceedlrt�.or by a recehrer appoiriffid by a cour!and wi�out reger0 to the ade4uacY of ita secutity,erR�r t : � �,._ �.,,
<br /> > n +.-.s �yonandtakepassesslonottAeProperty.orarrypartthereo�initaownnameorinthenameoftheTruslee�.ar►ddoarryactsMMteAlt ,
<br /> �,' ._4�`=� deemsn�lfordeslrabte�presenrethevafue:madcePabilltf►orrentabillryoTthePropeRy.oranyParttA�eotoritneresNlt�ein. ' { �:F s ` r'..�. --
<br /> }:k, f..� asr of the ProPeRS►.sue tor or f �"���r.;�;�;�,.�--�
<br /> • itcerease the income�ereNom or promet the�r h�eof and wtth or wiMout tatdr�g possessl tRe same�tess w�and • q�_�,4-�
<br /> •�� , .� otttetwtse cOtteCt fhe rante.issu�end pmfits theteof.lacludtng tltose past due mtd unpaid.and eDPN
<br /> :` exp0rts�ofoper8donendCOileWoniadudtnga{tomeys'fee9.WcnanYtndebtednesssecuredherebY.B�NnauchardsrasLendet j�`w ���� 4
<br /> ��: �y determbto Tha erttering upo�and taking passession ot 9�e Property.ihe coilactton o}sud�reths.tssues and pra�and�te �tf ..; �. • � ,
<br /> - _ _•�� .=. apptlesUon thereof es afo�e8a1Q.shsil not cure nr waive any detautt or norioa of default hereunQer or imratiAats any act done f� . '
<br /> .�•' - �esponseWsuchdc�laultorpursuanttosucAnoticeofdeiauitan0.norivt�standtngthecomin�neeinpos�lonotthePrapOit�►or �;`, ���..3
<br /> ' tl�g�af18CHorR recefiqR an0 aAAlicetton ot rente�issu�or P ro fl t e,a n A T r u s t e e a n d L e n d er s fi a i l be emitled to e�oardss evmll� �`' �� %`
<br /> . A ' n '` ` a '
<br /> - t°� pravidsdfottnanyoftheLOanQacumerttaorbylawup000ccurtenoeofffiryEventofQetauttindudingwfthouttimitatlontnedghtto 4 + . ` _ ,i .
<br /> � , ;: exerds�the power of sata Wrtt�er.isnaer's�igMs and remedies under thia paragrepb shait be cumutative witA.anA in no way a i �`-, � �� t .
<br /> , .. �{�;1, Itmitefinnon.LendersdgMsandremedt�untleranyessi9nmm�tofteas�endrertisrecar+dedagainsttheP�00nY•Lender.Tnrs� t . ,
<br /> <' •�.� and the recetvet S�!be Ilabt9 to accourt onty thnse�e n t s a c t u e i ty r e c e i v e d. ;-;"� -' � ,r
<br /> '�=•"•:`.•;".� :-'': - H.Ev�ts at�td1.The totlowing sha(I constltrrte an C�vet�t of Oeteutt under fhis Q98d OT TfUSt :�._,-.;�z>.:: � �
<br /> �� �` (�Falture to PaY�N insfalimem ot prindpal or interest ot arry other sum sewred hereby�c+hen�u� :; '� .�': �
<br /> ' ` �' fb)Abteadno?ordelsuitunQeranypravlsicnco�ine�intheNrte.thisDeadofTnLSt.enYoftheLaan�orarry + . �•�' �
<br /> '��: ' � .� ather Ilen vr enambranoa uiwn tAe Pra�aAV: ,' • ' -
<br /> � � .(a)A writ ot exeeutton or attachment or arry simiiar process shall be entered a$ainst Tnrsror wtdM sda110ecOmae ifen an �,�--
<br /> �f _ '`� the Property or arry portlon thereof or interest theretn; , '' , —
<br /> �.�''.�
<br /> :'.,� (�Ttiero shatl bs flted by or agatnst Taistor or Bc►r�+nrer are actlon unQer any presert cr tutrire teQet81.s�te or oth� � �� �
<br /> j, statuD�,ISat cr regulaUon refating to banlvupG�1.tasoNency or other reltet tor debtor�or tAere satal!Qe apDotnted any trus0e9�
<br /> �' --
<br /> _ ,� ._ �:_� receiverorliquldatorofTiusDOrmBorrowezvrofaHorarryDa�taltheProparty.ortherente,isavesorprofltsthe�eoLwTrostor ` v�����•
<br /> ,,•� or Boaower shall make any genera�sssignment tor the b�e8i of ereAitor�
<br /> r+ of or any ir�rest in the �r
<br /> `r� 4 '`��; (e)The,eate:transfe�.lease asslgnmenR corneyanco nr tuMer encumbrance af�l or anY paR 9� �-
<br /> :.,�• Property.eiffier votuntarily or imotu�rily.without tl�e express writien consern of t�ender.pravlQed inat Tn�r shall 6a �� �
<br /> t'" thatdoesnotcantalnenopttootopurchasean4trietarmaiwtiiMQo��otext�9d s . _
<br /> ;�- ,_:P .. p�armmeaeoexecutearease otri�ePropeny u_5
<br /> ` �"�. one year: . �,.�.�—���,:::
<br /> , '� (Q AbBr►donmer�t of the PrapeRyr.or `� ��"�-��-
<br /> �• �:. .. ..,r� (g)ttTnisMrisaotantndtvidual.theissuance.saia.trans[er.asstgnmenReomreYaneeoreneumbraneeofmorefhanat�mt
<br /> 4 ��
<br /> ,, '; s. .-�. o��_percent of(it a corporaUon)fts issued ana ou�tanding atock or(N a P�e�htp�a toffiI of per�ent at � � �,�.
<br /> p8rtnership irteresfa d�fring the pertad�his Oeed ot Tn�st remalns a Iien on the Property. }
<br /> � r r� 12 Res�edte��eeleraSor�ttPm►Qet�AttntheeventofanyEvenlol0efaultLenderrt�l.wrihoutnottceexaeDt�srequtnOby k j��,e- .;
<br /> ' taer.dectare etl indebtedneas secured herebU 4o be due and payabl8 aed the same shafl tAereupon beeome due and payabie < 4
<br /> : .� "::e.; withaut any preseirtmeM.demanQ ProUesl or notice of eny WnQ Thereafter LenQet may. ,, .. �`
<br /> �'' lnte`�1 n the Property to�be sold and fhe P P�9 to Oe ds i�8tributed.ali inrtlie manner p o Qed In the Nebraske Trust Oegd9r8 �'
<br /> ,
<br /> ;'�,r-.: °:.:,,��_: � :_-„ _. _: ; .
<br />-_'.::. ..�.: ' ..•.., 'a. . . .. ,,.-:
<br /> .' , '
<br /> c _ :: �(b)Exercisearryandallrighteprovl�adtoNnerryolthetoanDooume�KsorEytawuponoccurronceotan!►EventofOBta�d� �`.`;.'. .,•.� ;.
<br /> - {o)Commes�oeanacNoatotorectosethls0eedoltrustasamor�ag�.eDDolntar�c¢Ivsr,os�t�llyenbtceenyofthe :�1-�--.�.�.;+
<br /> • = covenartb hereoL
<br /> � No�emedfl hereln eonferred upon or reserved to Tiustee a Lender is intended to be euetusive ot arry other remedy herein.in the ;`;J;.���.:��_ �`:�'�,'
<br /> �;. .` . � Lcan Cneuments or by taw provided or pertnitte0.but eacl�shall be cumutative.shaU be in add�ion to every ot0er remedy gtven "� ` �
<br /> � hereunQer.intheL�anCocumentsornoworhereafterexistingattaworine�Kyorbystatute,endma�►Deexercised�nwrrettttY.
<br /> a���� �.
<br /> m6�endantty s ehr• � �
<br /> 13. T , tee may�es#gn at arry tlme v�liriout eaus�an0 Lender may at any tlme en0 wifhoul eause aDA�M e , .� ;.
<br /> s��,,prarsupstitute TrusteeshatlnotbeqabtetoanypaRy.includingwithoutUmitatlonl�rtQer.@8rrower,TrusOaro►airy►
<br /> � �� ' • ;� �y putehaseraltltePropeRy.to►arryfos9ordamageunteasduetorecktes9orwllitafmisconQuc1,andett811notbet�uite0toffikeetry . ,.,
<br /> ���• ",� � acdon 1n certnecdon witN tAe entorcement ot this Qeed of Tnist untess indemnifted.In wrlUng,tot s11 costa.eo�nAensadan ar :�
<br /> 6 � exp8nse9 whiCh mey 08 88soCietBO tAerewith.tn addiUOn.TrusLee may become e purchaser at any sa19 of the P�pertyr Qudieiaf or . � ;:.� �.`} . ,'`_ .',
<br /> - - -- ,-,-�., ut1Q@r the POV�e�of sale grentBd hereiny,postpone tln9�te of aii or acry OoRWn o!the Praperty.as O��+dded by law.o�sell the _ ,-,;i�---:-'�,,�r.-�---�
<br /> -- ProAertY ae e whae o►In separate Partels or toL9 at Trustee's disc re don. � '
<br /> -- • 14; ���ses,In the eveM Tmstee setls the Properry by exereise W power o1 sata Trw,ttee shaN�e entHteO to apDN , r �' .
<br /> _ . arry sate proCeeQs tirst to payment o1 a11 casts enA expenses ot euercising power of sete.lnctuding ail Trustee s tees.end LenQera �,•'•: •
<br /> �-. - enA Ttustea a&ttorneys t88s achu�itty ineurte0!o exteM permltted by epp1icaDte law.fn the event Botrower o�Trustar exerCts�98tty
<br /> .,, .�..,
<br /> ;�:'.��� • �Ight proviQed by Iaw to cure an Event o f D e fau 4 len 0 er a n a f l b e e n U t t e d t o r e e o v e r i ro m T ro s Wr atl costs and e x p�ns�actual t y :,. ° • •
<br /> � inqtrted ae a resuit ot TtusMfa defaulL Inctuding without limitat�on all Trustee's and etDOmey'8 fee9,to Me e�dent permitted by • ;� . _,.
<br /> �,,:` ; — �g�. �-. - ..
<br /> ._: .. . '- s:. ' � '
<br /> :; : � � ' ,-.� , • ' ' .
<br /> . .
<br /> L :t � _ . __
<br />