�;�� � -zfa°� �-s _ .�'��- ...,ri� a. rst. . , � ' -- - . __. ... .s,..-. . -. . ',_��{ z-`�� '6'°`-�'-_ -
<br /> a-i T� .:._f-�.�� ' ' - �-^z � '-�S� c�.r":?....o-. ....� ` � t;..��.;:.,.,� . �3 -i7`='-9 c � -
<br /> 7 . . ,,.a_:C� c�� �E��.. , r `Ci.. c �}. . �Y,�� . s Sf fa.�,i�k, �.
<br /> ai�; ..:r._ - . ,��r�``:` � . K_ cz`53"_ : i�� �>t', ri�^c ���i'.� :r_�/.Y���
<br /> { = =a . - ,, �.::r�ti�:� -s '��,- �w4� •-.`'.i 'F -
<br /> . �s- . � .-�� t �„7L.�` �;..
<br /> --^--fr �. < --s'� ��rt:`'`'=�t� :� ,a,,.�-� ,.;':. -^� �„
<br /> t i F- -t=;- . ' -�t-z ��
<br /> ri2 . c '`�� r- .� c��[ 1 C� E. 4'�lu .K � `X� 4-� ..
<br /> .t-.- _.ia.-- - _ - ..t..--C- ' S _ 4_
<br /> � .,..-„inser�,r+A�� i . _" .1 G .� : . � . . i t 'u, e���✓` '� -- �4-^ . Ek'E t t �� .;ti ^__-
<br /> G F 4 . .� 4 S .�t . F .� \I - �K ' � ( -- � 1 C � 4 L7 �:
<br /> .� . N, �S . . . '. c . c-c r�. . -i . . . < -��"' < 1Y -1 4 f .
<br /> i Y� ,�`-, r t 4 1.
<br /> � v. -- - � . � 4 t 4. �oe .[.t _ E��f,� ; - �,� `
<br /> � - \ t -1. - �� . .* 4 . Nr f _-.. _ . T. __�' :
<br /> .�.-.. --�C.-+...F n "�.�..—,,��- .�'"`��'�,�.-.. ..e"_"�^<-...,_,r1`s._ .-..-._. - ..�t.-� S,t_A.� - c =•"�'4m �" �-'-'Tt'-:,7�_ _ _. � _ ._�X_
<br /> .�:}��. t Z:. y ''�r�'�'":.�H, t. i � c F <t . _ _.Tr` .ti..�tx•.` zc-_'�:�' d ' c'cs;y .x v--=
<br /> .u, -�#.- t ��- ,-�.?�tL:.�.z-•'r -.L-._:nk�.a.+ . �c: ^`."F4.. .',�r3�:.
<br /> 4 ti �i` '� - �z� �r. ..f
<br /> _�:. - �¢`.� . � ' �'.; --r __..•�, T_
<br /> ( ^ �-� � K �h � ,� ` .
<br />[�� 'L
<br /> .. �V�� - ���
<br /> 1?. Trt;nat�r ot tltt� �o�sAy vr a Ban�fie�al iatsrms4 in Bartm�rcar. N sU a an1►P�ot tt�e t�oyerty or � �F` " ` 4 �'Q '�r`
<br /> �-' '��` ' � ' B a 6�s8cta1 tit�est an Bonow¢r ts satd cr transte�cad end Borrawv!a not 8 aaLutil � � ~N � �.
<br /> �S r . c ��i.• gRy��fl�EB 80�O,T,,{�,1,8�118tCRf6d(W �II QI�O}�$1l1178 SBORE�b�► � y: FL� td.,e- �} i a-_
<br /> ,0 4 t . ' a6{$Gf1)WAIICtt��.C11�C�8 W....Wf�lf OOIIS�IIR 1@�E 1 tllFly/.8 T C S t1�6 0 R.��� '�',..`� p � .,t°_
<br /> �ge�ly k�struntent!{�r+rev�tAb op�n shal not be�erdsed bY L.ender tl mrer�lse b pcohm$ed bY t e d e r a t t a w as o T ffie ` i..
<br /> � t.e
<br /> , � , _ �< �-ct ,;
<br /> ;�r.. t
<br /> �t + , € ,, � dato ot thb�►� Landar shaB glve Bcnaw�na8ce of a�n. The nottea slteA provtde a pr�lod al not :;x 4, � `- ,� r ;�� ;
<br /> '.. ,,k .r� t; B l�eiQer mtetdses Uda opt�n. _. ,� ,
<br /> a. � �• 1888 1�If711.� dfly8�Om u10 �@ 1�19 AO�G3�8�YH24 OT If�Bd W�1$1 Wfilt'�1 BO�fOM1Ft Rit�pA� 8�SWIIS 8���� :-- c uT r � 3� ;
<br /> .� � a 1t�ia vertoe. e�ast ma�r �eR1►�ens�es -,� '- �':
<br /> , , � .�"v g�eur6y U�t t4 Borrawer ta�to pay these s�uns ortor to Ute m�t�o� ; s�- . .
<br /> ,,� _ • P�bil Ws 8eauH1/k�n�wRhout t�ther nattce or deirtend on Bartower. 4 .- � `. °
<br /> •�.�, ghQ tO f�61t18l849. tt Boaav�a meats certaln aondffions. BoaoNrer shsU have the dgM to have � U c, , �<<�
<br /> � ' . 1A.B�o�[6�+ror's Ri w es�e�ae (a�s�y.s (�suds oteer p�toa ea �i1 � " " r F- �;
<br /> T -�-�
<br /> �. ` �s.�r erJorcetnc�nt af thts SeaufiY Ins�maK �seo�nued eR anY t�e p�tOr _ _
<br /> tusua�R to anY Powe►ot saT�eottfained tn thls 8ec�tt@y 1 � �"; � �� "`'
<br /> �-:` �� eAD�e Iawr maY sPedtY im reins��1�°ta s e[e af tha P r o P�Y P L .f , �t=�.
<br /> �,r ��u;f� tnStrmRmlt a��I�Y�a I���t¢�(ocdng�S�r�°�31' 6r�assad'��ere tl�at Botrow�:(e) O��d�eJ ;-° _ .=
<br /> � . . �s4�umeil end tAs t1aLa as H ao eaeleatton Aad oaurte� @�a�e�►Y � y ` ��
<br /> :� � ,::,,ni�� SYI118 Wlllf�l 111�1 W81�d�6 fb10 ItI1Q4J 1h18.4EQIlfly . .
<br /> �:�� .- d� o10try oU18►o0Y�18l1t Of 8�8PJReT1� (�PaYs�����61�OIC6t9 1�b�S�l«' I11dtI�ft9.htit a �_ �' , i�'g`
<br /> ° - ` x y:_ not&nfEed ta�easmmble a!lomeys't�end(��s�aetton as L�td�ma!►��h►re�t�e to essure tt�at the�of � T
<br /> �
<br /> n to the s�ns sewred bl►thts geau�► , r� � � �
<br /> #«� : � Y: `� th(s Sea�i�l �� L�td�'s d�tffi 61 tlte ProAertl/ �d Botrowda oDBSaBo Pall ,�; �t "`_ ,,:
<br /> �- .:,., F�tr��1 ghgll cocrttpua Imehenged. Upon �r+s�rt�t bY Bomow� � � �etld the ob@pEotts seqaed � � 1 :�� � , �
<br /> o r.. •' h�y 8heD�tQk11Ydly�!6 as U rto sxe�eratton had a� Floweir�td(a dgM to�etnsl�a she0 not s�p1y tn the case � s °.
<br /> =s :�,J� ot e�n�,d�pe�a�apA t7• .z :� ,
<br /> `- %�`;r a::c-..r, ., f.�C �,�
<br /> 19�!o ot Nmte: Ch8t1$9 Of Loilil Sen►ZCe� The Note or a a paAlai tn2erest tn t�e Narte(mSethe�+�h 1� z � ,�; �
<br /> .`'� `•_i C' .
<br /> .. i SeauR�/tr�ume�maY be sotd ane or amre gmes v�dhout pr�ar n�tice to Borrow�A sffie may result in a d�enge tn the�tSy �_`� ., �_
<br /> 'y � 's �< . ,,.�*� e�e�mderthe Nota end tNa 8earti�l�� There also may ~
<br /> �'L`-' �QIQ���18 {��$�1f���1$t GCQ�9r ��w�""'7� f ` . x _ �s r� .
<br /> -'� ; r� ee one or mme cf�nges at me L�as, � urs� m 8 se�or vie aote. H ihe�e ts a a+m�ae ot u,e laen se� _ •> ,- s ^
<br /> . :•<..'.:•:-. Bortow¢r wID be g�n w�noSes of the chsnge N eccordartca wUh par�Wh 14 ebove and appQcabte law Tha noHoe w� ;�:�?.�"-"�"i--�'f�_
<br /> �� ' Smfe�fe rtHmB 8t1a edmes�ot th9 aew f.aaa SeYtee emi the BdQte9s to wt11Ch paymerta ShoWd 0�mad� 7tte ooHae wID atso � } .• ' 4,u y-�.-
<br /> � � L 'f ConEaTlt enY mACV Ultom�lorl c�ed b1►ePD���• �ii -
<br /> �, �F�t� ' T T
<br /> •-f -. 20.HBZ��dOltB$ub�lCe9.Borrow+re►shaU �wt cmuse ot p�the pre3eno�use.�Spo�l. st4rage. �t9�e s'-�r � � ,
<br /> t E ,;�:� a�ry ttaaerdaus�Eat►ees on or tn the Propetly. Bomawe�a0 not dR rtar e4cw anyone�se to do. �Rhin9 : s ` � �°.�;"-;
<br /> x p4aDerty►thffi is tn vtohttcn ot atry 6nr�onm�1 Luw. The pie�9 two s�te�ea sAsO not app!/t�the presenee.use.or �,t : `< ' ,}f�,�,� _.
<br /> . � .h f �'�'T
<br /> ' ��y�.'. gldf8$9 Ofi 1�19�OpBljl O�ERItL9�O!1�OIt9��008 tll8t 8!9 QQI�II��d �����tD fIGRIi81 4. •-a� ,_
<br /> •'� �{i8&9 BIId t0 R18�t�C8 0�1�18 PfOpPi�l. �rl F h��
<br /> .-. _Cr . � . �t
<br /> '�E HOIIOWBI 9h84 pi�i�y �0 {R11Q�Wi$L�1 tl� 01 8Ay 1JIY88f��Ofl. C1ab11. �. �0t.0@IW 86tT�11 b�/ �
<br /> r :�.� .; gGyCtiflll��Oi t�a��0►����9111@ PI�P�I��Y 1i�WS.4 1 l b S 1 F II 1C@ 0�6n1$Ol�B1ffi)181N 01 L 1 a-.. .,� �' '•.
<br /> ° 1 � e wNeh Bomawe►has actus!b�awtedge B Bonower les�ns.os is ao9Sed DS►enl/9��!�er�egu�ocy aulhorfty►.�t arry � �_ � � , ::
<br /> . � SubsO�tce aflectln9 PrapertY is ��ll• 8otrowe► sha0 �omp9Y t� aD y� � ` , :
<br /> , • �novel os othm re�on ot etry H�rduus ; x Y .
<br /> { � n�sanl�ene�al actWns in acco►Qettee witl�Env�otutterttel taw• � "
<br /> � ;.'�-;;' �1a uaM fi fhts De�PA 20.'Nemrdous Subst�tres'are those suLs7anees QeBned as to�e ar h�tdous e�slence.s b!I r��; 'a f :
<br /> . _ � {,aw and the toQowtng eub�ncea: gasoEnQ k�saser►e� otha 8anunatile ar twda p�'oieum p�a�i. twd° ,�f.•� �,;: `a
<br /> � � esbastos or fomiatdehyda.and ta�IIoseWe�tert�. 1kae�ssd itt ,�'�� `. _;�-�; ��_
<br /> t., pa�iddas end h�ictdes.vata�sohr�te.rt�atatats 8 �• ,:�:
<br /> � pgt8grayb 20. 'EnVDmim�l laW'mwno tadrral f8w8 and I�wa of tha jmis�C@an wheee the Ptapedy!a tar8ffid 4t�i�e to ,<< �'.�$o2ee�
<br /> „ _
<br /> . e
<br /> � , t� .
<br /> J -: F, : hea9h.aat�lf►�f envtrant�retrtal ptatec�an. �� �
<br /> , � � _
<br /> "�� NON�UNIfOEtM CQVENANTB�Boc�awv and Lendes M1hes cav�snt and a�ee ss toflowa: '`,; ° �.'
<br /> '::��r;. 21. AQCetera8on; Remediea Laader ahaD gtve nottce Ro Baro�+rer pdor to aeaotoradten �,- ° ����
<br /> .,, �,,1. ;, 1 � �:
<br /> : ,� toltoval�g Barrowe�e breach at atry caveriant arr agreemeM fa 9hia Se�uri�l Instrurnen! (but not . � ,r� =
<br /> pAos to ec��oratton under pare�raph 17 uNese eppitcable taw�avtdes a4he�wrtse). Tf�a natica , �=.�:
<br /> ., . , :. ehatl sp�e.fl�I: (a�the del8ut� lb}the aaiton nqulred to aure the de�aut� (a)a d a t e. a�o t t e w t h s n :Y,�; ;
<br /> � � $0 day8 tenm th�date.the nottce [e given to Etonoa�rer.bl/wl�id�ths dsiauH must 6a curad: and :y o,�.,��
<br /> _
<br /> , . . s (di thsd taRute to aea�tha dei�uft an or bsfore tl�e d�ta speeifled tn ftte notice atay sesutt,in
<br /> :- + _ ;'_���, axater�It�M tho sums secnred�by fhta SeeuHty►1�er�t snd aato at 91ae Par�.o�peArly.�a`a.��tce . t �'
<br /> -�- a -. tr ��i1�V�t � dl�•A � �. __-- _.-�_ .
<br /> � � t;: �1�91 1�I�TIf1 BOf[aW@f O?�1@ ���$0 f�T(i5� 8'�BP.�a� � � r j
<br /> ., court a�n to assert tha nomeorlatenao af a deta�tR or anyl ofdter detens� at �arrawer to • ' ���ry-,
<br /> _ .�'��;;�,=;: ...F
<br />= . - .,-;,f ae�eeiarstton and e�t� H the detaut! ta no!cured on or Icetore tf�e date spectfled in tfeo nattee. r,`,,..',:•.:_.;yi;�=.�_
<br /> '� Lettder at fte a�tion�e�all require tmmodlatv pa�yment M fuU o!all sums secured by thls� � s-�,��ab
<br /> -;� ; 1:� tnst�tRnent wi�hout tuNher d�rrtand and rnay tnvo4ce the pawer at sate and e�y o�eer remedles : ,, �:.,,.
<br /> '. �. .� ; �; Darmll�d! bY ePDUeabto taw.Lsndc�r shail Ioe esNNled to coitect aU mcpens�lneurr�d Tn purs�ing , .�
<br /> �- ��•`-'�'' ��" � the �as P�ded in t�le paragtaph 21, tncluCMg, but not ttmit�d to`rcaaso�le atiomey� •:.,: = Y�r�._,��
<br /> ; -. �� � ; :
<br /> .F �` 4- S.: tees ertd cas�04 tttte��Idmnce. !I . :'
<br /> .:.ti J°ti ` • N tha pow�r ot �t0 te Irnake�. T�usta3e ahafi recor� a a�o4tce o4 Q�4auft In each eoutny in ' � '�
<br /> aw
<br /> wtUeh �ny part ot �a Prop�rt�► Is tooat�d snd s�fai! mat! ea�le� of Bucb nottce [n the mamnar .?_ �.:� ,�.���;
<br /> �,•': •, :.�::' .�::,�- resari�ed bU ePP�t�abte faw to 8anawar an0 to tl�e�a►pers�zos DrescNbed bU aPP11t�Die law. „ :^',
<br /> .; Af= pfter Utci ilmia rsquited b11 eP�11e�ta law. Ttuatee s4t�6 BivO publto teattc0 af�ate�the p�nsans , ;�
<br /> and tn 4ha manngr pres�Wod�ap�ticab�e law.T��.withouQ demand on�on�oaear, shafl seli
<br /> --_ . .�;,.- , the propaPty s!P�tDe audton to 9h� Nghest 6ldder a!ths Ume and pta�e and under the terms ,� . . '. -
<br /> ..::�� . ,� �.. deslgnated in tho aotice af sata tn eno aQ rte�re parcete and te¢ arry ordar Teustee dstgm�{noa �+�:�::" : . .'..-.. . ,. �"..
<br /> : ' .� one saie af aU or a�t pareel of tfeu Propoety by Pu6110 ennounesment e1t the ` :..
<br /> ,� Tn�tee ma�l P�P :` � .,._
<br /> ` time and placa o! sefl P�a�fl 8chs�ulad sate. Q�nder ar ke destgnee may purai�ase the Y
<br /> " ' `` proporty at aml eate. �
<br /> _ ... f,- U¢on tec�ipt ot Paymeatt ot tha ptiea 6td�Tm�eo shail detiver 401ho pun;haser Tn�ee's � , �,.,
<br /> � �, :; deed eomreyiag the Prope�lty.'�he rocttats In trio Tnistee's doed s4�ai1 be pdma tacle evidenee ot ' +
<br /> - '� ' tho lruth of tho slFdetnorne made therotn. Ywsteo ahaU cPPIy► the proeeeds of tho sate tn the ,,,
<br /> T- 1:: foJtowta�g orde� (a) tv atl �aste �d e�cpa�es at axe�sing tha pawor M sale,. and ths sate. _ , :.
<br /> ., {ncdud�n g thd P a y i a aertt ot tha Tn�e�'e tsas aetuatty inaurred.n��pdncipat �mowit ot the
<br /> ,; , _ . �. ... .
<br />`"__ �� no�e e!tho tlme o!tho doatar�Rton a!dotau�. sn6 reasonabt�mtomey'e toss aa permttm0 by luvr. . .
<br /> � �� � �' b 4v �0 r�ms agcured by thla Seaurfly Instrum�� and (c) any excess to the person or porsons '� � . .:..
<br /> � • t ) "� �•
<br /> �',...�. togatty entitlod to H. �.�' ,:
<br />:�`=: '
<br /> ., � -- - � ��v—
<br /> ��� ` t' ` vuo�a o�s ,.
<br /> P
<br /> � ti. � Ft318.LM0(119� , �, �
<br /> `�_.'''.., - .,� - , . -
<br /> � k'.
<br /> � , ' ''r` � 85408 �}.•" - -
<br /> �u�`, .
<br /> �,..,- -;,� _ , _
<br />