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<br /> �� ` 4. INSURANCE TtusDOti at�s ex�ense.vir�mairrtatn$+dA h�u+�ts sAP�ed�ll��Y•�s�ee w8lt tespect m ttte �` �� 'e . � ~ -i 4•
<br /> '°�`�.,r�,} •' kllpfoveme�ds et[d p6t60O81 P�Pan7l•ao�+�ng Na Property.egatrmt lnss E11 faer fighOdnB.mmad0.and other per0e and hazt�ds ' y,�. ' 4"' �e� ,�. 7i_
<br /> n �' ; eovered py s�sdsrd mmended�overage andorseme�,in an amourd eqaai to ei teest one hundred peceee�i of the A+�replaeement t v: � !� F `' . _
<br /> � ',:i vatue thereof and fi�nce age6�st such other hamrds and in eufi amourrts ea is aisYcmanIy ceuried�ry awnera ernd operatom of , . x<.,�-
<br /> .c` �L �-a-.��iiY-"�'r��.. � r..:�=.
<br /> u . F, `-' sim�ar pcoIIsRtes ar as Berteffe�i�Y�1�fot da proC�ioa Tn�stor vn'Oaomp[yw7b such adhar requhemerts es BsnefiGar�►meY _-. .�c..-';�"r. ���r�:::
<br /> s ��°' -`'' irom t6ne to tlme cequest tor the prateGion by U�stuanw ot the Lrteresffi at tlie resyeettve pcsrties.AU insuranee Po6das malr�ained " ._ - -;-
<br /> * . . • 1.' z wsuant Oo itds Oeed ot 7tust aha0 name Tmsmr and 8eneke�ary ss ins+uads�as theb raspeettve i�rteresta maY ePpear�and provide K_�=t '' �•.�' s .s "
<br /> `'k Mat there shaD 6e no aaneeOatFon or modi8aetlon wahaut no tesa than 15 d prior wNtten noti5eatlon to Tn�stee end Benefrdnfyr.tn _ ; . :-� .�"��
<br /> " the event etty pofry hereunder b not ranawad on or betate 15 Qaya prior to de expiration de�te,Tnistee or Beneficiary mey pmwre .. �- �' � �:
<br /> < -f�-� `'�? sud�hmurmioe fn enmrden�e wah ffie provR�ions af psragraph A8 heceot Trustot shaD deTsver w 6ene5elary the originaf potides of < < - �
<br /> tnsurenee snd wrtewats ffiereaf or tnemo eoy�of au�po6eE�s snd renewt�3o fhereoL Fa�ure L�tumtst�sueh inm+ranae by Tnastor� � �=�c .� } ;;
<br /> m
<br /> • �- - a�tetrewa��ra�hatonr�ar�eQ.ettlt9 o�n atSet�yt,�e defetift = ' ,
<br /> -'�-
<br /> a �`- 8. T�IKEB.{t83E931H@R8 AIVD�R�EB:Ttusm►sha11 pay aH taxes,sssessarer�a end alAar rhntgtae.ineNd�g,waftout T ' `�f4'=_:;
<br /> • -::�;,-',°:� Iimf�tton.6nas end�one eltnb�taESo to tho Prape�ty.en0�asehnid paymer�or ground renm. it srry. betoro tho eame `b�, � ,.-:
<br /> ' ' ' pecome deHnquent Tiva�ar sha0 PromP1M hunlsA Lo Bene�iarf►a�notlesa o}asno�aLs dua w�der thls paragrapfi.aad in tha everd _ ��� � F�I�'�
<br /> ` �' Trustor e�a9 matco paymotR dheetly.Ttuamt ehnU PramPtlY AunlrrA to Benefldary reoelp�s svtdsn�g eueh paymerrm.Tnretot shM ^ � � �z:`s•-
<br /> j` �4._� .... .: ' !�"�.
<br /> �.'s pg1►aU t�cw and essessmoe�whteA may be k�v�d upoe�BanoBdarYe intereat herein ar u�n this Ooed of Trust wrthout regeM w � ;r '� f �.` ,�' -':
<br /> : •�: airyidwffiatmayQoenadedlmyaainBPaymentoffAowhoSeoraraypaitfl►ereo}uponthe8ene84eryR � w �.f,
<br /> ��.� � ' •, < - .,
<br /> 8. AOSi?lOIVAL tlOVS AND PRQ7F.CT[ON OF BEN8rTC1ARY'8 BECURITY.Truator�make aD paymente o1 Utterest and � ; C r
<br /> ° <'`� �«A��9����Y����•tees and�oor�trasted w Qe paEO t�any e�dstlng 6en holdere a pdor 4r { {�� `r' `��`:
<br /> ` . berte�s uncler anyr pdar Qged o!ta�sl or rt�ot�ago 6efine Ihe d�ffiey ara QeGnqueM end promptty pay and dtsduvge any an0
<br /> �'f `� efl otlter Oens.daima w e3�argoawAl�entty jaopsrmsn the�i�d herein If Yniator fa�to make erry sueh p�tment ortads a ' ,'
<br /> !'=3 m perfarm aty►ot tAe oovenanm apd ngtewneirta eonmhied fn tlUa Doed of Tn�at or in mry prlor mortgsge or Qeed of uusL or if er►f► �: •` , f.s , .. t-• :
<br /> ` � �4;:=: aClan ar pcaeaedfig is eommaneed whteh ma�riatN etf�cta BeneftNag/s(ntereat,in the P[operty. tnduding,but�not Gmited co�. -; -
<br /> � •_ � r ^;-. `�,• �, �
<br /> � a `��,.�..�-,. emktetRdomainprooeedfnge mproeeedingsinvolvfn9eQee¢denia�7Tnss0or�tapay7n�sQebfsgenerdtyasthey6eoome _, , ,,_ _.yr.z.;`
<br /> �'� �..: ., „�y., t �<,-<
<br />� - due�then Baneflciary.et BQnefidays opUon and w�hout noUoe to or demand upon T�mtor and w�tQaut refeasU�g Tn�sUor from any ,;:;-
<br /> _ �.� ` ,- .4�4' abQgetlon he�eundar. may me�Ca eueh appearaneea, �burse eusb s�mis an0 fnlm sueh adian ee ta necsssary to promct - � �.'.:- .:f:�
<br /> " �` .:� Benettsituy�a ir�ecest tndudMg,but not QmBed to disEuraemeat of re�anable e�nmeyre teee. DaYmenL Purebaee. oontest m ' �` --+�
<br /> est �,`
<br /> `� , ,,,:Lr;.,.;`�: aompromise af aery enwmbranea etw�9e or Uen.erM endy Wan the Properry to meke wpaka tn the event that TrusEOr sheD fa8 to y p r l .
<br /> : . pcoeure 6�uranc0 ar to pay�mca��er�ts.or asry other efiergea w tn meke arry paymeMs to arry e�ing prEor Qen hotdera m ;., , � �; �4 ;;�
<br /> ' ', n ,;�`�, 6eneftderteo.BeneEdarf�ma1►Proeure�insur�oe eu�d meke eueh payment.Arry emo�nts d"�sbnread by Benefreis�►pursuant U� r �"�'� � ��,ia•
<br /> '�, :� tAb Peragraph A.8 shel!beacme add�lionel inQebtedness aiTn�sW►sewred by ffiI�Raed at Tnmt 8ueh amour�te shail bs payabfe '�:, s� --
<br /> � ���'' _�.', upon nott� fmm Benefldsry►to Tnrstm requastt�8 payment the�end ehn0 bear bde�est irom the Qffie of dtsbmeament et the ` - --
<br /> E '' �e payaDte hum Ume to tlmo on outs�nding prindpai under the Note untese payme�rt ot triterest ei su�mte woufd be contraryt to ���tt�"'
<br /> { .-�� :�-°% app6eaEl8 Iaw.in whteA sverd Such amou�BAnU bee�fnt�est at the htghest rafe pemNss�Is urtd0i appGeab[e law.(VoWng r �r�;:-
<br /> ,.,: ,. �� ��' t
<br /> - � +'� eontained in tAb Paragrepfi A8 BheO taquice 8enefle�ry tc Inau arry expense or teke eiry aWon hereunder. � .
<br /> ``r r , B. RIBMUTlIALLYAGREEDTHAT: �� `t f�`•'
<br /> _t ��i .�
<br /> t ' ' t. ASS�GNMENT O�FENTB.Benefldcuy►shab hav�a ffie t�hL�ow��and aulhority durh�g t�e co�tnuanea of this Deed olTrost ��; �
<br /> * : ``,'�:� to�ffie ren4a,isaues and yr�o!ffis Propedy end o!arty parsonal properiy tocated therean wdh m wRhouttaWnB possesston .
<br /> f4 � � j
<br /> ` � at 91a pcaperry afteGed heceby,m�d Tmstor here6y ep�Wtety and unoonddtonsty eselgn9 aD sndf rorrte,tsaues and ptaf�a to f; } �)F,����� ' ':
<br /> � � � : m
<br /> ,._;r„ ;' . .,.,; . �•� �.� Beneftdary.Benefldery.however.hereby oonsent�to the Ttustora aottedfon and retentlon of euoh reMa.�sttes end prafds ae they u i r r t� F
<br /> , : sa�ue an�eeoome paya0ts oo Iong�Ttustor b not et such tUt�e,in defauR w9h t�peet to peymertof ac�t irtQebteQnws uew�ed 'r y� -::-
<br /> , ,:; 1!.'j heraby,or in the peRormenoa of any agreemer�t hereundati tl�n mry sueb Qefa�d�.BeneBefary maY atenytbna.e9her in pe�n.6y _�
<br /> °, ,;� °- agent or by a recetvar to be eppofimd tiyt e couA.wi�wut nmtoe and w�itout regard to the aEequa�y►of arry aeamZy tor tha �.�4 _
<br /> . ,,:, ��` �.
<br /> �._i.�-.._ :��,�`:r..:: � indeh�adneas hereby sewmd.fa)enter upon end fako possesston o1 the Property or erry part thereo�and in fte oav�neme sue tor or ..,� .,:..;,
<br /> � �;,•i� a8teiwtea wQoet sueb rerRa.�suea artd prot�e,inchrQbfg those past due end unpaid.and eDpb the aeme.tess eoste snd expenses • ��,,::7 e ��
<br /> ' al opera�on and eAUeeBon.tnetuding tessonabts eitomeYs tees,uyon anS►InQebtednesa sewred hereby.and in wieh orQer es . :: °�-
<br /> x ��. 8ene6dmft maY deterrnfie;�)Derform sufi aeds of repah or proDeetfon as may 6e neeeseary or proper to eansenre ihe vahce ot�a �,�, ; c -
<br /> P�a�a�ty.(o)Iease fhe same or any part thereaf for a�df rertW,tertn,and upon sueh oortd�loas ae it�judgrnerd may dtdete ot • ;:� ` �:
<br /> � �' .�
<br /> ' ` ` :,� temd�o,or aQjuatthe tam�and wnd�ions o!existlng teassa Untese T�ustor and 8anettetary thereof ag�ee othervvise in wrning. `; r �� - -
<br /> 3, , ;' � � :;�.^ �Y+►�DQ�on ot rer�,bauea or proffie to any irtdebtednesa eeaued hereDy ahaA nol mmanA or pos�one tho dua Eate ot @ie r : ; ;� �:
<br /> �- r.�; OnstflIDnetK peymer�s us pca+AdeQ br setd prombsory note a ehango the amourst of eueh Ins�nert9.The entatfng upon and "
<br /> .. �9Dossession olfho Property.tAe eoIIeet�i of sueti re�roa.�ues�4 pratite.end the eppUestton ihe�eof as e�foresotd.shaA aot � : �� "`
<br /> et
<br /> `' w a N e or aua atry d e�t fi o r n o t t o e o f Q e t a u D h e r e u n Q e t o t t n v e II Q a t a e r ry e a t d o n e p u r a u a n t t o s u e h n o t t�.T�u s i ot atso ass i g na to . '" `; �1�f__. '
<br /> - "• Banefldary►.es further seauHy tor the perfortnance of fhe obpgaUons seaued herelsy,all p�pefd rents ond aD monies whtch may -: ^+
<br /> ''•`; '�`�1�� hava boen or mcy hereafter Ee�eposdad w8h sNA Truatar by arry teasea of th0 Pro eriy►.to secure the ent of eury rent or � �`�
<br /> � Y...:l �
<br /> a.:� ', ,�.,��U damagee.or t�pon detBUR in fh0 perfarmmioa oi er►y cf 9ie provtsioas hereob Tn�sLor agreee to de8ver sueA rerds and dOpaNb to 1 �a�
<br /> ' ;�. BeneRclery►•OaRvary of wrRtan notto�ot Bene6�eq/e mcerdsa of 8ie ttghte grarRed hereU4 to arpl tenarq oocupying eetd Pta�rt� .:
<br /> �`, �.:,y:.::;., ahe0 6A suHtetent ta requko said tertant to ptry re►n to the Beneftctary unh7 fiiriher nottee. '" � ' '���•�_
<br /> �,� ,u -
<br />;'�':;.•.`.:;:. '�"�'� < • _.:�;,:..,.. ., • • .
<br />_ :�:,.;,,: 2. CONOEMNATION.I!tdle to amr part of the Pcoperty aha0 ba taken in aondemnetion prooaedinga,by rlght af eminent domein �:•. :,,::.:,: '�°, .
<br /> � ���''' or s�ntler ectton,or sha0 6o r�id unQerth�eat of eonQemnatlon.eD awarQa,Qcmag�s+anA prooeeds are hereby as�tgned and sha0 Qe . °.��
<br /> ' .,. :.; � `~ `
<br /> ,
<br /> pald to BeaeRdaryrwho ehaU appy sueh avrards,damag�and pmaeeda to Ne sum sowred by tht�Oeed a!TrusR with Na exoesa ' `��
<br /> . - i18rry,paDd to Tn�r.tf Trustor reaeNes arry noNoe or othar infom�atlon�egarding such aetlone or�rooeedfiga Trusw►shae g.�w ��; ,. .:, `t"
<br /> ,. ';� :... prompt w�ten neUee fhereof to Benefledary.Bene°dsry sha110e errt�led.at�optior4 to oommenee.ePPeer in and prosecute in�3s . .. ..' ` �'•.
<br /> �. awn nams at�y ouch ee6on or prooeedinge and sholl be entitled to maka any oompromisa or seritament in aonnedloo w�h any sueh �'� �
<br /> - - '��� eeBonorproeeedinga .r
<br /> : �
<br /> -;«'. . .:.... : ._::
<br /> .._. �-:. .._: ;•:°
<br /> •� � ���;.` 8, FIJTURE ADVMiCEB.Upon requeat o!Tn�r.Beneflday at Bensflctaryfe aptlon.pdor to roeonveyanee of Na Propsrty to �� t t_..
<br /> :. .:,.; .. `
<br /> ` Trustor,may make flRura ndvancea to Trustor.Such tUWre a4vettese.�tfith Inte►ost lhareon,aht�0 be eeeute0 by tAis Trusf Oead .\ ' '
<br /> '_- . when evtdenesA Ey promissory notas eOaUng U�at osld notea are soeured hereby.pravlQeO thatat noUma ehall the saeured prindpal _- ;±, .:_. r , �
<br /> �,''`;•. Mure aQvaneea nat inciumng eums edvanead to proted the se�Sy.A�caOad 71vo Hundred perosnt�t0096)of the ariginai pHneipal .�f- ` •`"' :
<br /> � amounts sacured hereby. , `:," "
<br /> � '>••"" -:v 4. REMEGfEB HOT O(CWSlVE Trustae and Beneftelary,and seeh o1 thom.ehaA be er�ted to eMoroa payrnont end ` � ' -
<br /> �.,::':``,''-:_ petformanao oi any indebtednase or obtlgations saa�red horesy►and to exe�e afl tlghts and powers undet this Oeed of T�ust or ;;:. "
<br /> f .: a
<br /> °"` ' ,,:.� under eny affier apreeme�exeettted in oonnedion herewith ar any taws now ot herea1ler in fotee,notwlthetanding eome or a0 otthe ��� ' ,•
<br /> "-��::��� � sueh indebtednese nnd obOgationa sewred hereLy may now or hareatter bo olhonn�e sscured,whether hy modgag0,Qaod at Wsb - -���� ,-=� '.�;�;';,,s=_
<br />- �• '�`��`•-���;" ptedge,pAn,asaignmen!ot otherwise.IYa�her the a�ytaneo olfhis Daed o!Tnist no►ite entoraement whether by wurt ecNon or L,• �� �~�� ,.:,• -
<br /> pursuent to the powe�ot aste or othor poware hsrein eotdaln0d.aha0 ptejudiee or in atty mannar etfect Ttusme'e or Benetictary's �• , ,.
<br /> ��,�.�� �.,_�`_:'.;�� right to teait�e upon or enfoae anyr other security now or hereaRer held by Truatee or Benefldary,it being egreed thut Trustee end �'
<br /> - BenaRdary,and eaet�of tham,shall 6e errtdtad to entoroe this Oaod of truat e�r�d any other seenrityr now or hereafter hetd by �.`� `< `�'�
<br /> � ' 8ansffcinry or 7ruatee in sueh arder and manner es they or aaher of them may in thetr absoiute discretion Eetertnlne.Ho remedy •
<br /> _'-�"; � - herein conferred upon or ceservad to Trustee or Beneftelary is intsndsd to Ea ex�lueive ot any other reme6y herein or by law • � •
<br /> ` �, - !�.��;`� pmvidod w petr�ted.Dut eadti alsaU ba r�f�ta aad slta!!tra Itt�!c every�1het temeQy given hereunder or now m __
<br /> � � • hereaftsr exisUng at Iaw or in equity ot by atetute.Every powar or remody provlded hereunder thie Qeed of Trust to'iruates or ` 'r� "'`
<br /> :s;:. . _ - -
<br /> �• •- Ban�fldeiry or to whieh entfe�oi tAem may De othenMse enUtisd,may ba mcarcisad,eoneurreMty or indopendenfiy.ftom Ume to�rr� ,
<br /> -� end ete often a9 may be 4eemed mcpedient by Trustee or Beneflelary and sither o}them may pureue inconsistent remedtea Nuthing
<br /> !
<br /> - ' herein sht�ll be eonstrued as prohib7dng Beneflelary ftom seeking o defldenry�udgment against the Trustor to Ne a�den!such actlon •_
<br />_ ... . .. +.•.
<br /> . is petmitted by law.
<br /> 1�+• ` 4` 607071 NaCraslta 0075�.R1 . �� -
<br /> ''"� _ � ,�:
<br /> v,.. �.i:> �
<br />