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<br /> �f '�� `. 47Al2RAN'�Y DSBD A �' �=
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<br />�•.�(,:S;I��<<..;�':. '�..,'���f. � . � r"f->
<br /> -- .�,•- ;..-�`__:=:-� Sd�rd Sw�neon, a siaglep erson, t3RANTOR, �.a, conaidesata.on of One
<br /> .:-.-�:,E•:�-. "". .��::=3-
<br /> , . t�ti��;� T�SVUeand To�a Hundrec'1 Do�.2a�es tSi,2QQ.o03 received fram Q�RA�TES; (����, >s,`�°z
<br /> -- �;�.:,�`c��r;E.� �e::'. • Centura Bi.1lQ Gol€ Club. .a i,i.mited Liabilfty Company, coaveya ta �{..)� .
<br /> � � �-,,, � _,�.
<br /> �`� �.. �TSS, the fo��awing desc�fbed real estate tas defined 3.n Neb. -
<br /> °;b,y�,?;c�:����.�: Rev. Stat. 76-203) . - . �� -
<br /> �•..•�'R...._. �
<br /> �c g �:.-.- .
<br /> .f�`-- �.��. . A trac�� of Iand comprising a part of the North�aest
<br /> 1"''
<br />� y `•: �_ ;}.''� QuazCer of ttie �Southvaest Quarter �NW�SW� of �Seation �
<br /> � ,_ �..
<br /> ti� �s�' . .
<br /> �-�.,� . , Bigh+��eu..�tt8}, To�ns�<3�lve t12} .I�orth, Range 81e.een �,
<br /> ,.;,...�: �, �'� . i113 �Test of �h� 6tb�. P.M.; �lf� Cai��y. Nebra�ka,."�aand . , , ,
<br /> �:;�::. � F ���:h: more patti�3�z�.y d�scribec�-. as f al].aws: Pf r�t, �to :' f�
<br /> 4. � ..
<br /> �< : ; t�� � ascer�aip �e pafat of beg3i►�iag, start at � nortchwest . ��
<br /> � ', `" � a ' . carner of eaid Southwest Quartter tStrid} ; thence easterly
<br /> ,.� .-^ ���
<br /> � � -,: . _ . , _ stlan�.�and upoa.the narth l�ine af said sonthwest.Quart�r . . _ . .. ,�
<br /> '` �,.:.. `�:. �, � tSW�, a df.etaace o� $ixty t60,o) feet to a poi.nt on �h� 4
<br /> "�� � � � � east right-o�-raay line of Sta'�e 8igh�ay li and befag t�e � '"
<br /> ,�t - .� �Et��. � . . �.
<br /> /�Y�� ACTOAL poi,nt� of begiau3a5�: .tilence. cautf.auiag easterly . � � :
<br /> `%'' ���'�r= . � a�.ong and upbn the north l�x�e of said.Southwe�t Quarter ' . , � � -
<br /> :`F�`.�:�'..:��7•. . . .�a. ._.
<br />"`;,-°;�F:,r�.�,. °;: � iSW�I a d�etauce of 766:8 feet: thiertce southerly, , �:�,_::
<br /> `°�` �'Yr�..- .�`��� ` parallel with the west line of said Southwest Qu�rter . _==-
<br /> �� � (SW3�, a distaace of �8ix�y i60.0). �eet; theuce wee�erly, � '
<br /> - -:��-'z;.�--:�`;?` � � Parallel with the morth lias af eaid��Southwes�. Sluarter . • � . � �-=-
<br /> ' ;�r:,: : �R ' • (SV�S3, a diatanae .of ?66.e feet � to a paint oa said • � _
<br /> � �{,..-- �,�: . • . -
<br /> f •• highway right-of-ov�y line', whfch is. Six�y �60.0? feet r =
<br /> � -! �g: ' eaet o� the ooest line�af�•sai$ 3outhwest �arteY tSWis?i. ��-�
<br /> n.; ' �� thence uorther�y aloag aud upon aaid highcvay sight-o£-way , . . € --
<br /> � ::.•,;'.� -�< liae,'a dietance of.Sixty t60.Of fe�t, tQ the ACTOAL poinC � `'
<br /> ,'--.-: ,':�� of begiaaiAq aad coa�aining i.056 aarea, mor� or les�, �; . . . _.
<br /> ,� ^; �- . , , . . . _
<br /> _ .:t%t.trv�s�., b .
<br /> .'v'��:,�-.�~�� , G1tANT03t covenanta, (joiatly aad severall.y, if ircflse th�n,one) �vftb �.. � --
<br /> , ",:�' �` , GRANTES that GRANTORs . • : . —
<br /> - -..� ,,,;� . . _ ---
<br /> �, .�.f.��"�:.... .. . � . , .
<br /> .'•�'�'-°��11��='� � . � � � tl) is lawful2y sef.eed of sueh real estate� and �hat f.t is - . __
<br /> ,._.���-���YS:t•.(. � ' . .
<br /> ,��.. ,�: ,: �.. . � � . � ' free fzcm encumbra�aces.except Eor conenante, reetrict3ons _-
<br /> �`; ` '�,, ':. � and �asemente. af.�record; ' . " �
<br /> 1:�_ 1 I 1. - • ' . . , � .
<br /> �� � ' �2) has legal �pcwe; and law�u7.•authority to convey zh� eamej �. �f -
<br /> _:.�-:_,;�°�'•' _::�� : • .
<br /> _ ,��:�_=�: . : . . "
<br /> �'�"�'��`�y�?•� (3) waracaate and will de€end title to the real esrtate agaiAet• . r�_-
<br /> ,;�._ _ . • the lavoful clafms of a?.1 persons. - � �.'' � .r.=;.
<br /> _... ,.:, . � �.. =�
<br /> ;�"��� � � �Execu�ted �� �O. /9�.5 � . , � . - . e
<br /> ;,:: :..�,_ . . . �_:_.
<br /> ' .. . ' . ' ' . '. . . . �5�
<br /> ,. .'r:' � ' . . . . " . �� �b.:.-
<br /> - -1�': :;� , . . --
<br />— . . . �: . . . Y�..
<br /> :.�.;. � s a�ar staansoa :��-:�
<br /> .�.;.��;�=�..._� .
<br /> :" ���`'.,:. . � 6TAT8 OF NBBRASRA �
<br /> '.. _ .; SS: � .
<br /> :��:::` �;s:;�,� CCIINTY OP �HALL
<br /> :a
<br /> . ; ;.{y; .;';
<br /> ���°- ,�-.�--;� The foregoing �.nstrument mas acknowledged befose me on .
<br /> - " �� �w,ve .30 , 1995, by EcTv�aycd Sarausan, a eingle 'r
<br /> p�rson. . � • _ ..
<br /> ,r' - � � . t�,'�5
<br /> . `��. " ary Publ c
<br /> • .:��--�:� �
<br />- �. �:t�
<br /> = '�.;�� ' H3y coaani.ssion expfrea: -a9•97 .
<br /> � ,-'�
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<br /> = ";.' rr�
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<br />�"�".i' t � . .. ...
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