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<br /> -� �•F�.' a c<: .F F � y
<br /> � �•rk� y �f- 'G' �c4`.s S n„�_ :t' ;x.� _.Yi - s";�'�-..!•`: !F-• . .�,�c�
<br /> ,?. :�_7��;'�c e - ' - r.c.�.&!. ;
<br /> �ti'��'. `h f �' u�<.;r t�4 .c.�`.
<br /> .-�.t'f_t' � .�_;T=>�= �. _ -,
<br /> '.'u,�:`��� . �.s".,.` . ���t,F�`.,yc�.
<br /> � F(- C �. .:'. .,`� "
<br /> � � "
<br /> ( 'n �y 1 6' S�� ,�..
<br /> � �. - �� �4' ���~ �� - > :fa jt'�:.
<br /> .._. � . �� _;,` . :
<br /> ,-S l• T-�
<br /> c q tbc
<br /> .c,y,. n.,' t:� �}
<br /> r �. << �.'. B. All fniure advanoes fivm Ixader w Gtaator or other fnttue obligaaons of Grantor to Lender m�der ar�7rpromssotY
<br /> ;,. ,���a,=° aote.onnuad.gusianty.or other e�►ideaae of ds6t executed by Grantar in favor af Ixnder execnted after th�.s r. >. °` .
<br /> f-t4;: ;`�:"«� whether or not.this Seeushy lastru�aent is specifical3Y referenced.If mare thaa one petson �i,:`H:,`e�4
<br /> ar- ��� �".� ��g�inxt�ument,earh Cua�ar agrees tl�at tivs S�auitY�a�w�l sectae a11 firtuse advanoes and �.:�,�
<br /> __�_,,r ., , ,.,., �-aa< �
<br />-:��-;,;.:. ,-. .��,�:a,-, . tui�ue abli$stious ihBL ste p�v�tQ ot 3uC11ICed�y aDy oue os muite Gtaflt��.or aay one or m�e Cua�rtor and ---jT.-`e_.
<br /> <. ,<" .`~:i" othe�s.All4rteue advanaes aud other futeue obfigatioas are secured by this 5ec�uity Instrimaent even thongi�all ar `-,..�_..•.r.,�,.
<br /> � ``� .;K -
<br /> , .-� part may aot yet be advauced-AII fuaae advan�ces and other future obligations are seamed as if made on the date :� .
<br /> ---'�-�..-.���'r== a�f this S�urity�eru.Nnthin&in.thic Security�ent shall canstitute a oommimtent to make additional
<br /> . � �... � ��t =
<br /> ��; : 5 4.• ot tutaze loans oY advanoes ia aay amount Any siuh oommimceat awst be ag�reed to ia a sepa�rate wriwjg. � �� � .
<br /> � °� '`' C. A{i obli tions Grantor owes to Len�er.ahic8�may tater arise.w the eateat aot proW'bited by law,indudin8.b�t � "1 -' � ;-
<br /> �
<br /> 'f`�'"�` '°�`"" �� not 1im'tt�ed to.I'iab�ities for overdrafts relating to any deposit aornwnt agreement between Grantor and I.euder. 4a:..
<br />-'-- ':'.��`,;';`:_ U. AII additlanal sa�ms advaaoed snd eapenses incurred by I.ender for msurmg,prESen+mg or othet�a�nse pmtectmg '.;--';� '.
<br /> � � F.`��� 4�
<br /> �� I.�d�I IIAI�J W8 t2[IRS
<br /> � �' L+�.� the Propertlr and its vai*ue and as�y otltes sua�s advaaoed aad expeuses imaured by :
<br /> f *' J - Y a' •��S��M , Ji f �
<br /> t.. {lW
<br /> - ':R' `�<` ' 11iis Seauity Iostmm�eat w�t aot sec�e aay otker deM if Lender fa�s to give any requu�ed notioe of t6e ri�t of nesdssion. �`...`'°��,��.. .
<br /> : . �.5 � F` � ��
<br /> � t�> ,��P<,�..°- �. PA�MENDS.C3:antor agrees that aD paymenls uader the Sec�ued Debt a�l be paid when dne and 'm acoeordauce 1 ,: f .f,
<br /> `�- � with t6e tecros of the Seaued Debt and this Secamty Insttumeni 7�� _
<br /> � ;° 4 f�;; (b WAItSArYL'�t OF'l�i'LE.Gianwr aranants that Gzantor is or we'H be fawfulty seized of the estate coaveped bq this . } -
<br /> an to Tnutee,in tcost,wrtb
<br /> aad seil t�e P�operty
<br /> �5 s"' `,r:'- Securiry Instnunent and 6as the right to iaeva�blq Ssan���nvbered.exoePt for encambrances af record. s Y�'� :.
<br /> f�.:_� power of sate.Giantor alsa wanants that the Property' �
<br /> ` �`L., �, W i t h re to other�nort e,deed of uast.securitY aSceement or other tien ,4 'y -
<br /> � " `�" ":',r 7. PRIOR SECURI�Y��iTEatE.SiS► � �Y P�S " _
<br /> r . �'•4�Fr,•� 4_
<br /> �-�°=-:.:; .' dac�ent Wat createa a gsior security interest or encaunbrance on the P�operty.Grantor agree� f�
<br /> `'��- ` `" "�.°'{; A. To mslce all payments whea dae aadw pe�form oroompty witb aD caveaant�. ' ' L
<br /> ; � 'f �:�� � ,� �
<br /> d �,,. B. To p r a m p t t y deliver to I.ender aay aotices that Granwr receiv�.c from the holder.
<br /> t= �''{ -
<br /> �'�.�`•. = ` ��� �G Not Eo allaw any uaeodi5cation ar estemuon of.aor to nequest atcy faUa+e a d v a n c e s un der aay ao t s o r a g r e e u t e u t -_
<br /> u .;� �.
<br /> 4 �° secxued by the lien dacament wiWout Lender's prior written aoasent. _
<br /> �.: '-��� all taxes,asses,ments,liens�. encumbiances,lease payments,ground •: ' __
<br /> �;M �-�;: 8.� CLA4VLS AGAIl�iSP�H.L�.Grantor w�l pa►y ' _
<br /> ` t :':•:: rents,ut�ities,and other charges re i ating to t i r,e P r a P e r i Y w h e n d u e.L e n d e r a e a y r e q u t r e G s a n t o r w p ro v i d e t n L e n d e r �; _
<br /> �:. r"'4; aop�' sof aD notioes that sacfi amomits are due and the reoeipts evidcucaag Cranto�s payment Grantor w�!defead � _
<br /> '`;� • ' `� ti11e tolhe Propertp ag,�nst ar�9 c�r�that woutd'unpair tlie lien of t6is Sea�siry Insorumeat.Grantor ageeS i+a as�gn =.,°: �
<br /> ,-
<br /> ''� �� � W Lender,as reqaested by Lender,any right4.�or defenses Cirrantor may have against Part�who suppty labot � �J 4
<br /> - --ti .. �t.• _ ' . -- _ _.
<br /> a �_-,� � ormatereals to maintai�a or cmprove the Property. � _�
<br /> < ..;�;;, ,;; 9 DUE ON SALE OR ENCUNID1tA1�10E.Lender may,at its option,declare the entire balance o�the�°c�ed Debt W �
<br /> be�me�a�Y due and payable upon the creation o�or contiact for the creation o�ac►Y�en.eacumbrane�ttansfer �=' _
<br /> ,;,i '���%:: , c s r.�a l e o f W e P r o p e r l y.l�i s t i s s u b j e c t to the�+esqisdons i m p�ed by federal law(12 GF.R.591),as app�cable. ` � �
<br /> � `, ,��c,r.;�:s:., 'c�,�+��s.�a,ave*�n.�ant shaU nm-•w,�,�,t,t,a,.,�,� Praperty and shall rema�n in effed unt�7 tfle Secured Debt is paid ia f d l L a n d t h i s �V . -
<br /> Y r � � .!;�:��:;� JGYW1�LilWYfu��. fG� �'�� -
<br /> ` ;�t'�< 18: P�tOPERT�f CONDTrION,ALTERATI�NS AND AeTSBECTiON.Grantor wiU keep the Property in gaod
<br /> '''�'� ,...:,::�:- .`;.; conditson aad make sU sepairs that are reasou�bly necessaT7+.Orantor shall aot commit or altow any waste� ��..�A� :
<br /> {' ��'°, ' Y� : uapairment,os deterlaratioa of the Praperty.Crantor w�l keep the Yrogerty free of uo�aous aeeds and grasses ��"
<br /> , ; .;�';° , ' (i�ntur agrees that the nature of the ooca�paucy snd use w�!not substantiaDy cbange without Leader's psior arr�tten �;�_s ��_
<br /> = :� ° ; �.: . cons�nt.(itaatur w�l not yermit any cbange la a�r licensc,restr�c�n+e cavenant or easemem witbout Lender's prior �-� z-_
<br /> ,,,.�`. aad actions Grantor.and of
<br /> f =�.. writtea conseat:Grantar w�71 aohfy Lender a�all demaads,prace�,ciaims, a�n�t "u . -
<br /> �` � �- a�ry toss or damage to the Yraperty. k�•
<br /> � �u
<br /> "` , r �. I,estder or�Leader's agents�ay.at Lender's apttan,enter the Property at a��asonabte time for the purpa�e ai
<br /> ` r : i�s�ecting t&e property.(.eader shall give+Grantos notice at the time oi or 6efore an inspection speC�iug a �,�� _
<br /> t -. :��,�,- rcasonabte pntpose fos the inspection.Any inspection of the Property shall be entirely for Leade�s Ueise t aud ��;„,�,=
<br /> ;;� i ,�,� : GrantarwilliAno way rely on I.ende�s iaspe�ioa � -
<br /> .�,t`;`, 1L A13TAOIiYP9t TO PERFOAM.If Cranwr faits to perform Any duty or any of tbe coveuaats aonta4aed in thia , � -
<br /> n
<br /> i�t�- i - Secutity Iastromeat,Leader may,withoyt notice,Perfomj or cause Wem to be p e r ic�rm e d.�t or a p p oints I.ender . - _
<br /> � as attamey ia fact W siga Granto�s aame or pay aay amouat necessary for gerloimance.Lender's�ig6t to perfotm for r�:
<br /> ..�:' : „�-," .'` Geaator shaU not create am obUgatian to pesform,and Lender's faihue to per�orm will no!preclude Leuder from � � _�;;,,�.,-�,
<br /> r , r � ea��casing anY of Lender's otber r��ts nndes the!aw os this Secauity Instrumen�If any eansiruc�ou an the Propeity b �'""
<br /> `.. :�. ,; ,�.�' d'sscontinued or not carried on in a reasonab2e manner,Lender anay take all steps necessary w protect L�ader's �����
<br /> °` .. . seciuity interest in We Property,luclading oomDlet�an ot the coaswction. .
<br /> '� J �. �Z �5.9IGNA9�l�f OF LEA9E9 AND RErTIS.Grantor irrevoeabiq g�aats.canveYs aad sells to Trustee.�n trast for the ,:,
<br /> ` bene8t of Lender,as additional s�ca�rlty all ffie right,title and interest in aad W any and all existing or fat�ue teases, � ;;_'.,
<br /> ,.���:"��--`:�._..-':�^. mb2eases.aad any oUier wrltten ar verbal agreements tor We use aad occup�cy oi any portion of tli�ProDerty, - --.
<br /> . iacIading aay extensions,renewals.modifications or subsdtutions oi 9ich agreemaats(aU seferred to as"I.eases")and
<br /> ���. .,'��'.�<� reats.issues and proBts(all refeaed to as"Rents'�.tirantor arill proa�dS+Provide Lender wiib we and correct ;: :�,•,�.
<br /> '� s oopies of all ex�ting aad fut�E l.eases.Grantm maY o�llec�.reoeive.enjay and ase the Reata so 2ong as(3rantor L�not ,�.�
<br /> e.. .
<br /> ,:•
<br /> � '� in default uader the term5 of t�ls Seauity lastrament. � ����=�
<br /> � , . Giantor adcnowted�es that this asslgnment is perfected upon the reaarding of t�is Deed of Trust and t6at Ixndes is ���' �� ;
<br /> . . entitled�to notify any o1 Graator's tenants to make payment oi Rents due or to become due to Lender.Hawever. - }
<br /> � '�'';ai�.,. Lender agees that oniy on defanit will Lender notiiy Grantor and Grantar's teaants and make demand thai all futnre
<br /> Rents be paid directly W L+ender•On receiving norice of dctanl�Granto:will endorse and deliver to Lender any ::�,{'��:.:°;,';
<br /> �, payment oi Rents in Grantor's possession and will receive any Reats in trast for Lender and will not commiog�e the
<br /> , ,_ � Rents with any other fuads.My amounts collected an'tl be applied as provided in this Security lnstrnmeni.Grantar
<br /> , � ' � :,;..I. warrants tlfat no defaWt exists u�eder the l.eases or any applicable landtord/tenant taw.Grantor also agrees to maintain ;, '�.F...::
<br /> _ and require any teaant to comply with the terms of the Leases and applicabie law. .
<br /> , -. -.= '�
<br /> � . , � !3� LEAS�O�S;CONDOMINIUM3,pLANN�D iINIT O&V�LOPMEN't'S.Grantor agrees to wmpty wlib the
<br />_ ...,- '-:��'�.:r,..� provisions of aay tease if this Securlry Iqsmimeat is on a teasehotd.If the Property includes a unit in a condominium .�:.:.�. •:.���'
<br /> '„1'i .:
<br /> _ � `� � ��"' or a planned unit devetopment.Grantor will perfonn all oi Graatoi s dut�es aader the covenants.by-laws.or .
<br />-- ' regulations of the cundomlmum or planned umt developmenL '':;:;. :
<br /> � �' � : �� .. !Q� DEpA1JLT.Grantor wili be in detault if azry party obligated on the Secured Debt fails to make pa}rment when due. �l �}
<br /> _- _._3__ Grantor will be in default i f a brea c h aaws un des t he te r m s o f t h i s S e c u ri ty I n s t r u m e n t o r a n y o t h e r d o c u m e n t _ _
<br /> _, — (Da9B2 0!4) �..
<br /> ;� -
<br /> � .,�� . �r��. o�es+e�en bYs�om.u+e.s ao�e.iau i+�eoo<��»c•am ae-m.e�e�a�s� ;,.,,,
<br /> .,�'.. . ::-; s :.-.__-
<br />