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<br /> F u�= 17.'�raader o�the Proprsty Ar a BeneQcfal Iateresi in Barrower.if Pll or any part of she Property or airy iatemst in it `_ :
<br /> '� - ��e �f" is sotd ar transferrod(or if a 6eaeHciaF iMer�eSt in Bornower is sold ar trancfernd and Borrower is not a aazarai petson)without �� �:
<br /> • �y�'. �''� L�•s prior writt� oonseni. Leader m�y, at its option. rcquire iaunediate payu�eut in full of all sums seaued by this -�:_.,.�_:
<br /> w� �'e�,.;,. .J,.
<br /> r�t�:E�:_�:�'�.^;,�{� Secvrity InsnuMen�However.this aption shalt not be exec�ised by Lender if exenise is pro6ibited by federai taw as of the daDe :'_',�`�,:�•,',
<br /> '.�'� T t:•:.�.. of this Securiry Insurwnea►t. �' .<, `k�
<br />- -.•.::.'�..."��:_'. If i,ender e�ercises dris option.Lender shall give Bormwer notice af acce[eration.The notice shall provide a period of not '. .:.4`:..;.;•;
<br /> ` � „:,�..�; less t�+an 30 days from the date t6e notice is delivaed or mailed within which Borrower must pay all s�uns secuted by this - ,
<br /> �'�4' Se�vrity Iasttume�t.If Borroaver fa�ls m pay t6ese s�uns prior to the expiration of this period.Lender�y invoke acry remedies
<br /> -aC •ee . ,.1• 8 ' `_cA =`.
<br /> ;�`�,`,��_�?: Pem�itted by this Secutity tasirument arithoirt fuzther notice or demand on Bo:ruwer. � _ �
<br /> " • I8. Borro�ver's 13ight to Rei�tate. If Borrower mcets oertain conditioas, Borrower shall have the right to have � � �
<br /> �-,i= 4 �:;;`�' enforceat�t of ttus Securiry Instrumem disoo�rtinued at any time prior to the earlier of: (a)5 days(or such other period as :,`� ,
<br /> �,�., <.;�° applic,ab(e law maY specify for re�arP�++enq before sale of the Property Pa�saant to aay power of sale oontained cn ttus ` , "�
<br /> r,, �
<br /> - Socurity Insuwnen�or(b)entry of a j�tdgtnent enfotcing this Set�ity Iasvument.'i'hose wnditio�are that Botsower.(a)t�aYs v ,, _
<br /> r � : �-��=�.:�� L e a d e r a i 1 s w n s w h i c 6 t h e n w o u l d b e d u e u n d e r t h i s S e a m t y I n s u u r a e rtt and the Note as if no aooeleration had occumed: (b) : ,�
<br /> v �
<br /> i. G '
<br /> " p.z- `F` ` cares any defautt of azry o9her oovenants or agre�cteats: (cl Pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security I�m�at. ;:`,�: z�:
<br /> �` ` .�. ``� including,bvt not limited to.r�asonable suomeys' fees:and(d)t�es such action as Lender may reasona6ly reqaite to assure =t: , -�
<br /> �'��: °`�, dmt tlie tierr of thLs Secvrity Inshu�rtt.Ixnder s righu in the Property and Bormwer's obligation w pay We sums secured by ,,;f-; '��
<br /> > 2k'•` �' ;�.�' this 5ecurity Inrtrmnent shall oondmie und�anged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Secarity �ut and the : � ,
<br /> R t
<br /> `�{ - :+, obligations secvred hereTuy shall remva fully effeaive as if ao aoceletation had occar�ed. However. this nght oo reimtate shall
<br /> S._.� y`C
<br /> � .;,,�., not appty in tde case of acceleration under paragra�h lT. i� �
<br /> > ��. .••:.� ;:•,. 19. Sate oY 1Not� Change oY Laan Servtc�. The Note or a partial i�e�t in the Note (together with d►is Secttcity .. }
<br /> � . ',r<'. Inswmeat)may be sold one or morc times wethaut prior notice to Borrower.A sale may res�lt in a change in tiie e�Uity(knoam � � t_��
<br /> _�""� k:r-� as the'Loas�S�vioer")that collects mnnttilY PaYments due nnder the Note and this Secority Inswment. There also may be one �- '_:`
<br />� - �;f's; os maie changes of the Loan S�nricer unrelated to a sale of the riote.If t�ece i�a change of the Loan Servicer.Borrower will be •�.:�u<,�_
<br /> �'?'.�:�'.>J�=�� ,.�� givea wriuen notice of tbe d�ange in acxordanoe with paragraph 14 a6ove and applicabte law.The notice wiU state the aame and _ .' :`-.�:
<br /> `� : ` `' ��'% address of the nea Loan Servicer and the address w wlud�payraenu shoutd be made.The wtice wi11 also contain any other '� -
<br /> ' �� inffasmetion required by applicable law. � " ` .'
<br />:y� .-:-.:._:•`:::;,; ,_�¢,, ,,`.
<br /> f.._�; ?A. Hazardaus Snbstanoes. Borrower shall aot ca��or pamit the presence, ose. disposal. storage, or�ase of auy t ;.
<br /> � ._�-.�r• Ha7udous.Substances on or in the Fropezry. Harnower �atl not do. nor allow anyone else to do, any�in� affeding the ,�< i,
<br /> , :, � F�. pro�tty tl�t is in violation of any Emironmental Law. '[T�ie p r e c e d i�two sentences shall not apply to t6e preseuce.ose, or � ;.,R :,=
<br /> t �.--y :t.� .
<br /> � ..� `:4 storage on the Property of small quantities of Harandous S�sbstances that are generally recaogiri7,ed to be appropriate to nornra! ;
<br /> �, �. , '`-� residcntial uses and to maintenance of tbe Properry. ` � - .
<br /> ° °�°''��?°� Eonoarcr shali prvnWdY Sive I.ender written notice of any imestigation.claim.deu�aud,lawsnit or other action b3'�Y r �: •
<br /> ; . ,'�r..: gevem�+�tal or reg�latory aSencY or private paAy imolving the Property and any Ha7ardous Substanoe or Bnvironmeatal Law
<br /> -�:���:_�.,e;�:: .��:_;
<br /> � •�•. - •?�::-�� of whi�fi Bomnwer ha§acx�al Ecnowledge.If Bomnwer leams.or is aotified by aay governme�al ar
<br /> regolafoTY authoiitY•that ,.x;����.�::
<br /> .`�' �h' a�►nemoval or ather remediation of atry Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is aecessary.Borrower shall promptly take t;-+� �` -
<br /> � nc � �
<br /> E :` r -' stll ttecessffiy remedial aciioas in accardat�ce with Environmenta!Law. ':�:�? 1 ._
<br /> .-. r;.. :. �' :�`:.=' As used in tbis parag�aph 20. "Hazandons Substances"are those snbstances defined as taxic or hazardous substances by :�.•, • ,
<br /> }°` ; Emimnraental Iaw and the foltaanng su h s�: gaso line. k e r oseae. o t her flaroma b 3e or t o x ic p e�m leum p r o d aexs, waic .;f,r� -
<br /> ` `_ , w :::;s_� pe.sdcldes and herbicides.volatile solvents.materials conta:ning asbestos or formaldehgde.aad radioacxive materiats,.As osed in , r,��t�'
<br /> , this patagraph 20. "Environncental Laa" means federal tasss and laws of the jurisdsetinn where the Property is(ucated that
<br /> ' . = �;� relaQe to Aealth.safety or envir+nnmentalproteqion. '`y� ��,
<br /> r::,'��' NON-UI�IIFORM COVENANTS.B�rrower aad i.ea►der fu�rther covenant and agcee as foIIows: ^` •` -
<br /> `- � -= � 2l.A�[arattoat Rem�€es.Lmder shalt give aotice to Borrower prtor to awel�atfon foilowtag Bore+nwe�s b�ac6 °r'� -
<br /> .-tN.��.�d _ - -N+i �
<br /> r of any wvcaant or egreeatent in t6L4 S�rHy �eat (6ut nut prtor to a��Yion onder parageaph I7 onte� r-� '
<br /> f ° u.. ;;. applica6le taw provtdes otherwise).Tde m�tIce sl�aU ap�ciPi- (a)tbe defaat�(bD d�+e aNton e+�to care the defantk =;� :
<br /> . (�,•�_:.-F• -
<br /> :yF �..� (c?a date,not less thaa 30 daps from the date the aodce is gken to Borrower,6j whicb We defaWt must 6e cm+ed;and ,
<br /> > .._ _ (�Y�at f�e to abce the defadt on or 6efore the date s�ectfte�ia the uottce may�vlt in avoelerat�on of the s�ns ;
<br /> '� ��� � secure�bq this Se�ity tc�nnneat acd sate.of the Ptoperty.T6e aotice shaQ farther infaim Borrowet of t6e rJgut to * :`i� ,
<br /> ' "'�.��:� retnstste att�scceleratton and tde rig6t to brhig a oomt actioa to a�c4 the non-tslste�oe oY a defanit or any otltes ''`�
<br /> � : :�' ddasse of Borrawes tn acederaflan and sale.IP ttte dersait t�naf c�on os Defare the date spedFted ia the natt� �'�`-k:
<br /> ' ,� -`�; Lender.at its opttoa,may requtre immediatc paym�at in ta[I of all s�s sec�ed by tMs Seam�ty Instr�maemt wttitont � .R, ...
<br /> . ' ` ' t'Yuttter dem�d aad may favo�e the power of sale and any otber e�ted�es peea�itted 6y apptkabie law.�.eader sbaQ be �
<br /> "�' �`_�`�^';��.�`' �Itted to wAect eIl espeases in�ured in pu�saing We remedtea pravtde�tn t�is paragrapb Zl,indadiog,bat aat itmtted `-- -
<br /> "f` y•� to►.r�ble sKosIDeys'!ces and poste of titte evtdence. �" ° _,
<br /> �` It thepow er of�te is imalc�l,Trastee s6all eeoord a aotice oY defanit in eacb ca�ty fn whicb auq part t►Y the �" n s -_
<br /> ` ` ��r�"'° pe�opett9 f9[a a ted eud s d a l l m a i l oop ie9 o f sa c h ao t tce t n t b e manner tr e d b y ap p f i c a D��e 9 aw t o B o r ro w e r a a�t o . � �_-
<br /> fy� , ;',��� the other pasun9 presceIDed by appIIcable taw.After the tlme e e u u l n e d y�appUca6le taw,Trastee shaD give publtc aotice . .:; � -
<br /> ; :�,�.t:�� oi esle to the peraoas ar�d ia the m�er pr e s s r l D e d Dy app f tca b fe l aw.T r u s tee, w i t ho u t d a n a n 0 on B a r e o uwer,s b a q s d l „=,- -
<br /> . �...--_
<br /> �: .�;,�,:;':. '`.';;�'t: We Fe+op�rly at pnbUc aactWn to t he N g hest b l d der at t 6e tl me an d p l a ce an d an der t he t�s d e s l g n a t e d i n t h e an d r e a� •.:t::���:,�.
<br /> sate in oae or more par�ts and in any order Trvstee deteimtaes.Tenstee may postpone sate of all or any par�el of the , , `
<br /> �,! ';_ �
<br /> ,� -. Avp�r byp��anaoaaoement st Uee tia�e ead plaoe of any prevdousty scbeduled sate.i.ender or its desigaee may - :
<br /> :�.� _ pa�r6ase the�opertq at aay sate. � .`. �'--
<br /> .�.�
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