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<br /> �``-'fT'�F� _t . _ , t r' . t.� t r 'T� Y f Y �T'. . � -S u r E..F_ .v.e ;T �sc _[ .�,
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<br /> -._�-i�„ �<F.'`y�..r���"`�� -tk-��: #.Y,c��sG-�F�!�.�x i�_ � qc_�<`K� ,� .. ��� .:Y,�f .�F.�t f��A�6 �<.c !F a�.4'l�- "HC �. t:,.! .+c:'�al �i a,h��� ' '•'F �.��
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<br /> q'� .�, .a _<�r�t. `6
<br /> � . �k �. i'a- .
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<br /> -;°��f�=:.�;-yr '1�E7'!�R WTi7!a!i the improvemeats now m 6ereaft�eiected oa the pmpaty.and a!1�.app��•� :�,.,;:•.
<br /> T�'�• :.4°`��� and a�ditions shal! aiso be covered by this Seauity �'_';<
<br /> 1--` fnct�e.s �w or Qereafter a gart of the pro�ty. Ari reptaaemeats ,
<br /> � _'- k� ., TOSQiiQICAt-/�1 Of�1C f0iCg010$IS IP�6l4�t0 iA tb35 52t11tilyt�U�t BS(�C�pi+OpGityf.� G � `
<br />;�`�:Y��`':� • ::;. BORROWFR COVENANTS that Bo�rawer is lawt'ully sa�ed of the cstate hereby oonvey�od and has the right to graat and �E:.'. �
<br /> � °r `�'� ' for eawtmbrdnCCS of[eeoid. Borrower 4vanants and wi11 �`'
<br /> �-� aomrey the F�vpetty and that the Froperty is un�6ered.except s ti`
<br /> r:.`�-�� ��;,:.;,s defend generatty the tifle to the Property�all ctaimg and deinands.subject to any eacvmbronoes of reoord. �
<br /> � A� s ,"`� `:�:e T HI S S E C U R T f'Y IN S T R i J M E N�'a o m 6 i a�s u n i f o r m o o venants for aatioaa!use s�n d nan-u a i tarm oov e n a n t s�v i t h limited ' ,;��'
<br /> :<:..n,.cku�<`.��,y_ m nd �.�'�:;.
<br /> , . �.,
<br />'�`.t-v-�--`�'°�..�:: va;iadoms by jnri.sdiction w oan�a uniform seeority insaument oovering rea!pmperty .
<br /> �' �' ,��,��..'�`. �:J n,:r
<br /> UN�RNI COVFNANTS.Borrower and Lender oova�aat and ag�ee as foliows: .'``�,``':
<br /> '� ``. :`��'�� 1. Paymffit oi Piia,eipat ead 1� Pe�psym�t and i.ate Caarges. Borrower shatl prantPU9 Pay ufien due•t h$ . �-,, `,
<br /> -`_ ��`�` 1 p�cipal of and interest on the debt evidenoed by t6e Note and aaY P�Y��aad iate charges due uttder the Note. ` 4:`
<br /> .�,ti�,°. .'`;`;:- 2. �tmd4 tor Taae�and Insuraaee.Subject w applicabte taw or w a written waiver by Lender.Hor�ower shall pay w , ,.
<br /> '� � �
<br /> a �4 ..
<br /> � `,r£-- � ' [xnder on the day monthtY PaYmenu are due under the Note.until the N�rte is paid in fiill.a sum l`Fuads')for:(a)Y ta�s _,
<br /> `� a`�`:�.` aud as�vrhicb may atmin priority wer this Sewrity[nsuument as a lien on the Property;N3 Y�rty leasehotd paymeuts Y,,;,
<br /> i`"='�.�'.'=:�:° or gcaund�+ents on the Pnagerty.if any;(c)Year1Y Ga�rd or pm�ty insarauce premiums:(d)YeartY flnod insurence pcemi+uas :'�
<br /> t�`�F`�`°`ti�;.i�:; uu� if an and(fl �s a Ie b Borrower w Lender. '`.''
<br /> ��.' :.,-;�.,;...-; _� if aay; (e)Year�Y mort�age i�utanme pr�i . Y: �Y P Y� Y in accocd�uoe witb ,.
<br />. ';;�.i.:�-":_�°:-�� the provlsioas of patag�ph 8. in lieu of the payment of mortgage insuraa�e prcmiuu�.T h e s e items are c a l t e d'E s c�o w I t e m s.' r_�:_�"
<br />:'�'�':�E:;.:'`'; I�dder may,ai any time.col2ect sud hold Fonds in aq amount not tn eaoeed the ma�rimum auwurrt a lesder for a fedetaliy `_:��':
<br /> ,. rf. ;a :
<br /> _ a ` �, `.Y: c�lated mortgage{oas may requuc for Borrower's escraw acoowu uader the fedeia!Real Fstate S�ttemeat Procedut�es Aci of �._
<br />_--1�`,.,;..-_y_-=:,:r_.
<br /> -,�.4. .:..,: .-:y:::_ 1974 as a�meaded�omtime to sime. IZ U.S.C.Section 2601 er seq. (°RESPA").unless anather law that applIes w 1he Fuads :;v,;=:`:
<br /> f". �-,' ': sets a tesser amnunt. If so.Lender may.at any time, ooliect aad hotd Fonds in aa amormt«ot to exceed the tesser amoaiu. '�,��.=:
<br /> ,�.._.:.:' _
<br /> ;�...._.,,..;.;',��'�
<br /> ' :.�,"`.��:�,��:. I.ender may estimate the amuunt of F�mds due on the basis of curreut da�a and reawnabte esdmates of expeadiw�ras of fntane
<br /> �Y..,,:� •..�,.,�• •.°�:��::
<br /> �:�_`+�.:t=- `:- Pscsow Ite�nsarothecwise in aocordaacewitTn agpficable law. :,� '
<br /> ,��� �� • The F�mds shall be het+d in an iAStidrtion whnse deposits are iasured by a federa! agency. �. or eatity `
<br /> .`���-.�%"� �` �-,'-> (inctading Lender,if L�der is sacb an institation)or in a�r Frderaf Home Loan Bar�Leuder shaU apply the Fnnds to pay the �-F.,�
<br />- `•4• Fscmvyr Items.Lender may not charge Bornawer for holding and applying th�Funds.armaattY analYz6nS the escrow soeaepu:or �` °
<br /> { � ��-�` veriflring We Fscrow Items.onteas i.ender pays Borcower jnterest on the Fands an�applicable�1aw permits Ixader w make sach ` .
<br /> '�,, . a charge.Howevea.Lender tnay requit+e Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an independeat�1 e.�tate tax�eporting seavtce � .�
<br /> ;,��:�.'�:�= ased by I.eader in comeecdon wtth this loan, unles� aPPlicable law ps+avides otheravise. Untess an agr�mer�t is matte,ar v:�
<br /> �.•_
<br /> ;, �` appliesible law ieqaires imer�st to 6e paid.i.ender shall not he required ta pay Borrower any intenst or eaminga on the Fuads. :.
<br /> �`.�r° `., .",, Eosmwer and i�ndes may►agr�e iu writing,however.dmt i�ueresc s6aU be paid on the Funds.Leader sdall give to Bormwer t.;�
<br /> au � _
<br /> . . �'� wir�+oat ci�arge,an an�al�auatmg a f t he Fun d s.s howing c m d i t s a n d d e b i t s w t h e F w i d g a a d t h e p u t p o s c f o r a r h i c t t e a c b �
<br /> � � -
<br /> F ,. � " d�t w the Ft�ads was made.'fi�e Fiuids are pledged as addittona!security far sU�ms se�vred by this Secarity Insav�t. ��'°:
<br /> i ,. L 4:. -�. � 1 t_.
<br /> __ If the Fuads held by Leac�er exceed the amnunts peaniued w be heW by applicable Taw.I.eader shal!a000mat to Bormwer �-r r
<br /> far the eiccess Funds fi accordance with the reqnirements uf�plicaD2e law. If the amonnt of the Funds hetd by Irender at aay �°�__-
<br /> �` � y yfy g in such case Bartower �''�'
<br /> ,'','`, ::'-�'.'�,`;';::I� wne is not suf�cient w pay the Escrow Itea�ahen due.Lender ma so no Borrowe.r in wtlttn .aud. -.�.�;�:_
<br /> "',��;;':�:::` '_�' ::. siialt PaY_tP Leatder t4e amoazrs nec�ssary w make up the deficieacy.Burrawer sLall make ap the defcieacy in n�more tha�n 'f'; •�`
<br /> b-i-- -� � twelve awndtiY PaY�•��dee's sole d'iscretion. _
<br /> -r � Upoa payat�ast in tu{I<sf a11 snms s�by t6is Seturity Instmment,I.ender sha11 psompdy refand W Hortowet a�r fTlY4,
<br /> �_ ,: . : Fuads hetd by P.�der.If,imder pazagrapb 21.Lender shall acquire or sei!the Propecty.Leader.Prtar w the acquisiflon or sate ,K:
<br /> �' �� of tLe Praperty,shall apDly anY Fonds betd by 1,ender at the time of aaquisiiion or sate as a c�edit against tQe sams sewr�d.by � t=_
<br /> ' this Secmrity Iastrnme�t. �' '
<br /> - �: g.
<br /> , .�•-`,'`. .° ' 3.elppHcatton of F�ay�.Uniess applicabte law provides otherwise,all payueenta reoeived by L�eader nnder paragraphs �.�,,�,;;
<br /> " ,� �� �` 1 and•2 skal!be appl�e�:first.to anY P�Y�t c�ges due aader the Note;aeoond.w awuanLg payable under patagaa�ph 2: - ,
<br /> ���� t 's� � ehird.m 3ntecest dae:foutth,w prinapal du�;and tast.to any late chmges dae aader the Note. ,�{:_
<br /> � � y � r* 4.Chaege�L�s.Hoxrower sha11 pay all ta�ces.assessments,charSes,��nd irapositia�attribatable to tAe PropenY " _
<br />:-,s.,.�:_y:' •`: �, which may attai�ptiorlty acci�this Secaulty Inswmenl. and leasehotcl PaYn►ents or grrnmd tente.if mty.Borrower sft�pay Y�.__
<br /> -,;�':.:;'.':;;,'�-�`- these obl3gadous In dte mamr�r provided ia paiagraph 2.or if not paid i�that mamiar.Sormwer shall pay d�em on t�e dhectly ��_:,
<br /> t -�' co the peisoa owe�paymeat.E�rmwer ehal!prompUy fl�mish w I.ender ail notices ogamounta w 6e paid ander Wis pa�agtaph. -_
<br />-=�� :'',_�.:�,.. .. .
<br /> ? :• If Batroarer makes these paycsteata direaiy.Borrower shaU Pmmptig f�ansh w LenGer recei�pts iwidencing the yaymcnts• , ,
<br /> .:..,, .. _
<br /> -- �-� Borrower ahall promAtiY dlscharge arry tten whllch bas prio�ity over dus Securlty Insuument unless Barrower:(a)ag�eesna =_---
<br /> ,:� wrltu�g to the payrnesit of dre aL-figation secnred by the Ilen in a maaner aoceptabte w Lender;(b)coucesis in good faith the l�en -
<br /> .t ...,:�:� Es�.ar defends againsc enfat�ment of the lien In. legal proceedings wh�ch in the Leader's opinion oyetat�u� preveat tlie ' �:_�
<br />'.--.;,r r2--'.l-.`.:_:'..:'a. . R�➢.'ie....$"._
<br /> enforceflaeat of the Sen:oT(c)secures from the t�otQer of the lien an agr�ement smisfactory to Lender sub�xdin�in8 the lien ta , �
<br /> �, _ ;'�'" '...;`;��:, th9s SeCUr�ty InstrUmen�If Lender determines tlm�arry paat of the Property Is subject w a.lIea v�ch may auatn priority over :���
<br /> - =• ��•-~��- this Sacurity Iashvment.l,acder may give Honower a nntice�fying the Hen.Bonower shali sadsfy We lten or tage one or . `�_;
<br /> `� '` '' � �'� �ore of the acdona set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. ._
<br /> < <. . .. � .;
<br /> _ :i Form 80Z8 9l90 � -
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