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<br /> ';�- ,f: THtS oEED oF TRUST.is made as ot me � dar of I d o v e m b e r t b Y � ?, <•.:�. .�, .
<br /> � � �L
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<br /> � ' '� PC'd1L'�@ L�it� IRC. • .
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<br /> r_ -�f� � _ :{ � ��.h-�`W� .
<br /> c.� fla ny.,a ` r� .�
<br /> 4.,. .r.`. whase maiting address is 1515 I�GI_e Islanci NE 688 3 (herein"7rustor,"whether one or more�
<br /> � � f .
<br /> '� ;" a Nebraska Co ration • � ` t
<br /> �"� the 7n,sDee Five Points Bai�kr �: ---- -
<br /> .:, :: _
<br /> �� .�,Y`-z. whose mat�ae addresa is�•O Box 1507, c�and Island NE 68$�2-i5a7 (h�rein`Tn�stea"l.assd °2 t:.. "r;�' „ �"
<br /> � r
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<br /> �;�� r''1.•.: �8 B��v�w�� • �� � .
<br /> �.- .., _ �r.
<br /> �`.4 wl�ose ma(iing address is P � Box 1507, t�ranc3 Yslancl N£ 68082-150? (heretr+.°Lend��'I. �� , `; � _
<br /> � � _: � �
<br /> ` �_� � � FOR VAWA9LE COt�DEFW'�ON.including lende�s extension of credit tdenflfled herein to � � t '� .-'.
<br /> � � c���'d w �.�u�`1
<br /> O
<br /> � <r i��i��`•~ PL'�13@ L3rid QOGp�7[i�� IttC (herein"BOrrower".whether one or more)and ihe trusf henein�s4 ' :r+ � .,�'
<br /> y � a ,,i �': the recelpt of wfiicl�is he►'eby acknonrleQgad Trustor hereby irrevocabty grarns.transfeie.Cortveya and assigna ta Tr�t80ee►IN r4 T � � ,
<br /> ��-:
<br /> `. ` �.::;�;;;:; TRUST.WiTHPOWEROFSALE.forthebenefttendsecu�ityotLereder.underandeubjecttathetermaendcondifte�aAeretnafterset : `,� �� rxi
<br /> �� '"" (prqL Me�D�De�l1.descr(bed s9 faltow� ,
<br /> * 4 ��f ,f
<br /> ,
<br /> , �J ; �T f=� R�emgle Subdivision, to U�ce dty of GranB Islana. Ha11 ,-, � ,
<br /> ti - i,ot an.e El), BaP� ;�A o,.,
<br /> 'f' �ebraska.
<br /> � � ,�,y „ ��r � .
<br /> . e • � . �� Fr '^''1 '
<br /> i _ `J` � -
<br /> � '.,'� 't� �;` Together wttl�sil b��ga.imProvements,ilxturea,atreeta.alteys.Pessa9eways,easements,flgMs,D�t��d appurte- � � ��j :
<br /> f•`=�� nancan ta�ted thereon or in anywise tu�sining thereto.an0 U►e rente,issues and Proflts.reversiona and remaindera tAereo�and ; + '
<br /> � ' `` ":��� that its attached to the improvemenfs so as to consNhrto a fGcture.inciuding,but no111mite+0 te.heating 8n0 " �� � .��,'���°.
<br /> f,.`.�: sucb personal proDedf►
<br /> Lj _,.
<br /> ... :r.�r,.�.;',•� „ i:s�-_.
<br /> '_.`;'�^•; �:�.;.:•::,,,; coolingequipmentandLOgetherwithtR��home.aLeadormaritallaterests,Hany.whicAlnteresbareheretryreteasedandwaive�e ��r _
<br /> �" �' �"� of wRlch.Inctuding reptacements end additions therela�s hereby dectared to be a part af the resl eatate secured bYthe Ilen o4thi� _�.;,t�� 3:
<br /> '�` `,'" peed of Trust and alt ot tlte taregoing being refenred to hereln as the"Property�:
<br /> .- . ��'
<br /> '� � Thts�6d of Trust shail secure(a)the payment of the principal sum and interest evldeneed by a Oromtssory note or exedtt �_� =
<br /> :�`' :�t •` r�,� ' .._i..... �7_ t AA� having a m8dt�ity dete O! iia;Y "' �°�' • `Y.:.' �''�—
<br /> - ,,;; agreememd,aLeO �"�,•� V,
<br /> -', '_. ...+.;,l.t�_`x 4 #..
<br /> �._ . ; in the arlgiaal pdncipel emount ot S.35.020.50 _ .and anyr end atl moatfi�atlw�s,e�coenslons and Yenewato :r•��= — -
<br /> f' the�sot or B�ereto and�ny and ell tuture advancea end readvances to 69rtower(or any at Mem H more ttian one)hereunae► �.� �r_
<br /> L t,. '<<�.: pursuantto ane or more promissoN�o�oredit agreemeraa t�erein asftee"[�taie"f:N}tt�Paymeut ot oUte�sur�advanoe0 bY �{,._, _ l.
<br /> � A-�: .��}.-; � LendertoPro�ectthesecurit�loftheNot�to�shsPertormanceotallcovenantsandagreemernsotTrustors�lfosthherein:and(�at� —-
<br /> •.� ,;: preseni and future tnde�tedna$and oblfgaUons cf Banower(or any at them ff more than one}to Lertder wnether dtrecR tr� � �
<br /> :-,;,� ebsoGtte or coMingeM an0 wh�att�er arising bY note.Sue►ant�►.oveMraft or otherwisa.The Noter�Q�d ot Trust aM artyariA efl �;:
<br /> � , =:::.:, otAerdocu9nts�atsewta�eNOteoro8�erwisaexecutedin�onnecUonfherewith.tach�dln9wltisoutitmitatlongua�artteea�s8curltY r :. .,� ,� _
<br /> �-r: agreementa and assignments ot teases and centa,shall be reter�ed to hereln as tt�a"Loan RocumeM�:
<br /> �;,v,• Tnistor tcvenants and egrees wttA Lender as tottow� ` '+ ,�:
<br /> � '� 1.!�y�sent at tnQebt��al lndeDleOneas secured hereby shali be patd when due. � �
<br /> . ;,:��.:r:`��=' ' 2.8�.Trusto)IS t�e awner of the ProD@�Y�has th9►lght and aulhorftyl to convey the ProparQr,an0 warranb that tRei iten ., .;__... ..•::..,. ..;
<br /> •:•; ,��,i �eaffi�hereby la a Ihst ana D�r tle�s on the PropeRy.exaePt bc tiens and enaumDtances set foM bf►T�in wRtlrtg and :,:_-�_'.�.. ,:�.. ��;,.:::
<br /> .. ,.P {,.
<br /> 'S� � Qeuveredto6enQerbetoraexecWcnofahie0eedotTrusLandMsexecWonanddellveryoflh�sOe¢dofTrustdaesnotvtotatear�y . °�
<br /> ` opn�act or other othigadon tv wt�tcA Tn�stor Is sub�ecl. ; '. � t ` '� °:
<br /> � �•,.' 8.Tenes„As�ume�Ks.To pay betore detl�quency a11 taxes,apeciai assessmerrts artd ati o�er charges ageinat tt�e ProAanf► ; , .
<br /> ^ � now or heresRer fevled. °
<br /> • � d. tmurant�.TokeeD�eProDanY�nsure0ag8�nstdamagebyflre.harsrdainotuQedwttldnfheterqf"extonde0ccverage:en0 �;.:�.� ��..
<br /> ; .J3 '
<br /> ' ;: su�h pther hazBrQe 89 L�ender mey require.lo amaunts and witA companlea aceeptabts�t8t�der.naming�►as an a6diHona! , , .:
<br /> , ' � ngnted tnsured,wIth tos9 pSyahte to the Lertder.M csse at l�s under sueh polides►�9 lender ieauthori�to ad1uSL�on�t e�d . •�, ; .•.• -
<br /> � � �� comAromiseyallcleimetheteunQ�►andshaUhave�evpUonofeAAh►�ngetlorpartol9�einsurance0raca�ds($taanyttndebtadn�s
<br /> �':,',.f : r .,..
<br /> • seanredherebyandlnsueborderasLsnQermayQetgrmine.(ii�talheTnistortob0usedtaNttereDatro►r�onotthePropetlSt
<br /> . �:'�'- or(ilntoramlatherpuryossarobjectsaUafactorytol.enQerwithoutaftectingthell�nofthis0aedalTruslfor9t�Mlamo�tseWred
<br /> hmeby�cre such payment ever took D�•�Y eOP���non of proceeda to IndebtaQness shail not extand or postpone the Quo " , ,
<br /> } ._�:� � � �p}arty paym�nf�under the Not9:or cure eny�detauit lhereunder or hereunQer. f � ' `
<br /> ; ,�'�� g y ::.i r ..-:
<br /> . 5. Rsero�.Upon wHttsn demanQ by tsnder.Tiustor ahaN pay w Lender.in sueh manner es Lender may deslgnat�suftteteM ... , .,
<br /> � ' � sumstoenabteLendertopayastheybecomedueoneormoreoltAefotlowingp)aflmzea.assessmerHSandotherchargeeagalnst ';�
<br /> '�:.�� the prpperty.(II)the pr�miuma on the property insurance required hereunder.and pii)the premlums on arry moRgage ttnwrancn
<br /> requlr�gd by Lend9r.
<br /> - ,-";::� . .` ' .' �: 8. MatMsnaace�Rep�and ComAUanee wt4U Lews.Trustor ahall keep the i�oPertY In gaoa condiUon aed repair.shail .,,�:'
<br /> ` ''- ' .� promPSy ropair.or repfaee arq►impravemer►t vmicA may be damaged or destroye�shall not aommtt or pertnit arry waa�or .
<br /> . ' r :
<br /> . ' •� Q6tOt9oraQOn 0!the Properry:shell not remove.demollsh or substa�Uaihr etter airy ot the Improvemems on the PropeAyr,ahall no! ti��
<br /> — y�.-:-:':- commt�svNerorpertnitanyracttobedonsinoruponthePrapeAylnvtolaUonofarrylavi.ordinance.arregutatto�aedshaltpayand
<br /> � '..��,r",; . promptty Qischarge&t Truffio/s eost ane expense allltens�encumbrence9 and cherges levled.tmpased or 8 s s 9 s�s d a g�a 1 1 he .
<br /> property or arry Ran thereot . . �. .
<br /> - :<: . �
<br />`�' . �=
<br /> •:��:.: - ••=;. . • . . •
<br />:�+' ,. ' . .
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<br /> ';����� . 1j, •a '. ' •�''_ •.
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