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<br /> _.._. � - � Y � - +� . :�':� t �- f .' �� �,�, ���.iy�f' k,q ra� �r..t� �_ �r�t y,t t .
<br /> `C t.F - ` 1. _ . �L4' Y�(iZ G l �.� '#, �Z-i �1/ C `v Fk Y�.:.
<br /> �-. �$ � �-. � . e. -r 1 > �,F .k-s�' , n � � 7'• Q� .� t - -s . ti• 4' r. -
<br /> r ' :.- r-�a4'� . � 4 fi4 yi3� .k a �4 e� �.SS - '�Y .�''-b t �" �k, � '9,, � . .:i�eY{�K t ,��c c - _�c� . ` +��.� � �. itf Y �rs -.
<br /> T� i':f R- ..C-..c C c v a 'y �_� _ ...?4 '-Kii_ � � �a` s- .<.hsa,`.- _ .,�. ��x� � ,.- 'z� �t:. , -.cr
<br /> ::�:,�sSt .k� �- ..� . , c ..:5= 1�. _ °!E: _'a� `� -'r s,F..
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<br /> ,-1. �i_y.` _ _ ' ' ' - _
<br /> -__. -c�:_.<=:. . 95b - ��-;.
<br /> .,e;=, t c �a . 6� �!� �:..:
<br /> �,
<br /> -�.a.�....,�tx:;,: _�,,�1,: �Ci��YIJ► �:S.;S�.
<br /> �.i,4. <. `._:.�c.o._ . `,,. .
<br /> _ «.;� ,�:'��.`�.�':'�~ T'O�EffiER VIi1TH all tbe impmvemee�ts Qow or heaeafter eiectsd on the pmperty.and all easemeats.appu�enances.and --
<br /> �- : � �'.:=. :
<br /> x�� '.:�� fixtures aow or he�eaftev a part of the praperty. All � and additions shaU also be oove�ed by this Seauity �� ;:
<br /> ^:k�°`"`p{::�.��,t:,':� Insuaaun�All of the foregoiag is refened to iu this Sewrity Insuunneat as the'property." s;_�
<br /> a�r;
<br /> �`�'.�r.'" `.F:�:. BOR�tOWER COVENANTS t�at Borrower is IawfuUy seised of the estate heaeby oonveyed and has the rig6t to grant and _
<br /> .�� ,.,�L_, :,�:
<br /> ;'=, t� {;:�:`� can�ey the Prope�ty aud tt�at the Property is unencumbered,except for encumbrances of recor�. Borro�ver warrnnu and wil! �.�
<br /> �.��,�,; .:,•.
<br />::�:=.`::.'' •':: • ,<.. defeod generatiy the tide to the ProAetty+aSainst all ctsims aad demands.subjert co any encumbranoes of reonrd.
<br />_ .���;.4 -°~Y`<;ti� T l d I S S E C i J R 1 T Y IN S f R U M E N T o o m b i a e s a m f o r m o o v�s f o r n a t i o n a l n s e a n d n o o-u n i f o r ro c a v e n a n t s w i t h l i m i t e d �`�`
<br /> F;a•J,k` 'r���' variations Pry jurisdict�on o0 oo�ctltute a nniform security instrument covering real P�P�Y- �'1:
<br />�•'��._�?•'`�;;.��-.�-�=`�.= LTNIFQRM COVFIYANTS.Borsowet and I.ender covenant sad agtee as follows: _
<br /> ..``. <�;< �',."°' 1. �ym�d of Priudpal aad lnter�st; Fr�epaY Ch�• P P�Y P Y '
<br /> men3 sad Late Borrower sbail rom a when due the
<br /> � s. •�'� PrinciPai of and inte�est on tAe debt evidericed 6y the Note and aaY P�Y�and tate chasges dne under tDe Note. s ,:
<br /> ���'���: � 2.Fandv for Tases sad it����.SubjecE to appticable law or to a writteu waiver by Lender. Eomawer shali pay to � �
<br /> ,-` �F< `- �` lender on the day atonthty paymeats are due under the Note.�mtiI the IY�ote is paid in full.a s�("Fm�ds")for.(a)Yeariy� ,��_
<br /> < °;�,`� °.:•. :.
<br /> `"���=°� and ass�us which rnay suain priority over t6is Seauity Inst�ument as a li�on the Property:(b)Yearly leasehold payments `�
<br />-. `` `= `s` ;,` or 8round reatg on d�ProP�Y•��Y:(�)Y��I+hazard or prope�ty insu:anee pnemiums:(d)yearly flaod insurance premiums. ,�''�`
<br /> "''��F.._.`....�'rF�L.`"q . .>:.
<br />__ -. �....�
<br /> if aay:(e)YeaziY�aartpge iasurance praniwns,if any:and(�anY su�PaYabie by Borrower to Lcnder.in ac�o�anse with `�;-`
<br /> _ - -::��=�<f��:` the provisiaas of paragraph 8.in lieu of the paymeat of mortgage ins�renoe premiqms.These items are called"Fscnuw Iterns.' ';��''
<br /> .� "< f`£:,•: I.ender may.at aay time.rnllea and hotd Funds in an amount nat to sxoaed thc maximam amo�mt a lender for a federally 8 :
<br />.. _:.';„'•... ___,�-:t_.' telated mortgage loan may require far Borrower's escrow accuuat under the fedeial Real Estate Seatement Pra�h�r�s Act of �G.:;
<br /> -�'<:=�.•�'':`._`,:,, -`- 1974 as amended from time to time, 12 U.S.G 3eQIon 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"),unless auother Iaw tdat app}ies to ihe Fvnds --
<br /> `- •` -``. `-���:- s�s a te�.cer amoamt. 1f so, I.ender may,at any time. c;opect and hotd Futtds in an amount not to exoeed the tesser amo�t. '��%:
<br /> z�.;:�`�w� `:�`::k-'� Lender may estimate the amowrt af Fands dae on the basis of cament data and reasonable estiinates of expeaditmes of faint�e . �k-<
<br /> :`:r�m``���%•. -�`. Es�cxow Ite�or otherwise in acxordaace witb applicabl�law. -
<br /> Y 4�� ! ` ` '`-� The Fuuds shaU be ltetd iu an ir�stiwtion whose deposits are insured by a federal ageacy. iasanmentality, or eatity � --
<br /> �._=f`°
<br /> ��--�� �--?°'. , Cmc�ad'mg l.e�er.�if Latder is sach aa im�tiuctioa)or in arry Federal Home I.oan Bank.L�adtr shaB appty the Faads�pay the.
<br />�`:�n.,•.,�t;�,_::-�-.;. Escr+ow It�ns.lRnder rr�ay not charge Borrower fos holding and aPPIYmS the Fwtds.ammallY�Y�B�e escmw aceonnt,or µ.:.°
<br /> _...,�T �-:,„.:.., veriQrirsg the Esccaw Items,tudess Iender pays Borrower interest on thc Fwcds amd appllcable!aw petmits Lender w makc such �
<br /> n�:,
<br /> ���:;;:'r`•..;,,-�• „�-:�:: a charge.However, i�endcr may cequire Borrower to pay a one-rime charge for an independent rea�es�te tax repo�ting senr�oe .::
<br /> :� -;'_.: 'f� ,�,: ; "`�i
<br /> _i__..���=��.` ased by Lend�r in ooanectton with this loan. unless applicable law pmvides otherwise. [Inless an ag�ewent is made or -
<br /> ''�'"''��"�� liwble[aw interest w be d,Leader shall not be to Borrower interest or e�nin on tlte FnrWs.
<br />-�,;�,:;°:�.::'::: . . ... e�.; 8PP �� 0� [e�luirEd PaY attY Sg .:.�.
<br /> ,.r:•.'':�..:�,•;.`••�:; Bonower aad Ixader may agres ia writing,however,that inte�st shall be paid on the Fwids. Laider abaJl give to Borrower. � ��:..
<br /> .� ���, •�:� _:
<br /> . ..� . wtthani ebarg� aa aaaaal accuaating of the Fnads.shawtng r.redits and deiriis to the Fwcds and tha purQase far wtdch eaeh ;.
<br /> �,;:,:; :� ,_ .��
<br /> ,.�,�:.:.'''::�:..�_� �;.s debit W the Fands aras made.The Fnnds a�e pledged as addi6onal secnrity for all sums secured by this Sea�rjry�nstrameat. �;,
<br /> T' � {�� '� If tUe Fnnds held by l.ender exaeed the amonnts pemuued ta be hdd by applicable law.l�nder sha}1 aa�nnt to Barrawer �z;
<br /> `� r ` u � far the excess Funds in aocordance with the requireme�s of app&cabte law. If the amoant of tLe Fwids held try Lender at aay ,�-�.
<br /> , f , .. time is not sttfficient to pay the Esccow Items when due,Lender may so notify Borrowet in writing.and.in sacb c�se Bormwer
<br /> � s6a11 pay w Leuder the ansouat necessaty to make ap the deBcIeocy+. Bornower shall make np the defcc��cy in no cnore than � ;,-
<br /> :,... , _.. �_.
<br />, ,... �
<br />. .. !j^:: :.;i:i �.... r�r,
<br /> 'F`, :.,;�'� - cweWe uwndily paymeras.at Lender's sole dtscm,tion. �'-��.
<br /> ` ;% � r ;�;-'; � QP�PaYment in foll of all sarns secared by this Seamty Iasuwmen� l�ender sdal!PmmpttY refund to Barcower a�I � s
<br /> .`;; , �° . bY P�P �M �rti+.Lender.Prior to the F
<br />. : t�. �:;;;;�': .Fnnds Aetd Leader.Jf.under b 21.I.eader shal!a re or sell the acqpisit�oa or sate j�;,��.
<br /> ' �. 's�.'�•���r.', , of the
<br /> ::,.f-••:..�::;;.. Pmperty►.shall appty atry Funds h�1d by L.ender at the ame of aaryisition or sate as a ctedit against the sams seavred by - ���5.
<br /> � r ��. this Sec�ttity In.gtrament. �.+ --
<br /> _,,; , :� ,. , ti ;�' � 3.Apy}lcatton oY�'aymea�.Uniess appHcable law provides otherNrise.all payments reoeived by L�ender onder paragraphs
<br /> ���-:�;° 1 aad 2 sl�aali be lr —
<br /> � . � ;.:�:`r��=:.,�°.;� ePP'ed:first,W any prepayment charges due nnder the Note;secand.to amoorits payable wtder paragcaph 2; . _--_
<br /> .f. .. , . ,..`•�ry�"" thiN.to inierest due:fovrth.w principa�due:and last,ta any tate c�arges due under the Note. . —.�
<br /> ff.� c.. s,.:L`_�'� --
<br /> �`�;:.:��;%�i;�'' 4.�5atgest Lteas.8orrower shail pay all taaes,asse.asmeats.cfiar8es,tiaes and imposittmis•amibutabie to the Y�sperty
<br /> `_ r--�.`'�� -: {: whtch maY�ttai:+priori�9 over this Secaclty Inst�ment,sud leasehald paymeats or gmund rwts,if mry.Eorrawer stari pay =—
<br /> •::':. .;.;;`.:_'':�.' �-- _
<br /> � `.;� these obli ns in the�anner mvtded in Z,or if aot aId in tiiat ma�mer.Borrawer shatl than on time
<br /> �.<;:,;:.. ,: :..�.:.;.,�.>; S� P P� P FaY �Y
<br /> � � ��•: :�::�"�`,', t�the petsan owed paymeat.Barmw�shall pmmptiy famish[o L�der.aU aotices af�auats to be paid aader tLis parag�aph. �--
<br /> _ ':� � �;.;.`:•-:�''''�"*:'� If�oaower matces t�ese ents d"uecti PromPti�+ Pts g payments.
<br /> � ,�. a� D� Y•Bomawer shali fumish w I,xader recei evtdent3n the � _
<br /> � � . Sorrower sha11 gromptly disctr�ge amy lien whlch has prtorlty over th3s Secudty[�stnunent unless Borrawer:(a)agrees in
<br /> . r,; .
<br /> '` ..: ', � : . wrldng to the payment of the obligatiaa secured hy the tiea in a marucer aoceptable to Leader.(b)eontests in good faitb the lien �
<br /> , � .. :� � `�°`_-
<br /> � ,t° , r �''., by.or defends $gainst.eaforcemem of the Hen irs, tegat Prooeedin&g afiich in the Leader's apinion operate to prevent the �„-�-.
<br /> ,�..; sii �':'`: ' e�aforcement of the lien:or(c)seaues from the holder of the llen an agreement satisfactory to Lendea subordinating the lieo to !.,_
<br /> ���`�'���'i�--' t6�s S�urity/nsuument.If l.ender determines that atry pa�t of the Propetty is subject to a tien which may attain Fr�ority over� . ���°
<br /> `:..:..:,:;,;,{�,;.:.;,. .._
<br /> `'::�,"•': ', : ahis Secarity Instrumem.l.ender may giva Boirower a notice identifying the lien.Bmruwer shall satisfy the lien or taka one or • r,���
<br /> ;.,.�'`-.: : ,���'�. more of tIIe actions set forth above within 10 days of the giWng of aottce. � , �:�
<br /> '.� ;�•t , . ��•
<br /> •:�,�.��` �rt!'. Form3028 9l90 - _
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