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<br /> Sx�-fi��
<br /> �:x �`°. y S.H�+d or�nperty Inson'anoe. Sosower stmU Eoeep tLe improve�enLS ttow existing ar haea8ri aected aa the Ropeity ` � f : �a.�.._
<br /> __ j, ' . .
<br /> ; �_t:.-.__:,:,_,� msEacd�est loss by�hamrds�wit�iin the tetm r@��S'dl�WV@/�C°aad aay othri ha�ds.mcludia8 Qood�ar "` `�T�-. �=w s, `:
<br /> ac ..
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<br /> Q� '
<br /> � `-�':`+°k` be�miaDty wltbheW.If Bomcaer faifs to mafnmin wveiage�above. L+mder may,at LEUdar's option.obmin t,� �'; ` `;� �`�
<br /> i n �,
<br /> ` <� _- `, oov��}�e ttf pioi�Leud�r',,8��a ia the,,P�lonpyert,�y in SOCOt��wiW��My�Ln 7. �y,,� *,,��,,�yf� , � F.� , 4.;'
<br /> .� . . i IYa..�IYfW�uY pQ..MMI IIYY��7IILL W S���LRiIIYii iLW.lEluLL YWLLG{G S aii7YY6�4�Wid1L7G.iJGIWG�Ot77iL F�i'[� . G C
<br /> �.�. r. � b$1►C�E�LO 110�1�iC j10�t7SS�I�CW81.S��dPJ t�QQlIC.4�BOfIOWEf St18�1 pIOI�}►glY6 Op�R!!��i00C�18 Of Q'�lt 5 �.�• "" `� r t'_
<br /> � rc,�� .�� ZB � `
<br /> :,°'`-5':�'' - �S 3�d ICaCA131 IIO$OC4.ID 1�C CYF�t Of�.BOIIOCYel 8�1$tY6�lDIIl�t IIObOC t0 WC�S�OE�8IId 1.+CA�i I.�1dCt .: ,; N, ;-'`y-ti
<br /> , l � _' ..+,�s `
<br /> ��T_r_1:..-�� �Sy meke pi0of Of IOSS if n02 mede proIDptly by BOrroWCt. , � _,. � �t'
<br /> �
<br />, ;�`i_ � Ua2ess Lea�et aad Baaower o�ltciwise�gcee in av�iag,insa�ance praeeds shag be app�ed ou msomadon pr repa�of the � ;::R ;:Y.,
<br /> � o.�
<br /> } {� .4,�� �P�Y�if the resooraaon or m�air is ecAnomically fea�ble and Leade:'s seciaity is aot I�aed if the��auon or ar ;-i�' � w r .
<br /> `� ' -- L r�ir is nai eaonam�CaIIy fea�le ar I.c�dds�y woold be 1�ed,tha msar�ce pmceads shall be appT�d Lo tlr�soms '`` `�'-` -�``-:-
<br /> - t G S 4 � `..Y"t {�f- .
<br /> "` `: sr ' `' S�' Ed 11J1�L4.S�' TliS/�W11E�It'd�L 110t���W�1 ffiljf CdCCSS�m BQlIDWQ.�B�URml B�OIL4 1�IC }b ,� ;.� i,by4
<br /> - ,.< .::�� Prapeity,ar dn�s nat�swea wilbin 30�ays a natice fmm I.eadea tbat the ins�noe�has offraed o�seute a claim.the� ,. - -
<br /> ��`r.. `�` � s. �`iv} � �
<br /> _�' - Ii�ded ID�GDIICCt tLC�L7C glOC22�9.L�PJ1dPl IDSy aSC t$C pIOCL'��S GD�O!IG4IOIe 1�1C P[OpCfly Of tD p3y SOII14 SCC�E$ a ` -3-
<br /> � -i � ..� � +�.k �4.!
<br /> ` �3ji ijiL4.S�►�,W�1Cf OT QOl f11CD d11P..�3Qi�ji QedlOd Wt�1}C$IA W?!C�1hC AOLIOB JS$lVPA. . :. a, � _ ,� .
<br /> r . 4 Unles4 L�dex aad Bonower othe�vjse ap�ee ir�writin&�Y aPP�on of prooeeds to psaicipal�not e�d ar postpone j',-`:�,>;,`,. � ,=�- :
<br /> � .`" �' the dae date of the montLly paymcats�to in�hs 1 and 2 ar ch�ge the amomut of the�ym�t�If under pa�h � � ; -� '=
<br /> k '` t f ��` 2I die pioperiy is�aed by Lmiler,Baatswea's�i tn�yy insmauce put�s�d pioceeds�ffa�n dannage m the ` ; ;:r`. �: `�N :
<br /> r
<br /> f ,4���; �P�Y F�t0 ihe ecq�L�ttiun s6all gas ts I�OQ tbe e�ni of tbe snms s�cmed by dris SeaaiLy InsL�meat imm�tedp �f` ` ''t ���
<br /> �� I �i'� ��-':
<br /> - -�� p�ro�e zcquis�on. ,� �� ,r ' � -
<br /> ��9 �., _, ,�
<br /> _�-- :_�,�-'�:�t;.` 6. ,Pt�vat�a,l�aee a�P�vDLe�lon of t�Pmp�i�; B�rrowee's I.oan APDHca3ton;a.eas�hotde. :.,�?` �`.,_ .';�;,-`�:'>`':;':'
<br /> t �oara stiaII aaatpy,�sD.auu�uss the Ptope�ay a4 Bona�ver's�al�rdea�oe within sa�cy days afrer die�n of � •` ';ti' _
<br /> �' .=`!r �y', t,�m,,Ms S�► �taso�t�t aad1 s,�,,,,�t,,�� p,,,u�e,,�t,o,,�oc�py dyie�Pjtn�petp as B�awds p,,r�f,a,,»s�et teLs,��de�e fos ail�t.jv�as qe�aft�@�e .�,� ��'r��
<br /> "�_ .-�,�_'y.:��.:.�F; liiftG��� �J.�AWii QWWYIi�G�W Wl.....8f ���aYGI��L 170�� w�+�Ml�� '--if'i::L-.'..::;4;�'u.:::':��;.._.
<br /> �s '�F _ �$�C%�SL W�t 838�CyQIId BOI[OWei'S OOA�O�.BOAOWC[858�1E ItOt�Ys�$6 0!�i�.B�,,�.t,..� ►s , �' �F' i'" Y'`
<br /> ��'r, : '`�r = Wa�w Yw�OjJ2il�l ZD�Ol COIIIID�I W851C 0� f�IC�k0��i}/.B(fIIOW6l Dua+a 68�D�CfBD�1�8AJ/ waacaWa�i uYUU+�OT : � ` fo
<br /> `:�r _ ::�' �OO�tl�s W11E�ICf C�OI��S bC$QII ibAL�t!I.�dt{�'8$OOd�jt1�116�d�d Ie8G1L�A�C�WDB Of�iB�C�►Ol '�v � �f.�
<br />" . �AIISB tDSiPi�81��F�ID�[fh81��SlEd byi t�.9$�►v13�UID?�t a!LPJI�'8 S�CQ�It�I�II�4lC4L$Qti8Wf1 IDSy CIl16 S�Cb A ' ��:,✓�;:� •�'��
<br /> _ � .� d�anit snA c�n�te.ag pravtded in paaa�raFh�18.by c,aus�g$te ac�ton or g�ooeeding in be dfismfisseA wub a tutfiog tbat.in ;,, �� �� "
<br /> ' �`' La[dea's good fei�de�nattoa.Dnactades furfe�a+a of tde Bamawer*s int�erest in 8ie Fiayeaty at o�es matesial�yatntceat af � � ,`�� �;�'Y� `.�.
<br /> t � dte lien c�by th�a Sea�rlty Inso�umeat or Lendcf's s�amity fitere,sL BoAawes shari also be iu detautt it Bazmwes.Q�u1ag tt►se Y � s : � t.'�
<br /> ,r _ taan apPlt�on pmoes9.g�►e mataiaAy falxa ar hraccanaie�ormadon ar�ts tn Latder(or faile�to ymvlde Leadea a►iQ� �
<br /> ea �,
<br /> • � aay mate�rial�nfotmadon)in ca�on witb dte toaa evl�deaced by the Note.iac�ading.bat not thnttad to.r��s 'r .: �� ," ,
<br /> coac�a Barmwet`s of the as a ms3deace.if thta S � ' 4 ' ��
<br /> . u .
<br /> : . � �Y �P�Y � �Y��t Is oa s Ieasehold.8mrroauer � ,..,,,. . �� _�,.-.� �:
<br /> :: :�;::;' ' 868U Comply w1lh 8U dlB p�vLsfoAS Of 8[81eaS0.IY BomDw?r SCqui�4 fee dde Io 1he P[Operiy,l6e Ieasehold eud�e fee dQe shall _ ��.�� K�_:r �;��;
<br /> _ .`�;-',+.: �,.,;,. ROttll?d$B�LERdPtB$ICCStOQ18IACig?i1AWJ�G$. �G�'"`�,;."`.�}� a �
<br /> >. ?.P�onotl.eader'e 18imtde IfBo:mwetfa�sto �{ ,�� -;* „: ��
<br /> ;� � � �P�9• perfo�n We coveaants mtd agrceaueats canmtaed in , :
<br /> � �� tLis 5ecurlty_In�,ar th�ae ts a Iegal�ng d�at maS►�Y affect J.�da's dghts in dte Progerty(sacb as e , ,u ��1 ��
<br /> � .
<br /> - p�oce�ng ia�Taapuy.probai�for camdwmaat�oa or facfeiao�e os tfl eafm�+cc lawa os reBala�ons).@�eu I.eutles mey do mid ga}► ����=
<br /> •r.. ':r � . ' - -.�s.s...���
<br /> �� .� . far whetever is ae�essazy►tu pmte�t the vaWe of the Ropeaty and Leader'&tIghta in the�periy.Latdds�cdons may iucdade r *'�';���••.._.
<br /> - � �:: p3�I1$,81�/SUNS 8��i}f 8�WTIf'C�!QS4 j1lIQ�Ly1 OY�f�S.SOi'�tllli�/�8�(�D$�II C��!8}I�IIg l�iS rl�j���
<br /> ! ::; armm�'fees aad�on die Prapary to uraloa repahs.Atthaugh L�tdes map mke achnn m�da dds ga�ag�aph 7,� '� —
<br /> , ..
<br /> " rr =: �aesnotbave�odoa�o. r. �� ,
<br /> �, , i ,
<br /> �-';-```;'-`�� - Atry amoamtts�bwsed by I.eudes audes tbis p�h 7 sbaD beoame sddidonal debt o1 BonOwes secaued by�is Secumy -� �} °""...
<br /> ;y,;,�i.,T-!--�-_____�
<br /> ;. n'. - ic . Y ' r .�{_!�-
<br /> "�" _.; Instrameat UaIesa Boaowa end Leader ag�ee tn ather terms of�yment,these amamjts sbalbbear interest fmm the dafe of ;•� — =�
<br /> , ` '_<` � di8bmse�entetthONOtB�atO aIId8h8DbBpayBbJe,whbintae�aponAOttCefmmLeaide:W 8oA0wes�gy8ymeaL. '" r" � s �
<br /> , ; , r�uired ma�age ins�ence as a con�df maldng 8ie to�sec��d by thls 8ec�rtty ' � �� �''� -i'';::
<br /> �r � 8.Mo�tgage Iosorane� If Ia,n�
<br /> '.�1 JASbmue�t,Botrow�simU�aq dte pm,�ms r�eqai�d to mmtatatn 8te mart�ge iusmance in�eA. Ii.for mry�eason.@te � � ' .:` '��
<br /> mmtg�ge�,ce cav�,ge r�red b3►Lea,aer taps�.v or c�se.a m be in effea.Bmm�war aban ra7►tLe g�inms requhred m � N ,� _; � � `
<br /> obta�n co�+aage sul►�►daliy equlvaleut to the mas�ago iawrauoa pre�rionsty�n eff�ct,at a oost snbstanti�aBy eq�dvalent tu t�a �`p'�'``
<br /> _ -<s:_�-+. •:�ti -� �,;�.W:,. .
<br /> .. . aost to$oaower of the moitg,�ge u�s�toe prevtouslp in eifeA.ftom ea attr�ata ma�ge instaee eDpmved by I.eadet. 1f _ :';:<:; `• .��.�::�`.
<br /> suDstaat�aa]IY eqaivatent mortgage�nsmamce covaage la not avatlable.Bormwes shall pay tn Le�ded�mun�a sum eqnal to : '` ' �:
<br /> � onatweiftb of the Y�rty mm�ege�sm�e F�being p�d bY Boaowe,r whw 8�e iasmaace cave�age tapsed or oeasoA tu . ,.'-' ,� ��i �
<br /> _ `�:..- : be in e�ect.L�dea w�!!acoe�t�ase and re�n the�paymenrs a9 a lass rese�ve ln llea af ma�tgage iasiaaaca Luss resave .,...1�,- :��,:.
<br /> . Form 80�8 8l90 � �
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