ra i p tw/i, ��.�;� smz.i�f ic �v �� .^iz`.�+ Y - -
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<br /> � ; a� ..�i:� • � `��-{1.-a _ �F +1��Y,'�,,�::,'. i z%Y ,�,r' S`� i� . .��
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<br /> �+'�-f.�+h- G :f-LL.� ,.C�„ii ti`GR:'- �� C ` � � � ;� �. �' if-.� k
<br /> _.,�k,,,rs.;&.�-rr �e _ _ ; - � -; � '�`_��:-.^-��'a.�i,i ..�°:�� - -� �;r ^�-.� 4,�c ._c' ,z �
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<br /> �( i (: i.,`re � e r� . S�.i,<��.: c��a_� - r-..t t-. -c'w i, t : �..4k � _ �a��s7- - �lT��� 4,.- -1 �
<br /> -r- � � ;�"�. -n+.L�` � x F ti c �. e �.is�-� .� :'�c [r c� ..�' � a d �k-?�i,r` •'k'� .r;6.':c``i� - t 's rc.,.
<br /> 'z :`i r r� , a�- v s . . ,y� t �',>•� _ s- 3y--c`S�',�^�•�-# .,.�'$�y.,;- _'�.t : %�"'`_t,- �` � pIC ��_
<br /> r ="'�t y � 1�.� ' �}.-y -1 ��`� V .wf�.�t.. . ' ' 4 � � � .
<br /> -- � _2� • , �--�F�;...�_. .. - .�_ tir� , < <
<br /> + a :� .���- - . . ��. � Q
<br /> ,9 t�_ � �or_ _ C _ r+ r'S `
<br /> - v` 9 5� �6���� �� J ��L �
<br /> � .k'� �L ��pp� «i,.�t .t�[t�.�y �5_'.
<br /> t `S'�� t-' �n {�ll\i f � �� V4Wiw�l� +'r � � � f
<br /> � �s k ;:� � TaGbTEII�t WITH all the improvemeats now or hereafter erECted p�'�P�Y y�
<br /> -i�_t�•:°;�=:_ �� and�ature�aow at hereafter a Part of the propertY.911�plecemeuts ead additions shaU also be cavered .+ , . ��--'.,�s
<br /> � rs�.._`. Y,.-.
<br /> t �.`'` "",.�.. by th18���SLtq1II6IIL l�l Of t��OfC$OIIIg ffi 1'Cf8!!�t0 fII L�1i8�Cllfltj/Tfi8tTt1m8t1L 8&� �Y•+ ` �,`�-<<% �;r.- '
<br /> t u •`' i �,��� BORROWBR COVIIrTANIS that Barrower is lawfully se�oi the estate herebp caaveyed sud has the rigAt to '�;. Y ��:t aw_
<br /> � �s,mencumberea,�car encumbsaacea ot r�:a.Eor�oWer =, : ,� t.; , :
<br /> � {',,:°r� : grant and ooavep the Proparty ead that the Ptoperty' �claims and demaads�subject to aay ensua►brences =
<br /> _.�� . 4:� wetras►ts and w�l defead generallY the title to the PropertY aSai�at t< :
<br /> oirecord ` t y
<br /> y � �(Q �}��� �or nationat vse�td uon`�miYorm covena�tts aith
<br /> '�� aiu��Vl�aa a ���1l1biAE8 uD1�OffII COQEDBAffi � '� F' C��LU� �
<br /> � , CLtOD LOOOnSLILULCB lmtfOdll6BCtItT�In3�12Q1CiltCO'�ft'17II8 t��'O�y. --•�:
<br /> ' �'•,� � tr_c. �I1Rl�VBflSt10f18�/jUf1Sd1 � `` '
<br /> :F r`° f UNIFORM COVBNANI`S.Borrower ead L.ender ooveneut aad agree as foilows y - c,
<br /> -�;� t.Paymeset of FdaciQal ead Iateres�PrePeYmeat aad Late Chsrges.Borrower sbaU prnmpttY PaY when dus � t
<br /> r
<br /> � :,�,y`— �,' 3 6At SIId�St6 CbST$C9�UB tiitd2P tti8 NODB.
<br /> s� -�;.;._-, _a< the PliIIC1P81 of ar�d iatete�t on the debt evcdenced by the Note and anY PRP 3�, -� �a � �' `
<br /> s`c°� t� :.�, �t. Fnads for Tazes���e`�n�e�re due und�er��e Note.untii the No�paid iabfn11,a svmH Fuads")etor �°`- ' '` �:
<br /> ., ti ,� pay to Lender oa the day Y PeY� over thia Sec�rity InstNmeat ss a lien oa the Propert3r,(bl f �.' � -
<br /> � ;� (ey yearty taSes aad a�aenta wtuch aaay attai�ptiority pe ivaa� . ':�i °
<br /> y - t �: yeesly teas�ho2d papmeDls oc gco�md�eats oD the PtopecCy,iF any;{c)Yearly hszard or property ins�csace pres� Me �,�:-ti:y,. , ' <
<br /> premiuias,if any;{e)yearlY mortga88 iasurance prea�iums.if anY:��i������ .�;s__:,,._ , `� �`:
<br /> �` 4 n :; (d)yesrlY flaod'mstuanoe rea i .
<br /> °�: by garrower to Leader,in accarda�ce wiffi the pruviscofls of paragraPh 8,in liw of the gaym�t of mortgaga iasureace �< � �._t,�,�.,
<br /> a ca
<br /> ' �-�;. pr�miuma These iLems are c�Ued"F,�craw Itema°Leader may,at any tima.coltect and hald F�mds in an amount sot , ,� t _�
<br /> L . _ ` ' to eacxed the ma�aum amous�t a lender for a federaltY related saortgage loan may require for Horrower's escraw � �� ._ :
<br /> s< � rl:�� sccount uader the federat Real Fstate S e t t tement P r o o e�u r e s Act of 1974 as ame,aded irom t�e to ti�s►� 12 U.S.C. M„',�.,{ � : 4
<br /> �` � � "%,• Section Z601 et seg.�°R�A"�.ual�aaotber law tbat agplies w the Fuads s�a tesser amouat.lf su.Lettder may. F S '� '���
<br /> r'.��, h Y; at auy time.oollect aad hold Fuads in an amount not to eaceed the Ie�ser amourt.Lendet maY estimate the satowrt o
<br /> C . �
<br /> : �' '
<br /> ble estimates of tures of future Escraw Items ar otherwisa ia ,� ,� �
<br /> ,�� �4 �p y_r� Funds due on the basis oi cuneut data aad reas�na �� � •.�
<br /> ' � �:� sc�ordance with applicable law, f
<br /> `� , � `::. The Funds stuilt be held iu aa institutiaa wh�a�ts are insu�ed bY a federai ageacy,instn�mentelit9,or eat'stY ' 4 � , ^ , �
<br /> ,, = u 1 ._
<br /> ;� � (tacluding I.endes if l.eudet is such aa iastitutioa3 ar in aay Fedeeat Hame Ln�Bank.e���y��B� �� �;
<br /> t� u �it .
<br /> -.;��_ _. •_�`��';' pay Zhe Fscrow Items.L�ender�naY not charge Barrawer for holding and apg2�g .. � .,:.. :
<br /> . . � .:�:^ Borrower interest on the Fuads and applicable law � ,� ` ` � :k��:
<br /> the Bscraw ltems.unle�Lender p�ys for au , >�'�'� �;:�
<br /> �i +� � t s: escs�ow accouat,ar verifj�g However.Lender may req�ire Borrower to�y a oae-time cl�atge :�..:;�_ �
<br /> .,Y;:�' �`.., �t9��! t0 tY18$6 SUC�!8 CbBf$2 lIDt�.4S SQp11CS�81S'W piOYl� r',:,�;. x
<br /> �j Y '�
<br /> iAdepende�at real estate tas repartmS sernce�by Lender in ooane�tios�with this toan, ,{ F �
<br /> -`'�"``�'�. '`"�-;�< ent is snade or a cable law requiree intereat to be paid,Le�d�shall aot be required w � �t .,...,�,�,��-_:
<br /> , <:,,:.. othercvis�Ltnle�au ag�eera PP� 5� , �
<br /> . pay Bonower aaY iliterest ut�S��►the Fuads.Horrower and Lender tnap agcee is►writiug,howevet.that iaterest � , .f , .
<br /> � `�`' �-� ehall be paid on the Fuada.I.ender shaU give to Borrawer,without cl�ge,au aanual ac�uatiag oi the Fuada.ehe�iag �'s, ,, -
<br /> � ` � � cr�s aad debits to the Fuads and ttie gurpose for wtuch each debit to the Funds was me�r�The FuaQs ara p2edged es : r ��
<br /> � � ' Ir h ;,1=. a d d'i t ional s e�u i t y for a11 sume s�1sY this SecuntY Instrumen� � ,.r a �'� -
<br /> =�, If t1�a Funda.i�eld by Lendes e s c e e d t h e amounts permi t t e d t o b e h e l d b y a g p l i c a b l e�a w.L e n d e r s h a l f a c e ouns w ,
<br /> e er
<br /> ents of lica�£e Iaw.U the amount of tha Fuada held �..�. �r *
<br /> -�� Barrower for the escesa Funda iu accordeACe with tke requirem 8PP�er may so aot�fy Borrower ia wtitiag, r �.�
<br /> - -�y.,�.:,�y by Lender st aay time ia noi suf�cient w pay the Bscmw Items whea dne, ; !��°.
<br /> �, #•- aad.ia such casa Bonower eLaU paY to I,ender the arnount n�'9 to make up the�aienay.Basi+ower ahall make ,�5��: ::" ' �.
<br /> :�r,:h.n,,i�.;:,. -4�:`
<br /> �:�,:;�..:.���, up tlsede!'iciency itt ua more thau►twelve taonthlY P9Ymants.at Lender's wle discretiori. ,�.�;�—,�`,
<br /> reftmd to Barmwer ���`_
<br /> U�n P�9meat ia fuU oi aU soms secured by thie SecuritY Ipstrument,Leader sl�all PtomPtlYLeader.Prior to the �.��� ,
<br /> � � '#';�� � any gunda held by Lender. It.undet ParagcaPb 21. Lettder s1�aU acqu�ra or�U tha Frnparty. - -
<br /> : i, � shaU a S aa Funda held by Leader at the time ot aeqv�sitioa os sale�as a credit .., 'F`�k
<br /> , �� acquisition or sale oi she Prnperty. PP Y Y �;�-';
<br /> - f'�f 7 ���.
<br /> � : : 8$81LSt th8 SlIlriB 6CC1�by t�8�CUrity T118t411fri6t1�
<br /> ' '�� � 3.Appl�aation ot Paymeata Uule�applicable law provides otherw�Its�a11 PaYmeate re�iv�d bY����
<br /> , �<<:�:•..-�::::_�
<br /> g payab1e �'_ °� _
<br />`�_':+_-:',:.�`�.:°;``.%'�y �Paragesphs i ead 2 shatt be apptied;tirse.w eaY P�PaYment cbarges dua undes the Note;s��oa���Not�e ��
<br /> � .C.L r ��r ..
<br /> »�a��h�sbua.�o�,�ca�;to,�.��a�a��,a�c.��y����s
<br /> _�;`�.,�.,,.=::< 9.(�ges: Liens.Borrower ahsll pay aI1 tasea.a�ne�e+��'S�•�aea end isapositiona ariribotable��e
<br /> • #����� � property which may attaiu�Sriority aver thie Secm�ity Inscnnneat�and lasenotd paqme�or�aund e�ts. _
<br /> �_�� {.�- .::r° -- ---�._- -�-
<br /> ' . ��_�,... Bosrower elt�ll gey these o6lipatIone ia the saanner ptovld�ia paragrapA 2�or if not paid ia that mamter.Boirawer -
<br /> `�+ ,. -F•• shaU PaY t�em on time directlp t4 the pesson ow�d paymen�Bon'�W��ys+omP�y��I.eudet all uotices ot ��_
<br /> " '' •�:,, directtq Bornnwer eh�ll pmmptty t� - `
<br /> ' ?. t ^�t:� ammmts to ba p a id nnder thisgata�aPb.If Honowes usakea tlt�o paYment� , �
<br /> �.�',�'�' toLettdetreceipteevideucin�thepaymente. � � _
<br /> Hmrower slial!promptiq dischesge lien wluch has priodty over thia Security lnstrutaent unless Borrower:(e� �
<br /> . ��� ble to Lender;(b)cont�ests ia :�.'°. _
<br /> '� ' agrees in wridng to the paqment oi tha ob gatioa secured by the lien in a m�uer eccept� :.; �tt�,_
<br /> �F� =� gaod faith the lien bp,or defends a�inst enforcement of tha lien ia,iC$81 Q�WLICT!11L tI18 I.Cl1QG�8.OQ1QtOA ' .,-,:,;x�x�.
<br /> ';,:.",.:,..,.:. �`�'�;�, � ta to vent the entorcement af the 1ien:ot(c)secures from the Aolder oi tha lien aa a ent set�sfaatory to '.�;�,T,�f,,.' =
<br /> -� � l�er sut��td'suatiag the l�en to tius Sec�risY Insuument.Ii Lender determines tbat anT►patt the Psoperty�s aubject �;_,? �;
<br /> "`��' �� t o e l i e n w h i c h m s y a t t a i n p r iort t y over tbia SecuritY Instrumeat.Lender nsay give Bartower a notice identifpla�tAe _, , �
<br /> :�� -.. tien.Borrower sliall eatssty the lien or take one or more of the actioAe set�t o r t h a b ove wi t h i p 1 0 d a y s o f t h e�i v i n g o i ;
<br /> � r ,_
<br /> �} 4:
<br /> 4: Q��i'{r�. ' ,��•
<br /> : ' c_:;�.:� '� rr, .
<br /> .,.'; '�,... ic,1 ►Ofm�Q� ��a0 ��'.f`. ...
<br /> n : � _ .
<br /> . ,• t}�.-. . :f: : ."
<br /> ��� • �BR�4E)�o�+�io+ v.o.a e+e tnit�at���,. _ , _
<br /> '•�� . �`,.:.
<br /> :�.
<br /> . _ � - _:;�.
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<br /> Fya t r r . �z.. _rr' �1� - � „ ..
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