�:�.Kf 1"= _" r*; �:4 !#�. ' s��' LM ��l�tiTrr• ��..z"� 2. E�'r �S! . H .
<br /> - . ::z. . . : .en �r . '�� t� �y,�" �{h`..•r.FY�:;�` Z� - C z._:.a. �
<br /> .s_�p$ '2};U K_ `ti`.. �Y.,'Ra- A, � � __.R,l. � k...�
<br /> ,���„}a ,s Y-'. , �.A4 `'����. . '� r~ f'�' 4 �S?.- t- �� �.� ���'1in.�
<br /> ,� � �-�:- . - �": �-
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<br /> �.`...�.=-� _ -�� �„���.�--
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<br /> �y.,,a`uc�5u.r' /�' . � 't�_ :L�...r�:J„'��'�', re�.""._•_J„'���J-� -� �. �' �.-.. --��'.
<br /> !�:� � <.x^ {t� _ i_c�, .f £ �'�`z': R��-�-_..H�t- }r����G4;��•r �`� �Fc{ vl �r n��.. ��a��'.s�,:
<br /> . .,L,� �� . .4�_�_ � �-_ .. t��l_���S .:..' 3�t �...° c� s�i-, :..i-- S _�= y--�i� . !F ra�¢ �_.i .� � .
<br /> �s'']r"-'^r ,J- - ^•���t'�• '!_,r.�—��—�� 1�'°'�[ 'c^;';=.,j '�YYC-'^�._4c�'F'^""_r � —r. �3..,�_� . _ —
<br /> �+S' , t_Gc °attr r- . 'S` . � • . "uz:: '�'v_'.� F, - . t ;r 5 .�_ �+ _ r � - F- �c:i � EL -,- �" ���a.v.c" y k� s%aeBG. s.:.-..
<br /> : ..e�� � � .��. fR - �- 6� h.�- , _r� E _•n a� '�- . .d -. "`+ f r� �Y *fc- .n.
<br /> � � _ �i '.� °? .� ��._<'=.�o.< ��i i.�. c�_ 4 .�'�� �,t ':.= �.s., ..tr 7 �.,�"-�� � Q 4 <c`r` 'a' �-tru._ �c e_ :c� c - E.� c..- '-
<br /> -� . .. Av .te. ....._ .it ....t c- �a..- �. _ •'res:.1E=_�_�c,`xc_ `. ' '> 4 . '-,
<br /> - r., l"�`���..._.�;:.4: �c . '::�.. � _ =su -- :`o-�, .Si�.c 7}�. �3-.
<br /> t, � c' .�.� } : ' _ ' � t�
<br /> r � _
<br /> RL-V-.^ �'..� ��� ���� E��t�` �
<br /> I� V 9
<br /> ti er_.. J,
<br /> ! �.5 c]c . �,c! -
<br /> Iasuranee. Borrowa sha11 keep the impmvemeats now e�cisting or hereafter e�cted oa the �- •=
<br />_ ..."_. �� _L,.,: S. Huardas Pt+n�etY --� ,�r....�,
<br />_�..r.,,�,�:...�s_..,. other ha�aids. inelud�8
<br /> ` `` : "; p�cy iasuied againse lass by fue.ba7atds�ded within the cecm"exteadsd e�verage' aaa aaY �-'-.-wLL�.s,, :
<br /> t �, ce m •
<br /> t' wsorance.T63s iasuranoe shaU be unaiarains�d in tEe auwunts aad for the periads ,.:` ,�._Y
<br /> � � : flaods or floodiaS.for whic�b I.en�der reqaites� , t
<br /> ��:�u'"'•=::F:-,.::�` tmat Leodec require9-'Ihe���PY°��g the iaaasaaoe shaU be dios�by Bornower snb�e�to Leudec�Lender's �_::,�...,_:',:;
<br /> Le d maintain ppv e desc[Ibed ebove,L�der mBY. • '
<br /> . .�'-•. ;: �i� natbe tmr�onably wtth�d.Tf�otmwer faiis to �S A,<v:��`..�; :
<br /> f F� r����` •Y'' O$t8�II OOV t0 Q1+OICL4 11���$ZIgh18 U!the F[OpCRty in 8000Td8II0C Wlth pSi'd$fBgD 7. �r .<(;k;�,.<.`'.
<br /> � } - 4�� ��� �ICi4S 8II��C��S�1 b6 BCOC�t8�1�6 LO�aC[8II�S218u InC1UQ6 8 Sf8IId2T�ID�rt$a$�daU�• ��� '�
<br /> �::-�s�"L:�.�a.;� AII�OC pp� � BOTPOWCf SI��PT��P�Y�C t0 LR��dE[8II T80GI�ffi Ot ,:.f� � ..'
<br /> n ? . shal!have the sIght w hold the(�lides and reaewals.If Leoder mqu3res. .
<br /> �a.`�'"°' �- aad�ewai nadces.Ia the eveat of toss.Bornower shall give prompt ncace w the iasurance carrier and ixader• �t?::_,r,�;:�.'
<br /> _�=--f."�' �p� .
<br /> . .� . ,• ..:- Irader atay mage pmof of loss if not made p�t1Y bl►B�mwer• - + .,
<br />,' ;',. _ ' ia writia .insncanae pmceeds shail be applied to reswr.icioa or reQair of the �;: .: .
<br /> T �=`� Untess L�da aad Boaower otheiwise agcee g _,-,::' :.
<br />'�:�w=: . ..
<br /> °` .- �:.a°,.�"` pmp�eY damaged.if the ceswration or repair is oo�nomicaUy feassble aad Leader's sec�iry is not tesseaed.If sbe restoration or <,_.:, .
<br /> _ _ _`�.:_ r-
<br /> ._ `. aro�W be tessened.the iasur�ee Pr�a rha11 be 3PPhed to tQe snms ,��-_:.-:..
<br /> �,�`�:`s'""�� �':� teQair is not eaoaomic�Uy feasible ar lender's soc�ity m Borrower. If Bottocjre.r abandons the - °�:F:';
<br /> < �� ` �' • �d by this gecucity tas�uent, wbetLer or aot chea d�.��9'�� � � ,�
<br /> � } ; ti '.� �
<br /> �a- �:�:
<br /> pmpeny.or does n�t answer widua 30 days a not�ce fmm I.eader that the lasaramce c�ier has offered to saite a dafm.
<br /> °�+'.'' ,.` `,�' LeadC[may nse ihe Pmc�dg to TCp3U o!ceS[AIe dle PtOpeity►Or W p3y S�1ms °�� ;• '�'
<br /> �;;�:'::;`� I,�det may►aolle�x the i��or aot then dae.The 3Qday period w�l begia whffi the notioe js gi�++ea- { � ``.
<br /> ;,a� �v � s�bY tLis S�►�°�' licat�oa of pruoee�s to gsiacipat shall aot extead or ,; ` ``;`
<br /> - Unte� Lender and Bortower�is� ag�e in writing.aaY apP �
<br /> T¢ " `'- ' gostpone the dne date of ihe moathiY PaY���to in patagraphs 1 and 2 or change the amouat of the payments.tf undet �_,.'
<br /> , �� `• paiagcapb 21 8ie PropeitY is�qna'� bY �• Bomower's right w aay iasnraaoe Puliaes aad prooexds �saldng fcom ;' z �,-�..
<br /> ` ,";:; .° seau�d by t6is S�arIty In�ua� -Y`
<br /> �>��:r_�`t-;`:'�:°< ar to the scqwsidon shaU pass to L�mder w the e�t of the smns ,:;�.".
<br /> o : damage to the PcopenY pr� .m
<br /> '` , �� �at�y prior to the�• •I.mse�oid9.
<br /> `�� °.-;•;, -.-�: �aad Pt�aRc�tono8the�+np�iy;Bormwe�'.s Loan Appl�tton+ ._
<br /> - _. : .'Y�� �.�EY+��6,and use the Property►as Bnrmwa's prn�cipal resideuce cvithiu siaty daYs ati�er the�� :�_��. -�-
<br /> a�-f-- :� Sotiower s1�a11 oa�PY+ "`-
<br /> .:�,_; :�`�:�' Iasuumeat and s1iaU continue to oocupy the YmPertY as Bom�we�s prnncipal tesid�ce for at least one� .,:
<br /> ` :::�c-':' i�hyiws�S/���a�ri�`Y „�'�.,�L,eader othe�wise agrees in wc��B•which conseut sLa11 not be unrea�nably wltt+held. ',, ::.�y'
<br /> Y WT Y6lr`V3�`�"""1�YWG� y=��',
<br /> j '� r�A`��`t �g �ces eaisc which a:e beyond Bom�wer's ooatcol. Botrower sbaU not desuoY, damage or�P�� � .:.
<br /> m� a �
<br />. �... .: � ��-.;- waste un the ertY. Boscower s9�a11 be In defanit if�y f;o� � .',<;�`:
<br /> " -.:�:��°�,•,�-: co dete�io�ase, orcamm3c �P ..
<br /> . ;�`:. 4 .:•: p�y,altow the Pmpe�ty te� �uh����d nsult fin forfeitrus of tlte ,,_4
<br /> �-�-:����"':s: acxIoa os piaaed.iag,whe�cav�ar c�a1,is b�ua that in I.ea�des's guad `--_
<br /> -'�r.�;- p�,ppeny or otheiwise matea�altY uaPair tDe l�eo cceated bl►tbis SecAritY lnstrameot or Leadec's se�ity���g „" ,�.
<br />- -'.''�.;�•:A__- c�ce sach a def�lt aAd r�instate.as provtded'm paaag�apb 1$.bY�ng th�aaian or pmc,eed�a8 ;�:e':�°:°
<br /> ���.'v: �l. �'a'� t�„ia Le�tdet's good faitb det�o4 P�forfeiaue of the Bomuwds intere�t 1n the�� �� J��- :.�`
<br /> `` �''� �meat of the li�cre�ed bY t63s Sa�ritY�or L�uder's se�auiiy inte�st. Eoaaa� � �_
<br /> s .; � : �,�:�.:, Bo�s�ower.�S tbe Ioaa appliration pmoess.Save mat�ia�1Y false or lnac�ate tnformation or s�ts w l.�der(os tadted
<br /> _,.,.:- • . the Note.inclad�g•bu[rtat l�d `
<br /> `" i;., -;�: �����h aayr m�e�affvra�ation)in o�oi►with the loaa evidenced bY f this Insuum�at is oa a � _
<br /> a r�deuce.l Secarit5► ',' -�'
<br /> .;;,``.'..'. '_��:, .w,r�°ns o�oa�in8$°��aU��P�°'��O�as��� �� fee title to the ProPer�Y.the . `E_:°
<br /> , , , �a Ie�ehold. Sormwer sLati am�ply �of the tease. If Borrawec acquir+a l .:
<br /> 4
<br />. �i�;j`�_,` .: 2�ZQ��1C�'.{3�6 8�l81�L'u9T iflCl�.�CS4�.P.II�. 8�j0�tC� �01II1�'.OO1�EU��4. �8��� , .��,-.r�;:
<br /> -`..�- ?: � 7.Ptote�ton of L�dei's Rtg6ts in the Yrope�ty.L4 Barrower fails to P affoct ta�der's rtghts in the Pca�►etty(sach as a =``�-�:•:
<br /> ;"'�-<I�,`''-�� this Se�ity 1nso�vm�t.os these Ls a legal pmc�ding tbst ma}►�ifi�Y .�
<br /> ;;:�..�k:;:� _'�-' doaud ':"�'=::
<br /> ��:��,:�,- ' ceeding tn baalauPtcY,p�bace,far c�nde�n or forfeidue ar m�ce laava or regutatiama).thea Lr�der maY ��;-�-:_:
<br /> �.`,.,;;..,;.;;. PI'� s�nd�d�r's�ig�ts in the Pnoperty. I�de�s act�ems map F�,., r
<br /> w rotect the value of the Pmpecty nd �
<br /> r '�_ 4 .. DaY fas whateva is neoess�y P in aoutt. PaY�B �ff ��'
<br /> _ __; i�� DaY�B �N �s� bY a lien wbie� has prtarlry wer dds Secu�iry Ins�t.$PA�B b ��{;
<br /> -. �;',.;�.-,,_�;.:;. :? , to make tepaits.Althangb l�euder may take acdon tmder tLis par� --°_--�.
<br /> r .�asonab2e attatneys fees aad eatcring om the�'°P�Y �;-��.�
<br /> � 'z n., Ji]�Q�1'dOC4II01 jlSVC�O dQ Sfl. -
<br /> "� .' qny amoums disbatsed by lender aadec this parA�raph 7 shall became addidonal debt oi Bor�ower se�ured by-this W._.
<br /> , . `�:X�'` � to other teims eY paymeat,�amaants sLaii bear in�from the . ,�,,,s�,
<br /> ,l.' `�' �:..;_�;.,� �rity Instn,mau.Unlas Sorrowes aad leuder a�ee nottce fmm Lender to Boauwer teqaestmg �"--:�
<br /> �� " 'K''�° date oY disbmsem�i at the Note rate aiW sball be pay8bie,wlth inter�st. upan r� _
<br /> ti - t '�.': � ��. ' .,
<br /> `: i�:`;�-` :..�' 8.Mottg�ge Insa�ance.�f Leudet mquired mortg�8��a4 a aondition oY magin8 the laan sewFed ti3►t�a Se��N �.,,_�_,
<br /> : •,=;� inspmm�t, Bo:rower shaU pa3►tha Preminms�uic�e�to maiatata the martgage insuranoe in effoct. IP,for auy�'�son.�e. ,�-
<br /> .' �' Lraada laps�s os oeases to be in effect.Bomawer shall pay the ptemiumg cequ�d to .. .,�:�`'
<br /> r�'i
<br /> , ,.,.,�_;
<br /> ix. , r ��In , IDOIf$8$8�OOVClB$8��� p iD C��Ir 3l 8 OOSL St1�S�2ujt��L tQ tfl?
<br /> Il,�il� � ;'� O�OOYCfB$0$I1bSt8IIt�}►C�U1V8��1t LO 1$8 IIWl�$8$C�DS11t8IICC piCVT 114�Y � ��. �. . ���`
<br /> C85�t0 BOZlDWCt O�th8 IDOt[$8$C�SQlBIIOB QfCVlOLL4�S/�Il C�Ctt.fIOI!!8Jl 3�tCiD3t8����v � gfiix�'
<br /> � :�` � �����;nsar�caverage�a not available.Boaawet sball pay to L�nder each moath a sum eqaaf W _ s�__,
<br /> .. �� �;;`�`� one,twetfth oY the yearlY mott8a8e insutaace premdnm being Pa�d bY Borrower ahen the insuammoe wvetage I�or�� ,.
<br /> � - be ia effect.Leader wUl aecept,use aad retain these payment�as a loss teserva in lieu of mo:tBage insaraace. Lass reserve . r
<br /> � �?�,,s. Farm SOTB 9
<br /> �:. ;r, �,: : ��ilNEiq'J1s1At v�.eols �y] ,�. ''
<br /> I �/ ���y�� •:`:'
<br /> c•�
<br /> "`.':.• . �t', . ._L
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<br /> - _ -+fr ��i j_� �. �� ' " �: . » - - ' �.✓�_
<br /> .. ��. Y .. .�.. . - • - - , , - �. _ -'.r - �k ; 'w - � - �b" , -
<br /> 1 i . . •� ' , .�_
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