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<br /> = `T� That D�LVIDT L. CAR�I,SON and SANDRA A. (�SON, Debtors, for the ``:��;;�;�`
<br /> '� ��:��:i�';,`�' Purpoae of securiag the paymeat of $77,500 00, and iaterest at 7� ` ���{:'L,`;:.:
<br />°n��. :e..� r- :�s�.�.c:
<br /> `�"� � per a�am, computed upoa the uupai�d priacipai balance, accor�tg t�a
<br /> '�. :���: . a Nate described as folla�as: , • � �'� -
<br /> � ���``�s��� � • Dated the 3 day of av. , Z995, ia the ortginal� .,�,i'
<br /> � ��;; amount of 77,500.00 bearing tereet at 7�4s per anawa: � �� �'
<br /> •�'`��. ' campu�d up�a the uapaid principal �.11aace, and payable in ��r:_,�_.;-
<br /> r�� �4.� .v�tf-'f �untbip lnstal]�nts of $ �i9.��. per month. �rhich ,:.�ta,:
<br /> � . ,, ��;: il apply first ugoa iaterest.and tY:e balance ia reduct�an of
<br /> ' 2 �` � • the ps�tnCipal• thed PirAt suck� ath3.y installmeut payme:tt -. r �' -
<br /> F � 1998 `� -
<br /> payable cn the � day of , . -�-_
<br /> .. . . . F�w-:i;-
<br /> .��ifi°'.' .`:�..� ��r' � . ��:�.!±�/:p?:
<br /> 'G-:c � . � . -�..c�,•i!
<br /> t! � -:.• . �. . ��.
<br /> l {'f - -�l��sta�� . _ . � . �.
<br /> .��� ,,�r�Y`,�.: � Any sale or c,haage of c�nvnershtp eha13 cauee the entire u�pa�:d �.._=_
<br /> ` -;�;;�_. •�,�; - prin��il balance to be forthwith due aacd able vnlesa- ��=�`�_-
<br /> � PaY � -
<br /> .r .� � . �a.ivec� bp the SeCured Party• . ' _
<br /> : �< i t. . . . , : . . .... .. . .. . ._
<br /> .� r� � � -; , � _.
<br /> � ' �� : �ch riOte"�a�9 giveA to COLLSSN M. CAV8NB8 aitd RICHARD 8. CAV8N88,
<br /> �..`� `- � ` : . t/�h��e��8�ecure� Partiee. The Debtose. �LVIN L. CARLSQN aad S1gN�iRA:A.
<br /> � -. , �' �
<br /> L-r�_ -'� r�')m• •. �iliRf/QON he�eby gzant, mortqage and "�issign iaato s�td �ecuta�6 B�Y�� � � � --
<br /> .�� n �_ � � tihe reeideuce houee, being.a�u improveme�at upoa a i�aaehoid'an8 ai]. _
<br /> i:,:�a� : ' appurtenancea thereto, eal.d resi8e�ae hous� being situated upon:, , �: .;::
<br /> , � _: ; -J . - � �
<br /> L ; � } 1 .C- :: . 4 �
<br /> ' ` � � yct pne (�) , ltaving a lake �roat Eootage oP 290 Feet, situate8 � �
<br /> �. r
<br /> .. ,.-.�,_.,, �` ` Y va the Saet side oE the Weet portia� of Ruester Lake� and ' `
<br /> �` - - `��'� � beiag on a part ot the S�id ia Seetf�crs i3, Ta�nship 1i, 8ange . ' ���`
<br /> -�,::.__
<br /> -: .�`.:�,�':,�1-.-.�':,,.�: 9, In Hsll County, Nebraskas bouade$ ca r.he 8aeterly :eide by � � �
<br /> : ' "�' . . the ca�n roa�� eucb lot se ie ehown on a` piat iu the ��..,':"��
<br /> . �",.� .;:- ::.�'; po8seeeioA of Eme Lessor. , =',�
<br /> ��a�
<br /> .`. :..� . .:.,,: " - . � � . ;��,x
<br /> l�'...� � �.'�:•''..:,,,,, y . ^:,.,,,;..St,
<br /> �. ., , inclu�iug any, acceeaoriea, parts an8 equipmeat naw or , 1 .:
<br /> .:� :`;: ; heseaP�er aEgixe6 theretv.
<br /> �.
<br /> a -
<br /> . . The Debtiars aas�caat the above deecribe� property is f ree aud :��- �_
<br /> � ciesr o� ail liens an8 encumbraacea; that they aoiil pay ali .� ���-����'��
<br /> _;;:_�.-::_��'=-:�I:;�,�:':..�L < . E�ereanai taxes begore the eame become de l i aquen t; t h a t t h e y a r i i l , .°°r;;:��:.°.
<br /> ;•. , � maintain aad pay the premiwas gor fire an8 extended coverage ;,:
<br /> : insus�ance on eaid praperty ia an amcwnt aot �ese .�han the unpaid :.
<br /> - baiance og the indebtednees. �hat it they faii to pay aay such °����'`�'
<br /> , .. _ taxes or premivme, that the securefl party may pay the same aud �ny „ '
<br /> ': ��, : -..�`'." suah paymenta by the secure8 party ahali be a part oP thie ��.;:�:
<br /> "� indebte8neas, payment of v� ehali be secared by thie finaaciag `
<br /> - . '� atatemeat and iaterest thereon ehaii accrue at the rate of intereet
<br /> = ;��n '"-�`��`�� = � provided in the note of even date herewith, payment of a�hich thie '?+ � ��
<br /> ..,�. .,.
<br /> ,,:: r.:.:r.-.� ;''.`. ..: ' ginanciag etatement securee. _
<br />-i , ..
<br />.�';.j?' ��. .
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