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<br /> "C.� S�t' __ 'Y'�' 4`::Gui z if }L�'¢ �'-f�'�7-�„- •'<. tt y � .
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<br /> , � �"y"_�i� � � 'y�� .S�Y. �x�`' fs�. �,.s' .E..,h�..
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<br /> � �� �cv __.,- :S `. .-t t —^.d r '�. ' T�`1F� �
<br /> ���-���"�""__z_�` --� .��,� -.a�.a� z�. _ �s . a`�'r�_.�� �tL c ..=�,e.-�'~-��--�`- ��'��`''�2� �t�s_<°.'-' - �5.3c- c
<br /> , f, r � �!w-- �„r[ at �, y�. �� (� -� z, 9 i .._i € .. _-[ .-`� ..
<br /> � ��f �ir�G�_�'�xf'' �. c" t �' v v ,•i i �f :P`c .-�-_ .�'�s 'O { . � ll f' r. .. �_ 4-� =F.L"e ..� ��4 k .'� � �i_'` '�+ c t i�d..i.. {�y
<br /> `c�,(7�rt^4:�`-- a,�.- � u.,�. � e.3_ T�i�"a�',F�� - F - „'u � ,�.� ,�c.:�_ _ r:.�.?�atF _ '-..3`k m...'. '-t o- �-.5 .1..c-_r_K � �
<br /> R_; r i. i � t��' . �c,y .
<br /> :: � �^ ;� .._< ..,_, _
<br /> �-4 �" �' - _ r�?:
<br /> � ��
<br /> ti�� . �]{� g� � �¢ :
<br /> � � . • �?V�O ��.Y�� : �fa �
<br /> .�_ ..E- - - - .Y
<br />- ,�- �-`�. r; , .
<br /> - .<.�2;4.:.:�,;;w��� c_`o_u,d.emnatlan a*r�ath�e�r talting of aay pa�t of the Pmperty.os far ooaveyancs in lieu of carmdem�adan.ace l�ece6y assigned�I .;:
<br /> �(.c.<�, L�;;S�'.�.-.�• Ol7IIL���7A�1�1•
<br /> f�.•}".` . f•4�,^
<br />' .l t`h-7;.�� ��.L t:'E,s .
<br /> . `�.t'`.
<br /> - it�the.evart of a tatal�of the Ptagerty. the pr�noeeda shall be applicd co the sna�s sec�re�by ti�is S e a u i t y � , �.`-
<br /> - � .. �L:.,
<br />- �`` • • � -`� '� fnstr�.whMhst or not then dne.witb any Paccess paid to BmTawer. In t�e�rent of a partial takiag of dte Pta�ty ia �:,
<br /> � n��` £% w�h the fa�r market vatue at thc Ptoperty itameQiate1y 6efa:e the�g is�ual to or gem�r than the amwuat of the soms '��`.
<br /> ��`. 6efaQe•tbe �$oaower aad Laider ot�+iss agme ia wtiting,. t
<br /> :F--� �- s�uted!sy 3his S�t!!I�t im��atelY t�ng, ;
<br /> � ' _ .4; the sama�red by tWs Secveiry tastrumeat shaU b�reduoed by tbe amount of the praoeed�multipited 4y the following
<br /> _` �. ��. . fracacn: (a)the tatat�t of the smns seaue�Immediately befare the takiag,divided Iry(6)the fair ma�cet vaiue of the . . °„„
<br /> y't Ptopertyt�lY�fure the tatong. Aay batance s6sti i�pffid to Horrower. Ia the eveat of a partia!takiag of We . � g.
<br /> A4 ^L � �r
<br /> �.� -.;.,.� .` J �f�Opeilyt�Jl wltiCh t�e fBJf rifal�Ct 1►3IUC of t�le Ro�[ly��y bCfOle t�le�ilg is�C3S 4b8Q�C 8iII013�L O�t�IC 50�35 -y;. .
<br /> �?�, � SCCmEd I�AI�18��OIC fbC�g, InI�CBS BOICDWCt S��Q1}1ClVIilSC B�Ct. Itt W[l[Ittg�I OII�.S 8�j1�1S�1C�SVV ,
<br /> � o.Lt�,,�wise provid�.the pmeee�s6si1 be appl�ed w tlm s�uns s�by this Security IAStr�at whether ar not t4e snms ate ��`
<br /> � - �-•:
<br /> L���-�:,�� � .. �. 41G1i�8. ra
<br /> �.t�.K.
<br />:`�r"- �:'.`.�-x.:`�`-� If tke Pmp�is a6andoaed b�BoicoW�rr.or if,after notice by€eader to Bmrower that the ctsnd�mor affeis w mahe . '� ','�
<br /> ��: a,�;.;; :. ;.� a�a,,�a,wf,,a,�td or setfte a c1ai�fto/,r,,,d.maa�s,Ho•r�r,o,�wer falls to respo�.n.�d�jto I.ender wiihin 3ti i1aYs at�er the�,d,Ca,tLe.��tte aotice is giv.eL�n,�. :..t;
<br /> p F 4 r r�' frill4Gi�$��Q�YCra���Yl���1�`�Y"�►�t0 I�1���Va 41�.�.���a4G ¢���,.
<br /> ,: `t ` .SQ�IS 6�7#��t�SCCUJ1iSf�CkE.W�CiaT II8t t�tE�{�1IC. '
<br />, .E�. ..�(.. .._.�..�.: . i.
<br /> � :-..,•,,� :-.;<i<.��, tJntess L�►der and Botrower othera�ise.ag�ee in writia8•�3►$PP�Fon of proceeds w pdQCipaI shall Qot extend or �,,-.:;::
<br /> '°'� u.'t ;�i postpane�he dne date af the monthty payraeats�efeued Po iw passgraphs 1 azW 2 or change the amouat of seacb payments. x �
<br /> � �L Bortower l�at�R+eteas¢d; Fosbearauce 89 i�der Not a VPmSvew Eicteusion af the time fas payaaent or • 7� ,:
<br />-:t�:-� rL �,"���?, ma�t�tinn of�of the sttms s�by Wis S�tty bu�t gianted t►Y Lender to aay successos in ia� �_�=,:
<br /> ���.��.�: : -, �r.. .
<br /> '`� "°� '-'�." of BaQOwsr sdali aat apeiate w release the Gab�iry of the ariginat Ho�wer or Bomuwer'�suxessais in�Lea�r -;_�;�
<br />-_ , :.�'r.z�'t. . ;
<br /> .__ _`� '�`.:.� ' sLall nat 1�zeq�W corntrteace pmcee�ngs gawst Y ,c,
<br /> �, � e� a aa s-u�or�lnte�st or refase to extend tinQe far payment or
<br /> -k; ^^�`-•'n mheta�ise t�fy amo�tion of the saaos se¢tued by t6is Sec�aity Instrameat by ceasom�of�t danand made�y the osigmal s;';',-
<br />_�. •..,,� • Horruwec or Borcower'�sacces.sms in iaLenst Aay farbeazarioe tiy I,euder in exercising any right ar remedy shatt riat be a . �
<br /> � '�`� �`- waivera�apt�tade�exe�c�seofanqrightorranedy. . , F`
<br /> �:.,:= �`�;�. `:.�' . iZ saacessars ana nssigns BauQa;aot�ans�severai t.lsentty;Co-signera. 'ltce cova�ana ageeme�s of this . -
<br /> ` r f, Sec�ttiiY tns�ment ahall 6ind and beueflt the successn�s and�s.dgus of.LatQer and Botrower,subject to the.gr�visions of � �,
<br /> c:� '`h�`°�;, �a p b 1 7.�H n a o w e r'�c o v e n�i s a n d a g c e e ra e a t s s h a ll b e j o i n t a n d s e v e r a l.A n y Bortower who.co-si g a s t p i s�u r i�. . �
<br /> ; ;. ; ,;�:' _I n s t r m n e n t b n t d o e s n o s�e z e c u t e d t e N o t e:.{a)i s c o-s I�g t h i s S e�a tt i ty I n�t�t y w m o c t�g e,g r a nt and.conv e y d�az � ``,
<br /> r,;;.�,--�. �_,:, Bomuwer�irttaesi iu t�a A�upe�j►under the te�ms.of tbis Ser�urilY IasdwRep� fb)is aot pasonally o6ligated to pay the smas• ,
<br /> re m ��
<br />;°-;�;r.`.::;;,�.,';._;;> . • seaued by this Secariry Insutmsea�aud(c)a�rees that Laider aad aay odier�a�mwer may agm�to ext�td.madifY+foibeat . s_.y
<br /> � ��; x �f.:; or make aay accommadat�ons xrim.zegani to the terms of this Ser.utity tnsoituaeat or the HntC�.wiBtont tbai Bonoa►es� � s._
<br /> • ,.,_ , �� . �
<br /> :;::-.;:: _::.,.,,.. :..nr:
<br /> 3t ;:�. 13:l.a8t�C� If the Ioan sectared by this Secauita+lnsuarn�E is subject W a law wh�ch sets mTximum t4s�t • '
<br /> �,._..,-`�_,.::., �.z�' oQ�ges.and tdat taa,Is Haaity interpieeted so that tAe interesc or otker losn chaiges coIIeaed or to 6e aolIecred no�on __=-
<br /> ,� ° .�: •wittt tPie Ioan exc�ed thc permiued Ihnits.tben: (a)any satb laan charge�shall be redaced�yr We amount c�ary to�d�ce • � ' �:
<br /> .,�`�... ;;�:�.-,:': the cbaige[o t�e pezmitted limi�and(b)an9 5ums sireadY"caiteaed f�om Bormwer WhicG ezc�ded permdtted�m£t�wU!be , 5:.�:
<br /> e : ..,_
<br />";4;"�,:.:_°:`;,^;:,_'��.'.,: ' . refW�ded to Barmwer. Lender�nay choose to make t8is zefuad by tedacIngthe priaciPal owed ander the l�tote os by makfug a L�:;:;A
<br /> 1._ _ dfic�ct payme�t w Botrower. If a refimd reduces priacipat,dsa�edacdon will be ueated as a paRt�pie�ayma►t without aa� .::
<br /> : �` ��� �nepaYmeat c�ge mcdet thallot� . � ,,.
<br /> > t^L� ,�'; I4► Notices. Aay notice co Hoanwer pmvtdai for in this Security Iasawr�ent shaU be glven by delivering it or fiig�. -
<br /> .. :. ..-;,,,. �mai13ng it by fi�st class mail unless applicable.faw requires ase of auflthe�methad.The nodce shatl be diiected w the Ptupesty
<br /> �` �'' �� Addiess or any other address.8amower desigaatea bY notIce vn l.ender. Aa�r notjoe to Lendec shat!be given by fitst ctass '�
<br /> . ° •�;' . mail to�nder�ad�stated tte�or aay�ther adRh+ess Le�aderdesignates by notice to 8orrowe�.Aay nodcc�for . �
<br /> ` ,`� ," „r,, ia dus SecasBry in�mnent shaU be deemed w have beeo givea w Borrower or i.ender when givetE as grnvided In this -
<br /> `.<� +.;: # F - . , . .. E:..,,
<br /> .: , �:'� �Qaverning Lasv;Severablitty. 'mis Sea�ity Insbumeat shall be govea�ed by fedeml law.aa0 the(aw of ttte
<br /> �°,�:r.:-•:::••:::...:��;�.; .` �cp��afiich the Ptopeny is t�catod. In Bte eveat tbat aay pmaviston or claase af tbi,s Se�auity Insormnent or We Nute �=_-
<br /> :f�-��`;:�:; - caa�i�arithaDplIcable[acv�sach co�cCS6�t�not a��t o�spravisia�asof thls Se�aity i�ar t3ta�e�c�a . . F'
<br /> ,�- s:.•. ;._,:��,r .. ba gtvcn effe�t wlthont the contHcting prov�sian. Tb thfs end the.provis�oAS of this 8eauitY L�s�maeat aad thc Note ace�'
<br /> �m � __
<br /> ,a �_ �. , declated w i�severab2e. •. �
<br /> I=;� ; � . 16. Ha�roweNe CopY..Borrower s�hap be glven mie csunfomaed capy af the Note andof this Securitg iasttumeni.
<br /> ,_ � '� ; � ih. 'i�ansfer oYtbe PrupeAy ar u Baneficlal Iaterese m Bor�awer. If au or eny pan of tha Pnaper�yar�r,y Inaeiess in � '-
<br /> ,•-�f: j:.,,i,� ; it i�sold or uanafelt�.(ai if a t�eficial inferest in Borrowea is sotd or uaASferrea and Bairowes is nat a natomal pe�soa) 6 �
<br /> : '° , ' wlthont i,caQer�prlor wrluen consen�Lender maq.ei iis option.�quise hnme�iate payment�n fnll of a]t suras secare�t by
<br /> ` `;. � � this Sec�tcity lnsuumen� However.this�ption shalt not be exen}sed byLendec If e�cerclse is prolu'bited lsy fedetal taar aa of �
<br /> ;; _:L=:.-;=.;�:? . the date a�d°�s Secmity lasnqm�t : i
<br /> � r "If Lendet exerclsea tLi$option.Leada shaU give Bmmw+ei notics of acceteradan. 71ie nadce ahall pmvede a peri�ag '
<br /> th
<br /> �.: , :~�` '� not fess 4ian 30daya from the date sh�natice is deliveced ar maited witL#n wbich Borrowet mngt pay alksusaa secamd by thi� � �:
<br /> - --- -_ -�.� Sec�uiry Instrament Nr Smmwer faits to�ay these sums�ir2or to the expiratiess of�his�eriod.Lender maY hn►oke ani► : ;
<br /> _ .�:`'�`',:'; tcmedies penni�ed by thLv Sec�uity Iasteament wlthout fiuther na�ce o's demmtd on Bormwer.
<br /> � :: i � 19. Borrower'a RI�M to Selastat� If Borrower attcets celtaia candiitttons.Hotmwer shall F.ave�e right w have
<br /> . .:`.'�. ' e�o�ement oF�is Sewrlty Ltstnuneat discoattaued at mry 6me prios w the eadier oF (s)S deys(or au�ather period as
<br /> ' ,�`��`',1', •: � SiagleFamUY"$aaoleMeelr�+edNeMs[UNNIFOHMIIVSf'BU61LENr--UaifmmCovepeNS 9l90 fPaBPQoJbPQB�) • {,
<br /> . i�..'�t; �� � '
<br /> S • .
<br /> ',i-`.�r.�,�:. ri,,' � , . ' ,.�...�` �:i.�
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