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<br /> t- '3� . �-�y_ v-`t � � � � _ ^'i'^ _ .r�+eLl' t .�°'�q�'^'°I.�t_>`'�-�� y .m^�'
<br /> •" - ;---''� - � � - .C� a�^t�"i e. . ! -�. . o• �rd� --�; c i � ��r�V� �
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<br /> • : .t 1f��^ �`�—'_'� '�_��-�-.'�`�� �'..*'- `t �l�t�.�..."'-'�'�°YC-V-+--•=:c '�L�'t-�,�,4,1,-,�k�„�"?� ; p t.'.
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<br /> '��' - c��"'�e_.`�a+ � �..�_t�`. ._tt... � � }rc -.�-.�� e• t�
<br /> Y-Rr F_r� � .s ^ _ -_ � .
<br /> � , � -- S�, r.�U .95����'�O 'Y�F
<br /> T t,J,�_ -�_ '{.
<br /> _ �;:_
<br />_'.�.���`-°.�;�>';='' 'FOi3SfHHR WtTH all the impmv�m�ats new ar ha�at�er ere�xed an the pt�aperty,�d all easemenu.aPPurt�anc��� .
<br /> at
<br /> . �`�t . G fi�tures now or he�er a part of the p�ogerty. Ati ceplao�meats aad addidoag shali stso be covered by this�ity t ._
<br /> � L�U'Y� InSUanleat•Atl of the fo�egoing is teferred to ln t�tfs SecuritY in .+nent as die'Property.' ,�
<br /> _�� �:��:�.:`i�,� BORR0INER COYE't3ANTS tltat Botrower is tawfuliy seised of tfle estate deieby waveyed and has the rig6t to gcant aud •
<br /> � t`� � ` "' M ffied tAai the Property is�meacumb�ed.exce�pt fOr e��mbrances af recotd. Botrawer warrants and wFll
<br /> � C K_s't,5 . WAY��P� a nst all claim9 and demands.subjecz w any eaaunbtanoes of e�rd. 5 �`s.
<br /> <.;,.•�..� vz•.�;�.�F d efead g e a e t a U Y the ade w the PmAe�cy+ gai
<br /> _ ."`� ='•,,`°.�-:_� � THIS 5ECUIiTfY INSTRtJMENT wmbines uniform oove�mnts for r�asi Q n a t use a n d no n-i m i f o r m o o v e n a n t s a r i�h t i m i� ::.;,��"_
<br /> c� c � :�-: r �_..
<br /> f . ��hY lurisdicdon to ooastiurte a nnifor�n s�caritY ins�eat aovering reat pmpeny
<br /> o- „� ` "1�� UI�TIFORM COVBNANTS.Borrower and Leader cove�ant and agz+ee as faIIows:
<br /> a
<br /> �' L � `� I� I.Pep�nt of Prindpal ffitd Inte�st; P�9��d Late Qistges. Borrower shall prumpttY PaY arheg dae the �, ::
<br /> ,a.�'`,��_.� t b e N o t e a n d a n Y P�P e Y�t a a d l a t e c h a r g e s d n e under Wt Note.
<br /> �.,�;: . priacipal of aad i�eze,st an the d e b t e v i d e a ce d b y �=
<br />--6;:;���:�`.�`��:_`� 2.Fimds for Teaes aad Iusurance.Sub3e�x to applicable law or to a wriuen araiver by Lender.Borrower shal! paY to .4:;
<br /> - --L�` �f�x�"- azsdue nader the Note.unn7 the Note is paid in full.a s�a{"Fnnds')far:(a)Year3Y t� .. • ,�
<br /> r � � Ixadec on the day montiily payments l�old paymenis `;
<br /> ''� �,�v�,��� and a�ts which rnaY attain Pri�9 a'�Er this Secariry Instrament as a liw oa the P�y:�'b?Y�Y j,
<br /> ,�<:= �insu�ance remimns, �
<br /> f4? ' ��:� aYI^�4 y. OT�OIID�1�I�S OII WC Pl��,i€�:tcT 9�y�°1 P�P�Y�ns�uan�ae premiums;t�Yea�y D �. -
<br /> s'`��,��•r k��``4q if�y:(e)Y�Y�rtSgBe msm-assce prem�ums,if an}r;and(�anY sums Pa�'a6te by Bomrwer to Ixnder.in aocardano�with
<br /> Y�` : � ' ��, the visions of 8.m li�of the payment of raortga�e ins�ttance premiu�s.'lhese items ate called'Escrnw Ite�." � .
<br /> F�_ 4�„ .,y� �}y�
<br /> �'.i��.Y F��''^:�K!��'.;. . P�_ � _ :__
<br /> -=:::;��r<z?y::;�.w_a;�;,: ' Lc,nder may.at anY i�e�coUed and hoid Fnncfs ia an amoimt not w exeeed the maaimum amocmt a leu�er for a federally ,.c,y_'
<br /> ��;:,':r::..?�-.; i ����e loan may�fur Bomuwer's escrow acoouut mtder the fedeia!Reat Estate Settlem�t Pcacedures Act af
<br /> .: ,h'-;k`,::':`-: � ° �pq^,.
<br />: .'`:�;<�'.�u;.., • 1974 as atnended from time to time, 12 U.S.C. Secxion Z601 et seg. e RESra7.u n t�aauther Iaw tbat a p plies w the Fuads .. .. ,
<br /> ° � ��°� ssts a tesser�aunt.if so. l.esder may.at mry ume.eallea end bold Funds ia an amouuc not to exceed the tesser amoaat. �.�r- ,-
<br /> .
<br />'�c=•''''''�'-.1 <, Lsnder atay�sdmate dte emouni of Funds due on the basis of cu�nent data and reasonable estimates of expetvliwres of Potas+e
<br /> : '. � �,
<br /> t ,�': -�'`� '}'.'�':� Esc�ow ite,ms or othe:wise in eocardartce whh;nPPifcaMe Eaw. �
<br /> �.._;,}r °. ' : Tbe Funda stwp ba held ln an insdNdon whoso Qeposits are irtsured by a federal agency. Inst�umentality.o:enNty
<br /> � '�� ``h� (inctuding LenQer.if Len4er is such sm MstituNon?ar In nny Fedecat Home Loan BanEc.lxnder shall appiy the Fuads ta pay the _
<br /> .�.. et..�., �.,,�,.. `;
<br /> `°;:.:'�,;':.;:t::.`'ti��, Escrow ttertis.Lender may aot cbnrge Borrower for Raldifl$and app{ying the Funds.annually anatya3rtg the escmw ascauab�nr r,�w
<br /> . vcrifying�hc Lgcmw It�.antcsa l�ender paya Borrower intcrest on the Funds and app�icable law peRnits t.ender to make s�cb `
<br /> • h
<br /> ` ��'.' � �� �'' a chnrge. Howa+rer.t�.mder may c�eeqaire 8orrowe�ta pap e onatime charge for an Indepeudeat rea!estate tax te�oniu8 se�a .�
<br /> .,.: �`.i.,,.... ,i'0.y.
<br /> �., a�. �� us� by Lender ia cu�ection aritd thIs loan. uniess spplicab4c ta�v provtdes othetarfse. Untess aa ag�meae is made or
<br /> � �.,,'�' er
<br /> '` '-' appl4cable law�qoires intecest to be patd.laader shall nnt be requited w pay Boirc►wer any i�t or e,am�nga an the Fwids. ,�;;
<br /> G .�; PD
<br /> ..�,. -..`.,;�_, �,:�:, Basrower sud Len�er may agee in wrIting,dowever,that interesc ahall be paid on the Fands.L�euder sha11 gtve W Sormwes. ��.
<br /> - �`F;r - withoat ct�8e.an aanual aeeo�nting of the Funds.showing cr+edit�and deblts m the Fnn�s aad the ptuposc fos which eacb ,,.
<br /> ` , ::°•<, : t',: debit to We Funds was made.'I�►e Funds are pledged as addinonal secnrlry for all sams serured by this�trttl+Insuo��• r:;�:
<br />_ : �. �,'. ,..:.,`;,�: �x�
<br /> ' If the Funds held t.ender e�ed the amouQts Pennitted w be hetd 6y applicable law,Lemter sha11 soconnt w�on°w�r
<br /> � �� 4 ':;-�"� far the exces�Fuud��Nance wttb the requirements of epplicabte law. If the amooat of We Fuada heid by I.eat�er at aay �,
<br /> , ' , `.: tlme i�not sat&ciem to pay the Fssrow Iteu�s afien due.Lender may so notify Borrower in writing.and.tn sucb case Borrower �
<br /> i� ` ' ` shall Pa3►W l,ender the artenunt necessarY to make up the defcciency. Boirower shall make up the de�dency in cw more thats -
<br /> - �� taretve monthiy payments,at Lender's sole discm,�on. �`� _
<br /> �-:v. U m faU of aU sums secured isi►tbis Se�rit3+L�suument,Lendes ahaII pramptlY refnnd to Botrower any
<br /> rr t� '.•��: ���• h 21.l.ender ahall aoqaire or seU the p� �
<br /> ` � Funds held by I.euder.If,under pazag�p a' Property.L.ender, or to the soqoisidon ot sale
<br /> r :•..
<br />- __ ,;'_,s,��;,'���: af the Yroperty.sha11 apPtY any Fw�ds held by Lender at the tlu�e of acquisitioa ar sale as a credit against the awus secaro0_b3► �`}.
<br /> � .�]� ; ,, '- this Seautty Ias�ameu�• -
<br /> t
<br /> :;r,' ` � ' 3.�fppltcatfas of�apments.Ltate.ss applicable!aw pravides othciwlse.aU payme�s reoeived by Lender ander pata$rephs
<br /> - `-• .` ,� i att�Z shall be applied:fsist,w anY P�Y�t�e�due tmQer the Noie;seaaAd,to amoanta paysbte uader-�aragtaDh 2; --
<br /> .::�,°� _.;--�;{.', af dne•and tast.so an late charges dae ander the Note. ___
<br /> �.„ :• third.to interest dae:faarttt.ca princlP • Y -
<br /> � �;: -
<br /> � , r '�.;.�'°l L{q�s,8orrowet shall pay all taxes,assessments,chazges•8nes and imposit�ons autfbutable W the ProP�Y --
<br /> .' ,� 1':.:�.: 4.C6ae�i
<br /> _ � ` `� * � whicb m a y attain p r iority aver thia Sewriry Iasaameat.and Ieasehotd payments ar gmund rents,if srry.Borrower,shati pay
<br /> =;:, �:r'_.. ::.:r::.
<br /> ,,.��'"'f:�' these obligatfans in tha marmer pruvided in patagraph 2,or ff not paid in that manAet.Bonourer sl�all pay them�on dme dirc�etly -_--
<br /> ; :r.;�.:;, �
<br /> :: �:.;��R. =� .�.� w the persan awed paymein.Botrower shall pmmpily furnish to l x a der a t l notices of mnounts to 6e p a id Pnder this pazagrapb.
<br /> ' ��` j±�� If Borrower makes thesepaymei►ts directly.Borroarer shall prompdy fi u n i s h to L e n der receip t s e v l d a a c i a g t h e p a y m o n t s. � ::
<br /> :l'��..i•' r'�"S.•}:�. . �i.'_
<br /> ".�,��•.._����;� S m r o w e r s h a l l P�P U Y��'8@�Y�e n w h ich fias p t lori t y over this Secmdt3►It�t�umettt udess Borrower.to)agroes in =-
<br /> ,,.:_: �' .;,..: ::_,,,�� --
<br /> ` �:�� +,:,n%;=. aridng to the yaYmeat oi the obligaHon secured b3►the fien in a manner acceptabla w Zendec;(b)contesta In good faith the l�ea► . __-
<br /> C V_. �-
<br /> � � t � '; by. or defends against enforcement of t�e lien in, tegaa proceedlags arh�ch in'the l.ender's opi�ion ape;ate to pre�ent•the _
<br /> r epforcement of the tien;or(c)socures from the holder of We liea an agceement sat9sfactory to l.ender su bo r d i n ating the 13err to ��:
<br /> ,�'`':;'�:,�;�,;'��` thfs SecurIty lnstrameat.If i.ender detem�ines that any part of the Property Is subject to a lien which may attain prioriry over __--
<br /> - ;,`•:'!'�,:.�:.:;;�;.��:a:;': this Sec�1ty lnstniment,Leader may Slve Botrower a naticc idcmafy�ng the lien.Bonower shall satisfy We lien or take one or __
<br /> � �. '. �1,�' moie ot the acdons set fmtb above within 10 daya of the giving ot aotioe. �
<br /> ,:�r�,,^; w�+,�aaae s�o -
<br />_ ��
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