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<br /> �� „r4...� ,l�.r,L{r�; �6-n�, .; ^'.�� •� r �'�.:{:.. -c '�4 •�.,z :dcr._� r_��.�.- =�" .o,. •
<br /> �"..c�.SC. F i �S.
<br /> k �,�, �'</. _ _Fi _' " ' " _ - _ - _ � —"
<br /> F _� CF f� 1 �.
<br /> _ s ������'� L r
<br /> � ��- , �
<br /> :s,-.�::.o:,-�.in.�•.Q .
<br /> �n� ���`'. �. Sonoarer shnli Ireep tteee ia�provanea� a� �8 or Aer��r azcto8 on 6�e E �
<br /> ;.�� ; "r ; � �. H��rO o�r�ea�ertY otE�cr hu�zarda.iASludIag
<br /> :_..°t�s4 �,`<_� progetty�ut�agatos.t.to=sss b■y,�M,,�,,e,�.Q�ucd���ded cvttahin tAe tetm'eute�f,�ed�,,�cyo,,v�e,,r�ag�'S��.f,,.e�?, Y ` �t,��� `r, ,
<br />..-`:�`• �F1�{•'�'�S:i:- Q��T�N�VY+s�E� �W�lll�i�HGUYGS��' llit7 I��UG IIiiWLL1Y�W YW�IIII�IliW SQI YlG <, �L,.,
<br />` :�` '��'.;��' � 't b e i t u t r r�o e c a r e f e r p r a v i d'i n$t h e i n s u r e n c e's h a l l b e c h o s e t i b y BortoWet sub ject to I.eadea S a�ptoval ..;::.�-
<br /> �.-; �� -`
<br /> �:'�� ..``'`�.;� ���nat+lY withheld.If Borrower fails to mai�►tain oove.tage dcscribed above. ieader tQaY•at 1�'s �'
<br /> abtaia ooverage tn pmtoct Lcnder`s tiglus in tde Property in accordanoe vvitl��aragra@!�7. �} :
<br /> ' � '` optian. clause. I�der :`:',,
<br /> � ` `� 4`` 1 i�i e 9 8 u d rznew8lS 511811 6e asceptablE to I�eGdCr and 52�a11 tIIdudP 8 StandStd tAOrt$pge
<br /> A 1 1 i�c e p o e ff to�att r��
<br /> � .� �� �� shatl6ave We tight to haiQ the policies aaa renewafs.if Lender re�uims�Bortower shalt pmmp Y� ,.
<br /> .`�. .. -.:' notices.In the event of toss.Bamawer s'ball gdve pmmpt notice to tfle insnzaaoe wTrier ami I�der• � �:.
<br /> •`�_Y�.�;'"�,: . �1�pIC�UIIIS 8�LQlCW'd� '�`-«
<br /> -�II�y t031[C pIQOf Of ZOSS If IIdt 11�6 p10Ii�J/�B0ILOWET. :`•�'
<br /> `-��FL Untess iBWer a�Bairower uthe�a►ise agree in wricu�g.insurasme praceeds shaU be ap�lied w reswiatioa or�pair of t� `4:,:;
<br /> .: �. ::
<br /> :�:�'` .,:�'`.:r- �s sot tessened.If the restoration or �� :
<br /> :;�=�;;,�:�''r,;., .
<br /> �."�:�.:h;,.:-ri;�= pn►F�Y damaged,if the re�orarioa or ce�r is economdc�ity feadb2e aad L�nd�'s�Y aball be fied to the soa� �4 1
<br /> �'��� �`�� reQair is ant eooaomicatly f�ie or Leader's socuriry woald 6e Iesseaal,the iasuiance proceeds �P � `
<br /> `. ' or not tken dae.witb ar►Y exc�s Pa�t°��. If Bouowra abandnns
<br /> ��� . ,,,�, ,r�.-� ���Seturity In�,wtse�ther ,;�`:
<br /> `,:; F� `.
<br />-�.i°;.i,F;.��::,��, pmPertY,or dacs not aaswer aithin 30 days a uotice fram I.ender drai the b�saranoe c��� ��e a daim.dten
<br /> d or to pay sams �r:
<br /> �maY oallect the insusanoe proceeds. Lendet maY ose the pmceeds to r�au'
<br /> r ��.r.:�� ��`"�„ , od wi11 begin when the notice is given. �
<br /> s�d by tlus�rity Ins�uuen�wh�er ar not the�n dua Tlie 30�day� �uot e�d or , �
<br /> L �! � �`s', llnless Leader and Bomawer odu�wise ag�e in wm�S.a�Y ePP�c�tlaa of prncee3s w P� ;
<br /> : ::--`" : �;;<�f::� hs 1 and 2 or cbange the amouut of the payme�- If :<<f'�_
<br /> ',, , . ne the due da�e of the moffihly payments refened w in pa�grap .
<br /> �° , olicies and pmceeds re�Iting fmm , '
<br /> � �r h ?. 2t the Is soqoired b9 L�der,Boaau�Yr s rlgtic w any ias�uaicce P „
<br /> ��� � w I�mder w the extent of ttie su�secacect by this Seauity Ins�t
<br /> " _�°• yQ the P c o p e n y prior tv the aca�nisirion shali pa� �. �=
<br /> -i�`�' i:� �`N. mua�ed'�tely prior to the aaqnistt�on. I.easeholds. ��
<br /> - �r -� 6.Qe�attty,�vattoay Mainiwanae er•��ou of the P�+a�ty:Forrow�s Loaa A�on: � ;
<br /> � r ; �'� Homuwer,sball a c c u p y..+establish.aad nse the Pc�atY ss Bo:m�s's pri�z�stdenoe widiia si�ay days aft�the e�ce�cion of .,
<br /> -r_- "k. .
<br /> , �� :Y;�'"�� d�ia Secaui IASaumeat snd sl�aall co�tinae to�y t h e P rogaty as Bornn w e r s p r i n c i p a l t e�d e a o e f o r a t�o n e y e a r a R e a `����--.�
<br /> 1
<br /> r` �-.."�t� tise date of�o,aupancy,�anless Leadere�ecwise agrees in wri�.whIch oonseat sl�all not be umeasonabn►wi�d.os aalesg ��; •�
<br /> L _rtr ��.� .� � .
<br /> f",r�'+�''" � �ng ci� exist wiu� �ne beyond Bonawer's oaatrol. Baicuwer sbmli�ot dest�ay,damage or i�tlte ��,_
<br /> S.�. .r �,�,
<br /> ::.� :•r,.r:�;;;. .� Pirogrity. altow the i�,perty w detaiorate, or aommit�vaste on the Property. Barrower sha116e ia defaWt if aity fosfeiuue _ �`_ .
<br /> - � �`��'s act�on oi pmoe�iag,wheth�dvil�crimin�tf.s begna that in Leader's gaod faith judgment eautd�!iu fwfeiuue of the .�`y-;
<br /> '� �f;��=. Prope�g c+s oth�arise mvterially i�r the li�s creatad hS►�s�aritY�or I�'s secutit9 i�erest-Bartu�rer may �:
<br /> f "��t`' �. . etue sarl�a defanit and zeinstate.as provided in paragraPh 18.is9 caasing the aedon ar praaeec}in�W tse cGstu�&s�widi a ntting =-
<br /> or otDea mat�al � •
<br /> , , .. . that.in l.ende�s guod faith determiaation. Preciades forfeidue af the Bormwer's intec+zst in the P�ty �.�.-:
<br /> L 1 !�.
<br /> ,,. .; �. .;`:; ir�itraeat of the lien created by this Secarity Insuaa�t or Lea�der's security inter�t.Borrawer s@aQ atso be in def�it if �r`--
<br /> <� `, `~� ,:'�` Bosmwer,during'ti�e loaa appli�ttion psocess.Save materiatiy fatse or inacauate u�formaGion or sr�w l�tder(ar faiied -
<br />_ �.� ��-� == . - to gtovide Lendertvith mry material infom�ation)h�oozmecoion with the loan evidence�by the Nate.iaciudiug,bW nat timited -
<br /> ,�Y ',�:;„�::�.;:�''°,f. as a res�d�oe.�f this S�ritY I�aame�is on a . _--
<br /> ., . c.. :..;.:�: : to,repres�tatians conaeming Borr�wes's oocupancy of the Pmperty P�P� foe btte to the Pnsperty. the =--- --
<br /> .� �,�#:°• `;;``.:''.: l�ehold. Bosower shal!�comply atth al! the pmvisio� af the tease. If Eormwer acguires . , �___
<br /> _.�:: :,,..�,..,n°;, teasehotd aad the fee titte ahali not merge natess Lendes agcees w the merger in cvriting. �ah�nod�o --
<br /> , : � � 7.P�+atection of i.�de�s�[n the Fi�aperty.If Bormwer faits w perfoim the covedazua saa ag�oem�ts =_
<br /> :, r:;'�,�,- th9s Ssweisy ins�r�.or there is a tegat pmoerding that m�r signifi�ntty affert Leader's r�ghts in the Pcaperty,(sach a,s a . __
<br /> ,� '— p�ee�ng in b�tcy.probate.for enad�oa ax forfeitare or to enforee laa+s or�galadons).tbea t:eeder muy do end � _
<br /> -�'� �� pay far w�r is nooessa�Y to proteA the valme of the PraperiY.an�LenQer's rfgtus ia the PcapeRy. Le�tder's astions.may .
<br /> .J-�"�".� . im�ade pr.sYi1�8 anY sam�secared by,a liea wdic6 fiias pr�o�ItY.ovet thts�S�ttY tas�atent, �rD�B m���
<br /> -__:'_:i�:--.� -. l�der maiy take e�ton imdet thia paz�b -
<br /> - T, �soaable attota�9s'fees and eatetMg an the PtaFeA3►w c�ke rePaica.Althnngh
<br /> ,'-_���_.�='� ;': ,
<br />__:�'-;� �7.lc�tder daes nat have to Qo so. � .
<br /> -----�:.-, � � Atty�n�nts disbwssd by I.eRder�der this pat�aph 7 sDal1 beeome addittonal debt of Ban�wet secatr�d by thia
<br /> :.`-''�,� Seatttry.�nt.Unless Bor�awer and I.er►der agr�e w other tem�s of paymeni.tt�se a�onnta�aif i�ar iatie�st fram tbe
<br /> . ��-�-
<br /> - 'date of disbmsemera at the DTote rate aM s1�all be payab2e.with iirte�es� apoa notice fmm l�er to Bonawer reqaest�8 ' _ v_Y
<br /> ,����,'�'-J.,��....��; � .�g�ZyoRgage ir�m�noe.V Leadea c�ed�t�e���as a oandltion of maldng tlie loan seaned 6Y tbls SocusItY , --
<br /> '� -'� r . Iastmment.Bairow�sball pay tbe prem�ams i�quised to maiuffiin the tnortgage.insa�ae in eff�t. If,fo:sey�on.tbe , _
<br /> row
<br /> ' .;i�'., � ,. + mangage itt�uanue oav�rage r�4ai�ed b5►I.ender lapses or ceases to be in�'t'ed..$oirower shall pay.the Pre�ceq�d t° ' _�;::
<br /> - .' u
<br /> :'.,�:::.;'._1:; �,:°:;� ebmin cov e e�e aubstazitiallY equivateut to the oto�gege iasuraase ptevdoas�y ln effeG.at a otlst smbstantially��L e n d e r.1 4 ��;-
<br /> .+�:':.,�,.. ,,�{:.. . oost to Botrower ofl the mungage lntivianoe p�evimBty in effoct,kom an sltemate moltgase insiuer aDD�' �Y =
<br /> � :' ����.;.-�� sabst�Ialiy eq�valert monga$e insman�e ooveeage ia noi ssvaitable.Bomuwer s6ail pay w Leader eac�aaanth a sam equal to --
<br /> _ '•:.•'. •. �� on�twelM of tbe Y�Y��BB�rattce pmmium bdn8 Paid 6Y Batmwer whea the i�utanoe cove�ge lapse�or aeas�d ro -
<br /> ...�_,.:
<br /> . •�,�":� ,`; ', be in effet�.Lender cvilt aeoepl.use aad retain�se paytaems as a loss res�ve in Ifie� of martg�ge insmaIIae. Loss tpser►p �-
<br /> , _ ,�,:'� '' , Fa���Z8 f!/90 �_
<br /> ' =`�: . 9 �=�-_
<br /> - � -.;� cap.9ote �:
<br /> _ :� --
<br /> ' _ ',a..,� ,. • . _ .
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<br /> .-....:aj - i.:. .. .� - -_ " - �, � ' 1 '� "- � ' ' --
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