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<br /> �oa.- . �S' �` . .:� � O ' • "� �,,�py-.z-. �Fa °� �'v f-.
<br /> z ; h 1 ` t�lEBRASfWOQCUMENTARY � ({ T� _ r-� �4� t �
<br /> � `,� � STA�IPTAX --, . .• =' ��: o � .,� £ � ' �
<br /> �� r
<br /> l' ` � � � � �at t �} � �, ;.
<br /> � :,yr-.�rrir.:T` � � (�M{( 't �' �' � '_ � � `..: s,::.' sF �S �..,r .
<br /> i. ..f r. y � 1 fYV{� �O � ..� � fl) F,� ,.,"�,�.:�i�_� . _ taE
<br /> • 0 7c Y . i
<br /> = F t�,�...- � �a ' �� � v� � � � : 4 r�
<br /> _ � �'�� ��� � Iv cn h+ � � ���
<br /> _ _ � B �, r �. _
<br /> � �`s���,' Q' � pggBpNAI, �S�NTA��'�S JOINT �NAATGY DB�ED �, - �4 k, �,
<br /> t ��� �
<br /> 8 . �,. 4_ , .4 1, a �i'.::y, `?' �r
<br /> �. jt y .7 : �V �: -1,.�'_.�t s .:
<br /> . 4 y�RNON BAUBB and RONALD BAQBR, Personal ItePresent�tives of the ` ` `
<br /> l.t . `� { "` ;, a
<br /> ��'s` Hstate oi' �iBIiTRUBB N. BAUBR, Deceased, �iRANTOB, in cansideratfon %Q_ �° � � `�-_ L
<br /> `t u � '� �� e of OA18 D�LLAit and other_veluable cans�tderation, received from , �o F L r � �
<br /> •'��:'�<�.G<�.�:r I�RAI�i'I'BB3� LAI�RY M. $ARA$Id$TSIN and DONNA J. HAgtRENSTEIN s HusbaYtd � 'i�� , :x`c,°j::�ai::.r.,
<br /> oJ`'• �t`4,.
<br /> � And Wifet `'� `-. �
<br /> 1 �.:.,:.��.
<br /> u� " . � �� �����
<br /> r �- 4�` �F. .
<br /> ` ' - `; " � coaveye ta ORANTE88. ae 3ofnt tenant� and not as tenants ia � = �
<br /> .�������t;�r �;��-"- common. the folloalA$ described real eetate (�ta deYined ia Ne�. j`` ��.��� �
<br /> �t� . , �� -
<br /> � Rev. Stat. T6-201�: -� :�
<br /> . -:� .,:i � �Y �L±. �
<br /> .:4 �.` � '.._.1' �.3I _,. i
<br /> b � H:�� The Eas�.Ha1S of t�e Northea�t Auarter (B2/2 NBi/4► oY 9ection � �
<br /> 4r r ,
<br /> �,,�y � ,:: Twenty-�ne (21?. TownshiP Nine (9� Nort�, Ra�ge Niste (9), Weat of ° °; _ .� _ ��-
<br /> . .�. :;'-` the 6t& P.M., Uall County, Nebrasks, B�CBPTINti a tract oY land - r��
<br /> ��`�<<`��"°���;;:�":, co risireg a part of the Northeast 8uarter of Sectian 21, Tawn�ahip �.:;�,,�.,.^��''�
<br /> .t;�.. ,:_.:;�...., - � �...,.
<br /> :;• { :;� 9 Noxth, 1�ange 9 West oY the 6th P.M., Ha21 County, Nebraska `��_'�•�;:e' �;-
<br /> ;..<,: ;�.�.��<;: described ,as Yollowe: Commenciug at the Southeast coraer of the ,;,f.�,� ' .��;
<br /> �_:: Northeast Buarter of Section Z1, TowueAip 9 North, Range 8 West; Ya� , ;
<br /> '` ':;~*� � Thence West 00 degrees 00 miuutes 0� seconds, along tbs Sootb line t :�'.. ' -;;
<br /> ��°.
<br /> ,.f, .°�� ..: . :_..- �oY t�t� Northeas� 8usrter, thirty-three (83.00) feet to the point rl� '`�
<br />'�-�:F�.�.;��-;`��``�,���'��� of beginuing; Thence �est 00 degrees QO minutes 00 sc:conds, one -±-:- �> ' � � �i"
<br /> � `'� YV hundred fifty-tE�ree and twenty-ei,ght hundredths (1b3.28� Yeet; � �t�.. �;�-" �g;� �;`:
<br /> � `^ ��� The�tce Northwest 45 degrees 42 winutes 38 seaonda, para l le l ta t he I � �� , ) �:
<br /> . ,,. :, . �;�:.- � .._ ,.�. . ..� �,;.
<br /> �p} Yeet� '
<br /> -._::�,:;`;;;;:::,::�%• . Ba$� lin� vR �the Northeast quarter, two bundred (200: s a i_.'.`�.,�;� . -
<br /> •'-�;:=:; :_;�.-:f.��, Thence Northeast 07 degrees 91 m�nutes 1& seaonde,_two 3�andred oue ; Y_+,.-,�j.. " .,,.
<br /> 1.; s, � : . at�d eig�ty-one hundredths t 20i.81) Peet; Thence South 192 degrees «: ; �
<br /> ` t��� � !8 minates 42 seconds, parallel to the Bast line of the NorC�wes�
<br /> � , . f���Y
<br /> ` ��`• ' ��=` Quarter, efx hundred Yifty-three and twenty-eigh� hundredtbs � '� ���:.
<br /> � .<.,. .,,,:,:: ��'�._;��.
<br /> ,. .. . .i�,�,,� .��.; ._,- ---
<br /> n ; (653.28) Yeet to the pofat of beginning. Coatains @.29g acre o :
<br /> j j , y ':
<br /> �'•�� right-oY-way ta be aca�.nired; and � �,_�`
<br /> �rf�'•;. . 1+��- �� ��
<br /> ,�� .
<br /> , �.i€`. �t•g.
<br /> -__,.�._��; ; . The Northwes� Qttarter =NWl/�) oY 3ection Tweaty Two .��all CountBiH . ���
<br /> a�` �;,.: Nine I 9� Nortb s Itange.Nfne t 9) �leat of the Sth P.�f.� . �.�,,,��
<br /> �; {���'��: � Nebraska, EXCEPTINm a traat of land comprising a part af the ____
<br /> �,,�,«
<br /> "��� � ' `=`-''� Nartbwest euarter of Seation 22, Towuahip 9 North, I�ange 9 Wegt; _ a=.
<br /> , �.� r , .<,•
<br /> � 4:�:
<br /> �`�` � �ommencing at the Soutbweat corner of the Northwest 8uarter of -
<br /> , ;, '�E�:,: � Sectfan 22, Tos+mah�p 9 North, Range 9 West o� the 6tb P.M. , Rall `�"�� -._
<br /> r,.�.. .
<br /> �' �r}3.,•� Coua�y, Nebraska; T�enae East 00 degrees 00 minutea QO seconde,
<br /> �� rj>'��� • aloA� the Soutgi Line of the �Northwest Quarter, thirty-three . 'F���-
<br /> � �'` ' (89.00) feet to the po�nt o� begfnning; Thence North 9Q de�reea 00 � 's���-'
<br /> :5..;., , ,w,.,. , . .
<br /> i.. �� � , minntes 00 seconda, parallel to Lhe �West line of the Nortbwest . � ��=r:�:� ��y'��y�,,
<br /> •,�:�`�.,;,; .:.,:,.:.': f;yuarter, six h�ndred f3fty-three and tweaty-ei�h� hundredtLs %;''..�;! } : -<..,
<br /> -- {863.28� �eet, Thence SouthessL 174 degreea S1 minutea 26 seconds, �. `'"`•; ���'�','.�:
<br /> '� � '`�± , � tbrae hvadred,one end twentq-one &undredthe (801.2!D feet; •Thenc� � f:: . ':
<br /> � ` � South Ob degreea Q8 minutea 34 seconda, parallel to the West� line . � .`'. ,�:� "
<br /> '" ` ' a!? t�e Norttaureat Quarte�r, one bundred (300.00) Seet; Thenae South � �., _
<br /> �•� 08 degreea fI6 minutes Ob aeconde, twa hundred fift�-four.ana �'°'���: :� � �
<br /> „�n seventy-two hundredtha t254.721 feet to the point of be�inning. ��
<br /> Contains 0.233 acre of right-of-way to be acquired. =
<br /> _, i . ;-`�;� • � _''
<br /> �' eub3ect to easementa and restrictions of record. � . �'{. � :�,
<br /> <�. . . . . :.,:�. . -
<br /> :,;;:.;,_.,..�..ti.::;%:'::.:. �...:�,:;..� :
<br /> _ ,•� r,�.�: :.• �: (iRANTOt� covenante wf th OItANTEEB that IiRAI�iTOR hae leQal poroer , .; � ��.;;��
<br /> '.s. �.
<br /> � and lawful authoritp to convey the same. r. ,
<br /> � _ -,;;. •; .
<br /> �xecuted �//.f 1996 �
<br /> ,; `��
<br /> .
<br /> _ 'iii.. �5 'j:__ � . -��f•- -:l1,. ,y.:t�:::� .
<br /> - ' �"';": . ESTATE 0 (}ERTRUDE N. BAUER � '
<br /> . ..,r.•
<br /> �:-,; : � ,..
<br /> _ � t. � � ,i, ' ..';�:..-�
<br /> ,.., ,:
<br /> �!° ;. .
<br /> c
<br /> l � f . '�
<br /> $y:. By; �iyfi�.b � . - c r`:�
<br /> ' � �• t Personal Rep eaentative Personal Repres�ri�atfve - -
<br /> 4: t..
<br /> `_"i .-�._, S�, ..: : ..a,�-
<br /> 1 -- ' �- '�'<y;` .
<br /> � . �_-,�_ ;'�...� .�• 'F��'
<br /> __ :�r� --- - -`{�-_` - ..
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<br /> ,� . . _ ... �_ .._ .
<br /> s: . .. ,...�. . _ - . . . - . _. . _. ._ _'A_ ___ .r .��-. . ,. . ._ . ._..t... _. . __._ ._
<br /> . �. . i.. . ,. . .. . �. . c�. . . . _ .:��. + �._ �._. _.. . .. ._ _ _ . _. :a. ._-. -
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