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<br /> �3rxit$'y F� .t (� `�,a x�_> -±'1' .�� 1.. � - d �k �. - �.. C�:iv:. - r ,5��
<br /> �.�_�..i.v .c�a�: .w� t� rs C,t r -.-� - .�'"''"`•` �.� ,
<br /> . , i.,F��-:S _ - , -c`t-�`... ^.�Sl�--�. '�� �iF�-:�t7'�r;?_i:N�� .
<br /> 4.�. T�
<br /> ^��' ._ � 1 L3'`�i ti`'�i.,�T+a-:La� -'
<br /> it._ =a, t .'c:�- -S o,.[�:_: :� . _ :."v: ^`4 r -
<br /> .� 't � � _ . - �'c l 4 �
<br /> -X� e5 V � ���SYj . S' . � 4 . . ,�•�-�'
<br /> y� . ' -� ". S '. , . � .�a(.f[Yr G
<br /> (�' .�x�.�q Y .-h"1.V.
<br /> ;.c�`�C"'t t4.� c�... �-c��-t -c ��z. c,g. 4-�ti y��� ��rb�� . c:^�i-a-• ��"`-"rr`�-� �-����F_}�€ ��-�#-�ji. �_t�F r ,H �5. .
<br /> . -. �_�c �.c��t°'c. �E.� �-.,.: ti�- .r 3 �a:-,. .:..i�� .r.._,f}�.'a�Ni.,c,pd�: `-� S .S_3 5 f t'`.F Y �- z U6 .� � c
<br /> •^Y.�....�.,a�.,,r... rti- �S 2..� � .•M E3 .4`-tL .�.v"�a.� t-� �g;-. a. `J`T.'�'^-t,^e` P. -_^���.-=='t'rM_ .:t�:4 c..Fbs.E�'-�'0;v'<< -f-,°�` -T � F�..
<br /> -4_ _ �x S ,3�.Y C . r._`�c�'_�"_. 'F,.� 3�6.�'.;�Y�1���'�'L'l.� �i.. �Y: . -�:xi' -_ " _ ' _ - '_:yt3�a.u.v.� �tA _
<br /> 4'�` ':L'_'.lt •[.c cC` _ _ �...:�.
<br /> � �"}..��',Y�.ti.�`Q: ������ F L
<br /> tiu r Fa. �.
<br /> -�'".�.-`•r� 7'OL3ETEffit W1TH atl the improvements now or herea8er erected oa the pmperty.and all easemeats.�.aa� �L'-
<br /> : �:• �:..,;.__:.; ..
<br />�`���`�`r<t=�.:'" fnttntes ttow on c�maRes e part af tt� �a�ey. AI} �ep1� aa! aRdltions shati atsa be coveted bq this Sewtity �'a'
<br /> _ �...: . _�•�;F �n�AA of the fos�egoi�g is referied to in tteis Seaufty�as the°Pm�sty.' �°���.
<br />.,_c.'�En:s;...ry.c.-� . c
<br /> __ �;��",E.;� BQRROVNER COVENANTS that Borrower is tawfnlIy seised of the e�te fiereby oomeyed and has the rlght to graat�d ;:_�,..
<br />_ ..-;t;`r_�iE`�...f..�:
<br /> _k-, .,..�, �nvey ERe Propetiy aad t�tLe Pto�rty is uu�unbered.except for encumbianoes of cecosd. Bormwer urariants and wjU ;F��::�'
<br /> "6=::;�"�i,;`��,. defcad genetatly dte titte w the Pivpetty agai�t eU cla�s and dea�ds.svb�ct.to any easumbrauoes of reoutd. '
<br /> ���.
<br /> • r'b..pri SE^?
<br /> '9�:.f::_L_.�. 1'EfIS SF�ClJgITY INSfRUMENT oomts�nes uniform c�venants for aatiwral nse and non�niform oovena�s vrtb liauted ___
<br /> - °` '.�:�•��- variatior�by jurisdidian to co�iuue a uuifarm sewrity ir�ame,nt oavering res�i prn�erty. -��'�<��
<br /> t��2 UI�IFORh4 COVENANTS.Barrower and Leader ooveaant atW agree as folloas: ''�```
<br /> -,` �'� rt•�.
<br /> a � - '` i. Qagcaest���a!stnd�����1 lste Q�ar�es. Bnsmw+er shall Pm�PUY PaY when due tbe
<br /> ;�""��. 'P�P�of and inter�st on tbe debt evideuoed by the Note aad aay prepayment a�late charges due ondet the Note. ;
<br /> ...'�} ` _ ,
<br /> x... ,�.�- Z.Faa�for Taxes an8 IasuraQCe.Snbjec�to applicable!aw or to a wriuea waiver by Leader.Borrawer shall pay to �
<br /> ..:=•�:��-r:=• Ltnd�r aa the day monthiY PaYmeats a:e due ander the Notc.uutil We Note is paid in full.a sum('Funds")for.(a)9eartY te�a <G,'._
<br /> ° � F'�' ' a�asscssments which auain over thic iasu�t as a tiea aa the Propeny:tb)Year1Y leasehold p�ta .
<br /> .t�>,-�:,:�;_� _��; maY PriaritY Seauit3' _'�_
<br /> �C�- y 4 5, os gmund rea�s oa the Property,if any:(c)Y�Y���P�P�Y msmaaae premiums;tfi Y�Y�insoraatoe praoivats.
<br />-- . ._ �.: _. if aay:(e?Y�Y�8��insaraace preminms.if atry:and(�anY sums PaYabte by Bormwer to Irnder,in acxordanc�with
<br /> .`��'r:?'.���`,..-`^� the pmvisionc of parag�aph 8.in liw of the payment nf mortgage insm�anae p�ums.'f9iese ite�are c�itod'Escmw Items. ''
<br /> .1.:.., ,,.
<br /> .`.`ye..�.:..•1; :�_t
<br /> -�:..:�.:e•.,�: :�;w_ Leader may.at arry time.oollea and hold Funds ia an amouat not to exc+ead the maai�m amouat a te�de,r for a feder�lly r:��
<br /> `=-�'�+•-<<'`�-:4 . related mnrtgage loau trray t+egair�for Bmtower's�e�ow acoount�der the fedetal Real Fstaze SeW�Procedates Act of - -
<br />_..C _ .!,'`�`•'-_:r.:,:' 1�4 83 SiffiIl�f1'�Di1f i$IC iD U�Cs ��U..rl.�..� �j�SFl�.�`R�P/��j.U�.'3�{SW�S�ICS�O�4.�'IIfl�.4 ��„ '.
<br /> ;-=f;��`:ti,.,_.�:> sets a lesser amuuat. If so,I.eader may.aa any tiu�z. coUect aad hn2d Fands�an amannt aot w eaceed the tesser amnuai. `�'
<br /> •�, �`-: Lea�may estjmate tl:e�nount of Funds due on the basis of c�urent dab aud teasonable estimates of ea�iwres of fimrre �°
<br /> _ -�r<.:,.`�- ''�-: Fscmw Itr�s ar otherwise in as�ardan�e witb applicable law. 4L:
<br /> ,.k�J .`.,x '`'.� 74Se Fuuds shall be held in.an institII6on whnse depastts a:e msured by a federai ageacy. `
<br /> -�� 43.°,y instiumeata!liy.or eatity _Y:_
<br /> .� �-'` s 'r,' (�mcdading Ixader.iY i.eader is such en�on)or in aay Fedeial Home L�n Basik.I�der s6aU appty the Fands to pay the
<br /> - r._:�. ,:;., , , Escraw Itetns.lende,�snay nat cd�ge Botmwer for hntding aad applyiag dte Fuuds,annaaUY analYzing the esaow aa�nmut.or �S ,�
<br /> � ��`>>_,`.:_. h: vesifying the Fscmw Itcros.unless LEndec pays Ba�wcr iatezest aa t6e Fands aud applica6le taw pe�s I.eader to make such �;
<br /> ..-. ,...
<br /> .. \`;.'_.�F:S.....% 8 drarge.However.Leader may requine Borrower w pay a ano-tinae�arge for an imdepeudeRt real es�e tax�usdng a�vice .- �__;;::�_
<br /> .:=?�.-��;.�.. ., ased try I.endcr a� curmection with this laaa; unless agp4ie�le law pravides othenvise. i1nlesg an ag�t is made or �::`��=
<br />..:'y�..a-�.�':'rx" ." .
<br /> ��,.�-,�.,,�:�-.��� applicable!aw�uires iaterest to be paid.L�end�sdaA nat be ceqmred to pay Bmmwer any iaterest or�on tlre Fumds. ��'
<br /> '�-{-:r ` �, Bnaowes and Leader may a�e in writiag,twwever.tbat interest sUall be patd on tbe F�mds.Leuder shaU give to Saisaavea, �;
<br /> m .
<br /> .. .,.__ �., �-
<br /> <.: , . •1,��,;°.. �,: �vi�ont c�ge,an aanua!accoanting of the Funds.shoadng c��dits and debits to the FmWs and the ptupose far afiicb ead� -ti:
<br /> ,.�.,v,.,�; .�.._;,; �.,,
<br /> ����r.`-.� , � ,n deisit m We Funds was made.Tbe Fands ace piedged as adduiona!s�rurIty for a11 s�s seaared isy t�is Secaricy I�. E �
<br /> .�; If the Ftmds 6eld Leader acae�d the ammmts e�mitted to 6e held Iicable iaw.tender sbaU acoa�to�Bottuvvet
<br /> � : by P f►Y aFP �,_,'�.
<br />'°``�;`�`;`'�p: ;'•:;':: fos the exce.ss Fnnds in acao�aace wIth the�equireanents of�sticabie I�w.If die amuont of the Faads held by ixader at aay . �
<br /> ... � .: ::,..
<br /> � y t. }� . , � :• time is not sufftciem W pay the E�crow Ite�s cebten due.Leacler may so�nrify Bormwer in wrltinS.aad,im sut�ws�8omawer _ _-
<br /> h-;
<br /> - �' ` sba11�y co[Rnder tde amoani nec�s.gary to msk+e up the de8cre�cy.Sorrowe�shaU mage ap ttre defcd�cyr ia au amre ttmn -
<br /> , :_ , :.
<br /> {`�' : � tvvrdve mo�ly papaeet�,at L�der's sole di�ccet�on. .
<br /> �=k�i'`. „ � -'� ' .
<br /> ....�:,-.... :-. , �. . Upon pay�t in tiill of all sumg seaued by this Security tnsuument. Leader shall prom�dy refund to Bom�wer any �.r=
<br /> '`` ` i-� Fimds held hy I.ender.tf,uadea paragraph 21.Lender shaD acqaice or se11 the Pcoperty.I�ender.prior to the ao�isidoa ar sale _
<br /> `. : �e�} . ��`:t;. of�e Funds beetd b Leader at the aime af uon or sale as a credit nst the s�uns secaiad by � -'
<br /> .-.. .. Praperty.shail appiy aaY t Y �� � �_--.
<br /> _�:4:��.,:•'�:>:'`:- thisSe�ritYlnststaaent• � -
<br /> - '""."��r":;t`-r� 3,q�of�y�ts.Untess appllc�hle law pmvides otiteca+ise.alt payme�s�iv�d by 1�eader aadel parag�'aphs - -
<br /> r�5�.:c:.�._i,:.. : _,.
<br /> �1.: :,, '. 1 and 2 shati be ap�►1iad:5�to a�►Y P�Yme�t c�es dae aadec the Note;sewud.to amaunts payabte nnder parag�aDh 2:
<br /> �:�_;.�,_°;;-�!r - . � -
<br /> ` �� .- thiN,ta iate�est due:fo�is;w priiu;ipal due:mW.last,to an,y late cbarges dae mrdcr tho Note.
<br /> �"j �"` 4.CSsegcs�ideas.Borrower sdall pay ail.taxes.ass�ts,chaiges,fu�es aad'unposltions attri6utabk to tbe prop�ty
<br /> ��_{.�I1' _ . • _
<br /> .....-�1,",E.•_�.��, .abicrb may atta�.�s�priorlty over tHis Seauity I��at�IeasehoJdprtyments or growld teats.lf a�r.Botrawer sbaU pap ----
<br /> ;?�- •#:?:�-;� —
<br /> r.... _•, _� @�abligations in the a�nes pmvIded in paragrap�2.or if aot paid ia.d�at ananner.Ba:rawer sl�al!'pay them oa t{me dlrealY .
<br /> <��<��';�r , ta tlse pelson owed paym�t.Borrower shaU pmmptfy ti�mis�ta Le»der all aotices of snaomuta w be paid�md�tBIs�b.
<br /> _' °�.;�E�•�,:2 . —.
<br /> ;-";�..��:�f�,':,.:�', if Farrawer makss ahese paymenta dic�ttY.8orrawer shaU pmmptly fuinLgb to Icnder�pta evidencing the paq¢�eats.. - -
<br /> -_ .. ,. ,_: Bormwer sha110�P�Y�'Se a�+l�w1uc�t�as prIority over tbis Secmity lnsmimeat unIess Borruwer.(e)aS�s 9n =
<br /> .'_-'�-c=�r-,;;:• �• writ�eg to flte paymeat of the obligatlon sec+ured by the lien tn a manner aoeeptable to leader;(b)conteats ia good faitb the lie� _--
<br /> :?�i^"-''��'`,: , - by.ot defends against enforeemcnt of the ti� in: lega!pmaeedings arh� in�he l.cnder's opinion operate m p:event�tha �
<br /> ,.r'i•`�r�r:,=? ;.:�er
<br /> �� i,� enfare�of the li�:or tc�soci�res from tho hatder of ttise lien aa agree�eat satis�Ctory to Le�nder subardinasing the tien w
<br /> �,�w �: . _.
<br /> :.r°. � •�-: this Secmiry IaStromr�t.if Lender deie�mines tLat aay part of the P�perty is snbj�ct w a Hen whicb may auain�priority ovea
<br /> --°-- --�-"� th�s S�usty I�tsse�t.L�r t�aY give Bflrrower a n�►tioe identifying the Hen.Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or ��'"�
<br /> ��;�� ` '� moze of the s�tions ses t'o»h abqve arlthin 10 days of the giving af aodce. � �"�
<br /> _,�;" �:���.,,
<br /> ���%`.�::.• : • , F�80� 8/fl0 =_-
<br /> . � —
<br /> - vaoe s or e � �,♦:,
<br /> _ f:� ... . r '7'..
<br /> .:���. . _ �r . . �i..�..�
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