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<br />�sG_,,:`��:,�.�_ 2, The guboYdina�ing Creditox t�ereby conseats to the qzant- , �,
<br /> � °<. ' inq by the Debtos to the Secuze8 Pazty o� � tixst li�n tn ali the � �y`.(
<br /> .E� ; __"t
<br /> ° 1 • Coi3atexai 8eseslY� ia gazagzaph 1 of this sabaxa3nation aq�ee- �:
<br /> ::.a:r.=t:•. � :r. '<-:•=
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<br />`z ��°=�°4��`�.`°� ' 3. So iong as aA obiiqation is ontstan�iuq from trie DebLor
<br /> �_;.,.',ti, . 4�. . _ =
<br /> � ,;`�:��',�.:=-�� ta ttee seeured paxty fas tadebLedness eviQenced bx promfssosy ��;.
<br /> . . i s f .w.. �
<br /> � Wotes oz othex i�astsuments of inQebtedAess, tYee secured Party's
<br /> -t� �. •
<br /> - � .<.,<<:��:��,�: latere�t in tbe tollateral sha21 have priosity to the exteat of
<br /> 4,�,c"
<br /> - ��'`1``"�°-�' 4 � �be aut9tanfling obligatian owfng to the Secure8 Paxty by seasoa :t�.�=
<br /> ,,,, �t.: :.r,4f.�..c... ; �-
<br />�=; L.'1'?�...,:.,'��:'s'.�: ' t. �r
<br />_��,_.,,. :_._�_•� , of ttee aDove-mentit�ned Promissosy Ptates or other instr�uaents o Ft,;
<br /> ' `�- z���� ! ' � in@ebtedness avex the lfen of ttne snDos�fnating Credito�r in that
<br /> �f ::.
<br /> :;��� ,r - ca2iateYal, ar.d the Su�orBiaatinq Creditor's fnteses� ia tIIa� � s ,
<br /> ` .-`=�����r��.a:� Coilatezai is, ia al� se�gects, snbiect and suDo�d��ate ta ttze ���__
<br /> �`',�',��'-'���-`�"'�-T ' extent af the obliqatiou outstanding anfl ungaid to the security -�°`'�
<br /> , , y � c. LL.,;,: ;
<br /> �-��`�`���:� �=�= � interest o� ths secvred Pasty, hoveder evi�enced. -
<br /> - .. �y4�.':.7:� . . ,
<br /> �.if_.'� .�ir�+:' ! -� . � . � � . . . ��;
<br /> �� ' : ��:��� 4. So long as any 8cztion of an obliqation !s outstandinq � F�.�
<br /> _� � .:.i'C4 .r:,
<br /> y�•`-_`_�:...�:,:�_!�y " .< ��
<br /> -��� , � an8 unpai�, the provisions of the Moztgage oz D�ed. of Trust
<br /> ° ��`F� ft�etween the Debtor an� the secnre8 Pazty are coaat�o221�g as to �1�
<br /> .....,.�::;':..:�• ,i.�:,i
<br /> `� - �°:;y`�°��• tne Coiiatezal in wh�ch Secured.Faxty is to ttave a fiast security -:4���_
<br /> �'_�.�<:-�-�. -``:•;
<br /> ;�=;�:�:,:,r°:�4:�s<<:� '� iRterest and in all cases in vhich there �s a confliet Qetveen° !C , ._
<br /> _<5,;:.;:v,=.,.-:.
<br /> :�,,4_..,,.;;�_.��-. a,Ad tbe pxavisions of any lsoztqaqe oz ae� og Trust qzaptea Zo. =k:;;=
<br /> ?"`• ': '�''� t�� svbora�nazir,g creaitoz ny tne Debto=. � . � ,,�`_-'
<br /> � �., _
<br /> -.- .r' ._- t; _ ,. . . � _
<br /> �.F �>::f��:., S. � Tbis agseement is a coAtinuiag, absoiute and uaron9i- G -
<br /> �� -'' tional aqteemeat of suboxdiaatfoa vitt�du� zegar8 to ttt�'�lidity ' -: [�
<br /> ;,�.. :.``. � ``• '• os eAforceability of the Psomisscry Nate��oz othez inst��aments of �.. �h_ti �
<br /> � `` `���``'�� indebt+edness betveen the Debtor an�9� the Seaured Paity eviHencinq
<br /> � �' 1 S ,
<br /> - � " �''"° ! sums�due oz documents granttng � seeuri�y intez.est la .th�2 Caxiat- � ' �- :�
<br /> ��- �� ' � eral', isrespec�Cive of the time or or�er o� at�act�ant.�a� .perSea- �"
<br /> '.r., _: .N��<.
<br /> �.°-:k;F;rR�.��:�,� tion oE th� seeasi�y lntexesL 1n. the ColZ�te3al oz tne �zder o� }«__��
<br /> , f121ng tAe DeeBs of Tznst o= Moztgaqes with resgect.ta the L -^
<br /> �,,:.,.;,. C011�t@Ydl• . . , �-c-
<br /> �: ,
<br /> ,r��:�_::,�:`;;.;...�:_ _ --
<br /> t=:;-�:-�:� �-.�i�: ! . . - 6. T1►is Agzee�ent sba13 zemai� in.�v11 force at�d effeet aas� =--
<br /> 2Fa"d... :,�A. ' .
<br /> � _;� ;-� � is b3ndiAq npon tbe Snbasdlnating Czeditor at�� �poa its�.:sacees-. -
<br /> �-� ;�� � .•• �aoss ard assigns, so lcri� as any.�oztion �a� a� ob3lgatt+�n �sa�r� �4 _
<br /> _,z;;, �.. . . e--
<br /> =• ���:- ����:��� • tt�e oebtor to tbe Secu�ell 8asty is ontstanding ari8 nnpaid. � __
<br /> r.�_;:� _ ..,,_ � � ...: .
<br /> . yJ�� ��:.r°':<��t ' . 9�. Th9 SObOia�AdL`�Ag GY8Q1tOZ aqsees tha►��::�t�e px4mi9sasy . .
<br /> ;=.,., ; �
<br /> ���`-R ` ' Notes oY oeAer lust�v�eats of in8ebteaness of tre•.Oebta�:� evi-
<br /> �' denCing the obl.i tion betveen the Debtaz �nd the secured Pazty,
<br /> �.�:.;:, ;.. ;: � ga R -
<br /> =;��,:=: .� ..-�;�:� , may fsom time to time be seneved, extende8, ceo6i£Zed, comgso- . "
<br /> - '�T:�:_i.�" �1 _.�
<br /> _��;�,r��,��,��F .�aised, accelezatef9, settied or seiease8, vitAout natie� tct ar • _ , � �
<br /> ;�, ..�. : , cvnseat by the Subos�inating�ere93tos. -
<br /> .." ' . T�E O HATIONAL BANR OP GREl1� ISLAIiD =
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