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<br /> �L_'L'_i::�C�.tH . _ -
<br /> �„::.•... e �.ASSIGNMEPPI't?%'1.LA5FS.Upon�,ender's tequest.Bome�uer sha11 assigrn to Lender aU leases nf the _
<br /> � Q �.
<br /> ��Itit`�..'::•4d:„�_..' '
<br /> c 4 . , Pmperty and sil seauity deposits made in oonne�un with i�es of thc PropaEy. Upon the assigmme�.L�de�
<br /> �`�i_�_ _'��:`�__ shaU dave the rig�tt to mu�ify.eatead or cerminate the e�risting leases and to execate r�ew teases.in i�ndet's sole � -_
<br /> �" ::"` .r�: discn.Kusa As used Iu tbis paragtapb L3.the wotd••Iease•.shaU mean"subiease"if tfce Seauity instramau is on `
<br /> '_<N��x.F='� " "
<br /> "".._ '.r fi e�C35C�IOTQ 'c,':
<br /> �`''� M-`'� . . H. AS3IG�VMENT OF RB11YrS; APi�OIt�iTMENT OF �ECEiVES: LP.NiI1BLt IN �SSF•SSION. ;;..'.
<br /> _ � Bctm..�s sb�olnflelY and�sionallp a�s's�sttc!uaasfe�ffi L�a}1 t��is ea�revene;es t'`tte�tts'}of :
<br /> �. ..:._�s. ,`�.
<br /> <<< <.-� << the Prope�fij. negardtess of to wiwm the Rents of the Pmperty are �ya6te. Eurmwea a�thos►zcs Lender or, :*c d
<br />,_:.;a._,j;:��-_:_..r . . F�';.
<br /> . . �OdEt S.4&�IItB W M1�ECt ttt@�CAtS.SII�BgiCCS E�f fflCjl t�BTit Of t�IC PlUj�2[iy S�l p3}►i11C�L4 LO�II�J Of
<br /> =���.c£- �.._��?��'.:� `¢,.�'.
<br /> �-�:,s.�`�.°e�� . Leadds aQ�.Howevet.$oROwer s�aU resdve the Rents uatil(i)l.eader 6as give�8onowe,s natiae of d�aa[t
<br />,'�f.::t�';r•'`' L�. " . .
<br /> .�•�:; �t,. � pursoant w Qatag�pb Zl of Yyhe Seauity Inspument and(ii)Ixader I�as givea noUce w the te�aat(s)thai dte R�uts ��-''
<br /> { , Y:.
<br />- _�_EPf-:a . �`i
<br />-- _ -,°�.�°gt �ta bt�aid tu bender or iender's ag��This assigansent of Reats cansdmtes aa ah�re assignment at�t not , '-.
<br /> 3q asst�mt�t tos additiaaal,secaurity only.
<br /> ' �_.
<br /> "�:?� � � If I.ender gives nnttoe o16�ead��w�orroweri(�all Rents�eceived by Boa+av,er shatl be heid by Borrowec . ��`�
<br />:;;:.::-;-,._;:-..„_, .
<br /> � ";��. as trostee for We 6�e�t of i.e�outy,w be apptied w Ne s�ms secured by the Socuuniity lnsd�:C�Lmder � . �<`
<br />- -,-x.. �'°�..:-�� -
<br />,;�_�.._�'.�:,��:,, : sdall be e�titt�ta•coUect mad reaeive a11 of tt�_Rents of the Property;(iii)Borrowsr ag�es t5at ead�te�►t of the °,;�
<br /> ` �. Pt+operiy sh2dl pay all'Reuts dae and artpaid to l.euder or tradei s agents upon�'s wriuea detn�d to tpe.
<br /> �._ _
<br /> - _ -. � teaaa�;(iv)ualess applita6ls taw.provides nWe�s�.afi Rents coltocted Ay Lexider or I�eaider's�shalt tie... �.� , :�c,
<br /> ',u ' appf�ed fiest w thc oosts of taldng wntmf of end managing tke Pm�erty and ooltecting the Rents,inciu�ing.�'� � `
<br /> 13 z �.:� -.�`�. � rwE ti�tit�d to, auoma�rs' fecs. ceceiver's fees, [rrermtrms at� ieceiver's bands. repa�r aad a�cce costs,, � _ ;
<br /> ,�F s r insaran�premiwns,tm�es.assesssicems and other c4arges on We P�perty,and tdeo to t�e smads:s¢cared by the �- �'
<br /> � 'S`` �.�;�` � Sec�ity insaumea�(v)l�ader.Lead�r's age�usos a�►7►judic�allY apPaiuted.teca�shaU be�Sv aupaant for. � �"�-G
<br /> - , _ uv
<br /> -,-�." . ` .z . . .` aa[y thesC Renfs ac�trally received; and (vi) Y.eader st�all 6e emitied tio tiave�.c�aeiver sgpotnted w'taks. , �'===:
<br /> .� z �„ � pos�sioa of�d�tbe Pmperty�and callect tLe Re�and profits derived�Otn the Pt�spetty without any . �''.
<br /> �`:v � � �� .shoac3nng as to the.lnadeguacy of the Praperty as secnriry. ' � • ':
<br /> 0
<br />.,4.,� _;:.. .. If ttte ReuTs of the Fcapercy are nat safficient to�caver the.casts of taldng�omm[of awd managiag th� . , `:.
<br /> :'_",�:.` �� . ' . Arnperty aad�of caRecting the Reuts any fw�Qs expenQed Ay LeaQer for sucd PwPus�s.sball become indc�teduc�s � -.
<br /> u' � � � � � af Bormwer w Lendes secared by the Seauiry Instn�ment pu�soant to Uniforat Ca«,t 7. � ' � r�_-
<br /> ra
<br /> = r , Burrowe�t repmsents and wanauts that Eorrower has not executed atry prior assigrtment of the Rents artd has
<br /> :.. ..,�:�,:�i� , f�...::
<br /> , �,� x , ;�-- , nnt aad w�l not perfa�m any act that y�vauld.pnveiu Lea�der.flana ex�cising its ri�vader this.�arapaph..� . � ;.i;'
<br /> _ ���. Lender.�.Lender's ageats or a judlclally appointed r�eiver.'��ail aut be reqa'tted ta•�r aponr. ta�e • a
<br /> �_ 'y � canbat of osmu�tain the Pmperty before or after glving narice of��h-w Eormwer.Ha�. Leucter.oT , . --
<br /> �f:: � F ;#. II,�nder'�ageras nr a jud�aaltY appointed receiver.may do so at anq dme when a defaNt aoaus.�AaY aPFl�catian.
<br /> �} .., : � .� ' of Re�tts sliait rtot cvre or waive arry defaWt or fivalidate airy cnha right or cerpedy of Lender.Thfs assigmm�nrof >`'
<br /> `� ' • Re�rts of the Pragcrty shall terminate whec�ail fhe sums seaueQ by the SeCqsit�+Inspumeut are paid in fa3L � �=-
<br /> ����_t. �-.�'� I.CROS�DEFI�IILT YItOV1SION.Boriower's defaWt or 6�each uader arry note ar agtaement�n.whIcb = --
<br /> �_�-_�. •�s,
<br /> �_-�:,.a� -_ . � Leadcr has an interest shall be a breach andec dte Sec�rity Jasdvmert aad Leada may imtoke aay�vY tbe remedies � ' , _-
<br /> '°�'_.���'��j � permitted by tlte Semrity Ia�tmment. � .
<br /> �-�"�., . - . HY.SIQNIIIT(3 HELOW. Borradrer aoc�ts and agnees m the te�rs and�pravist6ns contaiiie� in t6is i-4 _
<br />----���;-.�. Fami[y der:
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