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<br /> .,/ . :�:r_'.'�4�;,� f �& y i `�'. 9 ac F'�'�. . � --�-��, - - � 4 x s,� .
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<br /> � �� / . . .'f�-� � � ^ } � � C T'��' $ C '_-.k .'.;�u_ . c 5.�. - ' 9- ��F. , it'� tf., µ ..� \�- . 2 . �t k '
<br /> . iJi,L.•�••••'Ct�,R:.Yt�-l� ._-J= . �Li Y'S.� . _L� �S. JN ��
<br /> �( � � S�y�Ua� Ci � �.__' tC'�'YC" �"^ ' .'>':; i_•.�..��c.� _.���:.� __ _ �F_ S• µ_� _
<br /> i. . .... ' '��..a. ' P �], 't�D'] 5l �
<br /> _ C.� <
<br /> ' -?- :.�.-w
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<br /> ` _ . • �;4..��f ...F�'
<br /> -a r �x .�f� ��� •�`t. �.a��c�
<br /> q c..:
<br /> �#�� •.'� �
<br /> � F�t � y � �.f�
<br /> N r� �•;< `�1,° 17.Traad�o!the Prop�ty or a B�n�d811ater¢st in Borrower.If all ar any part of che Pcopecty or mmy inte�t in it ,. ,�
<br /> �. �� ,., `���; " is sold or trensferced(or if a beaefiaal i�ia Bomower is sold c�r tiansferred and Borre,wer is aot a naturat persan)w►thoat ` r�< . ;:s���,='
<br /> �.. �-: immediate Pa3►meat in ftitl of afl sums serucud by this �z f;:� � �: --
<br /> t 4 ', � Lender's prior written ooasen� L�der may. at its option. coqu�tc ` i ; e x.,
<br /> � �`= `., Security la�aaeat.Howeva.th'ss option shall not be eaercised by Lender if e�rcise is protubited by federal!aw as of the date `� �,
<br /> �` �- '� '�`:��< of tlsis Secuiity tassmment. ' �'`�` � ��� _
<br /> < �°` <�r • It Lrnder eaercises this aption.LxMer shall gn+e Borrower naaice af aooeteradan.The aotice shat!provide a peried of noi , � � `
<br /> .4• ; K• ,. _ ��•k-`
<br /> `�`��•`:t �^ �� less than 30 days from the d�te the notice is detivet�d or mailed within wiuch Borrower must pay af1 sums soaued by tLis b�,.t°.` _1,o ;,�,...,
<br /> -`` r,'r` Security Instnunent.If Bo�wer fails to pay these susns prior to the eapirat►on of this period.Lender may iavoke atty maiedies _ � �
<br /> -,'� � _ witimnt fw�iter notice ar d�nn Bennwer. `�t ;- '�� �:.
<br /> , " , � :;;: pertntitted by this Secutity Instrumrnt _
<br /> er i
<br /> =��:.°r='-�•.;;�"��. i8. �ormwer's Ri�t Ee R�adate. If Borrower m�s cenain canditions. 9urrower sfiall have the right to have �-`�;. ^ . . .::'_,� 1:.
<br /> ; t' enforcement of dtis Seauity Iaswment disoonunned at any time prior to the earlier of: (a) 5 weyr�sate aontai�i this :' -�-�q �r�'`�;
<br /> � � a�►plicable law may speclfy for reinstatement) before sale of the Pmge�ty p�rsuant to anY P°
<br /> `,4�.J Insttament.Those coadiriorts aze that Borrower:(a)PaYg 'k,��'
<br /> `t � -.s�'-� �'sty Instrumem:oT(b)emrY of a j�nt enforciag this Seauity ,,; =<
<br /> k .;� ; �S k ..
<br /> �•, ixn�der sU sams which thea wauEd be due ander tbis Security Imtcument and the Note as J ao accele:auoa had oocus�.tb? .,,. � �..L�,
<br /> `x � z ix der S� ��in enforcing this Se��rity lnst�ament. �- -
<br /> cnres auy defauh of any other oov�or agreements:tc) PaY �. �;� k',
<br /> ,. ; including,but not limited to.reasonable auomeys fees;and(d)takes soch acaan as i.ender may reasom�bly requue w assure � �, �� ` :`} �Y.
<br /> < •.�`� t8at the lien of this Sewrity Instrum��:Lender's nghts m the Property and Borrower's obligation to paY the sums secured by {,� � -
<br /> �` tttis Iacnumeat shall wntinue unchanged. Upon ceinstatement by Borcower. this Securiry �uu�eat and the . •� � :
<br /> r .,� � „ � ,�
<br /> r
<br /> � �'•, y�`_ '�c u
<br /> �� , � obligau'�=ed�[eby shaif re�uain fu11Y effective as if nu acceleratian had oaurred. However,tbis right to reinstate sball
<br /> � y �°;�:. not apply ia the case of acceleration wider parag�aph 17. r arith dris 5e+curity �` 4� °� .�,,3;�� '
<br /> `� y�`::. 19. Sate of Nat� Change oY Loa�u S�vtc�: The Note or a partiai interest in du Nate(togethe '-
<br /> ',C � f�� �t�ffi� 4 (� � y
<br /> be sold one or aione dmes without prior aotfce tn Borrower.A sale may resnit in a change in the emitp(Imowr►
<br /> w
<br /> �. -� �r;�;� as the"Lflan Seivicer"?tbat coller.ts mom6ly paym�u dne�der the Note and Ehis Serurity Instrurnent-T6ert also may be one ' r �t r,F�`�„ .
<br /> '"-° °' or more changes of the I.pan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If there is a change ot the Loan Servicer.Borroara wil!be � � ,
<br /> _��_- :�_:f.:��-�.;-�.�:: givea wriuea nouce of tde change in acoordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law.The notice wiIi state the name and -.: _ :` ,
<br /> , � . shouid 6e made.'E'he notice adtl also cantaia any ot6er �
<br /> �.: address of the r►ew Luan Servicer and the address to which paymenis Q --�-�---�
<br /> � } ;'�: information required bY a�lica6le!aw- � r : ,�:
<br /> r� ' ' 20.Hararda�Snbstances.Bomower shall not cause or pe�mit the pnsence.use.disposal• storage.ar release of any
<br /> � �� : �= Hazardous Sabstances on ar ia the Propeety. Borrower sl�at! not do. aor allow mryoae dse to do. $nythm affecda the ` :_
<br /> ``=�+,�'� Fioperty tteat is in violatiaa of any Euvimnmental Law.The ps�ding twa sentencea sball aot apply to the�esseaoe.�se.or ;< `y j �;7;5,�=
<br /> :--=---�:`;=��. storage on the P�ape�ty of smal!qua�c�es of Hazas+dans SubsEaieces�at are generally rerngni�d to 6e appmpriate to nomml , :�v _ �„�,;�_
<br /> '` t ` ``` msidential uses and w cnauuenance of the t�vperty ��
<br /> �``,: Borrower shaU pmmptty give Leader writter notice of any investigation,claim.demand.lawsuit or otUet actianby atry ` �
<br /> � . c.� -�yi�,`._;:, -
<br /> . .,:`'. ovemmental or n�gulatorY eSen�Y�r P��O�Y involv�ng the Property and any Hazardaus Substence ot EaviroAmerrtai law �r �" ���h
<br /> � overmnental or regatatoiY autho�ity.that ...., �,, � -
<br /> :�5;.`�.;..;,:'�. of which Borrower has actual knowledge.If Boirower leams.or is nuti5ed bY�Y S .:. . .
<br /> � t, r: . .:.' �4� ��
<br /> `-: ,:";:., any removai or other remediadon of aay Hazardous Substance affecting the Prope�ty is neccssary.Botrower shaU pmmptiy take
<br /> � �<' � -��- al!neressary rem�ial actimfs in accordance with Envir+omnental I.aw. r .`•: '-`
<br /> `.- .:� �: ��t�
<br /> f '° h 20. "Hazardous Snbstsuces"are thosx sabswnces defined ac to�dc or hazardous sabstanoes!s3° �, �
<br /> , . <<•a• As used in this paragiap . „� �.',
<br /> r��• � Envimnmental l.ew aad the foltowing substances: gasoline, kerosene, othes ftammable or wxic petroleum pmducts. to� ' .
<br /> �i:.�nis^.ti•c�a�.,.�'r.'`.::i ��f rf'. LL C �'�
<br /> '"� � � ="t �sticides and Aetbicides.volati[e s.�lveats,materials camainiag asbestos or format�9de,snd ra�oaqive materials.As ased"m ���_`..� , �:g}
<br /> �t���F ;�• y,, ;?�:�� thts paragrapb ?A. 'Ei►vironntental Law" means federaf laws and iaws of the jnr�ctiction where tde Property is located that •�,'':�j ...__ j�_
<br /> �:�'r.�.. ,�
<br /> relate to health,safety or c�ronmental ptotection. ,. ,•.: . �'_
<br />`.;_r;:;r��; �• • .. NON-tTN1IFORM COVBNANTS.Borrower and L.cader further cavenanc and ag�ee as follows: • "��
<br /> � ' ", ` Zl.Acce4�atton:Rearedies.Leader s6an�e natice to Bomuwer prtor to aaeleatton foltawing Borrowe�s b� '.: Y�::�r,�p�.
<br /> •`�.E..,... :;f.,.�. 1T ant�s J.� .. ,Ym�,;.
<br /> . ;,:.��.::?... of any oaveaant o:ag�+eement in tl�is sea�ritq ia4teament (but aot i►rior ta aooelera�Ton�ac� �aph
<br /> �_,,,. .. w cm+e ti�e deYaolt: ,s,;.. �j:
<br /> .. appticabte Iaw psavtdes oWerwlse).The nMice shaU s�ed�: (a)t�e defenl�(b)the action�q�d . � _
<br /> � `�' (c}a dale►ant 1�than 30 days Pr+um t6e date elee nottre is given to Bor►�wer,6y wbtch the defaWt musf be cueed3 ana ��v_�-
<br /> ��` ..` (� tLat faitar�to c�ue the defautt an or Uetore the dat�spedited in the nottce may e�esott tn aoceleratiaa of the sams ��+�m-
<br /> �<'� secut�tl bY�ds$eavth►Imt�rameat ead sale o!the Propeety.�e nottae s1�D fta4ber iaPa�n Batrawer o�the rtg�W �,��,
<br /> -,:-----�=„�. .��:.�� _���--
<br /> , .:�::`: :-tz�' �tnstate aRer socele�ian an8 the s�2t to 1x�ag a�urt a�on to sss�t the nu�eslstea��ot a ddanIt or aWr a'�
<br /> . ;. r......;
<br /> `�};�;f= ',:;=i_� defease o!Bormwer to�esatioa mcd saie.If the default is aoi caued on or before the date sp�iPd ia the natic� __-_-
<br /> « ``,`• :;s,, �.cnder.at tts n�tiun,n�p s�qmre imntaUate payatent tu fWl of'el!sams s�+ed 67 this Se�It9�t v�tthoat __, _ -
<br /> ,�,f`... ` �:;. f�fher deman0 aad may iavake We.power of sate and aay other r�edi�p�mttt�l Dy appltcabte 1aw.Laader sh�B Ite �
<br /> ° , , �� e�itled to onttec!aU expe�cs incntred in gmsning the rem�tes p�vlded ia tAig yazag�L Z1,indadin�bat nat 15mlfed
<br /> �,:; :�it to.�opab7e attoraeys'ices�d costs of titte evidertce. ,= _
<br /> �,.. IY the paiver oY sale is iuvoke�,'i'�tutee s�elf e�cotd a nottce ot defautt ia eacA cannh►in w6icb aaq paet ot tP�
<br /> '�r � II3v p E r t y is�ocated and sLa11 mail copiea of sttch aofloe in the meaner presrri6ed by appficabie law to Bormwer ar�t� �" �`��-
<br /> �'a.:: 1ZC II0�00 �er; ,
<br /> ' . �e otb��eersons pres�ibed�y ap�llcable law.After the time reqWeed n y applicabte taw.7leastee shaD g i v e p a t► -
<br /> ��i� of saie to the persoa9 and in t�e manrter p r�b e d b y ePD�b i e t a w.T�t����dea�and on Bor�wer.shaU srll � �,�� _ �,:
<br /> r ` : ',.;�, {tte Pmpeirts a!pnbllc aadioA to the Wg6est biddex at the Wae and p1ace at�d aader ibe terms d�te�In the nottce oY _:_ u ,-
<br /> ,;; - sate in one as more parcets and M any osder Tructee ddcm�ia�.Teustee m$y postpone sate ot a91 or any paroel of the ;''�.�,�'',��� �:
<br /> '�!' � �F�Y bF Pflblic annoancement at the time and place of amy pnevtously sc6edaleA saie. Lender or its dest�ee cnay ;: .`�;:v
<br /> � �_.., �•.
<br /> .,•: _ pm,chase the�+operty at any sate. �+;�w,;���;i:, , .
<br /> ` •.,:�.:.,':.;: ..: ; �
<br /> .�' '., . . ��. . yi...
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