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<br /> _ .�-�Ac-i'-��<-- . � .�:' � i..t_ ra- t� y s 3`�er .,2a�.""'�""___ �4, ,�r'_ y__c:_� �.:F i' �._.,.�..-. �"Y .
<br /> .r ,I' 1: -'• -a . F'- .,L„ �i.� � '""'� � f�.. �4� -r. .. �f.;r E_ _ ... j`
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<br /> F r�}t� f-��� . . r �' ..-a�`y, -� �-:--.
<br /> .fe �a ��� ���. t�5— ����t�� x�,. ��_ <.� � j.
<br /> i�sl,:_y �'.
<br /> " " executed fo:the p�e of creating.seatting or guarantyjng the Secured Deb�A good faith bellef hy i.ender that ` � " "��
<br /> `"" ���` �
<br /> ` k � �,�` �;.._ ��t any�n6 Lq itu�re wit6 nesped to any p�rson or enttty obligated on the Seaued Debt or Wat ttee pmspect ` f
<br /> '''� °��`' of aay paymeat or the valne af tite Property is lmpaired shall alsn c�onstitvte an event of defanit ti � `���` 'J
<br /> � �..� L J
<br /> �
<br /> : `. };; . � .: l5. RENY�D�3 mPi DEFi#171.T.In some iastanses,federal aad state taw w�11 requue Lender to provide Crranior w�h >
<br /> t .:: .� M;� notioe of the right to cure os otEter notices and may establish tim�schedutes for foreclosnre ac6ons.Subje�w these `: � ,;`> �
<br /> . - ;-; l;mitatio�.if any.Lender may accelerate the Secured Debt and foreclose this Security Instmment in a manner � : '' �; � u_.
<br /> � piOVl�Cd by�lW�CiT�iiOf fS FR$Cf3ltlt. �h 4 r, '�
<br /> � � � At the aption of I.eader,ati or aay parc of the�ci fees and charges•acerned interest and prinsipal shaD become ,, �-
<br /> �_%T�-; ' irnmediatety due and payahIe,after giving not'sce if reqtrired by law,upoa the occc�rrence of a default or aaytime o-_��.��� .`
<br /> .y� '. 4 �-`�;:• thereafter_ In addition,i.ender shaII be entitted to all the reme�pmvided by law.the terms of the Secitted Debt, j �.s g ..
<br /> r � �..��: tki,,Security Insinttneas and airy related documents.inc�udiag without limitatian,the power ta sell the Property. .�
<br /> � �-•.`._.. ,-: If theie is a default,Trustee shall,in add'�ian to any otiter permitted remedy,at the request af the Lender.advertise �-=� � -
<br /> 3 � �• `�� '
<br /> �-.� � ' ; � �t
<br /> .t:_ and se0 th�Froperiy as a whole or in separate pameLs at public auction ta the highest bidder for cash and convey � �y ;�F F Y
<br /> � �'-�'- a�somte t�e cs�e and cfrxs ai xu ebg,1k rure aaa iauxesc af Grda►car at sexh time a�g�as T�a�. . �
<br /> A� ;�����,�Y b,�;� � Trastee shaII gi++e aotice af sala�nd�►ting the tune,tesms and place af sale and a description of the property to bie soid 4� : � �� >>``
<br /> ; ,-., �, ��T.;°� as Tec}uired 6y the a�plica6le law in effect at the tune of the proposed sate. � '�' �^�th f-
<br /> -- ��`'s;�+:,__;:`r:: Upon sale oi the property aud to the eatent not pra3u�sited by taw,Trastee shaII m a ke aa d d e f i ver a d ce d t o t h e P r o p e r ty �-s` ;`�;.�°, ,�'�. �`�1 ��.
<br /> z.? ``- so3d which comreys abso[ute tide to the piuchaser,and after fitst PaYing aD fees.chaTBes and cost.�,sha11 pay to Lxndcr alt < „�_ -� ?�iF�;r
<br /> ° moneys advancxd for repaiis,taxes.insuranoe.liens,assessments and priot er.c�mbrances and interest thereon,aitd thc f� � `-��"�
<br /> �� -" L� �`� P��P�and intereestt on the Seciued Dsbt,Pa7+inS the stuPlus.6f any.to Grantos.l.ender m�y purchase the Prnpcny. ��,d �, ;_ '�" `
<br /> ' u t, r [ £ ,,,
<br /> Zy, The recitats in�ny deed of rnnveyance shall be prima facie evidrace of the facts set farth thcrein.
<br /> �''-.-� .yn!4 4 ..5�' ' . ' _
<br /> AH semedies are distinct,cumulattvc and n�t exciusire.artd the Lcrsdcr is entiiled to all remcd'sea pmvided ut!aw or �`E' � " �� �_
<br /> , ° c: ��� ,1�. equity,whether or nat expressly sc►furth.'Fhe ucceptancu by Lc.nder ut any sutn in payment or parlia!payment on the ���: � -P�-��-
<br /> ��� Secured De bt a ftcr t h�ba t s incc is du�ur i s u c c e t e r n t e d a r a t t c r f a r c c l o�u r e p r a c e e d i n g s arc fited shall not canst�tutc a ' �• v L fi``--
<br /> t
<br /> t I .,.,r .; waiver af l.cndci a right to reqnire somplctu cure of any existing Qctautt.By rtot execc�sing any r�eme dy oa(}rus�tcn's = '� �"`��`
<br /> `�• "� � deiautt,Isnder daes not wuivc l.ender's rigttt w latcr cnnstder thc avcnt a defautt it it condnuea or happens ugain. -< �. . �
<br /> - + -� 16► ElIPENSLSi AOYANCES ON COVENANT3i A'f'�OEW�YS' FEES;COU.G.LT10N COSTS.Ezccpt w�en • ,�'u'-
<br /> .�,�. ,(.u.`.':;' ` —_�
<br />. �'` : probibite@ by law.Gtantor agrees ta pay alT o!Lcndcr's cxpenses if arantor breaches any covenant ta this Securlry -�'��r-r .. .-
<br /> , ,: � ��g�r 1,�.�.,; ' � .;�::...
<br /> - .�. ,:�:.` tnstruaten�(irantor wtU atso pay on demand any amount incurred by I.ender for iasurinS•�� S� : a:,-:-- ,x:.�
<br /> '-,',."�J``W�.,a`'t.` atheswise protecdng the Property and Le�tder's sect�r�ty iateres�7't�ese espenses wW bear ireterest from t6e date aY k;;�� :,� :,�-.
<br /> te n
<br /> '" � ����'��.' ttte paymeat tmtil patd in full at the highest intesest r.►te in eifect as provided ia the tern�s of the Secured DeM. u .� , ,�,�
<br /> ° ' �.<`` '.: Grantor agEces to pay aU costs and ezQenses incurred lry Lender iu callect�ng.eaforc�g or protecting I.ende�s rights
<br /> ' '�`� and rem�dies undet tt�is Security Iasmunen�'It�is amoum may indude.bm is not timited w,suqmeys'fees,court :+:r'"_�r ',{ �
<br /> '.`'.+� .,,;a.. casts.and other legal expenses.This Security Inmument shall rema�in effect una'I reteaged.C.rantor agrees to pay p.`,,_ ��s �y ::
<br /> :-a ;;`: foranyrecordatioacosts of such retease. '- � �,`.
<br /> ,� `:;• i7. �RONMENPAL LAWS AND HAZAttDOUS SUB3TAI�TCLS.As used in this sr,ction.(1)Eaviraamenfai taw ��, ;L3 ,
<br /> �.•r'•,:.�. .:,.�',;;•�' means,without Untitation.the Comprehensive Environmental R onse.Corapensation and Liability Act(CERCLA. "�"` � -
<br /> �p ..�,�.; ,t�_x:;
<br /> _ � .'�:�,, 42 US.C. 9601 et seq.),and atl oWec federal,state and local laws,regulauons.ordinances.court orders,attomey : _�•. : :;,
<br /> general opiaions or interpretive letters cancerning the public hea1W.safety,welfare.environmeat as a hazardotts f ;
<br /> '���� substance;and(2)Hazardoua Sahstance means any toxic.radioactive ar hazardous material,waste.poAnt$nt or ' �i
<br /> - contaminant wluc6 hag chancteristia which render the substaace dangemas or potentiaIIy dangerous to the public :���'��:
<br /> i'..
<br /> ,��; heatth,safety.wetfare or eavironaee�'Thc term include�arithoat limitatlor}.any substances de5ned as"hazardous �?j. �--�c
<br /> "•�: A18te.I�s�'�QR1C SI1j3S�2ACES�n�s�lffiAI(IOUS W83�C„OI°hazardous snbstance"llAdCI A11j1�IIVIIOAIIIeA�jAW. ' �+�i'�,�'r:'��"
<br /> � , • . -
<br /> ; �;: {• GrantorrepreseDts,war�aatsandagreestha4 —
<br /> ,,�,� ' A. $xcept as prevtousty disclosed and ackuowledged in writiag to Leader,ao Hazardons Substance is or•wIIl 6e - �
<br /> � :�;� tacated,stored or released on or in t��Property.This rgstrictian does not appty to s:naU qnantttie�of _ _
<br /> _ _.:�.,.,,�.:.:.;,.�;;:, Ha7arduus Substauces that are generaUy recognlzed to be appropriate for ttte normat use aud mair►tenaaae oY ---___- -
<br /> � . the Properiyt ��
<br /> � ;' .. � H. ExceQt as prevlousty disclosed and ac�owledged in wridng w Leucter.Ci�anwr and every tenant have been,.a�;�. • =.;� -
<br /> �r
<br /> '' ' and ahall remaa�u�fuq comptiance witH any appl�cabte Em+uonmenta!Law. ,��<<��'
<br /> � ��� C. Gfantos sha{l innnediately notity Lender if a release or threatened release of a Ha�ardous St�bsta�ae�oocuts an. , ��d� ���-
<br /> . . L. �, . �u` 74.E`L � n�
<br /> �•.. << ,`��-� mader ar abaat the Propesty or there is a viotation of auy Envlrnnmentat Law conceming the Praperty.In such J;�a r r+����^"+��F
<br /> �' an event,(3rantor shall take aU aecessary remedial acNon in accordance aritb any Enviroimaentai Law: .<<., -> >��
<br /> �.: — D Graato=ahall immediately noi�f�+ Lender in writing as soon as Grantor has reason W bel�eve there is at�y �� ' °'4�-r_
<br /> ,..::.';�....:. .":-;; pending or threatened imestlgation,cisim.or proceedtng relating to t�e release or tlue�tened re2ease of afly T ` `�.• '.F �,: •��
<br /> :,;•:,:� Ha2ardous S�bstance ar We violation of any Environmental Law. .
<br /> 18�, CONAEI6RNA'1i01d.(3rantos will give Lender prompt notice of any pending ar threatened action,by pdvate or : � ', •.., s:.
<br /> �' .� public entides to purchase or take any or all of thc Property tluoug6 oondemnation.eminenr domain.or any other �•` � �`:
<br /> - ' ' means.Cirantor authorizes l.ender to intervene in orantor's name in any of the above described actions or claims. '� "'
<br /> ' � . " Grantor assigos to l.eader the proceeds oY any award or c�alm for damages conaected with a eondemnation ar ottter
<br /> :�'' , taiaingof aU or any part of 7he Froperty.5ucU praceeds sha11 be considered payments and wiU be apptied as pravided in , ;.` . ;.; :� .
<br /> .` -��'�; ehis Security tnscrument.'TWs assignment of proceeds is subject to the terms oi any prtor mortgage.deed of tnut. ..;. .;:- .
<br /> , � �'- securlty agreemeat or utTier 1Ien.document. : z .;
<br /> � � �. 19 INSUltANCL.(i:anwr shaU keep Property insured against loss by Cre.IloaQ theft and other hazards and riska . , .;' .. E :.
<br /> `� � �' reasonably associated a+ith the Property due to ita type an d tocat ton.'I h i s;nsvrance s h a l l be m a in t ai n e d i n t h e a m o u n t s
<br /> '� ��;>� and for the Qedods that Leader requires.'Ihe 9nsurance carr�er providing the insnrance shall be chosen iry�rantor �� �_ ��
<br /> �� � ��: �;; subject ta Lender's approval.which shall not bo unreasonabty withheld.If Grantor[aits to maintain the caverage .,��.��..,,. �s= ...:-
<br /> �::� ..' :,
<br /> -''•��= desctibed absve.Lender may.at l.ender's option,obtain wverage to protect L.ender's aghts in the Ptoperty acoor d ing
<br /> to the terms oY thls Securiry Instrumeni. �� ; ,
<br /> ,. �` ' '�' qll ingurance pollcaes and renewats shall be acceptable to Lender and shall include a standard"mortgage ctause"and: -
<br /> �: where appllcable.°toss payee ctause."Grantor shatl immediately notity Lender of cancellation or tern�inatinn ot the '
<br /> :'� � < inaurance.l.ender shall flave the right to hotd the poHcies and renewals.lf Lender requires.f3rantor sha8 immediatelSr •: {:•
<br />- `�" �, give to l.ender all receipis of paid premiums and renewal notices.Upon lass.Grantor shall give immediate notice to �r °-
<br />-= ' th�insurance carrier attd Lender.L,ender may make proof of loss if not made'vmne d iate ly h y Gtantor. - � � ��
<br />:k .
<br />- •.i��. __' '_��.-
<br /> . .---` _- ....-._..
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<br /> .` •
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