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<br /> �{�la
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<br /> . . TI11�OtS a���� rs� � c �- .
<br /> �"' "� f� �. 'i�e Bea�Y�lr.t�t shan 6ave nu obhg�on�do�� �cn �
<br /> �j �t� J,,,,.w�w�e�1p �}�y�.�l�d Q�t� ����' �'�II���� kh w`,dc `�� t� ,�r-
<br /> r S�E .et.i �M �7'��4W�7+�'7�l�'�"� � �t,,,�1 ��.,�,��g�{f - ; ..
<br /> �r�f.t�� � �'rB�7�������5��'T�_�_�,,��arau���,,,„�,���� �wa��� G �' a�.- S�c c: <fr t:�:
<br /> "e4t -I- az �COQIQC�� ��� � � � Il0 mClw'd� uavaa'+7 �C'di 115C n+']"""b
<br /> is :. � r �Rzt =
<br /> �' aad authositY�S��°���°�Tmst to ooltect the�eats. ` , ` . �
<br /> �� =t �s fa-' 7. �lC�����^�'' �IOC�(�II Wl[�1 OI WltQlOUt 1'�UT1$�II Qf�C pIQ�1Cily K� a. ;` F �4
<br /> , h ,�. ,�` ,�,;. issaes and pmfns of the p� i'"°".'". ��ctt tems.issues at�profits to tHe be�eftt�ary• k �- . .?�' :
<br /> "° < '' ��r•apd'ltustuts 1t�Y ahwtute�Y and ttn+oonditio�lly as�iga
<br /> S'a h �
<br /> { '� �q3ip.1109PCVCi.Z[Ci�p OObSCIIiS W�NSWIS�00���Q��!tCQ15.LS9/CS 8IId QYQf LS.SQ������ � `-� �"� � �'�
<br /> � �'�' Og ffiy III����,Of 111 ITtC� �_ 'r _ 'E -
<br /> � not,at sach tim�in de�uit with r�L0 Pa9� to t6is Deed of Tmst shatl have oaaared and�e oontimsin8,ihe -� , - •� , _
<br /> k;"����':.�`� �. If aay�veat o f de�n1�desan'be���� �T�tsrs,and withaut cegard ta tbe eaIae of t ,`t`{ 4
<br /> � � ,� r- g�q,as a ma�r d rig6t and witbovt notioe to Tmstms or aayone ctaim�g � arnttt havin8���PP°�g '_ , Z(er
<br /> 1��'`- � the i�e�cst�the Tmsto�s ther�o's�II Lave the rigta agPiY �9 _ .,�� _ „_;�z_
<br /> aRte� �}�y ��> 5
<br /> lPf 4 'r. rK vl C'i•• ���• � Os�r aliva��r^�W��j ��^-'.�--��V•�M 7 ����LWiY+�� � ' - 1 1 - rv+
<br /> 2
<br /> 4 �� f �. ��1� �rjr �/�J���{YGW1fJ�WV����� yr L�Y t .
<br /> � . �
<br /> -y f t� _, ��Sffa�Q�$�i7L4!Yl�� i'��`� o- ..' �t � �� 3 _
<br /> ��r...�
<br /> �`ni ` 2 ti"�:. 2U��03I����T� �T�IS IS��.a3A�0I�Ci C�IIIAbC[C�Wt�O�111C W[it�CD -g' `-� � ''.
<br /> f 9. If all os aaY Fart af the P�Y or�Y�all sa�seaued bY ti�s Ttn�Q�d w be immediatetY dne��Ie and , : � `�` �' ;
<br /> � Y� pp�df iI1C BCtt�if9rys L11C��Y �h�iD. i•'"'' y .��r-
<br /> ,nr ti r r.� t0 the I2me,dies ava�b2C to it uRdrJ thC ddanit provcs�ans oo ..
<br /> L, �„ , d,
<br /> � -" • >V>.� p t�Of the f0lta�vwg e��1 be deeu�ed 2U e�ue�af d�mtlt hecenIId��ffiEtest Or a�oth�StuqS Se�ed haebY� �r . ° ,�� -
<br /> � * �''� �. T�s sfiaU have failed to makc pa9m���Y�°f p�� �•� �� r� -
<br /> .� �, � �. � _
<br /> l f
<br /> e,:'
<br /> � ' ; ,, b. 'l�eoe Las ocaared a bsear�ot or d�u1i undec anY�i in�t seaued Le�Y'. p�� � � s��'.� �';,;,�.,�
<br /> � ' ,-. af T�3,the note os a�nY -
<br /> ' : ' Y +,��.��;, �azraniYe�ia tbis Deed � or smys�qnent li�aenwmbrance ia r�w aIt ar an�► �,'�, � �"
<br /> "�«; c. 't'�e has�en a defauB bY the Tn�s in tLe pa9me� �Y P�' f ::
<br /> ��• � �Ive� or sUall nta�e�t } `� �
<br /> of tbe QraPeriY: a�udic�d�Ft
<br /> � �I d? S�I bC � ' b r -
<br /> �<• ` . �::�,^- a Tmstms sha11 fite a v�9 �°'° 1° w the gsoperry;o�an acaan oo enforc�auy uenor en� i� ;; � ..�.
<br /> - � z`;` assi�fort�ebe�taf��►� � ; ,,, n•:
<br /> ' , +�.�'� e�t tLe prope�9����� �;�q��ed hereby tn be due and��pabte aad @�e sa� ,- -
<br /> � , �
<br /> �. , ' + -
<br /> - -/-..� -` �. TII�lCC11CQ1����C��y ��OIIIOtICC���11d' �r :,4 JF � ;_,
<br /> .�'r S�`'-"}.,s S��Onbe�omed�te�tlgdyable��YP� theBCUdta�Y �"' v �. .S .
<br /> � ;
<br /> -� `�." �,�,*,� 8 Comlt AU� ' a�' ;
<br /> Sr_ � OI�000�1A�OI�I�°j'p""'Y"'� � � c; " -
<br /> �.��n p�t�aun or by ageni,arth ar withoat briaSiaB�ta�¢ osses�a�of the psapett9,oz a�►y�t�i�►its awn ,�� ..
<br /> r:Y1' wiS��pt�r�acd to the adeqaas.9 a��7�i�•eaier�� P����� to pteg�xpg the c�e, - r - ,. ` �
<br /> 'u t •P r
<br /> . r
<br /> ,
<br /> ' na�pC �i�i ttte name of t�e T�+ �a0�oT iat�st t�•i�ease the inCGme t��D��� ';�- '� `k�;
<br /> X �- �,'� �aad,aithatit tak�8 D�on�the pioDettS►,sae fo:or otbecwis�oo]Iect tlie tenta,issaesand pm8is ih� `�r . ��
<br /> n�, ,. �aad aa�. ia�tn� . �; �'
<br /> - �g t�ose past due and ac�d.and appiY��less oasts m1d expeas�s �� _ --
<br /> :R '; .. fees►�► �s��Y•all in sns�oider as the�ciazY�� T�e°f�S� .,:. �Y
<br /> ` ` ' � � of sacb rents.issues �roSits tiw�on thereof as afo�d :} �
<br /> � ;�,:_ estate.the ooltearon ents. �nse w sach d�anit� J �','�
<br /> - . �.,�i:�; and ta�u$�II���t o s n a t i c e o Y d e f a u U hes�n�e�oi im�a�date anY a�and ia - ��_ -�.-
<br /> .;:` . .:.� sS�aU not corze�or w�ive a�►'Y�p}� �����y���qUie prqpescy iar t he eo II e q ton,r e�1 y t .a:,'=`-
<br /> � r � � 'RS ��LID4W��flW�� 1l�GlY4��LO��oJ•,����7 I{Yi'��Lfi __ .
<br /> Y':� r tj �`t0$(Ce02C��� _
<br /> �f � -i .. BA�IIpQ�8110A0'�I�CIII9.LSSItG4d?���CYCa1Q$����fI�1�0� '1�'pOR�fQ�B�d', .; — --_
<br /> �- '' Otth1�Iaan 1asq�dS0=�3►teW irpon a�Y���y�anY a�the ' ���,; - - -
<br /> - :{=���` t Deed af 7'tast as a�9��DD�� .
<br /> 1"�: b, aommenae aa asxion W fatectavse tDis =� _
<br /> . � �F: �n�
<br /> � �� � e. ae�v�er w 7�nstee s wrlaea aec�ar�on or a�1t a�o aemaae ror sata a�w wrmea�1ae o4 a�it a�A et�to caa� ,
<br /> �`� � no�ae Tmstee shaU ca�s to be d�ily 51ed fos ieoor4�o�[e afficjaY reour�s ���`.
<br /> ;, ,�,��t�t in the�p,mperty to be so2Q wLic� ,;�� �:=--..
<br /> -��' � n' W I�LL Yv�"J lL'"_'_ �• � "� ����j Uf D�L�r LL�iiY+Wl1�i���""7 �1�.�� �a�`T� �`''.
<br /> ' �, $fi0��t�B B�LC�C�Y fOSf�i'd0 bY � �g�eVIdCItCO'Q�� S��d ;� �_:;::�::`'•:.��,`..
<br /> _�, a�e st�u ae�e�n r��n�a�a T��a ce�nor�� �ro .;.- , >�
<br /> ,�,; �,��of t�e se�5�•the Trost�shau c�se to be tecoiaed,pn6liah��eetivece�
<br /> -.�;�...�r leere�p as 1'mstee maY re+t� taAr atW by tbis Deed of Tinst.lYnstee shaU wIthont demaa� `�'` -
<br /> . to T�n�tor sach Nadoe aYD�fanit aa�1 Notioe af Sate a4�aad��dation of snch Notue af DefaWt and a8er Not�ae af Sale ��,
<br /> n ...
<br /> ,� -
<br /> . -�� �' o a 7Yustar,after sacb dme as may then l�ieq�n�ed bY t a o o af sale fixeA D3+n m sacL Notioe of Sa1e,dther ag a � �_ � �.
<br /> �'":}',° ;':;�; � ���as�equired by taa�,setl the pmPe�ty at the tlme�1 p .
<br /> or itemas as Trastae sha11 dee�expe�ea�.aad in snch order as it may detetmin�.at Dnbl� ' ` ;
<br /> ,s � ��;_x-, who2�oI in s�e tats or parcels teu to such p w rcbaser or piuchasers thereof a deed w the proDertY so14 oonslsteat � ` ':: . .
<br /> � aoctlan w I h e h�g�s►M d d e�f o r c�b a n d s h a 1 1 d e l i v e r ase
<br /> ' �.� �`�- aUb th�law thea iA eBea. R�ls in the Tzastee's d�d sAaU be psima fade e v�Q e m o e o f t h e t m W o t t h e��W e c e i n. '
<br /> ::.3�,, oitho s�1e in the fo�owing order:(e)w aU r�asoaab2e oosts and��the s�e,indadi�8 but , : ,.
<br /> - - = Tmstee s�a 1 1 a y D���°O'� sale ptioe.t e a s o n a b t e a t t a r n e Y f e e s a n d a o s t s a t.dtle evldeno�(b)m all °.
<br /> ; '_ ,_,;. :,. than 2%of thg ::,...,. .„ _
<br /> :._ ` . t�t W�ted to T:ostae's fees ai act mase � m t emitted thereta AnY F� ' A �,
<br /> s� `; : sums seatted 1ry tLls Decd ai Tn�sl:aad(c)ths excess.�8°3�•to We pezsan 0�� e� �y sale af a11 �
<br /> ' �hase a�d propertY at sa�d sate. Tiwtee maY in the mannet ptoWQed bY � :.o
<br /> � :: , inclindiag t�e 8�n�da�Y.�Y D� � . .` ' :
<br /> : ,.. .. �, :�,,:ss::` m any pmtion of the pml�estY• to enforce Fayment and De�f°t°�°e°f aa�'�ndel�tedness oa :;, '' ; , :�
<br /> `��� � ��`. ;:.`�. �� 1�. Tmstee auA tDe Beueflclary•aad e�ch of them.shall be e�itled ._ :,.,....�:.",:_:
<br /> � ` obBgatien seaued heiebY an�to acerclse ari d8hts and Oawers�this Deed oY Tnn1 or nnder atry laen lnstroment as olher f',. ,
<br /> �� '�; some or all of We ind�tedaess aad obllgatimts s�n�ed hereh7+ -.
<br /> , �. .. ..�:� c: e� aow or hereafter �oroed notwith5taading �of teust.p2ed�o. licn, assigameat or othctwlsa ;-�`"=;_:-�_
<br /> ', � . ��� securcd,��rhether bY mon8a&0• t w the power of sale ar mDer
<br /> ,. �'�-�:�` : of this Deed of T�nst nor its eud'oraemenl.whether bY om�r1 adion or pmsnan .�`
<br /> Ndtter the soc� oe or ip a�►Y maflner affeet 7Yustee's or the Beneflsiatyrs d8tit m real�ze upnn or enforae aay , , :``
<br />_ � �'' � pewers Lerein oonta�od.s�all Pt'el� T:ost�or the BeneBcla�'• it being agceed t�a1?rustae and the BeneBdazY• and eacb of � . _ . ;
<br /> � other s�uity now°r neceafte�1�d�5' otber sec�ritq noar or herea8er hetd by the BenefldatY or Trnstee in :
<br /> . ecea er
<br />- ,,.e �,. them,shaU be ent1Q�to enfarce 1Lis Deed of Trust aad a�►Y or r�red w Tnutoe �`� '`��
<br /> , ,. ia their absolute discrpion d�ermine. No remodY hec�in aonfetred npon ' ':f
<br /> =`-� . sa�C ard�a�!m�nner as they maY h��{yy�r;g�s�ot�,tntt�h shaU he cumulaUve --- — ._
<br /> ' : ',:`, or BenefidasY is i�ended to be excluslve oi anY ather remeds' or sratute. Bvery
<br /> - . .. . �` and sbaU be in additioa to everY other rea►odY gi�1���or no�v or hereaRer existing at 1aw or eqniry bY . , ; r,.,
<br /> em T�nstee or �' ' �'
<br /> � � ; ,�;f� o r r e m e d Y g i v e�b Y�Y�the loan inswmems to Tmstee or the 8enefcciatY or to which either of them maY bo otherwise •
<br /> t � �_ or independe�alY•from Wne to time a n d as o ft e n a s m a Y b e d e e m e d e x p o d i b Y c. •',•
<br /> P� -
<br /> .,, � entitled?may be exenised ooncurrenuy
<br /> .�.
<br />__;;�: ,.-��: -.. - ��: --
<br /> '4, -L . .. _ .1 .._.. .� -
<br /> - .. �-'� .�:.�.�_�.:_. ..�
<br /> -.�t...,i .' .;_.. . . -
<br />