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<br /> `Ze�� y_+ �L �r F, �t '•�\ �., .._L.m l , .cfr� '�5�` i�'�t__��-_ �V�y. :4-t-KS �
<br /> _S !. [ - ' C f .i IC � . .4 .�- .:yi .. �'cF; T s 5 w
<br /> ' .c '.,�-a,F_ •t�•�r�"e.=� ��. _ { 'k ����. •4;�". �z•r .....-"��'• �6e �-�: :�.�-_ :ar.-...�. :;,�. .f
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<br /> t � �''G�t a� tCT�� : �,�.
<br /> C 4(� ��11�� � A 4}"'-r.
<br />.-�F.< ;:_��:���`- TQ�gTHF�W�'�'H atl the imQrovem�ts aow or he�e�ectad on Rhe propertY.and aII easemeuu '
<br /> _'_<.:,�.a?'_�:�:�='' fiadue.a noa ot Rea'atter a part of the property. Ap � end �ans s�I � be � hY � � :rt-:;F
<br /> ` � "��'� ���' IffiL[IIIIICAI.A�Of lltC`O!8$0�11�;S tCfGft��O III f�.9 SOCI1fILY�2S�"�� a c
<br /> � � �� �� SflRROWFR OQVENAN'i'S thnt Borrawer is lawfully seised o€the es'tate 8erebY caaveYed and 6ias the right w giant mtd ' �
<br /> �Q�:•="�'—�'� vonvcy tlte Pta�er�Y aad thxt the Pm�erty► is unettsa�tnbeced,except for a�as fl f:e o a r d. B a r r ower w a a a n t s a n d w�71 ' v{?.
<br /> 4���,.,': '.V-:---4 Q e f e��e a e i a i l y the title w the Propetry �inc �
<br /> _�.;,:� .�:.�.�,,� e m4t aU ciaims attd dema�tds,subJea ta airy mamnb�ances of recoid. c�,,�..,
<br />.-:r _:�,:..:.��r.yi_y : .
<br /> °-.`-��<<.`� THIS SSF.CClJJRt['Y IDiS1YdiTMEN1'combiaea uniform cav�aants for�tianai ase a�+i nan-uni f orw c o v e n a n t s w i t b l i m i t e d ���..'..
<br /> � , m ��,�,� <.
<br /> ' variaaons by jtuisdtction to oor�tltute a naifomt se�urity insuumen�t covering�ai 1�P�Y• r z ;
<br /> .�� cu�
<br /> •`'�l�� �'� UNIFORM GOVENANTS.Botrovfer and l.ender ooven�t snd agree as t�llou+s: �`
<br /> - -�' 1, Peyae�t of PNsdpal and ints'e�t: Pr�aymeit and Late Char�s- ��wer s6a11 promptlY PaY when due tlie �ti` aY
<br /> ` aad late es due under the IJote. [` ,�
<br /> ,, principal pf and Iuderest on die debt evidena�bY the Nute and aaY P�Y� � -: �
<br /> � '`4 J4 ,= 2. �'amds for Taxe4 sud Iasar�nae Snbject to applirable law or to a writs�n vi�aivza by I.ender, Borrower shall pay oo . ,s,�
<br /> ax � � .
<br /> ' - .�k a mo ts are dne under tite Note.�mtil the Note is paid in fntj.a som("Fands")for.(a)Yeart�'� ^Y:.=;,,`
<br /> ,_r .., L e n d e r n the d a y �h 1 Y P a Y� n �
<br /> + and ass�ss�nts wlticb may sttain priority over this S�nrity 3nswm�t as a tien an t h e P�o peatY:E�3 Y�l y t e a s e h o l d p a y m e n t s { ;;
<br /> `�fi " � haTard or ro insarance Preauum�t�3��9�#�aod iati�uance pre�iwns. -
<br /> -��-_:�-:`"' or gtow�d cents oa ehe Pmperty.ff any:(c}Y�Y P P�3+
<br /> ''.':�-� if any(e)9ear19�Be�P��if aay:and(�aaY snms PaY�bY�ow�m Lend�.in accosrlance with ��-=�,
<br /> {>. `� the piuvisions of paragtaph 8.iu lieu af the payment of mortgage insaranoe�u�s-�'T�ese iteans ar�calted"Bscrow Items.' �� `;
<br /> �t--(,�� `�+�� ��� i.cuuw �Y. at a�►yt time. wUect and hold Funds ir►an emount not w excree��be masunwn au»unt a iender far a federat�y '.
<br /> '�' ' ', ��ortgage toan may require For Bormwes's escnow a000nat nnder the federai Real Estate�snf�„ent Frooedum.s Aa of � �
<br />_. .1�:.�::=�;=`'�±, appltes to the Fuuds `•-
<br /> t s ; �° 19T4 as ameaded fram thue to time. I2 U.S.C.Section Z601 et seq.("RESP�1"?,ualess aaoti�er taw t6at -
<br />`-r;'•fi::r,.".�•'," � s�a tesser amourt. If sn.I.eader may. at aay thne.coltect and hotd Famds ia an a�n4t ou eaceed the le�amount. ":
<br /> _ --:`��,�" L�de�may�the amoam of Fn�ds due oa thc bssi�of current data aud�le�of expenditares af funue ' '
<br /> ,. . �U4"
<br /> �,: '' '_ '4;...F� WithBppllCdtllClB .f�.;
<br /> : , I or mther�uise in accordance w• 4:--
<br /> `:.�."��_�:E:-.;`' Hscmw tews a f�al instrttmeraali . os eniity :�:•
<br /> r '� ,� 'fhe Fwnds shaU be hetd in aa insiiNtian whose dc�posits ane iasured by aSeac9, �Y _
<br /> ;.:'-<..�r� � (iadadtng Le�ter.if i.ender ia sad►aa iastttudan)os ia mry Bederal Home I.flaa Bauk.�nda st�dt a�ply the Funds to pay the �, _.
<br /> �-�..:-,.° �. - �. the escrow accaunt.or �
<br /> `��::.`'=:: gsc�ow Itettrs.lendes may aot charge$otcower fPr holding and applYin$the Fands.aa�mallY anall�g
<br /> ;:ti..;�t,. , .`
<br /> �' ";::,�-,':.• ver��ring the Facrow Itans.untess Lender pa�ys Borrower iatecesi an t6e Funds aod ap�i.�s�lrle 1at�permits I.ee�der w�� t�,
<br /> � �` ` ' . a c�e.Hawever.l�eader may crqt�ire Borrower to pay a one�dme charSe for an�r�al�ate taa�+eporting � -
<br /> eve t is made or
<br /> " £;� �' use� by LesQer in connecdon wh6 this loaa, unlcgs appltcabte law pmvIdes otherwise. Uc►i�ss aa a�neemen
<br /> I y' ' 4
<br /> ''�`�= appticab�e taw requttes interest w be paiit.L$n dex e h a t t uat 6e r e q t m e d t o p a y B o r m w e a a�s y e m�r e s t 4 s�s n t h s F u a d s. .f
<br /> ��{ �=° �� . '' Bormwer and Lender a�aY agcee in wrtdng.however.tdat imerest sha41 be paid an the�uds.Eendeg shall give tn Barrnwei, � _a
<br /> f ��:' �''; showin credlts mid debits ta Ute�unds asrd ttse put�ose€a�wt�ic�ear�
<br /> �� � -�L_ wiWo�eharge.an aamra!eccaunttag of the Funds. g . —
<br /> � Ff ; • deMt ta t5e Fuuds was made.The I�ands are ytedged as additionat seaujty for ai! lu�b2e�t�er� �� -
<br /> � ,:.' o � �. If tho Funds ltetd hy l.eader euceed the anwuats pecmitted w be held by app' ` _
<br /> `��'�;` for the e�coess Fuada in aceordance wltb the reqairemenTs of applicable laa►.If the amoam o�f the�i�r,3s het�by I.�der at aay � , _
<br /> ., .;�}„`��;;;,':.��'�, tlme is not saffictent w pay the Fscraw Items when due.i�euder raay so notify Borrower in wrisin�;�and.la sncb case Bmrowes =_
<br /> ,���,�� � -.- �=.�:
<br /> ,,;�r:::��� ......"::. shatl pay:w �tdes the mtaount necessa�yr m make up the deficiency.8orrawer shall make aP the defscaency in.na moia than►
<br /> :.o''�Y'3,._� r� ta+elve monthtyr paymcatts.at I.ender's sole discredan. cefaad w Boaawer a�ry � -�
<br /> j �,- , , Upon paymeat in full of afl su�secared by this Secntiry Insunmeat.Lender shall pro�+ _
<br /> �.' Faads held by Leader.tf.under paraSraPh 21.L.ender shall acquire or selt the PropertY.Lender,Lriic�.cQ the a fl q u i s idan or sate ��
<br /> .=.;.«;r:°;o;��s.�.� �','"_ -:
<br /> :. �:�.�:: of the Fro .shall appl an�y Funds heid�by LeAder at tha dme af acquisitton or sate as a cr�dit��nst th�ss�s secured bJr
<br /> :�� � �
<br /> � � tiiis.Secutlty/astrumieaG x receiv�d b�Lea�der uader paragcaphs. � �
<br /> � ti';:r:. ;i.i;':;.• . .
<br />:;;..;�;-,.=�;',.;�Y:_:; . 3.Aypllcat�of�wts.Untess appl�cable law pravjdes othamise,ali payments , ___
<br /> :� • � �'� 1 aad 2 ahai[be apptied:8rat.to�any PrePayme�t cha�g�due under tho Nate:seeond,w amoua`,��a�ahte uncks ymagcapb Z; _
<br />-..:.�"...r:l...:.,���r� . ' ' _
<br /> .�.'�
<br /> - i.:- aad lasi.[o acry late charges due under the Nate. - --
<br />-=i='�d;���:; .;�:',.., tkird.w inter�t dne:fourth.to princtpai due: � ' —
<br /> : ,:,,:�"-`�� ` 4. Li�.Borrawer shall pay al!taaes.assessmea�ta.cmarges.fittes aad imQosiHon�r.z3n"6utab7a�o the Praperty .
<br />=:i���:;. ;...:.:�i � ge .
<br />-,-�x::a-. r�:;':x:==:c=. whicd�may attain pr�ority over this Secur�ry Iasuumeut.and leaseltold paymeata or g�ound rents,if apy.Bor.4oc�crd shall pay __
<br />:::;;=c.:;'�=,;�`�;=�;•'��> th�ae obligat�ons i»tiae manner pruvided b paragtgph 2.or ig not patd in tGat manaer.Borrower sha1�P�Y themaatime dit�ectly ' --_
<br /> ''�"`` -�` � to the nerson owed�,reyluent.Barrower shall P�PU9 fvrniah to I.ender ail nnttces o�amow�ts tv bs.����: �_
<br /> � .. uen
<br /> ��.,:;:': °_';�� � If Bornawea mafces these�a�mnenta d�rectly,8orrower shall pmmptly Pomish w LenQer tecetpts eviden�g tDe paymema• � ---
<br /> :.T :::; '_:� '.•': ' Bmrrower shall P�D�Y��e aAy lien which tias prlodty over t6is Seauity Insuume�t unlesg Batrow�s:(a3 eg�es m �__,-
<br /> "'r�.�.,:::.r�:.::':. �:-` wridng to the paymem of the obligatian se�ured by tho lien in a mnntter accePtabie to I,ender:(b�camests in g�rrd iFaith the IICa i�'.::-_
<br /> which in the I.endes's h�iau operat��a prevent the ��
<br /> �'' by,or dePends a$ainst enforcement of the IIen in, legal pmceedin8s °P . �
<br />- •s: . o�_
<br /> ;,.:.{�:�},;.;,_�; • eafarc�ment of ihe liea;or(c)secures from the hotder of tfie�ien an ugreement satisfastory W LeMes snborditr�ting Q�e lien tv . __
<br /> •: � this Seaulh►Iastntmeat. u 1.ender deter°d°ea ehat a�part of the Pcopetty ia sabjest to a lien which may auai�paority over Y
<br /> r`�% this Securlty Insunment,L�tder may give Bomnwer a notice tdentifyiag the t3ea.Borrower shaU satisfy the 1i�xt or tatce one ar
<br /> :.`•:�,�`Y�.'..;''� more of the acttons set fa�rth a6ove aithiu 10 days of the giving oY notire. �-`
<br /> ��
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<br /> .°�`j:r.:. :�. . •, °
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