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<br /> . . . nt%�a.-e _.._�.�yfc ,ri- '4_ _ �..,'s�. r`F,..Zf�..- c 1 ac��.�g�,.. R ' -
<br /> £ ��� '' 1? c"�Yi. � �.::v-"x.i ��'e := s :514.��^?..i.ri - -�
<br /> .-r�.s....�• �-' --- m�.,-r n- -- _—...�•�._-�X_x_e_r_r.P_4-x'��.�
<br /> '"T'-�"'"'. -w-_.
<br /> i.�,-,..�s a .C� �C4_�;j . � -, 4 -.E . �_ .4�",�C .L. . yi � ��„�w�r��F��-�S s{„r up£'r c,s 'Fr� ;'Fi��-4 �
<br /> ��.�c ,.,. a� f - s Z n�_..�.� �., ,.���.,�� } - riY..�3zti-� � . -„�' v�,,. h,i -v� -- [-a.
<br /> •a4�`j'"�c r -FS _ ( t�-ac. '� .� - .-=2�'s`. S'- u�n�"��� -�" t �- tc� y,.��-—±.ti -* . ^ T -. ,
<br /> B
<br /> �'w+''��.c t}� t � s �` �E�+x"�`'c��t�s�'-t' _�l� ,. � �. .+� � �� .�. - �G ).-� ,'�"` 'i"\�',rr., __v".�"��`�'".�� a� � L4� �, -j .ct�S`'"`_�ti`.,1 4't.�nr� � � ' <--
<br /> �- S�y.°+.4 �,E .Yfi i �N `ii�4 �ti ,.Sa, Q �"!1_'Y`�` 0 �'.4 �,.- ,y1, .a 'n '- � --�`�*° �4�� ;`f,``� �.� : �.:4 �-�..b.•�V` r i�
<br /> �-.�•.r'}L.,_ s}.G,?.xxr�� _ c- ;..a.`c.£ •i... ,. -.n - .��� <L...x s4��.
<br /> _ _ �:='
<br /> 1 �x � � . ' V����-= ��'
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<br /> �' '
<br /> p•�f;�'.. _ .�
<br /> ?�,:;
<br /> a .r�.* ` ��� 1?.Teaasfer oY t�e Pto�ar a B�dal I�t in�ore+owe�r.If all or an}+patt of the Ptoperty or aay interest in g
<br /> h. � '<
<br /> �_ is sotd or tra�ed tar if a�inoe�cst in$or�+naer is soFd or tiansfarxt um.t Sacr.�rer is�rt a uatasat Fessoa)�it�ont fi '
<br /> �P� �`� � ix�der's psior wriurai co�nt. �adea may.at iu opiiose. reqni:e �a�liate PaYmerct in futi of atl sums secaced by tisis �`, .
<br /> <�5�;�"`��;,�-`"' 4 SearIty�ment.Hawever.this optton s6at1 not be exerased by Leader if exeaase is pro�'bited by federal la�as of Ute date
<br /> ,-�,.<s ,�r.
<br /> . �f`#``.c.�c `� � Of t11IS$�ty Ti�I0�E01. �-
<br />.�`��;�=:;���,s` If I�sler exercises this aption.irnder sinll ve Bofrowst aotic�of aoo�on.The notifle sbal! rovide a ad of sat
<br /> gi g peri •�'.�;.
<br />-��`�h'-.1��c-F`4u'��L-Y`.- a iess Waa 30 days f�m the date the notPce is delivered or ma�ed withia which Borm�aer mnst pay alt sums secvned by t63s -�.=
<br />-�(G�T;�4�._:." ••C`.;
<br /> f . t � s�a,rity li�s�ut�t.tf Eocrower fa�s w pay these stt�s pt�or w me exp;ratinn os this perioa.r.eader may�m►oge any�ai� :
<br /> z ��,-� ,�.� Qeannitted by this Se�ity Inst�ut�t without fiuther ttmlce ar�dem�d on Borrowet.
<br /> ' 18. Botrower's Rigdt to R�t� If Honnwar meets certaia oo�itions. Bor�uwer shall have the right to have o- �
<br /> : . .[�.��F.: . ..
<br />- . r�;�`.,'�`--'�s eafurremeut of titis Sec�uity tasdvment disoomiaaed at aay time priar to the wdier oF (a)5 days tor such other period as =�`
<br />-`F'.;'r=`�-L.'•�,` .applicable law may s�ecify for re��►Pws.^* 6efoze sale of the to wer of sale oontained in tins '`��`
<br /> z �:. Seauity Gt�tainenl:os @)�ry of a j�e�o�mg this l�astirt��.Thase oo�'�ons a:e that Bo�ower:fa)Fays �;•f e;
<br /> _ '�;' I.a�der aI! sams whfcb thea wwtd be d+ae under this Sea�riry Insuament and the Note as if no�aderation l�ad oocar�ed;(b) �
<br /> -- ' cxues anq def�tt of aaq other caveaaats or ag�snents:(c)Pays all expeffies in�umad in eafo�ing this Secuaty I�,
<br /> ,�.`~:�J:.;��. instuding,6�n moe IImited to.tess��ble attoraeys'fees:mud(d)qkes suc�action as Ieader may+�easonably re�ate w assure -
<br /> :�.'�.:,: ..
<br /> _:_,�;`�;:. :s-:;,_ tLat the Ii�of t1�s Sen�tiry Iasu�e�.•Le�r's rigl�ts in We Ptaperty aa�Bomower's obligation to pay the samc sea�by "�,:
<br /> �-_- � ,:. Wis Senui�t3'1� sball cominue un�ged. Upon reinstatem�u by Bormwer. ttus Se�rery Insu►u�ent and the • ='
<br /> �° `� � .•:; a6Ggdtio�.s sc�red hereby sball reamin fWly effective as if no acoeteradoa 6ad ooau�eA.However,t6is right to ceinstate sLati �Y.��
<br /> � � aotapply in t$r case of aooeleea�on under�B I7. t:�
<br /> ` "�-- - *–�. !9. �!e ar�Nai+eq�E�ange af �n Servk+�. Ttte Note er a put�at irrte� in tl►e N�se(t�gether witfi this Sewrity
<br /> 44 i'' Liltrumeat)may 6e soid one or acore tiaies widiwt prior notice to Bosmwer.A sale may result in a change in the e.ntity(known .�
<br /> .L,.:.�:.r1���;-'� ag the`toan Seavta�°?dmi cvUe�monthly pay�ats dne�mder the Note aad this�ecurity Insaumeiu.Tire�e also may be oae `. �;�
<br /> - - -_'._+_;r:'� or m�e�es of ttte Inan Setvieer a�rlated to a sale of the Note.If there is a chang�of the I.oan Secvicet.Botzower wi116e �r�
<br /> _ -.° '• wrIttennauoe of the in aa�ordance arith 14 abave�8 ftcabte iaw.Tit�notics will state the�e aud •'=�`z
<br /> '����`f�.=�' �af the aew I.��oer�d the sddrrss t w�tuch�� shuuld b�e made.The notice wiD also oontain auy othca
<br /> ..4�-� . _.<i P� �'-
<br /> .- :..` iAformadors t�aited by appfic�bte law. ��
<br />. tl•. �-
<br /> -�',`��r<°:'_�� ?,ti�amr+dm�v Su�anecs. Eorrower shall aot ca�ue os peraiit the presenoe,use.dispasal, storage. or rztease of any �:- �
<br /> �-=,��'_�-;`-�'; Ha�duns �uastauses on os ia tde Prop�ty. Borrawe� shat! aat do.nar aIIow anyoue else w da,a�►Y�8 �aS� ---
<br /> `;:,�.:Y;;:.,;�, � pio�eCty tl�mt is in viotatiioa of mry�Iaw.'i'he preee�ing two s�teaocs e6uli not ty to the pr+esence,use.or ^^'
<br /> _� ' '�':�:�=�:-°:. storage on tbe Pres�ty of sma[l quanHties of As7ardaos Snbsranaes ttmt are generalIy. to be appmpriate w normal
<br /> � '�..m I�t12��35CS aAd�O O73ItiT@a2IICC Of thC F[OpC�Ij/. � '�y -
<br /> ,., Bomawer sLall PromprtiY give Lender w�itien nndce of aay'iavesngatIon.claun.de�d,lawsuit or other acttoa by any� �=,�"
<br /> 4 gavemmecual or ee�tamiyageacy orgr�ate party invalving ttte'Pt+opr�ty and any Hazatdons Sub��r Eavironmentaf Law ��'
<br /> '�:. i'f: of wh��Boimwes f�as actval lmnwl�ge.If Borrower Iearas.or�S notifced 6y any goverameutat or re�latory anthuri .t�ai �--;
<br /> . _ ,�,,..
<br /> -�•�,:;�;`l;.�.� auy m�val or mher�atian of any Aa�ndoos Substan�oe affearng fhe Property is n�essary,Bacmvrer s6a1{pro take �-
<br /> ;-_.• � ,`.;=•. atl uea�y remedial actimts iu saoamdanea wridt Eavimmaemta!Law. � � --_
<br /> �-..
<br /> ` `� .�� f`'. � As ased in this g�agrapb Z0, "Aa�da¢s Substanees'are those substaaces defuted as wxic or.lr�ardous substancea blt . -=
<br /> � �`�-`'..'>� F.avis+namemal Law and the foltowing atbstance� �solirn. kerosene. vtber fl�2e or Wxic�tmleam pmdru,ts,taxic. ----
<br /> . .. �''-F'>�: . •pesttcides�d herb�d�,vafat�e solveats,mate�ials comaidng as6est�or formaldehyde.aad�adioacxtve miaierials.As osed itt ='--
<br /> . - ``�'. °;;:` t63s patagra�h 20, �tal Law"meaac federal laws and taws ef ti�e jarlsd'uqion �vhec�e d�e Property is taeated that . '�'=
<br /> a
<br /> �''", � . ..� t�elate to heatt6,saf�tY't�t env�mnmenta!pmtection. �
<br /> ,'a` ��`'` � .'` NON-UNJFORIV$�OVENRN'1'S.Bormwer and Iander further coveaant and agnee as folloas: - . �;
<br /> ,.�. .�. rf�. ----
<br /> �',,�`:`°`ft=�';�� . 21.AceeI�Hem�e�.Leader simA give aottoe to Hostawac prfus to aaoet�attoa toitotvtag�ntrowei'8 6t4ach -=_
<br /> ,� ;ti. ���� ot a�►euven�t ar•�reem�t in tl�is Secor�ty Im�umatt (DtA not ppfos W aweI�attoa auder 1?m�ess `_�__
<br /> ,, :.. :� .��� e taw athe�saise).�e uattce shafi _ _
<br /> .• a�1�abT p�itc�es sD�: (a)the de�ud�@)tke�ac�an to ctu�the daf�alt;
<br />':;�Y;..�...`�..:;;:,; . .(c?a dat�not l e s s•t�t 3 d d a y s f i r a m n t h e d a t e t h e no t t c�i s g i v e n t u B otmwer.b y w�d c D t h e d e Y a W 1�m o s t be c t n�m�d ' �°__-
<br />--:: ��,:';.,,,_..rr�:: , (d�t[tat Ya$ure t0 au+e the defaIIIt OA OT bdOne thC dele spedfted in tM�ttC2 IDey saWt W 8ecei�8tton aY.tlte 8�9 �._-.
<br /> ` ` �, �QY tA��9�aad sale oY the Avpaty.The natic�e sLal!fbuthes infosm Hormwe�s oY t�e rIght to ---
<br /> . ��- =- -
<br /> -- : .`,�;;.;.:r`�.�:. �_+. ,. sdasWte afta Eecete�iWn and tl�e r�Gt to brlc�a oa�rt aotton to as�rt the non�aae o8 a defaatt ar any atbes _
<br /> -=�.�`. . .. ' ddetrse of Sorraw�to sooetceaHon aud sale U�8e detaolt Is nat cm+ed on ar Def4�e the date spe�Hed fu H�m}ttce.� . --
<br /> �+�.,.��,�` ,�; LeadPS:a� tta aPti��+maY reqdlre tmmedpa4e payzne�tn thU of sil!satas sec�3 b�tLts Secau�ty��!svItRuuE �
<br /> ° .,�■ f��d�d�atri9 aury i�nk� e tHep� ot sate au�a�tg ottter�es�6y aPPllc�te taw.I�udet shalj he
<br /> __.-t;�•;;.';;;:� ��to coDec�aU exp�i�in�pnnsuln�the erme�lies pi+avtded in tl�parageapb�Z3,imdadlag,but ua#ii�pttai
<br /> �t a-� to.r�ms�nabte attomeys'fees aad oosts ot title evideao� � �'
<br /> '`, �� If t�epocver af sate is in��v._o.�t 7Y�eLa11 reoord a aotice of defaalt in eu�iacoo�ty in wUtcb a��frt of the
<br /> ,�'r'r'.- r r' Pm1�9 t�t�ed and S�aq ua,s�i aag�s Qf sacb notiee in the matmer�b�r app0lca61e i�{v tu Bor�ower an�to --
<br /> --� ��.-��� .
<br /> ---���ts�-•.� tIIe other p¢r�s p�Cl6ed 6y appfteabte taw.ARer We ttme reqWred'ay aPWicabk taw,7�te��fla11 give pubtte natice =
<br /> - -�,.�e;.,•;
<br /> --�-�;�;�-.:..�;�;_,; ot�!e to tIDe peisfl�and in the tnaan�pe�scrtbed by applicabte taw.'�raste�witt�au�t d�►d�cib Bar�ower.sbaU�D _
<br /> � � -: x•<,. � the p►vpertyat poLlic suctfan to the Mgtiest D2dder at the time and ptaae a�d ander the termsdesf�pat�in the aotiae oY =_
<br />,�-�`, '��=;._'���� � sate tR o�or.u�e panets m��t�eay ord��Yustce dctermtues.7'rastee me7�stpOae sale a�a11 or a�r paroei of the . ___.
<br /> - �;•=.; -° ptol�}r�jY !tc�nno�ert a11he ttme uad�ee a4 aay pmvtou�y sd�u2ed s� Ikad�e or its de�ee may . __
<br /> -- - '' " ,�, p�e6ase ttte�pes�y at a�ty seie. —
<br /> "1-•
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