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<br /> ,,�����,,,, ;� ' THIS�DNSTABLE RATB RIDE[t#s msd�tt�is 22Nf} da�►af . , � h�`'"
<br /> `',_ 1995
<br /> , ,�: < < .amd i�inco�ed i�o a�sbaII be deemod m�aad supplaaem the Mortgage.Deed of
<br /> � "' `` 't'msc os SeauIty De�td�e"SesvritY��)of the seme date givea by the�f�'�)� � �
<br /> ti � : .. =
<br /> _ ' � seama the Baan�re�s Adjusta62e Rate Note(tLe•Aiote')w �
<br />_r.£:'�:c���:Y�=�`� : TAe f�itabTe Building aad loan Asscciation of Grand Islena, �ebres�a� � �ederai Savings Bnnt -:«��__
<br /> ��:°r� �-�-�_-`?�:• (th�'I�°) �aaY���P�P�Y dascn'hed in the Secutiry Insb�meat end iccated ei: ,��f�'.
<br /> ;. .� af tiia same date �.°,
<br /> "st:�:�`�:�.:,�;;�'._�J:: . . . _ _
<br /> �` '- ` . 22'i8�i�E JONN GRANfl ISLANO, N�BRASKA 68503-58t 7 '}���
<br /> � :; � ,'-_ AOCrcssl :a:.
<br /> .�....�,;:,•. , , �
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<br /> 1� �` �`°" TNE't1lQTE C0t1Ylf'AlAtS �ROV[�tON8 �h�i.0lMiliQ �R CIl�[I��EB tt�t TME 1�C�EHE� '
<br /> f - a '�
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<br /> - =t....?-n:_,.-,;�.Y- - �ARROWEEi'8 Ii�T��! Rp1Y@ CA�1 C�A�lt3� AT At�1V �lti@ YtR9E Al41d 7�#E , '
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<br />. - �'..1--,1._ f.�..
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<br /> "" ;°�` �A.��PFEREbT RATLANDMO1�iT�.Y P�►YR�,+NT CflANt� .
<br /> F' _ .. ,.R _ .'4: � . ' -- �
<br /> r . f!�-�� _ • , I .�lr
<br /> .,�,t::t<,.,h..M:;� '. T�e Note pravides fos aa inidel Interest rate of 9.125 %.'I7�e Nate provIdes for dtanges in �,� _
<br /> � �� . " the i�detest raie aad tbe aaoathlY P�►Ym� . �
<br /> 4 ,�. ti , � ,as eoaows: . n—
<br /> � . •
<br /> v .
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<br /> , ,. -� - a�r�►�armieaonrr�.Yr�nu�r c�tt�.s _ �
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<br /> v �- �� , . -
<br /> ,,,';` {A)�1?a�es . . . . -
<br /> ..� �_h:: ar. --
<br /> j �3�L�L ��-- 1Yie�nterest rate I w,�i gay may a�aage an the 6rst day of QECEM�ER , 200Q ..em3 an dtat � _
<br /> ;���,ir ��� : day►even►12ah moath t'�after.Ea�1►a�e•on wmch my iuoeoesc rate cxiald change is cauea a'Change»asc.' , . _
<br /> z . �: _
<br /> ,. • ���:tt
<br /> L i (�Tbe Inttex � . : �
<br /> � �� , �z. ` � . � .
<br /> ,� r �! 8eg�t�nfing vpjtp tlt6 fust t�en�e f)atC.mY I�st tale wi}I 68 based oDl an Iad�x.lYt�,°tade7t'iS the wCeldy � -
<br /> ' 6-�- � r�" avesage pietd aa Uuited States 7'reaso�searnt�s adjusted to a c�nstant matariry of 1 yeas,as made a�►aiIablg bY _ � .
<br /> � �=; ;` {':.t" � the Federa3�eseeve Bnazd.7�e must r�oe�t Indae figo:e a v a i l a b t e as o f t b e d a t e 4 5.d ays 6 e f a�e a s b t�g e 1 3 a i e, � , _
<br /> .... . . ''' . ts catted the."C`otte.ni indeac•" " . . —
<br /> �., �. , +<. .
<br /> � <'': If t�dadex is ao tanger av��the Note}ioider arID choose a nevi iAdex which is�upan oumpatab�O. �
<br /> � r _�. ?���. '. . _ . ' ._.
<br /> . . ,.�;:;4�• infoimatian.The.Note Hoider ari91 give me aadc�of tbis choice. � . • .
<br /> ;,�r. . . _ _
<br /> �a: • .. .
<br /> G�.,z.='-='i�._`' . ' (�y CSttWS�oz3 yt�Cha�g� ' � _.._
<br /> 0
<br /> �"n-�Fr�f,� . ` �CjOIe CSCIi�'�lBDb:tIIC NAtC HOldei Ff��8I47118tC llly�Ew�II�C�2S!1�B�Y S�' . --
<br /> ����� . �
<br /> ;���,��' . TWC . P�ge point�s)( 2.�P/ . ., 96}W t1iS Culreut . _
<br /> �j' s��,r-� g . - �Index:Ttte Note HoIct�t wilt�the�iaaa�the tesait a�thla&dditian W�e nearest one�tth of oae p�e� . -
<br /> t 1iJ.:J' � . . .
<br /> r ° �t(0:229qo).SUb,�O�t t0(lt6 l�[t9 StB��SOt�I0114(�j G2IOW.t�s IQ1tdd8�.AmOIIIIT�1►j11�tASi 1[BW,�t�5t _
<br /> ' ��� � �raieUUtil Q�e rieXt�e Date. � . � � ,
<br /> -''Y-`Y�`"°-`�.�� . The Nate Hotder wi11 Uien dexer�ine the amouat of Q�e awmhty pa�rment that�wonl�be safRdeat to m�ap the .
<br /> --��:R�.
<br /> :�.�:-�,t�<:�: �
<br /> ' aupaid pr�ndpal t4at I aat exgeaea w owe at the t�$e Date ta t�i!on tha Maquiry Datsr at my new iafe�est�uta -
<br /> '�`-''��'� ::�� ir�snbs�iaUY eqaal Paym�.ZYce raatt af tl�s calcalatton cv�'�i be the new anwum of c�monthi¢payraent. � ____
<br /> � : .�.:' . . . . -
<br /> .:� , ,�,;,_ . , ___
<br /> � '`l�`' ' : � ���).Umitsam�2�tReteCtmngw '
<br /> �: � °`"�•
<br /> _�..;�,.:,. .:,,,.r:. ' . T7te interest rate Y ara tiaqui�'�to pay at the fitst Chaage Date wlll ttat 6e�tt�t S:125 9b - -
<br /> ! ":�., � . . ar tess thaa S�.125 %.79teteafter.mY i�t tate wi}1 nevet he�or d�ec�ased Qn . . � �:
<br /> � ,.- �
<br /> <<':�` e�►Y single�rtSe Dat�by more tbaa two perceutage pointa(2.0�5)from tho iate of i�t I 6ave bee�paying � �.
<br /> ..�..,r�.;'' :. .., •.. , - �r 12.125 , a
<br /> t` ,,�,: � for the cwe�ve moatds.8ri interest rate aW ver be t1�en .S5. ��;�;
<br /> y ra n�
<br /> �`i.� ��� _� � � My _ nterest rate wi T1 never be lower than 5.1�59K.
<br /> , ,. ; .- , . . . ��-
<br /> `r,� lL�E�eetive.Date oP C6an�es . . � �.�;
<br /> .. ; •. My new iatere.st rete wW become effer�ive on eac�Change Date. 1 wlll yay the amonnt of my new mouthty .
<br /> ��i. ,,,., �. �� `:o .� � paymeat beg�aiag oa the 6rst iuomhly yaymart d�e aRer the Chauge Data uadl the.amount of my mont�y .
<br /> �f%. -' . �l�"`i.'��wuupJ'^��Sua"� . . . __
<br /> ,•� _
<br /> ' i ir.; :• , � ' ' � � . . 1.�-.
<br /> , r� • . . (Pl Nat[ce of CLaugee � .
<br /> , r�_3 . . 'IYie Nata Hoider wIU detiver or maft w me a naflce of any changes ln my interese�ate and the amo�nt of my . .
<br /> •: . #:::.�.• moathly psyment before the eftec�ivo date of eny c5anga.The aotice will iaclade loformaflon reqaired Isy taqrl W : _
<br /> .�:' -;:���•::=: �;<;,.:., . be given aie and also the�Htte aad telephoae a�ber of a peraon who wiU�awes a�i qnestiaa I atay have ,-
<br /> ,:: ' regarding the notfce. � . _
<br /> � k �: t
<br /> :r�d'; • - -
<br /> ` . �� .'' :�.'" " Mi1LTI$TATE AQdUSTA91H RA1'8 RTDEN•ARM 8�•Stngte famiry=Fannto Meo6+eQdte Mno thdfarm fnatrmnarie � �:i:..
<br /> �4'.`.',: :',:�' � �a���ares
<br /> �.��,-:•. _ �.. ���Q(9308t VM9MOA�QA08COHM9•f8001591•14D1 �R7nroAanROeY��e0i9pe� ;� .
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